The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 43

by Scarlett Sunday

  Finished with her preparations for the birthing pod, she returned to town. In Welland’s club for a few moments, the happy faces of Tara and Welland greeted her. So much for my night with Tara. Hiding her disappointment, she greeted them. “Welland, Tara, how nice to see you.”

  Tara showed her pleasure by blushing. Her eyes fixed on Tanis’s hands and her imagination in full flight. “You too Tanis.”

  Tanis took Tara’s hands in hers. Squeezing them, she gazed into her eyes, then kissed her on her cheek. “I hope you’ve recovered from our last meeting Tara.”

  Tara nodded and gave Tanis’s hand a gentle squeeze before she welcomed her with a kiss on her lips. “Almost Tanis, the ointment you gave me is excellent. Welland’s recovered from his encounter with you, Kathy, and Hilary also. I enjoyed watching the video.”

  Welland blushed, and Tanis whispered. “Will there ever be a next time Tara?” Tara’s eyes answered. Tanis sensed her thoughts. There’ll always be a next time Tanis, Welland knows that. She could feel her body’s response. “I hope so Tara.”

  Welland smiling said. “Don’t I get a kiss too Tanis?”

  “Of course, Welland. This time on the lips to thank you and Tara for the precious gift you’ve given to Kathy, Hilary, and me.”

  “It’s my gift to you, Tanis, for giving Tara a marvellous time while I was away.”

  She took Welland’s face in her hands and kissed him on the mouth. “I’ll be forever in your debt Welland Taggart.”

  “In which case.” While Tara watched smiling, he took Tanis into his arms and returned her kiss with warmth. “The debt paid Tanis. We both love you so much. Believe me, it was a pleasure for both of us.” He laughed. “To have a close friend like you is rare indeed. I mean it from my heart.”

  “Thank you, Welland.”

  “Jake and his friends have made another offer to buy me out, Tanis. All my contacts in Holland have the same offer. He’s given us three months to make our minds up, or nasty things will happen to those we love. He knows about Tara. Jake dropped a hint she’d be the first to go. They’re having another meeting tonight to discuss their plans for the area. I’ve warned Jake to leave me alone, or I’ll kill him. He laughed in my face. I don’t want to send Tara away. Now, I must think of her safety.”

  Tanis could feel the red heat of anger raise the hairs on the back of her neck. I care nothing for the petty fights and arguments of my prey. Yet, when they interfere with the business and plans of those I love, it becomes personal. From now on, I must never be without my body shields until this battle is over. “Won’t they ever learn Welland?”

  “No. So, we must make the Cartel learn Tanis.”

  She didn’t like to use her body shields, but a bullet in the spinal cord or brain of her host could finish her. If she couldn’t get back to Zana in time, she would perish. With her death, the last chance for her species. She sensed her life too precious for her to take unnecessary risks now. Too much is at stake. Welland and Tara were unique to her, as was Jean, Kathy, Hilary, and Shannon. Jake had declared war on her. So, had signed his cartel’s death warrant. In the end, the fool can only emerge the loser. The time had come for her to take a much stronger hand in the game. I’ll start with Helga tonight.

  “You still have three months to go Welland. Do nothing until the last week. Promise me you’ll leave this to me and concentrate only on the safety of Tara. By the end of three months, the situation will have changed to our advantage. I can guarantee it.”

  Welland took her hand. “I’ll trust you until then Tanis.”

  “Thank you. Now I must leave you. Amanda has already gone. She kissed Tara on the mouth. “Don’t you worry either Tara? These people don’t know who they’re up against. In a little while, they’ll all be gone. Don’t ask me any questions now. When our enemies start to disappear, you’ll know something is happening.” She gave Tara’s fingers an intimate caress before releasing them. Her eyes speaking her thoughts. “Look after yourselves for me, you are both precious.” With that, she was gone.

  Back on Zana, she slipped out of her clothes and sank into the soft embrace of her pilot’s chair. As its fluid-like matrix entered her body. She could feel Zana’s presence immerse itself into every fibre and crevice of her being. ‘I’ve missed you so much my Tanis.’ By her body sensations, Zana was making love to her. For the next hour, they bonded. Her thoughts and Zana’s bio-neuron consciousness in complete union with each other. On the outer skin of the Starship, a bud of tissue began to form and within, opposed to it. A huge set of moist half-open lips. The bud continued to grow until it could hold the forms of two adult humans. Once all its intended occupants were safe within. It would surround their bodies like a living cyst. The transformation from bud into Starship would begin, monitored by Zana. If her mating proved without success. The bud with its barren host and her prey would dissolve into nothing. It’s a risk I must take. Finished. She let the gentle hungry caresses of the expectant Zana take her body into orgasm. Satisfied she left the ship and entered the house to dress for her date with Helga. I hope she’s there tonight, Jean is too.

  To all except Tanaka, she was an escort girl who could use herself in a fight. Tanaka wouldn’t say anything to the others until after he’d killed her and Darius. He wouldn’t risk losing face. He’d told her he didn’t care much for the others and from what she’d heard at the party, the feeling was mutual. Unless Tanaka called her out soon, she’d leave him until last. She respected his insane courage. She wouldn’t underestimate him as an opponent though. He might be a psychopath, but he’s no fool. Searching in her wardrobe, she selected an easy to slip off button-through’ dress. Over which, she wore one of Jean’s warm overcoats. Helga’s only interested in my body. It won’t hurt to remind her of Jean’s presence too. On the way into town, she slipped her bra off and locked it in the glove compartment. Why make things difficult. Around her right wrist. The inconspicuous control bracelet for her body shields. Reminded her of her danger from Jake’s female assassin. She arrived at Jake’s at nine thirty and parked the car at the rear of the club. Enabling her shields, she entered. The door attendant eyed her up but let her through. She went straight up to the bar, ordered orange juice, then glanced about her. At their usual table sat Jake and Joe with her intended prey. They were waiting for the rest of the cartel to arrive. So far so good. Helga’s there, but where’s Jean?

  Jake looked angry and impatient. “Where the fuck’s Amanda?”

  Joe spotted Tanis. “Hey lady, you were with Amanda the other night?”

  “So, what.”


  “Amanda took me to dinner at Tanaka’s, afterwards home to fuck me. What’s it got to do with you?”

  “We haven’t seen her since, besides she isn’t a lesbian.”

  “Maybe she’s in the Middle East on a business trip. She mentioned something about meeting an Arab prince called Hussein to me.”

  “If something’s happened to her, you’ll pay.”

  “That will be the day, Joe.”

  Helga looked at Joe to shut him up. She came over to Tanis. “Joe’s too volatile for his own good my darling. I’m surprised to see you here though. So, Amanda fucked you, did she? I thought there was something funny about her.”

  “What’s funny about being bisexual Helga, you are. Amanda didn’t know it until she met me.”

  “You’re right.” Helga wagged her finger. “You didn’t keep your date, you naughty girl. You’ve come to see me because you’re sorry?”

  Puzzled she said. “I thought you were still with Jean, Helga. I haven’t seen her for days and assumed...”

  “I was with her. What a time we were having. She had a phone call and left. No matter, I have you now. Do you want a nice massage tonight my sugar plum?”

  Tanis persisted. “You don’t know where Jean is then?”

  “No. Jean said something about meeting a favourite client in town. Then flying off to Paris.”

  “Thank Christ!
When you’ve finished your meeting Helga, can we talk? I’m sorry about last weekend. I had other business. I don’t like to break my promises. I could’ve phoned, but I needed to see you face to face tonight.”

  “I understand darling. You’re here now. I have a meeting. Afterwards, I’m all yours. I’d like to have your body in my hands tonight sugar plumb. I’ve been…how you say, feeling randy for you ever since my birthday ball.”

  “Okay, Helga you’ve got yourself a date. I don’t know where Amanda is though.” Her pickup line needs work. Even so, I need to have her all to myself tonight.

  “Don’t worry my pet. Amanda will turn up sometime. I’ll look forward to it now I know she’s like me. Ahhh well! Come over to the table and meet the boys Tanis. We were expecting Amanda and Tanaka. Tanaka is a law unto himself so, we’ll see him when we see him, the slimy bastard. Tranny is abroad for a day or two to visit a brothel in Paris he’s interested in buying. He likes the hands-on approach.”

  Joe’s eyes joined Helga’s in their minute scrutiny of Tanis’s breasts. “Are you sure you haven’t seen Amanda, Tanis?”

  “Yes, I’m sure Joe.” She decided not to seek a confrontation with Joe until she’d taken care of Helga. With Helga gone, the shit would hit the fan anyway.

  “I’ll wait for Helga at the bar. When she’s finished here, she wants to come with me.”

  “I don’t give a shit who she comes with.” Quipped Jake. “It makes no fucking difference to me.”

  Helga’s face reddened. She kept her silence. Olive walked in and sat alongside Jake. Cheered at the sight of her, Jake proceeded to run his hand up her thigh on the inside of her dress. It made Olive start with a gasp when Jake found what he was looking for. Olive smiled and began working on his flies.

  Joe was different. “The way you look, Tanis, I wouldn’t mind hiring you tomorrow night. But I suspect you’d be bad for me. Too much of a pussycat. I like my Sheilas to feel my love inside and out.”

  “I might surprise you, Joe. I like men with big cocks who have the whip hand. When I’ve finished with Helga, I’ll phone you for booking.”

  Joe looked at Helga in disgust. “Christ Helga, can’t you keep your fucking eyes and hands-off other women’s tits and arses for a second?”

  Helga’s face reddened. She looked at Joe with daggers in her eyes. “I can’t keep my tongue out of their cunts either you three-legged Aussi prick. You’re only jealous I can make it with both men and women Joe. You…you like to hurt women. You don’t appreciate their finer points. I’ve heard things about you, which would shrivel the toes of a Frankenstein.”

  “I’m proud of it Helga. I hurt Sheilas who like pain. They come to me for what I can give them.” He wasn’t afraid of Helga. He didn’t like her. “Maybe one night you and I can get together Tanis?”

  She answered, “You have what I like Joe. It’s a date.”

  “Okay, ring me when you’re ready.” He rounded on Helga again. “Now, where were we?”

  “For fuck’s sake Joe, leave her alone. If she wants to take another woman home to bed and fuck her to pieces, let her.” Jake screamed, his cock hard in Olive’s hand. Tanis didn’t miss Jake’s kick on Joe’s foot or the wicked wink he gave to Helga.

  She knew Helga was dangerous. When it came down to the fleshy bits, she’d have to be on her guard. Helga planned to give her a full body massage tonight, both inside and out. By Jake’s look, a finale too. Confident in her ability to detect when Helga was going to strike. When she does, I’ll be ready.

  “I’ll give you your gold pass tonight Tanis, should you want to take a client down to the farm anytime.”

  “That’s kind of you, Helga.” She glanced at Jake. The bastard knows I’ve sorted Amanda. He thinks she’s dead and hopes Helga will succeed where Amanda failed. When Helga fails, he’s next in line.

  Helga’s eyes searched hers. Smiling she said. “It’s the least I can do sugar plum. I’ll give you a pass for Jean too.”

  Tanis sensed a light pressure on her thigh. Strong, nimble fingers were caressing their way up into her wet velvet. She sensed her own excitement, but couldn’t feel it. She pressed the small blue stone in her bracelet. Before Helga realised she wasn’t responding as she should, then sighed. “Jesus Helga! Keep going.” With her massage skills, Helga could keep any woman in ecstasy for hours. The game had started in earnest now. There could be no turning back. She placed her hand on the inside of Helga’s thigh and ran it up towards her velvet. Signalling her genuine response.

  “Come on Tanis, let’s get the fuck out of here.

  “You’ve hired my body Helga, I can’t wait to give you your money’s worth.” The thought of Jean’s hands and lips being where her hand was now, where her mouth would be later, excited her.

  Jake looked at Helga and winked. Olive was sitting on his lap facing him. “Fuck the goddamn meeting Helga, your mind’s not on it. Besides, Olive’s got it in for me.”

  Joe’s face showed his disgust at the way the meeting had disintegrated. Somebody was going to pay for tonight. He took out his notebook and touched the button on his wrist mobile. Brutus stirred in his trousers signalling his interest. He sighed with happiness. His anger was gone, so he dialled Faye. “Hi, sweetheart it’s Joe, be at my place with a friend in one hour. If you can’t take Brutus tonight, you can watch. So, get your fucking buns over here ASAP.” He looked at Jake. “Fuck the meeting Jake.”

  Jake said. “I’ll see you tomorrow Helga. Have a good time with Tanis. You too with Faye, Joe.”

  “You know I will Jake. Faye’s my favourite slave.”

  Things had started to move. She had what she wanted, and Helga had what she wanted. Only one of them would still be on their feet in the morning. She’d make sure it was her. Helga was the next logical choice now as no one would miss her, but Jake. He wouldn’t talk when Helga failed to turn up tomorrow, or he’d have some explaining to do. Maybe, he’ll start to reconsider Welland’s options as his gang gets whittled down in size.

  As they passed the restroom on their way-out Helga pushed Tanis into its shadow and took her by the arm. She steered her toward one of the cubicles in the far corner. She entered, then pulled Tanis in. “Please darling, one quick feel. It’s been a week of thinking and not doing Tanis. I can’t resist touching your beautiful body any longer.”

  Tanis knew Helga would not start anything in the club, so she played along. “Go for it Helga, I’m all yours.”

  “Thank you.” Helga closed the door behind her and unbuttoned Tanis’s dress. Her breaths heavy she fastened her lips onto one of Tanis’s responsive nipples. Squeezing her tit like an orange, Helga began to suck on it in a frenzy of excitement. At the same time, she massaged Tanis’s clit with her free hand. Pinching it between finger and thumb to feel its size. “Holy Shit Tanis! You have a big one?”

  To encourage Helga further, she pulled Helga’s mouth down hard onto her nipple. After a moment, she gave a soft gasp and came onto Helga’s hand. “Now look what you’ve done.”

  “No more than you’re going to do to me tonight Tanis.”

  “You’re a sexy bitch Helga, now take me home. You’ve made me come once. I don’t want to waste a drop of yours. I need it all in my mouth. Jean’s told me what you can do on a massage table. I can’t wait to have your hands on me. So, let’s get out of here and finish this off at your place. I’ll get to fuck you afterwards too. Hog-tie you up like Jean does, if you want?”

  The frantic sucking stopped. Helga, her lips moist, whispered. “I can’t wait. You’re right darling. What am I thinking of? In another second, I would have come too. Now I’ll save it until we’re home. It will be more pleasurable for me at the farm on my first come, which is always good. Follow me, Sweetie, there’s a backdoor here and my car’s right outside.”

  “So, is mine, Helga. I’ll follow you.”

  After a couple of short stops at laybys on the way to get a taste of what’s to come. They arrived at Helga’s little cottage on the grounds
of the health farm. They parked their cars in the drive with Helga’s car inside the garage. Tanis’s outside facing towards the road. Helga locked hers and hung the keys up on a hook inside the entrance to the house. “I won’t forget them if I keep them there. Come, Tanis, let’s go inside. I’m impatient to show you around.”

  Tanis could see Helga was in a state of acute excitement, after what had happened in the laybys on the way. “Okay.”

  “Come on Tanis, for fuck’s sake hurry up, I want to feel your big tongue in my body. I’ll come right here on the floor in a moment. No one’s going to disturb us here. After I give you your massage, you can tie me up and fuck me. Like Jean does if you want to.”

  “I’ll hold you to that Helga. I’m as kinky as Jean when it comes to taking prisoners.” She let Helga lead her by the arm as though she were a possession. Helga half pulled half pushed her down the stairs towards what looked like a basement. Here, she enabled her shields. She needed to see what Helga had on offer before she switched them off. Helga worked at her dress. After ripping her buttons off, she had her naked before they’d reached the bottom step. They entered a small red tiled room at the bottom. Not surprised at the tile colour choice she quipped. “Blood red and sexy Helga?”

  Helga smiled. “Yes, my Sweet.” When I’ve finished with you Tanis, you bitch, it’s going to be bloodier. I liked Amanda. Helga noticed Tanis’s glance at the huge drain beneath the table. “Some of my kinky clients like a deep enema from me now and again.”


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