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Small Town King: A Single Dad Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 3)

Page 20

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Magnolia,” he whispers hoarsely.

  “Yeah?” I search his eyes.

  “Let’s get these things off and go.” His words are heavy with meaning, and it seems like he’s also holding himself back.

  “Where?” I lean closer, the front of my skates knocking into his.

  “Somewhere I can hold you without worrying about falling so I can kiss those beautiful lips.”

  My body reacts, trembling and heating. It’s like his words coat my skin, giving me a peek at what his hands and mouth would do. “Okay.”

  Carefully, we head toward the exit of the rink and to a bench to take off the skates. With our butts safely seated, Brett leans forward and grabs the back of my head, pressing his lips to mine. I smile as he inches back to look at me.

  “Wanna grab a pizza and eat it at my place?” I ask, hoping he doesn’t think it’s too forward. I just want to spend time with him without worrying about other people judging our relationship.

  “Sounds good.”

  “I don’t mean for that to sound like an inappropriate invitation. I just want to have privacy since Willow Creek is small and people are already speculating about our relationship,” I explain quickly.

  Brett chuckles. “Relax.” His hand wraps around mine. “I get it.”

  “Okay, good.” I nod, putting on my shoes and standing. “Come on.” I reach my hand out. Brett takes it with comfortable ease and we return the skates before driving back to town and picking up a pizza.

  After grabbing the pizza, Brett and I sit in my living room with plates and a box of pizza resting on the coffee table.

  “Lucy’s cousin said they do need some camp counselors, so I’m going to stop by early tomorrow morning before opening the bookstore,” I tell Brett.

  After talking to my mom on Sunday, I felt better about staying in Willow Creek and trying to find my place here. She assured me they were okay, and are looking into an assistant program to help with the high medication bills. I hope they get approved.

  “That’s great,” Brett says, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

  “I feel a little weird being a thirty-year-old camp counselor, but at least I’ll be working with kids and it will buy me some time to find something steadier. Who knows, maybe it’ll open a new door of opportunity.” I shrug.

  “I think it’s great, and I still agree with Lucy. You should set up a website and get some clients.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it.” I take a bite of the spicy sausage pizza, savoring the salty and smokey hints.

  “I can help you,” Brett offers.

  I lift my brows as I look at him. “Really?” I can’t help the smile that takes over my face.

  “Yeah.” He’s serious. Brett takes my hand, his thumb brushing my skin. “I’ll help any way I can. My reasons might be selfish since I want you to stay here, but I want you to also be able to have your dream job.”

  I place my plate on the table and scoot closer to him, slipping my hand from his and holding his face with my hands. “My reasons for staying are also selfish. I like you, Brett, a whole damn lot.” I sweep my thumbs back and forth across his cheeks, his stubble scraping the pads of my fingers in an enticing way.

  We stare at each other silently, both looking for answers in the other’s eyes. Brett makes me feel whole. It’s weird. No other guy I’ve dated had risen the sensations inside of me that he has. It’s like tickling happiness mixed with nervous energy and random bursts of excitement. I find myself smiling to myself throughout the day, looking forward to talking to him.

  “I like you, too.” He moves his hands to my hips. “I never thought this was possible. After losing Ella, I just assumed I’d live day to day, raising Charlie and Chloe on my own, only with the help of my family. I figured my chance at happiness was stolen when she was in that car accident. Despite the hard days, since I met you I’ve felt happier. I hate that you got fired, but I love that it opened up the chance to be this way with you.” His hands tighten around my hips as if emphasizing his point.

  I nod. “I agree. It led to a different opportunity.”

  My heart races as Brett stares at me silently. He pulls me close, his lips landing on mine in a gentle kiss. I move my hands from his face to the back of his neck, digging into his hair and holding tightly. When his tongue brushes against the seam of my lips, I open for him. Instantly, his tongue searches mine, and they tangle and dance. My body heats at the feel of his kiss, the feel of his hands on my hips.

  Scooting closer, I deepen the kiss as my heart thunders in my chest. Brett releases the bit of self-control he was hanging on to, and we’re wild lips and wandering hands roaming each other’s bodies. I can’t get any closer without getting on his lap, and Brett must read me because he tugs me until I’m straddling him. I gaze down at him for a brief second before I crash my mouth to his and continue my assault. My hands tug at the roots of his hair, and he groans.

  “You feel so good in my arms.” I swallow his husky words.

  On automatic, my hips grind against his, our jeans creating a barrier in our friction. My entire body is on fire. My skin pebbles when his lips move down my jaw, his stubble scraping me enticingly. I moan, moving my hands to his shoulders and chest, needing to touch him. Brett trails hot kisses down my neck to my collarbone, nipping my skin, and I cry out. Hips thrust against each other as I pant. I’m burning for so much more. All the pent up need and desire I’ve had for him for months explodes, blinding me.

  “Brett…” I moan.

  “Yeah, babe?” His words are mumbled against my skin. When his teeth graze my earlobe and suck, I lose myself.

  My body moves over his with wild abandon, and it’s slightly embarrassing that I’m dry humping him. Brett doesn’t seem to mind one bit since his hips thrust up against mine. One of his hands moves down my back, grabbing my ass and pressing me into him. His hard erection digs into my sensitive core.

  “I-I… Jesus,” he growls after stuttering. His lips land on mine again, nothing slow and deliberate about us now.

  I wonder if he’s warring with himself. If he wants this and yet feels guilty or unsure since he hasn’t touched or kissed anyone since his wife died. I stop abruptly at that thought and stare into his eyes. They’re wide and confused, both of us gasping for air and chests rising and falling at high speed.

  “What…” He shakes his head and clears his throat. “What happened?” He moves his hand from my butt and holds my back.

  “Sorry,” I whisper.

  “Too fast? Too much?” He searches my eyes.

  I shake my head. “No. I just… Is it too fast for you?”

  Brett sighs and brings a hand to my forehead, massaging the tension that built up between my eyebrows.

  “No, Magnolia.” He shakes his head. “It’s true that this is new to me in a sense, but it’s time. It’s time I build my life with someone else. Ella would’ve wanted that.” He takes a deep breath.

  “In fact, she told me such a few days before her accident. As if she knew something was going to happen, she told me that if she ever passed, she’d want me to be happy. I got angry, but I now realize it was a way of her letting me know that this is okay. It’s okay for me to feel something for someone else.”

  Tears burn the back of my throat, and I blink quickly to hide the evidence. Brett smiles sadly, holding the side of my face and kissing my forehead.

  “I’m ready,” he whispers. “We don’t have to do anything more tonight, but I want you to know that I’m ready to be with you, all in.”

  I smile, relaxing and hugging him. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and inhale his spice and woodsy cologne. Dropping a kiss there, I lean back to look into his eyes.

  “Okay.” One word, a soft whisper, the opening to something so much more than either of us ever expected.

  Brett kisses me lazily. We take our time, our tongues stroking sensually. When his hands press into my ass and pull me toward him, I groan and hold on to his shoulders, wan
ting more than this but also needing to take our time. We don’t have to go all the way tonight, but I want more than gentle kisses.

  He sneaks his fingers into the waist of my jeans, his skin touching mine. When he moves it around in the tight confinement, Brett leans back and demands I lay down. Following his instructions, he balances over me on the small couch, and we continue our explorations. This moment is intimate and special. His hands move over my body, burning touches teasing me until he undoes my jeans and swipes his finger against my sensitive skin. I arch my hips into his touch, moaning.

  His eyes burn into mine before he touches me again. A devilish smirk lifts one side of his lips before he removes my jeans and stares at me. Brett and I get lost in each other. Teasing touches turn hotter and more demanding until he’s thrusting his fingers into me and rubbing my clit with his thumb, his lips kissing me. My hand wraps around his length, stroking him, matching his desire with mine, until we’re both panting and messy.

  Brett hooks his fingers, finding the spot that throws me overboard, and I cry out his name as my entire body heats with an orgasm all the while Brett thrusts into my hand. His fingers don’t lose their beat, prolonging my climax as bursts of colors dance behind my eyelids and I tremble at his mercy.

  I lose myself in his touch that I barely register his growl before I feel his dick pulsing in my hand with his own orgasm. We stare at each other, ours hands still on one another. Brett kisses me fast and hard before moving his hand away from my body. He holds his body up with his other, and his eyes darken. I moan when he licks his fingers.

  “Goodness,” I mumble.

  “So good,” he whispers before kissing me again, more gently this time.

  After cleaning up, Brett as best as possible, he leaves with a promise of seeing me soon. I lean against the door after watching him walk down the hall in my apartment building and sigh happily.

  I’ve never experienced this sense of joy and peace in my life, and I can’t imagine letting it go. Somehow, I have to believe that everything will fall into place. Maybe the job that brought me here was a stepping stone to finding something else, someone else. A step in the direction of living my life.

  Chapter 28


  I sit in the quiet kitchen while Charlie and Chloe still sleep, taking some time to myself as I drink coffee. I continue to think about Magnolia. She’s been constantly on my mind, and each time I see her, my heart beats faster. After everything I’ve lived through, I never thought I’d feel this way toward another woman. Yet here I am, feeling a pressure in my chest every time I see or talk to Magnolia.

  She’s given me something that’s priceless. She’s given my daughters the will to live fearlessly again, a place where they feel safe. She taught them to look at life head-on and know they can overcome battles. And she’s taught me so much, how to heal, trust again, and understand that it’s okay to move on. She did that without even realizing. No amount of money I have will buy the peace she’s gifted me. These few weeks of spending time with her, getting to know her, have made me happy.

  The man who drowned in work to not face his problems is now taking a stand toward them so I can be a better man for her. Ella would want that. She’d want me to be the man she knew and loved not the shadow of that person. She’d want our girls to have a present father they can count on. She’d want me to love again because she always believed it was what made life worth living.

  I breathe into my mug and clear my throat, washing away the heavy emotions with the bitter coffee. Then, I grab my phone and open my messages app.

  Brett: Good morning beautiful. Have a good day

  I smile, looking at the other messages Magnolia and I have shared. I chuckle at her awkward jokes while I wait for her to respond. She’s got a few more days working at the bookstore before June and Miles return, and I’m hoping she’s got another job lined up that will keep her here. This isn’t temporary for me. Each time we’ve gone out since our first date, a spark in my chest lights and sparkles. I’ve only ever felt that with one other woman.

  Magnolia: Good morning *heart emoji* Thank you. Same to you. What are you and the girls doing today?

  Brett: I’m going to ask if they want to go to the park

  Magnolia: That’s fun. They’ll love that.

  Brett: I’m going to tell them about us

  I pause, reading the message I sent without a second-thought, surprised by my own comment. It feels right, though. It’s time Charlie and Chloe know I’ve been seeing her when they ask why I’ve been going out so much.

  Magnolia: Are you sure?

  “Fuck this,” I mumble and hit her name on the screen. This is something we need to talk about, not discuss in written messages.

  “Hey,” her husky voice greets me, and I clench my jaw. She’s probably still in bed, and visions of her hit the front of my mind.

  “Hey, babe, I thought this is something we could talk about at least over the phone if I can’t have you in person.”

  “Brett…” Her soft voice draws out.

  “Are you in bed?” I ask before I regret it.

  A throaty laugh sounds, and my cock stiffens. “Are you really asking me that?”

  “Yes,” I growl.

  “Focus, Brett,” she says teasingly.

  “Okay, okay.” I blow out a breath. “It’s time I told them. They should know, and I think they’re ready.” I’m ready. I keep that to myself, but knowing Magnolia she’s thinking the same. That’s the thing, she allows me to process on my own without pushing.

  “I want you to do what feels right. I don’t want you to think I expect it.”

  “I know you don’t.” I stop her from continuing. “I want them to know. I don’t want to hide around when I’m going to see you, or keep my distance when we run into you or visit the bookstore.”

  “Okay,” she says quietly.

  “Is that okay with you?” I didn’t think if she’d mind.

  “Of course, Brett. I want the girls to be okay, and I know that we have something special so they’ll eventually learn about us. I also don’t think that you keeping this to yourself is you not being sure about me. If you weren’t sure, you wouldn’t have asked me out.”

  I move a hand down my face. This is exactly why she’s so perfect. She gets it.

  “Magnolia, the girls are okay. I’ll tell them today. I don’t want them to hear from someone else that their dad has a girlfriend and get upset. Besides, it’s time.” What I’m feeling for her isn’t superficial. We may have only been dating for a few weeks, but this feeling’s been building for months. We couldn’t act on it, but that doesn’t stop the feeling from growing.

  “Girlfriend, huh?” I hear a smile in her voice.

  “Yeah,” I breathe out.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “I like the sound of you.” I smile to myself. “In bed,” I add to tease her.

  Magnolia giggles. “Stop.”

  Hearing some shuffles, I look to the left and see Charlie appearing from the living room. “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  “Bye, boyfriend,” she says easily, humor in her voice.

  I groan and hang up, turning to look at Charlie’s messy hair and sleep-swollen eyes.

  “Hey, baby girl.” I smile at Charlie as she drags her body toward me. Picking her up, I set her on my lap and kiss the side of her head.

  “Good morning, Daddy.” Charlie rubs her eyes and leans her head on my shoulder, yawning.

  I brush her hair out of her eyes and smile down at her. She’s always been a morning person.

  “Do you want breakfast? I can scramble eggs and make toast.”

  “Okay,” she says sleepily.

  I stand, carrying her, and set her on the stool I vacated. Kissing the top of her head, I walk to the fridge and pull the milk, serving her a glass, before getting started on the scramble.

  The sound of the whisk clacking against a ceramic bowl fills the kitchen while Charlie take
s a sip of milk and leans on the counter.

  “Daddy, can I have my toast first?”

  “Yeah,” I nod. I stop whisking and toast two slices of bread before adding cheese to the eggs.

  I begin cooking them. When the bread snaps up on the toaster, I place them on a plate and add butter before cutting them in half and sliding the plate toward Charlie.

  “Thank you,” she smiles and takes a bite.

  I look up over Charlie’s head when I hear small steps and see Chloe walking into the kitchen.

  “Good mornin’,” I say happily.

  “Hi,” she says quietly.

  Charlie helps Chloe onto a stool while I finish scrambling the eggs. I plate them and smirk when I see Charlie’s shared her toast with her sister. I have the best daughters a dad could ask for.

  “I was thinking about going to the park after breakfast. What do you say?” I look at them from the other side of the counter as they eat their breakfast. I take a drink of fresh coffee while I wait for their response.

  Both girls smile.

  “Yes!” they say around mouths full of food.

  “We’ll get ready once you finish up.” I push back from the counter and wash the pan while I think of a way to bring up Magnolia.

  Once they finish eating, Charlie and Chloe bring over their plates, and I rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. I turn to face them, thanking God for having these two girls in my life.

  “I want to tell you something,” I say before they walk away.

  Their round eyes stare at me silently. I reach for their hands, and we head into the living room. Sitting on the leather couch, I sit each girl on either side of me. Nerves fill me, and my heart pounds. I’m unsure how they’ll react. Chloe doesn’t remember Ella, and Charlie has a vague memory of her. But they’ve never had to share me with someone else, and I’m afraid they won’t understand.


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