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Page 11

by J. M. Madden

  He moved, but only up her body to look down into her eyes. He gave her that roguish smile he had, reached down with one hand and positioned the head of himself at her entrance. Then, very carefully, he began to push forward.

  Jack was a big guy in every single way and the further he pushed, the more she appreciated everything he’d done to prepare her body. Because even as pliant and as wet as she was, it was taking a minute to accept him. It didn’t help that her body was still rippling with aftershocks, gripping and releasing, gripping and releasing. Andrea could tell he was enjoying the feeling as well because his eyes fluttered shut at one point, and she could tell he was breathing deliberately, as if trying to maintain control.

  Andrea had been waiting for this moment for so long and she didn’t want it to be a nice, deliberate screw. She wanted him to lose control just as he’d made her lose it. Leaning up, she nibbled along his jaw. “I want you to fuck me, Jack. I want you to fuck me like you’ve been wanting to all this time. I want you to pound me into the mattress.”

  He buried his head next to her shoulder, groaning as his body surged into hers. Andrea gasped in pain and pleasure. She thought he’d been in further, but obviously not. Then he moved again, stretching her body more than she’d ever been stretched. “Oh, my God,” she breathed.

  Jack wrapped his arms beneath hers, his hands holding her shoulders as he curled into her, again and again. Their size difference was a little awkward, but they were making it work. As her body acclimated to his, she could feel her pleasure building again. Every time he stroked deep, hitting a spot beyond her cervix, she could feel the tension build. His movements were speeding up as well and she thought he was losing the grip on his control.

  “You’re going to make me come again,” she whispered to him. Immediately his movements tightened and she could tell he was working for her, adjusting his movements for her to find her release again. “I want to feel you come inside me, Jack.”

  His control snapped. He rammed his body into hers over and over again. The headboard began to smack against the wall, but he didn’t notice. She could feel the pleasure about to explode in him and she lifted her legs high, bracing her feet on his flanks. Oh, yeah, that was the spot. Her orgasm struck hard, her back arching off the bed as she gave a little keening scream. Jack gave her several long, hard, fast strokes before his tempo slowed and his own orgasm swallowed him. He braced himself up on his arms as he panted, and Andrea watched his face go lax, then harden into a grimace that almost looked painful as he shuddered through the orgasm.

  Andrea knew that Jack would probably come up with some reason why they couldn’t do this again or why it was dishonoring Dorian’s memory, but she didn’t see it that way at all. She saw it as the potential beginning of something beautiful that was theirs, and not about anyone else. For now she would wrap her arms around him and hold him close for as long as he would allow her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jack didn’t like feeling vulnerable—he doubted any man did— but Andrea, all one hundred pounds of her, made him feel like a wet behind the ears teenager. It had taken every ounce of control he had in him to not come as soon as he felt her slick heat wrap around him. He’d tried to take it slow, but she’d been so tight and welcoming.

  “Are you okay,” he rumbled, looking down at her. “Did I hurt you?”

  In the pale light of the moon he could see the flash of her teeth. “I am totally fine. Might be walking a little funny in the morning but maybe you’ll be a gentleman and not point that out.”

  Jack smiled slightly. He knew he needed to move but she felt so delicious wrapped around him. Reluctantly, he pulled away and shifted to the side, reaching for his discarded t-shirt to catch any mess. He rolled onto his back, sighing at the complete relaxation that dragged at his bones. He glanced at the bedside table. Three in the morning. They’d woken up out of a dead sleep to fuck. Made crazy sense. He’d gone to sleep hard.

  Andrea moved to the side of the bed and he felt the mattress release as she headed to the bathroom.

  He listened to the sounds she made, fighting the need to sleep. He didn’t want to yet. For some reason he wanted to make sure she came back to bed. Reaching to the side of the bed he found his underwear and pulled them on.

  He heard the toilet flush and then the water ran in the sink for a minute before shutting off. In his mind’s eye he could see her drying her hands and glancing in the mirror to run her fingers through her hair. Andrea slid into the bed with him just a few seconds later and immediately draped across his chest. She hadn’t bothered to put her bra back on, but she had found a pair of panties. He shifted his arm a little to wrap around her, then began stroking the length of her back, from shoulders to hips. Once in a while he would run a finger under the band of her underwear.

  “Thank you for not shutting me down immediately,” she murmured. Her fingers were stroking his side, just on the edge of tickling.

  Her words sank in and he frowned into the night. “Why would I shut you down? We both made the decision to do what we did. It wasn’t just you.”

  She sighed against his chest and he pulled her a little closer. Andrea was a wonderful handful and he wished… no, he’d better stop there and just enjoy their time together.

  “Let’s go to sleep. I have a feeling we’ll have plenty to do tomorrow to find these kids.”

  “I hope they’re okay,” she whispered.

  “They will be,” he promised her, in spite of the gnawing feeling in his gut.

  A sound woke him about an hour later and he lifted his head. The room was incredibly dark and the clock on the table read four ten. They’d been asleep less than an hour. Andrea was curled up beside him, sleeping deeply. What had woken him? There was a small, blue light blinking on the dresser across the room. Was that Andrea’s phone? Who would be texting her at this time of morning?

  Curious, he rolled out of bed and walked over. She’d plugged the phone into the charger and there was a notification light blinking. He pressed the power button to light the screen. There was a text from an unknown number. He saw the words ‘This is Dylan before the phone asked for the security code.

  “Andrea,” he called, unplugging the phone and walking it to her. His knee caught for a minute and he had to shake it out.

  Andrea took a deep breath and stretched, and there was no way he could keep his eyes from following her bare breasts. They were beautiful and such a nice handful, her nipples tight and pink. In spite of the bad timing his body began to respond.

  When she blinked up at him, she smiled. “Hey,” she said, her voice husky. “It’s early.”

  “Yes, and you just got a text.”

  He handed the phone over and she swiped through, keying in her lock code. “It’s from Dylan.”

  Are you there?

  We’re in a warehouse somewhere. Near the ocean. I know that’s not much to go on, but I think I hear people talking too.

  There are six of us here and we’re ok for now but the head guy is really angry.

  The guy guarding us fell asleep.

  I hope you’re getting these messages.

  Andrea began typing immediately. The last message had come in only a few minutes ago. We’re here! I’m so glad you’re okay. Be careful you’re not caught!

  Hey! I won’t. The guy snores crazy loud and I’ll hear if he wakes up.

  “Ask him to describe his location.”

  She keyed in the words, then waited. She handed him the phone and reached for the bra at her feet. Her breasts bounced as they disappeared beneath the elastic and he sighed. It was better that she start getting dressed. He had a feeling their morning was starting.

  It’s def a warehouse. Windows up high. Must be near a stop light because I can see the light changes in the fog outside. I hear big trucks.

  Andrea paused in her dressing. “The docks?”

  Jack nodded, thinking along the same lines. In addition to the Norfolk Shipyards, there was also a huge international s
hipping terminal just to the south, and there were countless warehouses just outside the gates that used that terminal.

  She finished dressing and took the phone back from him. Do you smell anything?

  There was a pause.

  Not really. Maybe motor oil?

  That wasn’t much to go on. “Let’s get Mike up and see what we can figure out.”

  When they went out into the house, though, they realized Mike was already up and sitting at his computer once again.

  “Did you sleep?” Jack asked him.

  Mike spun the chair and blinked at him. “Yeah, for a while, until some kind of seismic anomaly hit the house.”

  Jack frowned at him, wondering what the hell he was talking about. Then he caught sight of Andrea’s face. She’d turned beet red and the realization hit him. Had they been that loud?

  “Oh. Well, um… Hey, Dylan is talking to us.”

  Andrea handed the phone over and let Mike read the conversation.

  “Okay, good. Maybe they’ll be able to get a track on his phone now. He must have had it powered down. I’ll let Bone Frog know.”

  Within just a few minutes Jack had Silas calling him. “We have a general vicinity for this phone, but some of the metal either in the building or the shipping containers must be messing with the readings. The tech says it’s bouncing around.”

  “Give me what you have.”

  Si sent him a pin. It was only about six miles away.

  “Okay. I’m going in. You have anyone in the area who can help me out?”

  “I have a guy on his way there, but he’ll be a few hours. Want the locals?”

  Jack thought about it for a moment. “No, I think they’ll hesitate. If there’s only one guard right now it might be a cake walk.”

  Silas groaned on the other end of the line. “Man, you know you just jinxed yourself. You can’t be sayin’ stuff like that. It always gets you in trouble.”

  Jack laughed, excitement surging through him. “I’m ready for it. These assholes took kids, Navy SEALs’ kids, no less. I’d take in a fire team of SEALs. Anyone handy?”

  It sounded like Si was talking to someone in the background. “I can arrange that. I’ll have a platoon from Team Four meet you at Mike’s house in forty minutes.”

  “Roger that,” Jack said, glancing at his watch. He probably could have been at the warehouse in that time, but it was smart to go in with back-up.

  Andrea looked at him with fear in her eyes. “We’ll be okay,” he told her firmly.

  “Should I tell Dylan?”

  Jack shook his head. “Not until we get close.”

  She nodded, staring down at the phone, waiting for another message.

  It was almost twenty minutes later when Dylan sent her another message.

  Smtgs wrong. The guard just got a call and he looks mad or something. Gonna hide phone.

  “Jack, something’s up.”

  She showed him the screen and he cursed. “Something spooked them. We’re leaving now. Mike?”

  Reaching under the desk Mike dragged out a pistol and shoved it into a holster hidden beneath his oversized shirt. Then he grabbed a black duffle from a seat in the corner. “As soon as I got your call I knew we’d be doing something, so I’m packed. Do you need anything?”

  Jack grinned, loving that training always prevailed. “Nah, I’ve got my own.”

  Andrea’s eyes followed as he checked the Sig holstered at his hip. It was one of the most reliable handguns ever made. This one was a forty-five caliber and it would go through anything. He knew because he’d carried the damn thing for years.

  Andrea took off down the hallway. “I’m coming with you,” she called before disappearing into the bedroom. She was back a few seconds later with her shoes on. “Let’s go.”

  They loaded up into Mike’s truck and took off. Jack drove while Mike coordinated the map with the last known location of Dylan’s phone and told Silas to alert the platoon from Team Four to the change of plans. Within fifteen minutes they were driving along the perimeter of the Virginia International Terminals.

  “If they have a warehouse there’s a chance the vans they used could be inside.”


  Jack scanned the area, looking for anything out of the ordinary. It was so early that even terminal traffic was few and far between so it made it easier to scan every moving vehicle. There were a few semis moving, but nothing like it would be later. The early morning mist was beginning to fade away.

  “We know he said he can see the colors of traffic light changes through the window” Andrea murmured.

  They pulled up to a stoplight and looked around. No one else was on the road.

  “It can be anywhere along here,” Mike murmured.

  “That building has high windows,” Andrea said, pointing at what looked to be a warehouse for corrugated pipe. They pulled in and parked toward the back of the building, just watching. There were a couple of service vans parked behind as well, but they were very clearly marked with the company’s logo.

  “This one doesn’t feel right,” Jack murmured. “It’s too busy or something. Too businesslike.”

  He pulled out of the lot and turned left, away from the stoplight. The next warehouse was not as big and almost appeared to be derelict. He circled through the parking lot, looking at the shipping containers lined up in the back. There were windows on this building as well, although they appeared to be frosted over.

  “Is there a chance his mistook frosted glass for fog?”


  They made a big loop through the industrial park but Mike kept directing them to the same area. There was another stoplight about half a mile down but the warehouses were different.

  “We’re losing time,” Mike said eventually. “We were closer at the last light.”

  He guided the truck back to the second warehouse they’d checked and parked in the back corner, lights off. He wanted to scout the area. “Can you stay with her?” he asked Mike.

  “Yeah, I can.”

  Andrea didn’t argue, which he appreciated, but before he slipped out she touched his arm. “Be careful, please.”

  He gave her a single nod, the only thing he could do, before closing the door and heading across the lot. There were no other vehicles parked here other than a couple of old semis that didn’t even look drivable. Forcing his old bones to pick up the pace, he jogged across the lot to the side of the building.

  There were bubble cameras at the corners but they were so far away he doubted they could even see anything. He checked a door as he walked. Locked. Then he passed a rolling overhead door. Also apparently locked. Jack continued walking and slipped around the corner. Now this was interesting. He could see a light on inside through the high window, and there was another door. Reaching out he tested the knob. It was unlocked. Twisting carefully, aware of his backlight, he slipped through the door.

  Jack expected a wide, expansive space. Instead he found a smaller space, as if the building had been split in half and walled down the middle. There was an overhead garage door in the wall and he assumed that when the vans he saw parked in this space needed to go out they used that smaller door, then the large door to the outside. As he looked at the vans he had no doubt that they were the same ones used in the abductions, generic white vans with ladders on top. There were millions of them running around the country.

  Jack pulled his phone from his pocket and sent Silas a pin of his location. Found the vans and possibly the kids. Need backup. Then he called Mike and told him the same thing.

  “We’ve got a problem, Jack. A motorcycle just pulled in and Andrea thinks it’s Mustafa.”

  “Fuck,” he cursed, looking for a place to take cover. “Hang tight till the fire squad gets here, Mike, and protect Andrea at all costs. Do you hear me?”

  “Roger that.”

  Jack darted toward the office area at the front of the building. That was the only place where the kids could be and the only place w
here he could hide. The rest of the space was too open. There looked to be storage off to the right side, and several large crates. Jack heard the bike then and he slid behind the crates just as the door behind him was flung open. He caught a glimpse of a man wearing a helmet and a black backpack. Some gut instinct told Jack that this had to be the one running the operation.

  Jack shifted behind the boxes, the pain in his hip and knee agonizing, and pivoted around just in time to see him disappear into the office doorway. Almost immediately there was yelling from inside, and the sound of scared children.

  What had spooked them? The timing was too convenient to be coincidental. There had to be a mole in either Bone Frog or the Navy. His bet was the Navy.

  He looked back across the warehouse. Those vans were the only way the children were getting out of here. Without a second thought he headed toward the vehicles. If he could disable them, the kidnappers would be stuck. It would give the fire team time to get here and they would take the assholes out. How to keep the kids safe… If he could get them contained in the vans then he could take the drivers out.

  Jack glanced around, expecting more men to be coming through the door. Surely they weren’t all in the office area? Just then he heard the roar of another motorcycle. Two men came in through the door, looking tired and harried. They headed for the office at a trot As soon as they disappeared he heard yelling from inside.

  Hoping they would stay distracted as long as possible, he moved to the rear tire of the closest van. Removing the valve stem cap he held his thumbnail to the core, releasing the air. He debated just slicing the tires but they tended to make a fairly loud noise when they were cut. This way they wouldn’t hear or see anything and they could load the kids up as planned. It would take them some time to realize their tires were flat.


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