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The Willing Prey

Page 30

by Scarlett Sunday

Tanis had sensed what Amanda had been trying to hide from herself for years. Her true sexuality. By having sex with men and insisting they had big cocks. Amanda had fooled herself into thinking she was heterosexual. Their massive cocks inside her had been duping her into false assumptions. What she needed was a woman to fuck her too. Knowing she had attracted Amanda by her pheromones, Tanis followed her into the toilet.

  Amanda was waiting for her. “I…I half hoped you’d come, Tanis. Although, I’m not sure why?”

  “I am. I’ve bolted the door, and no one will disturb us here. Take off your dress Amanda. I want to see all your body.”

  “No. I can’t.”

  Amanda still felt guilty at what she was doing, so Tanis didn’t push her. “Okay, maybe I’ll see you later?”

  “Please don’t go, Tanis. I want to…Okay, touch my tits then, that should do it. I want to feel what it’s like to come with a woman. It’s been so long with a man.”

  Tanis moved in closer and began to milk Amanda’s aroused nipples with her mouth and teeth. Watching her victim’s eyes through her eye visor as she did so. “How’s it feel now, Amanda?”

  Amanda gasped and came. “Ohh My God Tanis! It’s what I’ve been searching for, isn’t it? I am a bloody lesbian.” Tears started to form at the corners of her beautiful green eyes.

  “Stop it, Amanda! There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s called being human. You’ll find, now you’ve accepted both worlds, your guilt will disappear. Don’t deny who you are and enjoy both genders as a bisexual woman, as I do.” She pulled Amanda closer to her by her nipples. “Come here.” Her lips found Amanda’s vein, and she began to suck on it with teeth and lips, as she had done with Kathy. Injecting a little venom as she did so. What you need Amanda is a long dildo shoved up your cunt or between your buns by a woman who knows what she’s doing. Now I’ve prepared you for it, find a woman to fuck you tonight. Treat it as my gift to you.”

  “Holy Shit Tanis!” Amanda screamed and came. “It feels so nice when you are sucking on my tits and throat like that. For the first time in years, I’ve come twice in one minute in the arms of a beautiful woman. When I see my fucking Shrink, I’ll kill the bastard. He’s had freebees all this time trying to make me come. When all he needed to do was to bring his pretty secretary in for me to fuck over his desk. Oh, My Goddd! Tanisss.”

  Amanda’s whole body shook as she exploded into a powerful orgasm. She stopped talking and gave herself over to the dominant forces which racked her body. Every time Tanis sucked harder, she gave a low moan of pleasure and pumped more liquid from between her legs. In the end, unable to endure the pain and the joy of what Tanis was doing to her. She fell into Tanis’s arms in a dead faint.

  Tanis laughed. As I thought, she’s a pussycat. She whispered into Amanda’s unconscious ear. “You have reinvented yourself tonight Amanda. Not lesbian, but bisexual. There’s a subtle difference. What you need tonight is a big dildo. Find someone like me, who can give you one. Only then will you be free.”

  Tanis placed Amanda’s semi-conscious body onto one of the seats in the toilet. Then made her way back down to the main hall. She’ll be all right when she wakes. Happy now she’s faced her sexual ghosts and won. I’ve found her weak points too. When she’s ready, she’ll come back to me for more. When she does, I’ll be waiting…

  Back in the hall, Tanis bumped into Helga with Jean hanging onto her arm. It was evident from Jean’s behaviour, whatever Helga had to offer she wanted more of it. “Hello, Tanis. Have you met Helga yet?”


  Helga’s eyes, the mirror of her mind. Tanis could feel the thoughtful touch of Helga’s hands and lips all over her body. When they stopped at her throat she said, “I see you like your throat sucked Tanis, as do I when Jean does it. The way you two came in here tonight, I must assume Jean did the sucking.”

  “You assume right Helga.” She could detect a little jealousy in Helga’s tone. “It doesn’t mean you can’t try me out yourself sometime. Phone me for an appointment. Both Jean and I are free spirits, and she thinks a lot of you.”

  Tanis could sense the pleasure in Helga’s voice. “I’ve hired Jean’s services for tonight Tanis. I’d like to hire yours for next weekend if it’s convenient. I’m an expert masseuse, and I think you’ll enjoy my company. You’ll like what I do to your body as much as I like what Jean does to mine.” She looked at Jean. “Am I right sweetie?”

  Jean nodded, her hand playing openly with Helga’s breasts. “Yes. She likes me to tie her up Tanis. She’s in for a tied down fuck with me when we go to her place tonight. She loves my dominance.”

  The mental picture of the two of them in the restroom together began to arouse Tanis. “So, you two have been in the woman’s loo all this time?”

  “Yes, I can’t get enough of Helga, Tanis. I recommend you try her out. Helga’s the perfect prisoner, and I am fond of her.”

  Tanis could feel the excitement in Jean’s words. She sensed Helga’s submissive lust for Jean’s body when in command of hers, would keep Jean safe. Confident she could handle Helga when the time came, she said. “Okay, next weekend Helga. I want this between us three or no deal.”

  Helga smiled in satisfaction. “It’s a deal?”

  “Only you and me Helga. I’m looking forward to a bit of bondage sex with you.”

  “Not as much as me sweetie. Like Jean, you’ll want to come back for more. You must visit my health farm sometime my dear. I’d love to feel your hands on my bound body, or mine on yours, then show you my lake of beautiful fish afterwards. You and Jean are always welcome there free. My hands will keep you firm in the right places for your work Tanis. When we make love, I’ll be the canvas on which you can paint your hidden desires.” I must have her before I kill her. She has something, which is precious in a woman. “You’re a lucky woman Jean, to have Tanis’s hogtied body under your hands.”

  Jean laughed. “I’ll have yours tonight Helga, then Tanis again tomorrow. I’m in heaven, spoiled for choice, and the luckiest woman alive.”

  “I’ll look forward to it next week Helga, whatever.” Tanis kissed Jean, then to her amazement, Helga too. “I must circulate. I’ll see you two when I see you. It’s been nice meeting you, Helga. Take care of Jean. She’s precious to me.” Tanaka, Amanda, and now Helga. Only Jake, Joe, and Tranny to go…

  “Wait, Tanis! Before you go, let me give you my card. It’s better to telephone first. I could be otherwise engaged.”

  Helga’s card in her belt, Tanis continued, her eyes trying to pick out Tranny in the crowd. She saw him sitting with Nigel. The police officer seemed to be enjoying Tranny’s company, so she’d leave him for later. I’m not worried about Jean. She gives Helga what she wants, which is a powerful weapon to have. I’ll have to be on my guard with Helga though. She headed for her next targets. When she reached Jake’s table, he and Joe were engaged in deep conversation. She bumped into Joe as if by accident and exclaimed. “Oh! I’m sorry; please forgive me…Mr. Mallion, isn’t it?”

  Joe turned in anger. “Watch where you’re going…” He stopped. Knowing Tanis for the woman who’d sorted Jake’s heavies out. Struth! She looks the part, beautiful with it too. From what I can see of her face. I’d like to have my dong working up her squirrel, with my leather on her back to end the drama.

  “I did say sorry Mr Mallion.”

  “I heard you, Miss Napier.” He’d seen Welland after the fracas to try to smooth things over. To make him a private offer he thought he couldn’t refuse. Welland had shown him the door. Jake’s boys had gone over the top in their amateurish attempt to stop Welland Taggart. The whole cartel had come away looking like pansies. The fucking dickheads had thought to walk in there and take over. What was Jake thinking of? There were subtler ways of removing people like Welland Taggart? Joe realised the boys might have killed Taggart if this woman had not cut herself a piece of the action. Ever the Southern gentleman, and dressed to suit, he rose and pulled a chair out for Tanis with one hand
. “Please sit-down Miss Napier.”

  “Call me Tanis, Joe.”

  Joe smiled. “You can call me Joe. This bloke in the gangster suit with the toy gun under his arm is Jake Big Al Blake. His broad Olive is next to him working his dong under the table.” Joe smiled at his little joke.

  “You don’t have to make a goddamn drama out of it Joe. Just give the broad the seat.”

  Tanis smiled at their eccentricities and sat down. “I thank you, gentlemen.”

  “Now Tanis, what can we do for you? I hope you’re enjoying the party.”

  “It's a great birthday party, Jake.”

  Joe studied Tanis and sensed she was the real danger to Jake’s enterprise. Even though a woman, he sensed a powerful mind within. He had learned early in his life the brain made the person and not the gender. His own mother and granny had taught him that hard lesson. Remove this woman first, and he and Jake would have a clear run to the top. He thrust out his hand with what he thought was a disarming gesture. “Let bygones be bygones Tanis?”

  Tanis took Joe’s hand as she studied Jake. Before her, a thickset man sat dressed in the pinstriped broadcloth suit of a Chicago gangster of the thirties. Jake was eccentric to a capital ‘E.’ He was also dangerous. She classified him as a mental case with not too much up top, except animal cunning. He’s not a mental athlete for sure. Even so, she couldn’t dismiss him. “Happy birthday Mr Blake.” Jake’s the one who gives the orders and worse, he’s unpredictable.

  “Call me Jake, and thank you, Miss Napier.”

  “You can call me Tanis if you like Jake. I prefer that name.”

  “Okay, Tanis.”

  Tanis took Jake’s hairy hand. It was clear he was behind the fracas at Welland’s club. She could see why people liked him. Jake could be the perfect friend to those who kept out of his business. Or be their worst nightmare if they didn’t…and I threaten it. She said, “You know who I am Jake, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I know who you are Tanis. Before you start, it was my idea to sort Welland Taggart out the other night. I tried to buy him out, but he wouldn’t sell. If he doesn't sell, we have to think of something to make him sell.” As usual, Jake was his blundering self.

  “Why should Welland sell if he likes his business, Jake? If you try violence, I’ll have to stop you. Welland is a dear friend of mine, and if he should come to any harm, all of you will pay me with your lives.”

  “Are you threatening us, Tanis?” Joe broke in pretending to manicure his nails. Jesusss! She’s a gutsy Sheila.

  “Not if you leave Welland alone. He only has one nightclub. It’s a labour of love for him. He doesn’t want to expand because he’s happy as he is. That little fact does not threaten your business interests, Joe. How can it?”

  Jake said. “You don’t understand Tanis. It’s his building we want. Taggart can start somewhere else.”

  “If you hadn’t threatened him in the first place. Welland might have sold out for a fair price and started somewhere else. The way property is now he could’ve started something more elaborate in France or Spain. Maybe even Australia, and still have money left over. Welland Taggart won't take to being threatened, Jake. He’s not the type, believe me, I know. Now he won’t sell to you at any price…”

  Jake exploded, “Hell! He’ll sell to me, or I’ll break his goddamn head with a baseball bat, the big shit.”

  Tanis held up her hand. “Let me finish Jake. If you can change Welland’s mind, all will be well. But, if you threaten him with his life again, you’ll have to deal with me. I don’t forgive so easily. How about you Joe?”

  “Welland Taggart will die if he doesn’t sell Tanis. I know you can use yourself in a fight, you proved it the other night. You’re an unusual woman. Still, there are other ways of killing a cat. You remember it. I don’t take threats from Sheilas.” Joe could be patient when he wanted to. “Now, Taggart isn’t bothering us too much. So, we’ll let sleeping dogs lie until things cool down.” He didn’t intend to do that, and Tanis knew it. “Jake and I want to enjoy his birthday, we want you to enjoy it too. So, let’s forget what we’ve said to each other tonight and get on with the fucking party. We can talk another time. We get the message...”

  Jake cut in. “Goddamn, it Joe, who’s the fucking boss here!”

  “Okay,” Tanis said. “Before I finish Joe, you don’t know who you’re dealing with, you too Jake. You have my warning.”

  Jake felt a coldness clutch at his spine as he took Tanis’s proffered hand in his big hairy paw. He tried to give it a man-sized squeeze. Instead, his face contorted in pain when Tanis squeezed back. “Holy Shit!” He cried, looking again at Tanis.

  “See you around Jake, you too Joe.” She rose from the table and moved off smiling.

  “Shit Jake! That’s some hard Sheila. I’d like to have a piece of her squirrel and some skin off her back before we killed her.”

  “When you do Joe, it’ll be a dead squirrel in lots of little pieces with fish swimming around it. Tell Helga I want to talk to her before she leaves with her girlfriend. I might even have Tanaka cut her up into Sushi for you so you can help yourself to any bite-size piece you want.”

  Joe looked at his partner and shook his head. “For fuck’s sake Jake, Sushi’s a fish dish, not a meat dish. Promise me you’ll stay away from Tanis for a while. I have a plan, and it involves my dong.”

  “What plan of yours doesn’t involve your goddamn dong, Joe? Okay, let’s see what you can come up with.” He laughed at his own joke. “Then I’ll listen.”

  Joe glared at him but said nothing.

  Knowing she had stirred up a hornet’s nest, Tanis moved towards Tranny’s table. Tranny was talking to Nigel. They were sitting together in a small alcove in a darker corner of the club. What Tranny was doing to the young police officer under the table was clear. From the look on Nigel’s face, he was enjoying it. As Tanis approached, Nigel came into Tranny’s hand with a sigh. She smiled, “Hi Nigel, I’m looking for Kathy?”

  “Hello Tanis, come and join us. I haven’t seen her. She might have gone home. We don’t have to stay here until the end.”

  She sat down. “No. Kathy’s around somewhere.” She glanced at Tranny and winked at Nigel. “Could you and I get together sometime and have a chat, Mr Spinks.”

  Tranny studied her face. “Call me Tranny, Tanis. Take my card and get back to me on my mobile sometime.” He reached into his handbag with his left hand. His right working some life back into Nigel’s flagging cock. “I was hoping to meet you. I heard about the other night, and I do have something to say to you. I don’t like violence, Tanis. It endangers my mother.”

  Sensing an honest desire to meet with her, and not wanting to spoil Nigel’s moment, she said. “Okay, Tranny I’ll be in touch. Have a good night you two. I am.”

  When Tanis rose to go, Tranny’s hand began to work faster, as she left, she heard another sigh from Nigel. “We…we intend to Tanis. I’ll see you soon. I hope you find Kathy?”

  “You can be sure of that Nigel.” Tranny was attractive, she liked him, and she could tell he wanted her as a friend. It was apparent Tranny was working up to spend the night with Nigel. She glanced around, approached Welland’s table and sat down.

  Welland placed his hand on hers and said. “Jean and you need to be wary of Helga, Tanis. I spotted Helga and Jake talking earlier.”

  “Helga’s also human Welland. Jean gives Helga what she craves. I met them earlier. I think Helga’s in love with Jean. You don’t hurt the person you love.”

  “Even so, we are a danger to her Tanis, and you’re Jean’s close friend and lover.”

  “Which means we’re a triangle. I’m the one Helga will come after. I have a date with Helga next week Welland. Her days are numbered.”

  “I hope so.” He changed the subject. “I want you to meet someone, Tanis. I met her tonight for the first time. I can’t get her out of my mind.”

  “I’d love to Welland?”

  “Tara’s in th
e restroom. She’ll be out in a minute. I know you’ll love her.”

  When Tanis saw the vision of loveliness, who approached them. She thought she was about to meet a female of her own species. Her heart began to race, and hers wasn’t the only one. When Tara drew near. Her senses told her the young woman studying her was not of her species, which didn’t stop her from staring.

  Tanis sensed Welland’s eyes on her and said. “I see what you mean Welland, she’s gorgeous.” It was an understatement. Tall and broad in her chest. Tara’s head on her long slender neck was crowned by hair the colour of dark honey. Done up in the style of the Victorians. Tanis couldn’t believe her eyes. She’d thought Tara’s eyes couldn’t exist in this world. They were of the brightest amber and framed by long copper-gold lashes. With skin of purest alabaster. She had high proud breasts topped by large nipples tucked into a scarlet dress of pure silk. Which would’ve graced any Victorian drawing room? She sensed a strong mind within, Christ! I’m looking at an exact double of Shani, only a softer version, but how?

  By the look of the young Athena, she had good genes. To be sure, she’d have to sample her body fluids, in preference those of a sexual nature. It was a match made in heaven. Welland attracted to this woman by Viking Welland’s genetic memories of Shani. She too felt drawn towards the young woman’s beauty. She could not have chosen a better mate for Welland, should her genes prove suitable? She took the woman's hands in hers. Looked into her striking eyes. Was it love at first sight for Welland? Does fate take a hand in the affairs of men after all?

  “If that big ox won’t introduce us then I must ask your name?” She could sense Freyja’s mind in turmoil at her beautiful companion’s electric touch.

  ‘She is our Shani in the flesh Tanis.’

  ‘Aye it is I. By Odin’s beard, you must have her Tanis!’ From Shani.

  “Tara.” The woman whispered with a soft Irish lilt. Her eyes held Tanis’s with a softness, which was unbelievable. “My name is Tara Ryan, and I hail from Dublin. You are Tanis. I’ve heard so much about you from Welland, and now I know why. You are beautiful and as attractive as your name.”


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