The Boss

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by Lexi Noir


  Loving The Boss Book 4




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Also by LEXI NOIR

  About the Author


  The Boss

  Loving the boss Book 4

  Lexi Noir

  Chapter One

  “Everett.” Her sultry voice pisses me off. “You need to relax.” She places her hands on the lapels of my suit jacket and presses her small tits against my chest.

  I push her off me, sickened that she’s still at this shit. “How many times do I have to tell you, Zara, that you and I are never going to happen.” My tone is full of disgust and anger.

  She takes a step backward, pain and hurt featured prominently on her face. Her eyes well with tears and I have to applaud the audacity of her. Feigning hurt to try and get me to change my mind. I always knew she was manipulative, but seeing it first-hand just reminds me why I never went there with her.

  “You’d rather have that plain Jane than me?” She sounds confused as though she can’t fathom why anyone would want Saylor instead of her.

  “Saylor is far from a plain Jane. She’s gorgeous, smart, and funny. That’s more than can be said about you.” I’ve never spoken like this to her before but the last time she tried to seduce me, Saylor saw and we almost lost our baby. For her to have the nerve to try and do it again just pisses me off.

  Her face twists in disgust. “You’re only saying that because she’s pregnant.”

  I raise a brow, how on earth does she know that? Saylor and I haven’t said anything at the office.

  “Do you really think that bastard child is yours?” She lets out a fake laugh, it grates on me. “She’s just playing you, Everett, she wants your money and what better way, than to pretend that she’s pregnant with your child.” She shakes her head. “You’re so gullible.”

  “You’ve been speaking to my mother.” My tone is hard. My hands are shaking I’m so angry. “Everything that you have spewed is exactly what my mother said last night.” I tut. “You’ve just proved why you’re single, Zara.”

  Her face reddens. “Did you ever think that maybe we’re right?” She grins. “Since she’s got pregnant, she’s not been at work. Surely that should be enough for you to realize that she’s after your money.”

  “Get out!” I demand. “Get your shit and get the fuck out of my office.” I’ve had enough. I’m going to make sure that she never steps foot in this office again, nor is she going to be anywhere near Saylor and I. I’ve let too much slide due to who her family is, who they are to my mother. It ends now.

  Her eyes widen and she takes two steps backward. “Leave now or I’ll call security to have you escorted out.” This time my voice is controlled and very chilly, she knows that she’s fucked up by conspiring with my mother. Zara rushes out of my office, the door is left open and I watch as she grabs her purse and heads for the elevator. Now it’s time to make sure she never returns.

  Five hours later and it’s done. Zara has been blacklisted from everything I own or have any sway over, she’s going to regret trying to damage my relationship with Saylor and calling my child a bastard. The business I have with her dad is now done and instead of being the better man, I decided that I’d show her just how far my power reaches. I bought her father's business out from under him, it’ll take a few weeks, maybe longer to finalize but there’s nothing for him to do. It’s a done deed.

  I have a new assistant coming in tomorrow, I just hope that they’re professional and know how to do the damn job they’re paid to do.

  My cell rings as I’m just getting ready to leave the office, it’s almost seven in the evening. I've tried to ensure that I have everything ready so that I can work from home a little more. I’ve been neglecting Saylor again. Glancing at my desk where my cell lies, I see it’s my mother calling. I’m surprised it’s taken this long. I thought Zara would have called her when I kicked her out of the office.

  “Mother.” My tone is anything but welcoming.

  “Everett, what on earth have you done?”

  “What do you mean?” I’m playing stupid, I don’t take too kindly to being told what I can and can’t do. This is my business, my life, and I’ve realized that my mother is someone I don’t know. She’s all about the money and the status.

  “You’ve had Zara banned from the country club and Matre de’s,” she screeches.

  I smirk. “I did no such thing.” Seems as though word has gotten around, Zara is being blacklisted from everywhere.

  “Everett,” she sighs. “Do you understand how humiliating it was not to be allowed to enter the country club? I wanted to bring Zara for dinner, she was so upset after what you had done to her. I wanted to cheer her up.” She sniffs as though she’s the one that I upset. I roll my eyes, her and Zara are the same: dramatic and manipulative. “For the manager to come and tell us that Zara is no longer a member and would not be permitted to enter. It was beyond humiliating.”

  I’d say it was extremely humiliating, I’m glad, she can have a taste of her own medicine. “I’m not sure what you want me to say or do. I had nothing to do with her being barred from the country club.” I despise that place, I wouldn’t have gone there anyway, but knowing that she’s not allowed in, gives me great satisfaction.

  “Oh and what about Matre de’s?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re getting at?” I smile, again, I had nothing to do with that, but I’m not surprised, I have frequented it a few times and have enjoyed it, I always leave the waiting staff a good tip. Whenever I go to Matre de’s it always brings them publicity which is great for their business.

  She scoffs. “Am I supposed to believe that she’s been barred from these places for some other reason besides that you and she had a little disagreement?”

  I grind my teeth. “A disagreement? Mother,” I say through clenched teeth. “This is not a disagreement. Zara pushed her luck too far, she will not be allowed to step foot inside any of my businesses or premises.” I smile, because that includes my mother’s house. “If she does, she’s to be arrested on sight for trespassing.”

  I hear my mother’s shocked gasp. “Everett, what on earth has gotten into you? Is this to do with that—that—woman?”

  I take a deep breath before I say something that I’ll regret. Reaching for my keys, I walk out of my office, giving me time to gather my composure. “Mother, heed my words. I will no longer tolerate the shit that you have been saying about Saylor.”


  “No, I have let it go on too long. I should have stopped it as soon as you began your bullying. Saylor is the woman I love, the mother of my unborn child. The woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with. You either need to get on board with this, or you’ll be left out of our lives.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Deadly. Mother, I mean it. You try and come between Saylor and I again and I’ll make sure that you won’t be a part of our lives.” I don’t let her respond, I end the call just as I reach the elevator.

  It’s time to go home to Saylor, I’ve been an ass the last few days and I need to make it up to her.

  Chapter Two

  Walking into the house, it’s shrouded in darkness. I made a quick stop on the way home. I wanted to get Saylor something and I know that she doesn’t like receiving lavish gifts, so I decided to go down the more traditional route of chocolates and flowers.

  It’s quiet, a little too quiet for my liking. Throwing the flowers and chocolates on the table in the hall, I quicken my stride toward the staircase. I take two stairs at a time until I reach the top, within seconds I’m walki
ng into the bedroom that Say and I share expecting to find her lying in bed.

  Hitting the light switch, the room floods with bright light. My eyes are instantly drawn to the empty bed. Glancing around the room, I see drawers open and empty. Walking over to the wardrobe I open the door, I’m shocked to find all of Saylor’s clothes gone.

  Where the hell is she? Why has she gone? I know that I was an asshole, especially when I came home last night and didn’t talk. I couldn’t tell her that everything she said about what my mother thought was true. That my mother hated her and that she doesn’t want to be a part of the baby's life. Hell she even had the nerve to tell me to have a paternity test done. I warned her that it would be the last I’d hear of that. Saylor is having my baby and that’s all anyone needs to know. I one hundred percent know that it’s my baby.

  Stalking through the house, I find it completely empty. I’ve tried calling Saylor’s cell but it goes straight to voicemail. I have no idea what’s happened between last night and today, but I intend to find out.

  I pour myself a large glass of Bourbon and turn on the sitting room light. I need to think, find out what’s happened, what’s made Saylor leave. As I take a seat on the couch, my attention is pulled toward an envelope that’s on the coffee table with my name on it. I can tell from the neat cursive handwriting that it’s from Saylor. Maybe this will tell me what the hell is going on.

  I reach for it and with shaky hands I open it.

  My gorgeous Everett,

  I honestly never thought I’d be writing one of these letters. Especially to the man I love, but I really don’t have a choice. I know you, God, I know you so well, you’d have never let me leave had you known what I was going to do.

  I’ve contemplated what to do, I’ve worked through every scenario in my mind. Deciding what is best for our little family. In the dream world, it would be you, me, and our little peanut. Our lives would be filled with love, laughter, and happiness. Everything I had dreamed of since I was a little girl. You know, the white picket fences and the two or three children. Me being a soccer mom and you being the best dad in the entire world.

  That can still happen, Everett, I know deep down that you’re going to make an amazing father. You’re the most loving, caring man I have ever known and there’s never been a doubt in my mind that your child would ever feel anything but love from you.

  But I can’t and won’t have my child feel anything but love from their parents and after everything that your mom said to me, I realized that she’s right. I don’t want you to make the biggest mistake of your life, there’s no need to worry about getting rid of ‘the little problem’ because it’s no longer your problem.

  You deserve the absolute best in life and it’s not because you’re rich as your mom thinks, but because you’re you. The man that showed me how amazing it is to fall in love, how truly happy I could really be. The man that showed me the world was lying in bed next to him. You deserve the best and, Everett, I want that for you. I really do. I want you to fall in love with someone, get married, and have loads of babies. I want you to be so happy that your heart feels like it’s about to burst from your chest. Just as I felt while I was with you.

  You don’t need to be saddled down with me and my baby, one night in Vegas shouldn’t make you live a life you don’t want. That’s not fair on any of us. We all deserve to be happy, please understand that if you ever want to see our baby, I’d never stop you. If you don’t want to, then that’s okay, I understand. Either way, I don’t want your money and I certainly don't want your mom’s either. I think her offering me money to leave was disgusting, I never took it and I don’t intend to either.

  You’re free to be with Zara now, Everett, I’m sorry that I got in the way of your relationship with her. I hope that you’ll be able to be happy together. I’m walking away and letting you live the life you have always wanted to live. Not having to worry about the poor girl and the baby that you never wanted. I know that I’m not right for you, I’m not rich like you, or even in the same league as you.

  I never wanted you to hate me, and I still don’t. I never wanted to hold you back and make your business, the one you have spent years building, into a huge success, to suffer. I’m truly sorry. Your reputation will be intact, I won’t say a word, I never would have, I’m hurt that you couldn’t just be honest with me from the get go. I would have understood, you didn’t need to lie and play a game with me for so long.

  I’m okay, I promise. I’m not broken, nor am I going to break. I’m staying with Cass for a few days until I decide what to do next. Please believe me that I’m okay. I’ll get a paternity test as soon as the baby is born, but I already know the truth, my baby is yours.

  I love you, Everett, with every beat of my heart. I wish you absolute happiness. I want you to love someone the way that you “loved” me. Thank you for the amazing few months, you showed me what it’s like to be in love, even if it were a lie on your part.

  Be happy.

  All my love,

  Say xx

  I read the letter three more times, each time my heart constricts a little more and the tears fall a little faster. I’m not the only one to cry with this letter. I can see the dried tear stains of Saylor’s on it, too.

  I’m even more confused about what’s happened than I was at the start of reading this letter. What does she mean about my mother?

  I sit in utter silence as tears continue to fall. Whatever has been said to Saylor has just torn my family apart. The woman I love has left and with her she’s taken all of my dreams with her.

  Walking into my office, the bourbon in one hand, Saylor’s letter in another, I’m going to find out what the fuck was said and when I find out, there’s going to be hell to pay.

  When Say had her accident, I had cameras installed inside of my home, I wanted to ensure that I could check in on her at any given moment to make sure she was okay. Those cameras record and all footage is saved.

  I start it from the beginning of this morning and fast forward until my mom walks into the house. My anger is rising at the sheer audacity of the woman, I know that she’s spewed shit to Saylor. I lean back and watch, I can see the exact moment that Saylor’s heart breaks and the satisfaction on my mother’s face as she watches the tears fall from Say’s face.

  I turn it off when my mother leaves. She’s gone too far this time. I was going to leave her be after today, let her live her life without being a part of mine. Now? Well now, she’s going to understand what it feels like when everything you love is taken from you.

  Right now, I need to work on a plan to win Saylor back. It’s going to take a lot to make her see that what my mother said was utter bullshit. Saylor’s heartbroken and I need to put all the pieces back together.

  When I want something, I get it.

  Saylor is mine, whether or not she was pregnant. She’s the only woman I have ever loved and I’m going to bring her home and show her just how much she means to me.

  Operation win Say back, begins.

  Chapter Three

  I had a hangover from hell when I woke up this morning. I drank away my sorrows by finishing the full bottle of bourbon. I know why Say left and I will bring her home, but I’ve got a few things to put into place before I do. I’m not doing a half-assed job of this. Say is the rest of my life so I need to do this right.

  The first thing on my agenda is to buy an engagement ring for Say. I want the perfect ring and I don’t care how long it takes to find it—as long as it’s today. I need her to know that she is mine and I love her. What other people think doesn't equate to my feelings.

  After showering and dressing, I leave the house without any breakfast. For some reason I can’t seem to eat anything. I feel sick just thinking about Say thinking that I don’t love her. I don’t blame her for believing my mother, but she should know that my love for her is real and that I’m not staying with her because of our baby. I’m staying because I love her and she is my whole world.

  Her words in the letter taunt me:

  I love you Everett, with every beat of my heart. I wish you absolute happiness. I want you to love someone the way that you “loved” me.

  I still love her, hell I think I have since the moment I met her and I will love her like that for the rest of my life.

  When I get into the city I don’t go to the jewelry store with the light blue box, I want something special and something more personal. There’s a small family-run jewelry store that’s hidden down a side street. This store caters to the rich, I should know, I’ve used this store before, I’ve purchased gifts for my mother over the years. As I open the door to The Velvet Box, I smile at the owner, Maria.

  “Everett, we haven’t seen you for years.” She comes over and hugs me.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve been busy working and not spending enough time on myself.”

  “Well, you’re here today. Are you looking for something special?”

  I smile at her and nod my head. “Yes, I sure am.”

  She moves to the pearl cabinet, those are mother’s favorites.

  “Maria, I’m not looking for something for my mother. I want to buy an engagement ring for someone very special.”

  “Oh, Everett, that is fantastic. I’m so excited. She must be very special to have captured your heart.”

  “She is.”

  Maria takes me to the other side of the store where the diamond engagement rings are. “Do you have a picture of this special lady? I’d love to see her, then I can help you pick something special.”

  I take out my phone and scroll through my camera roll and show her a few pictures of Saylor. I swallow my tears and don’t talk for a few minutes.


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