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The Willing Prey

Page 34

by Scarlett Sunday

  Tanaka was beyond seduction and too dangerous to risk in the bedroom. I’d rather fight the duel. She looked forward to their meeting in the field of honour. With the usual enthusiasm of pre-battle verve. I’ll kill him quickly. The fool doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. With Joe, she’d let things develop. The thought of his substantial angry cock impaling her body to the bed. Made her quiver with excitement. Joe does have his attractions. Jake. She would leave until last. Tranny, without the others, can take his chances with the law.

  Happy with her decision, Tanis went upstairs to dress for Amanda. She expected Amanda to be at Jake’s Place if she were still in town. Being Monday there’d be a meeting. She was about to call for a taxi when she heard a car horn outside. Going to the window, she saw Nigel in uniform emerging from Jean’s car. Kathy, also in similar dress, pulled up in a police car not far behind. What luck, a little sex too, to put me in the mood?

  Nigel rang the bell. When she answered, Kathy, whistled. “Holy Shit Tanis! You look like you’re dressed to kill. If I weren’t on duty, I’d stay.” She added. “Only joking of course.” She held up her forefinger and thumb in the ‘O’ sign for all’s well, the happiness on her face evident. “Hilary and I made our physical vows to each other last night. We’re set to be happy now, thanks to what you and I accomplished earlier.” She blushed. “We’re planning two babies. You look as though you’re about to go out?”

  “Yes. No matter, you’re here now Kathy. I’m happy for you both. Pity you couldn’t get Welland to father them?” I’ve planted the seed. Will it grow?

  “I’d like to talk to you about it when we have time Tanis. You did tell me Welland’s taken?”

  “He doesn’t have to fuck you, Kathy, only impregnate you. He’s broad-minded enough to listen. Then you or I can masturbate him into a syringe in your bathroom. I’ll talk to him and Tara if you like. How about you Nigel, how did your evening with Tranny go?”

  “I arrested him for being too familiar with a police officer’s dick, took him home and fucked him. We’re going to see each other again Tanis. Tranny’s not a bad bloke at heart and wants out of his association with the cartel. He’s afraid of Tanaka and Jake. He doesn’t like drugs or white slavery. He said he would rather have his sex parlours and look after his ageing mother. Jake made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Tranny’s not a fighter. He cares too much for his mother to leave her alone. He told me he likes you a lot and is looking forward to his talk with you.”

  Tanis surprised at the news. He can take his chances with the law then. “Kathy arrested me last night Nigel. She took me home with her after she’d charged me for curb-crawling a prostitute, then punished me. It was deliberate entrapment.”

  “Believe me Tanis deserved it, Nigel.”

  He laughed. “It was a good night enjoyed by all then?”

  “You could say so.” Her next question caught Nigel unawares. “Are you bisexual or homosexual Nigel?” Even under his dark skin, Tanis could see he was blushing.

  “I prefer men. Why Tanis?”

  “Oh nothing, I thought you and I could get together here one night and have a little party. I have a hang-up about police uniforms. It’s a strong fetish of mine. Kathy knows all about it, don’t you Kathy?”

  Kathy nodded and blushed again. “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry Tanis if I could I would.”

  “Now you know why I feel safe with Nigel, Tanis.”

  “You prefer women Kathy, Nigel prefers men.” She laughed Nigel’s refusal off. “I envy Tranny and any man who has you, Nigel.” She glanced at Kathy and smiled. “Do you two want a quick coffee before you go?”

  Kathy laughed. “Why don’t you say you want to fuck me over the kitchen table in my uniform as Jean did Tanis. For me taking you prisoner last night? I’d like to, but, no thanks. I’m taken now.” Even so, it was too late, Kathy had sensed Tanis’s pheromones. “What’s that fantastic scent, Tanis? I know it from somewhere?”

  Tanis laughed. “I’ve been doing the cleaning.”

  “I can wait in the car, Kathy. We don’t have to be on the motorway for another hour yet?”

  Kathy nodded her thanks to Nigel. “Okay Tanis, a quick coffee then.”


  Tanis arrived at Welland’s two hours later a little worse for wear. Rubbing her wrists, she thought. Fuck me! Kathy’s something else when it comes to sex. Rather than knock on Welland’s door, she phoned first. “Welland, are you in?” When he answered, she asked him to meet her at the club with Tara. “I’m outside in your carpark.”

  “Come up for a moment Tanis. Tara’s here with me now. We’d like to talk with you also.”

  Her eyes on Tara, Tanis let Welland take her overcoat. “My main reason for coming into town tonight Welland is to meet Amanda.”

  Welland showed surprise. “Amanda! You can meet her tonight, Tanis. Jake and Joe always talk business on Mondays. It’s a dead night. They’re all recovering from the weekend?” He didn’t ask her why.

  Tara said nothing, her eyes fixed on Tanis’s body.

  Tanis smiled. “Hello, Tara.” From the way they were acting, it was clear Welland and Tara had slept together last night. She smiled to herself thinking of Welland’s super sperm doing its vital work in Tara’s gorgeous body. What Welland said to her next didn’t surprise her either. From the look in Tara’s eyes, she had expected it.

  “Tanis, I have a favour to ask you. Tara and I have become engaged. I know it might seem a little too soon. But we love each other. I must be in Holland on business over the weekend. I’d like you to stay with Tara for her safety until I return.”

  Tara added. “I’d like you to stay too Tanis.” She blushed. “Welland and I have talked things over. We need you to agree.”

  Sensing a more profound need, Tanis took Tara into her arms and kissed her on both cheeks. She could feel Tara’s heart racing against her breasts and glanced up into eyes the colour of amber fire. “You don’t know how happy it makes me, you two together like this. If I were to pick two people to be in love, it would be you two.” She smiled at them. “I’ll look forward to seeing you on Saturday night Tara, I’ll keep it free for you. I had a date with Helga, but that can wait. You two are more important.” She laughed with happiness and turned towards Welland. “Tara will be safe with me Welland.”

  Welland and Tara looked at each other and smiled. “It’s settled then.”

  Tanis’s heart took another leap. “I’ll phone you on Saturday Tara. I’m going to Jake’s Place now. I need to talk to Amanda. I have to find out more about the cartel and Amanda seemed to be the friendliest out of the bunch at the party.”

  Welland said, “Be careful Tanis. I know you too well to worry about you. Don’t give them an inch.”

  “I intend to give Amanda about seven inches tonight Welland.” Tara blushed, and Welland laughed. Tanis kissed Tara full on the lips, her tongue caressing her teeth. Tara opened her mouth for an instant, then shut it before Tanis could enter. She missed Welland’s smile.

  “Tanis, before you go, whatever happens on the weekend between you and Tara is okay with me. Our friendship goes too deep. I love Tara too much to risk losing her.”

  “I understand Welland. See you soon.”

  “I should be back sometime on Monday Tanis.”

  Five minutes later, her thoughts on Tara. Tanis entered ‘Jake’s Place.’ She found him, and Joe seated at their usual table in the corner. “Have you seen Amanda, Jake, I’d like to talk with her?”

  “Yeah, she’ll be in later,” Joe, answered for Jake. His eyes on her body, he continued. “Some lucky bastard’s in for it tonight, Tanis?”

  “You can always hire me for the night, Joe. I’ll make it worth your while. I like big strong men who like to take charge.”

  “I’ll think about it. But, would you like the other things I dish out?”

  “It depends on you, Joe. I can handle anything you have in mind. We’ll talk sometime. I don’t come cheap.”

  “You’ll come for sure with my Brutus in you.”

  Tanis laughed. “It’s a date then. I’ll look forward to it.” Noting the look of puzzlement on his face. She turned and walked over to the bar, ordered orange juice, then settled down to wait for Amanda. I hope I don’t have to wait too long. If I’ve time, I’ll check out Tanaka’s restaurant and bathhouse afterwards. They’re open late, and only around the corner.


  Amanda arrived about ten with Shelly and a man young enough to be her son. From her face, she’d had a heavy enjoyable night. She kissed Shelly on the cheek, bid the young man goodbye, then made her way across to Jake’s table. About to sit down, Joe leaned over and said something to her. Amanda turned and looked at Tanis. She smiled, waved, and held up five fingers before turning towards Jake and Joe again. Shortly after, she joined Tanis at the bar. “Want another drink, Tanis?”

  “Oh. Orange juice please Amanda. How are you?”

  Amanda blushed. “Okay, I guess. You were right Tanis. My whole sex life has changed for the better. Shelly’s something else.” She studied Tanis’s face. “You look radiant, it’s as though you were fucked all night by someone you fancied at the party.”

  “Maybe I have, or maybe I’m hoping for an all-night fuck by someone I fancy tonight?”

  Amanda smiled. “I can’t deny you do look sexy tonight Tanis. Meeting a client, are we?”

  “I came here to meet you, Amanda.” It was a direct question but didn’t attract a direct answer.

  “Whoa…what the fuck do you mean Tanis, I’m? Shit! Not again.”

  Tanis smiled. “You fancy me, Amanda? I’m free tonight and want you to come with me. I fancied you on party night, and I fancy you now.”

  Amanda licked her lips. Her eyes moved over Tanis’s body and hesitated for a moment on Tanis’s throat. She blushed again. “It's plain you ask for what you want Tanis. You do look tempting. The other night I didn’t know what hit me when you worked my tits. I’m still not sure whether I’m Arthur or Martha. Although I enjoyed my sex last night with Shelly, and one of my big young Rams.”

  Tanis said, “Your love life will change for the better Amanda. From what I see in your eyes, you want to fuck me tonight as Arthur, then let me fuck you afterwards as Martha. Why deny me my pleasure when it’s clear you want to take yours from my body? We’ve been waiting for this moment since the party. I’ve planned what I’m going to do and say to you when I have you to myself. So, please don’t disappoint me now Amanda. I’m all worked up and wet below.”

  Amanda’s studied Tanis’s breasts for a moment. Before her eyes dropped to between her legs. “Who’s doing the hiring here Tanis, you or me? I like your sales pitch though. Holy Shit! You know you have me over a barrel?”

  “I’d like to fuck you over a barrel also Amanda. I like my sex to be rough. The rougher, the better. I’m free tonight?”

  Amanda’s eyes settled on Tanis’s aroused breasts like two magnets. She sighed. “Jesus Tanis! In your tight sweater, you look tempting enough to eat.”

  With Amanda’s resolve weakened. Tanis continued to bait her victim with evil and deliberate intent. “I like your frilly blouse, Amanda. Your button-thru skirt would be a cinch for a determined girl like me to get into. You are an attractive woman. I prefer a woman to look like a woman when I’m fucking her, or her me. I prefer older women too. They’re more malleable to suggestion, more experienced, and scream louder when they come. In the hands of an experienced youngster like me. They tend to come harder and more often. Keep the fucking swear words up Amanda. They turn me on also.”

  “Less of the older woman Tanis. You do fancy me for sex?”

  “I made you come the other night because you wanted me to Amanda. Tonight, if you hire me, I’m going to see to it you don’t stop coming.” Brutal to a point, Tanis chipped away at her victim’s resolve. With the last riposte, she chopped it down. “You want my body, and I want yours, Amanda. This is my last offer for you. Refuse me tonight, and there’ll never be a second bite at my cherry.”

  “For fuck’s sake stop and let me think Tanis.”

  Amanda hesitated. So, Tanis finished her drink and made to leave. “I’ll see you around Amanda. I’m a busy woman, much in demand by my older clients. They’re women who pay me well for my talents.” She rubbed her throat as if to stop an itch and exposed the deep purple love bite Kathy had given her across her vein. As a last prod, she released her pheromones. If Amanda has any Vampire hang-ups, it may tip her over the edge. “Goodbye!”

  “Whoa! Hold your fucking horses, Tanis. Don’t go off half-cocked.” She giggled at her joke. “Give me a minute to think about it. I’m still a little shy of you. You’re so fucking aggressive. I’ll go into the Ladies for a moment and think about it. You’re a randy bitch, Tanis. I do want to fuck you tonight. I just don’t want the boys to know it.”

  At last Amanda had walked into her net. Its clear Amanda wants me. But her come-on must be out of sight in the woman’s loo.

  Jake expected Amanda for their meeting, so she must be quick. She left her stool after Amanda had disappeared through the toilet door and followed her. Amanda stood there waiting for her.

  “I hoped you’d come, Tanis. We must stop meeting in toilets, it is becoming a habit. You must have known I wanted to get into your pants from the start. I can’t talk in front of the boys. You’ve made me an offer I can’t refuse. I do have to meet with the boys Tanis. After ten minutes or so, I want you to ring me on my mobile. Please don’t melt it with your sexy comments. You still have my card in your purse. I’ll make my excuses when you ring, then meet you outside. How’s that grab you?”

  “By the short and curlies Amanda.”

  “I like that Tanis.”

  Tanis could feel Amanda’s excitement at the prospect of having her hands on her body. She stepped forward. With a firm push, she backed Amanda into one of the cubicles. Closing the door behind them. She pulled one of Amanda’s arms up behind her back in a Half-Nelson position. Holding her helpless, she began to undo her blouse. “No bra I see and nipples as hard as iron Amanda.” She tugged at Amanda’s stiff nipples. “This won’t take a moment. Afterwards, you can go and meet the boys. Let’s call it a starter.” She sucked on one of Amanda’s nipples with her mouth. While she milked the other into hardness with warm fingers. Amanda screamed. Tanis watched fascinated. As the deep blush of orgasm spread over Amanda’s face, down through her breasts. Then all over her trembling body. In another moment, she felt her victim’s body jerk into her second violent finish. “There, it wasn’t so bad, was it?” She breathed into Amanda’s ear, her teeth chewing at her earlobe first, then at her throat. “This’ll keep you until I have you where I can do more damage, Amanda. Believe me, when I have you somewhere more private I intend to do just that.”

  When Tanis released her, Amanda pulled herself together. Her body shook as she washed her face with cold water. She turned and kissed Tanis on her lips and whispered, “Holy Fucking Mackerel Tanis! You’re a hot one. Did I not come then? Don’t forget to phone me or I’m coming after you with a baseball bat you tart. If Jake and Joe ask where you are, I’ll tell them you left by the back door. If you have a car, leave it where it is, and we’ll use mine. It’s the early Mark Ten maroon Jaguar outside, and it’s open. Get in, then wait for me.”

  “I take it I'm hired, Amanda.”

  “You’re fucking right you are, and for the whole bloody week Tanis.” She kissed Tanis on her left breast through her sweater and pinched its nipple with her teeth. Her lips trembling with emotion she said. “Only trying your tits out for size. You’re a bloody bitch on heat Tanis, tonight you’re going to get the shagging of your fucking life, now I’ve come out of the closet… Which I can thank you for.”

  “Good, I hoped I would. I’ve been looking forward to it coming from you Amanda. I need it so bad. Please keep up the swearing.”


  It was a short ten minutes later, Tanis phoned Amanda from her car. A
manda was with her within another five. Her body shaking with anticipation. “This had better be worth it Tanis. I’m as excited as a randy buck bunny and soaked to the skin. The boys asked me why I looked so flushed and what all the screaming was in the toilet, the bastards. I told them I was kicking a bag lady out.”

  “This is only the start, Amanda. You need someone like me to bring those hidden urges out. Someone who can share your darkest fantasies with you. We all have them. Secret fantasies we dare not tell others. Which tonight you’ll tell me. After I’ve finished with you tonight. You’re going to need a week to straighten your bandy legs out again. Then…”

  “For fuck’s sake stop Tanis! You’ll have me coming again in a moment.”

  “So, what, enjoy the moment Amanda. Where are we going tonight?”

  “I’m taking you to dinner at Tanaka’s first. Afterwards, we can go on to my pad where it’s nice and cosy. I want to come out as a bisexual woman tonight, Tanis. I don’t give a shit who knows it either.”

  “That’s my girl, Amanda. You’re the client. So, you can call all the shots?”

  “I intend to Tanis. This is my date, and I’m taking over. As of now, you’re on my pay. Comprendez!”

  Tanis smiling said nothing. Her trap sprung, her victim caught.


  After Amanda had parked the car in her private spot at Tanaka’s. She took something out of the glove box before she grabbed Tanis by the arm, as though she owned her. They entered the restaurant and made straight for a table in the far corner of the crowded room. On the way, they passed a table where a man dressed in the flowing robes of an Arab sat alone. Amanda brushed against him with an immediate apology. “I’m sorry sir. Please forgive me for my clumsiness.”

  When Tanis passed him, the Arab’s liquid brown eyes lit up with interest. Unashamed, they settled on her buns and began to undress her. She sensed his x-ray eyes, wiggled her bum, and continued after her randy client smiling. “What’s the rush, Amanda?”

  Already seated, Amanda waited for her. “Tanis, you should be on the fucking menu instead of the crap Tanaka serves. There’s only one dish I can recommend. Don’t think I didn’t see you wiggle your arse at the Arab either. Remember, you’re bought and paid for tonight Tanis, so you’re on my menu.” She laughed. “Which means I get to take the first suck on your cherry, you fucking tart.”


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