The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 44

by Scarlett Sunday

  Tanis noted the only furniture in the room was an adjustable massage table. Covered in smooth scarlet vinyl, with each end curled down like a long Roman orgy couch. She scanned the table, then turned her shields off. Her scan sensing a small steel object in a pouch under the table’s lip. So, she does plan to kill me tonight. What’s in the bag, a cutthroat razor? It’s on the right side, and Helga is right-handed. It would be easy for Helga to hold my head between her firm thighs. Then, while my tongue is busy inside her cunt, cut my throat. She had more than enough strength to break Helga’s arm and would be in the perfect position for her venom to take instant effect. I’m safe if Helga’s hands stay on my body, and my tongue stays in her cunt. Helga had hinted. Her first orgasm was going to be her best. It could only mean her victim was about to die. When I sense her hands move off me, I must strike at her first contraction.

  “Come, Tanis,” Helga cooed. Her hands-on approach to Tanis’s breasts bringing her back to reality. “Why don’t you lie on the table face up and let me give you one of my extraordinary tit and cunt massages. The curl at the end of the table has a soothing effect on the back of the neck if you hang your head back over it. You can work my cunt and clit with your tongue as I work yours with my hands. Afterwards, you can tie me up like Jean does and have your way with me. We have all night…a week even?”

  “As you wish Helga, you’re the client.” She lay on the soft vinyl table and waited for Helga to start. “Aren’t you going to take your clothes off first Helga. I must have a worm’s eye view of your tits and the inside of your fanny if I’m going to do you any good with my tongue?”

  “Of course, how careless of me. I’ll be back in a moment Tanis.”

  While Helga was out, she felt under the table rim to confirm her suspicions. There’s nowhere else for Helga to hide another razor unless it’s in her arse or in her cunt. I’ll be probing those parts in a moment.

  When Helga returned Tanis, naked on the table awaited her. She heard the key turn in the well-oiled lock but said nothing. She noticed the key still in the lock as she hung her head back over the edge of the roller. Her hands ready to grab Helga’s buns when Helga had worked her thighs over her mouth. She also noticed the intercom on the wall. Helga approached her head with open legs. Then bent over her body ready to massage her moist swollen cunt lips. She began to pinch at Tanis’s inflamed outer lips with flexible fingers. Before she parted her inner lips and pushed in deeper.

  “You’re wet my love. I can see the drops of excitement on your sexual hair. I like it. It means you’re looking forward to my cunt massage. Relax Tanis. When you come, I promise you, you’ll feel your climax right up to your pretty neck.”

  She grunted. Folded her arms tighter around Helga’s hard buns and pulled her in towards her mouth. If I can feel both of her hands on me, I’ll be safe.

  Helga could feel Tanis’s erect tongue playing on her clit and a long finger probing her arse. She gave a loud sigh, opened her thighs, and came into her first contraction. Tanis’s tongue slipped deeper into her dripping tunnel, hungry for more essence. Helga gasped and closed her powerful thigh muscles hard against Tanis’s neck. This time she began to come into her second series with noisy pants.

  She shouted. “Ohh My God Tanis! What have you put into me, I can feel it right up to my womb?” With both hands clamped around Tanis’s’ hips. Helga began to work her body backwards and forwards on Tanis’s thick tongue. Her breaths becoming heavier. As she pumped herself into her massive climax. Her hands relaxed their pressure on Tanis’s hips. She began to moan in ecstasy and leaned back exposing Tanis’s working throat muscles to her hands. Her left hand came back over Tanis’s breasts and circled her throat. She began to massage it, feeling for its veins and arteries. Her right hand followed. Hesitated on Tanis’s hard nipples for a moment. To reassure itself about her victim’s mood. Before moving off her body towards the hidden razor. “Not long now my sweet.” She gasped. “Holy Shit Tanisss! I’m coming again.”

  As Helga’s left hand tightened around her throat, to cut off her blood supply. Tanis struck, filling Helga’s body with venom. Her scream of ecstatic triumph cut short. Helga slumped over her intended victim’s body paralysed and helpless. Tanis relaxed, she was safe now. With her tongue still buried in Helga’s cunt, Tanis emptied it of its sweet aperitif. Finished, she pushed Helga’s body aside and slid off the table. Helga's eyes looked up at her with dumb astonishment.

  “You made a big mistake when you decided to move in on Welland Taggart, Helga. First Amanda and now you. I’ve planned for Joe, Jake, and Tanaka too.”

  She picked Helga’s muscular body up as if she were a child and tossed her across her shoulders. The door unlocked, she carried Helga up into her bedroom then threw her onto her bed. There she hog-tied her. With her wrists behind her back and her ankles together with the ropes from the bedside drawer. Jean must have used when she and Helga made love. She turned Helga onto her back, then sat down next to her captive. She slid the two middle fingers of her right hand into her victim’s moist cunt, so they hooked hard up to her clit. Her forefinger and little pinkie pointing downwards. She placed to either side of her cunt lips on the outside. Ready, she waited for Helga’s response.

  As feeling returned, Helga tried to move away. “What are you going to do to me, Tanis?”

  “Give you a little cunt massage I learnt in India Helga. Something Jean will give you later when you’re together again. It’s something I taught Jean. Now you’ve your feeling back, you’ll feel everything.”

  With her right-hand, inner fingers hooked upwards inside Helga’s cunt. She began to agitate the root of Helga’s clit with violence up as if to lift her body off the bed by her cunt. At the same time. Her right hand’s two outside fingers agitating the outer lips of her prisoner’s cunt. In a violent up and down movement on each downward and upward stroke. Her left-hand palm holding Helga’s body down with firm pressure onto the bed. While its thumb rubbed across the top of Helga’s swollen clit in a circular motion.

  It only took a few seconds for Helga to detonate into a full-blown body orgasm. Her back and bound body arching off the bed with intense spasms of ecstatic joy. “Ohhh My God Tanissss! She screamed. When Helga, at last, came down from her radical high, she said. “Jean uses that caress too when she has me hog-tied and helpless. My come is always exceptional…but why now. You knew I was going to kill you on the table, didn’t you? Why pleasure me now?”

  “Because I’m not who you think I am Helga. I am far more dangerous than you.” Before her captive could speak. She gave her a venomous love bite on her jugular to paralyse her limbs, making sure she saw her fangs. She licked her fingers as she gazed into Helga’s eyes again. “You’ve been a bad girl Helga Larsen. You’ll not be able to move for a while. Soon you’ll be in a safe place with Amanda on my Starship awaiting Jean’s return. If you’ve killed Jean, you’ll die in agony as I drain your essence and blood from your body.”

  Helga tried to shake her head, her lips forming the words. “Why would I kill my Jean? I love her to bits.”

  “I’ve decided to keep you alive until Jean comes for you. She told me she’s in love with you Helga. Although, I can’t imagine why.” As a look of hope lit Helga’s eyes, she continued. “When you see Jean again, her naked body will want to make love to you. Then, she’ll be like me, a human Vampire. After she’s hog-tied you up and fucked you, you’ll not be able to leave her side ever. From that day on, the both of you will be together always in mind, but not in body. I could cut your throat now like you were going to cut mine. You’re alive only because Jean will need your body for food and your devious mind for survival.” For deadly effect. She played the open razor over Helga’s throat before she threw it across the room. Helga signalled her relief with her eyes and a soft groan. “I’ll bet you’ve killed a few for Jake with that razor you bitch.”

  She injected more venom into Helga’s throat. Before searching and finding her safe in the reinforced concrete floo
r under the bed. She wrenched the door off and removed a small black book. She smiled, tossed Helga over her right shoulder, and exited the house. After she’d locked the door behind her. She loaded Helga into her car boot, then threw Helga’s keys far out into the lake, which bordered the drive. She pushed her car down the drive onto the road before she started it, then drove to Hatton.


  Once more on Zana, she caressed the lips of the new birthing pod until they moistened and opened with a sigh. Slipping Helga’s head between them, like a huge cock penetrating a wet cunt. She left Zana to swallow the rest of Helga’s body like a python swallowing its prey. Helga was Zana’s responsibility now until Jean came for her. She spent the next hour in her pilot’s seat programming Helga’s mind. With the drama of a naked and aroused Jean tying her up as a prelude to fucking her. When Jean touched Helga’s body, Helga would awake, and her programmed drama would declare itself. She smiled. Her daughter in Jean’s host body would need the cunning ruthlessness of Helga’s psychopathic nature. To survive the dangers of her new world. It would help Jean in her dealings with the less desirable elements of society.

  In time. As Jean accumulated more prey minds. Minds which would include Kathy’s and Hilary’s, maybe Shannon’s too, when they’d reached old age. She would be able to take care of her Mantis self with little risk to her human host body. Before that can happen, I must become a Queen. Pleased with the way things had gone. But still a little despondent. She retired back to the house for a well-earned rest. Two down four to go. Jean’s not been in touch. If only I’d given her the bracelet, I’d know exactly where she is now. I hope she’s with the Countess. If Jean’s dead, and Kathy pregnant, I’ll have to fall back on Shannon as my daughter’s host? I’d rather not go there yet...




  Diana: The Birth of a Queen


  Tanis awoke at eleven, cleaned the house, then planned her day. She wanted to believe Jean was with the Countess in Paris. She hadn’t been with Helga, and unless Jean phoned, she had no way of knowing where she was. Has the cartel started to carry out their threat? Frustrated. She decided to give Jean another three days to contact her. Afterwards, I’ll make some inquiries.

  Something was driving her to find a new host. So, to take her mind off Jean, she would try to find one. The three days would give her a chance to scout the various martial art schools in and around London for a suitable candidate. There must be a tall, well-built, attractive young woman in London somewhere. One who could fight. Whose well-trained muscles could take on her great strength and spirit? I need a woman like Shani, is it asking too much to find another like her in this modern world? Since she’d taken Shani as a host, fighting had always come quickly to her. She didn’t have to think about it. What made the difference between courage and fear was the mind. Any person could have all the skill and fancy tricks in practice. Yet, with fear or anger in their heart. If it came to a life-threatening situation, all their training would be for nothing. Courage made the difference between life and death. It did not rely on strength or size alone. If her new host had the bravery and body to start with. Her active mind and the minds of her past hosts would provide the rest. She wanted a host who had the speed and grace of a striking leopard, one with a fruitful womb. The only place to find such a woman.

  Would be in an establishment where people had made a personal commitment. To training their bodies to harsh disciplines. The woman I seek. Must have physical beauty to attract my prey. Shani, Erin, Aysher, and Freyja, were exceptional in this respect. They had made things easier for her. It was their way of life to wage war. Their savage professions had kept their bodies, and minds fit and well trained for battle. The body of Freyja had a lot to offer, but not fertile. I need a woman who’s young, vibrant, attractive, and fruitful. She smiled as she recalled the old ritualistic days in Mantis. Here on Earth, there was no need for rituals. Here the hunt could be far more exciting and fantastical in its enjoyment. Her anticipation of the evening’s outcome began to excite her. Could fate be driving me towards my goal?

  Immersed in thought, she chose her dress with care. First, faded figure-hugging blue jeans with a broad brown plain buckled belt. Designed to show her flat stomach. Well-shaped arse buns, hips, and strong, sturdy legs to advantage. Over her body. She pulled a tight fine knit, dark green ‘V’ necked sweater. To compliment her blue-green eyes and highlight the swell of her firm breasts. Large nipples, and attractive throat; yet, keeping her cleavage hidden. Tanis’s thoughts on Kathy’s over-tight police uniform sweater. She tucked the sweater into her belt to further highlight her trim figure. She decided to leave her bra off. She finished by studying her image in the mirror. Before she brushed through her shortened golden hair. Then shaking it to settle it into a simple but effective athletic cut. Satisfied, she slipped white ankle socks and a comfortable pair of trainers on her feet. Pleased by her sporty look, she locked up and drove into town.


  She’d checked out three karate dojos without result. About to enter the fourth, which looked as if it had served its early days as a dockside warehouse. She noticed the neon lights outside advertising it like a dojo. One who specialised in a different type of martial arts called Uyeshiba and Tomiki Aikido. Interested. She walked through the door onto a large well-lit wooden floor strewn with falling mats. Overlooked by a wide low balcony. She watched the participants and deduced the sport’s skill lay in its working against the weight. Balance, nerve points, and joints of its opponents. It was defensive in its application and gained her attention with immediate interest. Here’s something I could use. She didn’t need to learn the discipline from scratch. All she needed was to take her host from one who already knew the art. She studied the people on the floor. Two fighters caught her eye. One a woman of exceptional beauty. Tanis found her breath, and her alien heart began to hammer. Fuck me!

  The woman who faced Tanis was one of the most attractive women she'd ever seen. It was evident both fighters were experts in the discipline they practised. Both moved with the speed of striking snakes. Neither one could get the advantage of the other. As the woman attacked, the superb defence of her handsome opponent blocked her. She guessed the opponent to be about twenty-five and the woman to be in her early twenties. Her eyes never left the woman’s body. Tall and broad-shouldered. Still, not too muscular, she moved with practised ease about her skilled opponent. It was a pleasure to watch her grace and manner. Why? She carries herself with the confidence and stance of a warrior Queen.

  The woman’s stunning eyes flashed in triumph. As, with lightning speed, she moved in to hold her opponent with a straight-arm wristlock. Which brought him to his knees. Her helpless opponent glanced up into her eyes. Then smiled his acknowledgement to her skill. That they were friends became clear from the familiar way she helped him to his feet Christ! She’s dominant too. I wonder what it would feel like to be helpless in her grasp…or she in mine. The woman’s hazel eyes complimented the honey brown of her short-cropped hair, which clung in an attractive wet frenzy around her beautiful face and long shapely neck. The deep, determined dimple in her chin. Bespoke her strength of character and added to her charisma. If the exquisite curve of her throat is anything to go by, the rest of her body must be close to perfection too. I must talk to her. If she meets my criteria, she will become my new host. Yet, she couldn’t explain why it was her alien heart and not Freyja’s, which hammered its erratic tune in Freyja’s chest. She is perfection itself!

  At that precise moment, the woman sensed Tanis studying her and looked up. Their eyes met, and she could see the woman’s features start with surprise, then blush a deep red. Caught off guard her opponent threw her. She smiled, turned, and walked towards a small office in the corner of the building. Conscious of the young beauty’s eyes playing on her body as she picked herself up off the mat.

  She spoke to the short fit-looking man in the office. “Can you help me, plea
se? What sport am I watching? It looks to be a beautifully balanced and effective form of fighting without weapons. Could you please tell me who the young man and woman are who are practising it with so much skill? My name is Tanis.”

  “Sure Tanis, I’ll be glad to. It’s Aikido, and its main feature is to use the weight and balance of your opponents against them. By using blocks, wristlocks, throws, sweeps, and pressure point to the nerves. You can control our opponent’s aggression and hold them helpless.”

  “Those two are good at it.”

  “You’re looking at Diana and Steve. You couldn’t have watched two better exponents of the art. Both are masters at it, and yet they’re so young. Diana has a rare natural aptitude for it, and Steve owns the business. Diana and I are Steve’s chief instructors. My name is John.”

  “I’m glad to meet you, John.”

  “If you want to join Tanis, I recommend you buy a small book on the discipline, which we sell here. The beginner’s class is on Monday nights. Diana takes it. We start at seven thirty. When you’ve read the book. Are conversant with some of the Japanese names for the different techniques. Come back and see us, Tanis.” He pointed to the balcony. “In the meantime, we have a small gallery overlooking the main hall from where you can watch the action. Take the book with you and pay me when you join. Would you like a drink before I take you up?”

  “Yes please, orange juice, and thank you.”

  “The class won’t be over for another half hour or so. You can talk to Diana then.”

  She mounted the stairs, her heart pounding. She found a table near the rail from where she could study the floor and the attractive, athletic woman below. She looks as though she has mixed parentage. I’d put her down as Eurasian. Her subject’s grace of movement and great beauty invoked further stirrings between her legs and in her stomach. I wonder if the man’s her lover? The lucky bastard. Her thoughts caused her body to ache with the desire to have Diana’s strong fit young body in her arms.


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