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The Willing Prey

Page 64

by Scarlett Sunday

  “Shut it, Missy! Your turn will come when I’ve finished with your girlfriend here. It won’t be too long either, believe me. I think another ten strokes with Brutus will do it for you, Tanis. I don’t want to spoil my marathon fuck. How do you feel about Brutus up your arse after this? The old Zulu Kings used to execute their prisoners by first impaling them up the arse with a sharpened post. Before they hoisted them off the ground to let their own weight finish them off. Sometimes the poor bastards would take days to die.”

  Tanis could feel Brutus’s long length buried deep within her body. His head banging away in anger at Freyja’s womb for not letting it penetrate any further. She tightened her body around Brutus, clasping him with her well-oiled lips. She synchronised to Joe’s animal thrusts with her own. Joe’s body dropped forward onto hers, his strong fingers at her breasts, his lips at her throat. He thrust upwards with the power to straighten her legs against their restraints again. Holy Shit! I am enjoying this. Tanis turned until her lips sucked with hunger at Joe’s jugular. She couldn’t believe her luck. Tanis waited until Joe’s breath started to come in short quick gasps. Until she could feel the hot stream of his warm explosion drenching her insides. Until she’d joined him with her finish before she struck. Her teeth buried deep in his jugular, her venom flooding his bloodstream. She looked down at him and screamed. “Got you, you big Aussi turd!”

  Diana looked up when she heard Tanis’s yell of triumph. Her face broke into a smile. “Kill the fucking prick, Tanis.”

  Surprised and paralysed Joe stayed with Tanis’s body. Anchored by Brutus and the chain she had twisted around his neck. Holding him there until she had finished. Tanis pulled Joe’s head back and smiled, then looked into his eyes before she began to suck the life force from his body. Joe tried to speak; but, couldn’t.

  “I could’ve killed you earlier Joe, but I fancied a good fuck from Brutus first. Your cock is one of a kind. I enjoyed the whipping, and I’m sorry I couldn’t wait for the arse impalement. Before you die, I must thank you for great rough sex Joe.”

  Tanis had intended to take her time to savour Joe’s slow painful demise as she drew his life essence from his body. But, with Diana dangling by her wrists, she dared not. Tanis sensed the spellbound eyes of Diana on her mouth as she began to feed on Joe. She came once more with Joe’s Brutus still anchored inside her. Half-strangled with his neck still intact. So, he could feel the pain of her extraction. She drained Joe’s body of all its nutrients. Finished, Tanis kicked aside the small pile of red dust and clothes at her feet. Before she freed her ankles from their bonds. In quick succession, she released her wrists, then sprang towards Diana.

  “Tanis if I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it. Joe’s gone, and he disappeared right before my eyes in a red cloud of dust. Are you, all right?”

  “Yes, pristine. Joe only fucked me rigid, which is something I’ll not forget in a hurry. I wonder if he enjoyed the pain as much as the pain he dishes out to his slaves. He’s gone now and won’t be back. I feel rejuvenated by him.” She pulled Diana’s hook from the wall so she could lower her hands. Releasing her, she carried her into the second bedroom. “Rest here sweetheart while I deal with Susan and Sarah. Don’t ask any questions. Trust me, you’ll be meeting them later.” She injected some venom into Diana’s throat to calm her and kissed her with tenderness. “Remember I love you. Sweet dreams Angel.”

  Tanis entered the bedroom where Susan and Sarah lay. Both frightened and surprised when they saw her. “Tanis!” They shouted together. The surprise on their faces turning to dread. Susan said. “We thought Joe had killed you and believe us we didn’t want that. What are you going to do to us now? We knew Joe was a bastard. Even so, being a bastard, he had us by the short and curlies, and he knew it.”

  “I’m not going to do anything to you, Susan. Joe is dead, so it’s over. I managed to kill him while he fucked me. Diana’s in there sleeping. I’ve drugged her so Joe’s carcass won’t bother her. I’ll get rid of it later. I’m still excited Susan. Joe’s Brutus has made me hungry for more. I can understand now why you two could not resist him. I’d like to stay in here with you and Sarah while Diana rests. We can finish what we started. We can play Sarah’s fantasy drama if you like, with me acting the part of the Vampire?”

  “I’m glad you don’t blame us, Tanis. We realise now Joe would have killed us too if you hadn’t killed him. Joe doesn’t like to leave witnesses. We owe you our lives.”

  “I’ll take part of your debt now, you can pay me the rest later. Move over Susan and let me in. I wish you had not lied to me though. I thought it kinky you and Sarah in love with each other. It turned me on.”

  “I thought it kinky too. But that was Joe’s idea.”

  Tanis untied them. “Sarah can rub some ointment on my back and cunt first before you take your catsuits off. Before you tie Sarah up Susan, I’ll change into something appropriate first then return to tie you up. Before you repay me in part by living Sarah’s Vampire fantasy with me. You’ll feel some pain, but then, you two love pain. Okay?”

  “Okay. We can’t wait for you to suck us dry Tanis. It will be Sarah’s favourite drama from now on.”

  “Go to it then, the ointments in the draw.” When Sarah had finished rubbing it in, she said. “Thank you, Sarah, that felt nice. I’ll be back with the prop coffin soon Susan. You can tie Sarah up in the meantime.”

  Aroused Susan replied. “Okay, Tanis.”

  Tanis returned dressed in a transparent white negligee. Her mouth made up to look like Sarah’s Vampire, her bared fangs her own. She entered dragging the prop coffin behind her. She hogtied Susan up while Sarah was climaxing at the sight of her. Sucking at their throats, she injected a little venom into both her victims’ jugulars. To heighten their mood. After she’d dimmed the lights. She lay down in the coffin as if in a catatonic trance. In full view of the twins, she waited for the twin’s venom-induced imagination to take effect. Rising from the coffin in the flickering candlelight of the twins’ imagined crypt. She looked like a ghost. She moved towards the bed. Then began to act out Sarah’s macabre fantasy. On both the twins’ pleasure-pain wracked bodies. First, she fucked them into semi-consciousness with her thick tongue. Afterwards, moving up their trembling bodies to their throats. She pulled their heads back by the hair to expose their necks to her bite. From each swollen jugular vein, to promote realism, she drew a pint or two of blood. Making sure they felt the exquisite pain of the withdrawal.

  What’s the use, if their drama’s not realistic?

  While they were still within their noisy orgasms, Tanis paralysed them. Both helpless now. She draped their surprised bodies, one over each shoulder and entered Zana. There she placed them into stasis chambers alongside the sleeping Amanda, and the two Indian concubines, before saying. “Human Vampires do exist Susan, Sarah. You’re looking at one now. When you wake, your fantasy will become a reality. With me doing the honours in Diana’s host body. It’s no more than you both deserve for hurting my Diana.” Five female prey bodies for my sleep. Enough to see me through until my return.


  Diana awoke on the third day in Zana. Refreshed and happy with the memory of her cruel experience wiped from her mind. With Tanis in her arms.

  Unknown to her, she would be meeting the twin sisters again as their predator. As she fondled Tanis’s breasts, she gazed down into her eyes and said. “Tanis, I had a kinky dream about you and me last night. Two young Scottish identical twin girls and a tall, dark, handsome stranger called Joe the Stallion Mallion. The man was dressed as a New Orleans slave owner. He had a massive cock called Brutus? Oh! He had a bullwhip too. He fucked us both in a staged bondage drama. Did it actually happen or was it one of your dreams again?”

  “One of my dreams Diana. Even so, what a thought. Maybe one day we’ll try it out as a drama when we’re together? I’m glad you enjoyed your dream, Diana.” Checking on Jean’s sleeping body. She added her memory of Shannon to Jean’s sleeping m
ind. ‘Shannon deserves my gift like no other, my daughter. For it was her direction, which brought us thus far and together. First, enjoy her favours, then when some years have passed, give her my reward. I look forward to meeting her on my return. Kathy, Hilary and Tara too.’

  Before leaving Zana, she said to Diana. “It’s Tuesday Diana so rest easy for a couple of days. If you’re hungry sit in the pilot’s chair and Zana will sustain you. If you want to make love, she’ll do that too. I’ll see you when I return. You’ll be safe here with Zana and remember. To you, she has my face. Don’t go into the stasis chambers, will you? I’ve sealed the compartment for Jean’s healing.”

  “I promise Tanis. Please be careful. I love you too much to lose you now.”

  “You’ll never lose me, my love. Not now, not ever.”



  Wallace and Elizabeth


  The last three nights had taken a lot out of Tanis. If Joe had decided to shoot her, things might have turned out different. His ego had killed him. It was lucky for her Joe couldn’t help himself once Brutus had awakened. He’d paid the ultimate price for his lust and ended up as her prey. Now his essence would give her the energy needed to hunt another. Diana’s tender care had healed her body, and the new clothes she’d bought for her would set her snare. In the meantime, Diana could rest. She opened her wardrobe and took from it the matching outfit Diana had bought for her. In light grey suede, the short jacket embroidered with the dark grey thread was Diana’s favoured style. Coupled with the pale primrose yellow button-through’ ‘V’ top sweater. Like the one, Diana had worn for Sarah. It had become her favourite combination of colours. She felt no guilt at what she was about to do, and her light mood reflected her choice of dress.

  Tanis stepped into the pale primrose yellow silk panties and matching suspender belt. Which would hold up her sheer nylon stockings and smiled? Dressing to attract my prey is a sensual experience. Amanda, Helga, Tanaka, and Joe are gone. No one suspects me so far, I deserve a night of fun and frolic. Her tight-buttoned cashmere sweater Tanis wore without a bra. Tucked into the tight circle of the polished dark grey leather belt of her short skirt. The knitted garment served to firm her breasts and nipples into delicate points of distraction.

  Tanis smiled with satisfaction, turned, then pinched a nipple. The erotic sensation sent an excited surge of pre-hunt anticipation throughout her body. The single strand gold chain. With its yellow diamond pendant nesting in the hollow of her throat. Tuned itself to her accelerating heartbeat. The small brilliant diamond would further reflect her mood when it caught the light. She felt like a comfortable package wrapped in sensual delight. Her dark grey clutch purse. Dark grey high-heeled shoes. Her matching light grey embroidered jacket with gold clasps left open at the front. Almost; but not entirely finished her dress.

  Tanis clipped up her golden hair to emphasise her long swan-like neck. Then added two yellow diamond drops to her succulent earlobes. After which she slipped a huge yellow diamond ring onto her right-hand middle finger. Not forgetting the matching heavy gold lock-chain around her right ankle. Her open jacket and body language would dissolve any embarrassment. It would give the impression to her unwary prey she was a young, rich, and sophisticated well-to-do business executive out on the town. One who knew what she wanted, one who advertised her sexuality for it. She looked for any flaws. There were none. She would be irresistible to the right person, and she knew it. Satisfied, she watched as her thoughts changed the fire in her beautiful eyes, into two deep pools of want. When her intended victim had her undressed to her underwear. With her lips on their throat, their hands on her breasts, or between her legs, there could be no turning back. She knew her prey better than they knew themselves.

  Tonight, dressed to kill, she whispered. “Old habits die hard Helen, forgive me and enjoy the evening’s hunt.”

  Before leaving the house. Tanis covered her body with a fashionable light grey overcoat. Dressed for the chase, she locked the front door and walked the short distance to Hatton’s railway station. Where she caught the evening train into Dunton. Instinct told her she had more chance of finding her prey there than in a small village like Hatton. She’d been lucky to trap Paul and Helen in Hatton. Her eyes darkened with genuine sadness at Paul’s demise.

  Helen had made her own choice. I hope it’s the right person tonight for Helen’s sake. Although, I must not neglect the others. At Dunton station, she boarded a waiting taxi and instructed the young driver to take her to the nearest public house. “One, which has life in it, driver.” I don’t want the noise and crowded bustle of a London nightclub to distract my prey. Tonight’s not for disco dancing. But for the evocative glance across the room and the tongue between moist lips. Highlighting my condition below. Calculated to quicken the interest and pulse of anyone interested. One who can read the signs and is within reach of my pheromones. Her body vibrated her excitement.

  Her thoughts focused on the night ahead. She only half heard what the young taxi driver was saying. “I know a pub not far from here, which might suit you, Miss. It has a Karaoke night tonight and never too crowded.” The taxi driver took liberty as he continued. “With respect Miss, you are an attractive woman. I know you’ll find what you are looking for in there.”

  Intrigued by his perception Tanis smiled. “What am I looking for?”

  “Well, from the way you’re dressed it’s plain. You’re a classy woman Miss. One of the best dressed I’ve ever seen. The ‘Queen and Leicester’ is a classy pub. Its customers are classy people. The people who sell their wares there, from the top draw.”

  Taken with his complements Tanis continued. “What are you waiting for then? Take me there and thank you for your interest in my evening out. It’s earned you a large tip.”

  He grinned at her in the mirror. “Thank you, Miss.,”

  The driver pulled up in front of a large Elizabethan public house set back off the road on its own grounds. It looked familiar to her. She remembered a romance between a Queen and her noble consort. I’ve been here before, and I’ll bet at the back is the small wood where I killed Count Alphonso. What a small world this is. Known as the ‘Cock and Hen’ or as the young gay blades of the day liked to call it then. The ‘Cock and Cunt.’ It had been one of her favourite hunting grounds. She smiled at her memories. I always had an easy capture here. I hope the same holds true tonight. Her host at the time had been a young and beautiful Irish noblewoman called Erin Connor, whom she’d captured on her last Viking raid to the Western Isles. After her capture. She as Shani had used all her seductive wiles to try to bring the young Irish chieftain’s daughter into her bed. She smiled at the memory. In the end, Shani had to force her prisoner to submit to her sexual wishes or die. How was she to know it was Erin’s fantasy to surrender her body to a more powerful woman captor? Lying exhausted in each other’s arms the next morning, she had asked. ‘Why to a woman Erin?’ Erin had answered. ‘Because it’s who I am.’

  “Miss…Miss, we’re here. You looked as though you’d dozed off. I’m sorry if I startled you.”

  “No, it’s all right. My mind was on other things.”

  Tanis paid the driver his fare and his promised tip. Stepping from the cab, she entered the main hall of the hostelry. Found an empty table in the corner next to the stage, removed her coat and scarf, then sat down. Her eyes swept across the happy faces around her looking for a potential victim. It was early yet, and the Karaoke hadn’t started, so she contented herself with more memories and a drink.

  Brought out of her thoughts by the sexy voice of the first singer. Singing an old Celine Dion hit, Tanis glanced up towards the stage. The love song’s powerful hypnotic sound seeping into her being. The young black Cleopatra’s powerful voice reminded her of Aysher. It was a potent combination and took her immediate interest. Christ! What a beauty…and with a sexy voice too. The singer’s long black hair fell onto her broad shoulders in a straight fall and had woven into its end
s and velvet fringe long porcelain beads of red, white, and blue. The whole style accented the soft ebony glow of her skin, dark, enchanting eyes, and stunning body. Her outlined lips, full and well-formed. Moved with seductive verve over her beautiful white teeth as she sang. Set into her face of dark African beauty. They begged attention, as did the muscular pulsing arteries in her long attractive throat.

  Her thoughts afire, Tanis studied the singer. With those gorgeous lips, I’ll bet she can kiss. At both ends too? Her eyes followed the curve of the singer’s throbbing throat down onto her half-hidden breasts, and she gasped. Her tongue moving over hungry lips to moisten them, her eyes lingered there. Topped with hard pointed nipples. Which pushed with unyielding force against the thin black jersey fabric of the beauty’s short dress. Their firmness required no bra. When she inhaled, the singer’s black dress clung to her superb body with such loyalty. It gave her dark body a natural nakedness.

  Tanis’s eyes moved lower. Strong defined abdominal muscles supported by well-rounded hips and muscular well-shaped thighs. Demanded her tongue’s caress. Her stomach trembled with desire as her prey swayed to the music. Giving to her beauty a wild Amazonian splendour. When her eyes took in the deeper shadow between the singer’s athletic thighs. And the superb well-developed calves below.

  Tanis could feel the moisture of excitement seeping through her velvet. When they focused on the hidden object of her desire, she whispered. “I must have her at any cost.” Her eyes moved lower to the high-heeled shoes of black Moroccan leather. Which did not entirely complete the picture? Her eyes searched for completion. She found it in the well-formed curves of the singer’s tight arse as she half turned away from her. She noted the singer’s heavy silver chain around her attractive left ankle. The silver rings on all the fingers of her right hand also. Her glance strayed onto the long caressing fingers of her subject’s left fingers. In which she held her microphone. The middle finger, circled by a huge ruby ring, gave her, her answer. If she’s not caressing an aroused clit or a swollen breast, my name’s not Tanis. Her left-hand ring tells me who she is. The chain around her left ankle a clue to her secret desires? I wonder. Is she a beautiful black equal to Shannon? Where had she learnt the language of the rings?


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