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Atomic Mage 2

Page 3

by Carter, Garrett

  Her moans of desire and appreciation made his heart swell as he felt the love and devotion from their bond flood him.

  He loved this woman fiercely just as much as he loved his sweet Sabine and as much as he hoped he would his goddess of a wife.

  His thoughts went back to her implied ultimatum, conquer the world, or suffer the wrath of her father for failing to meet his expectations for her husband.

  As he slowly inched towards his peak, ready to fill his moaning panther mate, Cade imagined the task wouldn't be too hard not with such wonderful and powerful women at his side.

  High hopes

  Cade exited the bathroom a half-hour later, clean and clothed in leather pants and boots with a light cotton shirt he had torn the sleeves off of. He had grimaced at the additions to the otherwise sensible garment, the frills on the garment had been at odds with his sensibilities.

  The leather pants he wore had him wishing for a pair of jeans but would do for the moment. The boots were fine though, he had lived in his old ones during his time in the Navy.

  He made a quick detour to the bedroom to check on his mates, smiling as he found them still passed out after the morning's activities.

  Promena's bare ass caused him to grunt and run away from the room before he decided to wake the sleeping goddess, the sight of her perfectly round ass had him ready for another round of lovemaking.

  Quickstepping towards the second floor come storage room he spotted Sharee as he walked through the living room.

  She and a couple of other women, one a green-skinned orc woman that Cade watched warily, packing the food that had been separated from the massive pile that came from the slaver camp into the fridge and pantry. "Sharee can you help for a minute?" Cade asked. His request was met with a curious look as he rolled his eyes.

  Sharee was Mina's friend from her previous prospective village. After his warrior of a panther mate had defeated Sharee's mate in their mating fight the jaguar woman had been the only person in the village that hadn't shunned his mate.

  Sharee's confusion over the usually innocuous request came from her lack of knowledge from Cade's world. Mina, Sabine, and Promena had been privy to it though. Mina and Sabine because they had spent more than two days in his head combined going through his memories.

  Promena had been the one who brought him here in her position as a universe psychopomp, sort of the grim reaper wrapped up in Anubis as far as Cade understood. The goddess who was his wife or wife to be frightened him on a level that excited him as much as it scared him.

  Trying the request again he simply asked for Sharee's help, which cleared the confusion thankfully.

  "Are you doing ok now?" Cade asked as he and Mina's second in command made their way through the living room to the second-floor stairs.

  "I am fine now. I think my decision to join you three with the others will be a good one. Though I think I won't be joining your mates, I prefer my mate with a little more fur." Sharee said in a clear tone.

  "I hope I didn't offend you. From what Mina has told me of you Cade you are an excellent mate who gives her your seed at every opportunity. The home you have built is sturdy and the amen... ameni... amenities are amazing." Sharee said with the same clear tone as they began their ascent.

  "Yeeees it is and thank you, I think," Cade replied as a furious blush spread from the top of his brown-skinned bald head to his neck as he walked a few steps ahead of the jaguar woman. Sharee's clear disregard for proper conversation points causing him to blush a dark purple.

  "Yes I think it will like it here and the other women agree. I think one day I will look for another, but I think the memory of my Root will suffice for now." Sharee said, her tone going morose as she remembered her jaguar mate who had died when Rista had attacked her village in search of Mina.

  "Root? Was that your mate's name?" Cade asked as he held in a snort of amusement at the unorthodox name. Visions of some jaguar mother calling for Root to come home at the end of the day for dinner testing his ability to hide his mirth.

  "Yes, he was. My Root fought to his last for us. I hope you make good on your promise to end the reprehensible beings who decided that enslaving us was a good business to be in." Sharee said with a low growl as she and Cade came to the second floor and stood side by side.

  "I saw, he was a good one. I remember seeing the fifteen dead slavers. Did he do that on his own?" Cade asked the short woman, a bit of pride at the jaguar man's accomplishment making its way into his question.

  "Yes my Root was a great warrior," Sharee said as a few tears left her eyes, making a halting path down her jaguar face so very like his mates just a different color.

  "Yes, he was, I will let you return to your work in a moment I just need to know how you would like the living quarters for you and the other two to be set up," Cade said as he placed a comforting pat on Sharee's back.

  "Thank you, Cade, I think we would do the best in private rooms if we could. If that is not possible then individual beds would be fine. Oh, and if you could include our own showers we would appreciate it." Sharee asked in a light tone that made Cade happy, the tough woman outwardly bouncing back from her melancholy.

  "I can make private rooms but the shower will have to be shared though. Does that work?" Cade asked as he began to mentally section off the space.

  "Yes, that will work Cade, and thank you. You really are a good man, and I and the others will work hard to ensure you and your mates want for nothing." Sharee replied with a smile.

  "Your very welcome, I think that should be all, thank you Sharee," Cade said as he turned to begin his renovation after she nodded in response to his dismissal.

  Cade took a moment to center himself, he had commanded men and women before but the responsibility for others never got lighter. This world he found himself in was more brutal than the last and he was glad his goddess had given him the powers she had. Defending and taking care of those that we're his was his main priority and his control over atoms made that possible. His ability to manipulate the smallest bits of matter in the universe also allowed him to do what he did next.

  Cade used his atomic power to remove one side of the second floor of their home. As he set the mithril-covered wood on a clear spot next to their home he expanded his ability to sense the smallest parts of existence and tore down a largish building of wood that just happened to be a brothel the slavers had used to rape and torture their captives.

  The building came down in a neat-ish pile of intact wooden planks and securing materials after Cade had used his scanning ability to make sure no one was occupying it. A cruel smile graced his face for a moment as the idea of the slavers being in the two-story building when it went down warmed his heart.

  "You have become a bit bloodthirsty since I dropped you here my husband," Promena said as she startled Cade so bad he sent a wall that was supposed to separate the first of the little dorm rooms he was building from the shower room flying off to lodge itself halfway into the wall of a smaller building.

  "Gahh!! Hello, my goddess. I see you are up. The others still asleep?" Cade said as his brain rebooted and not in the good way.

  "No, they are up. Sabine is finishing up with the inventory, and Mina is supervising the packing of our personal gear. I hope you don't mind but I created a walk-in closet in our room. The bathroom is a little smaller but we have a place to put our clothes now." Promena said after she stood on her tiptoes and placed a quick kiss on her startled husband's cheek.

  "So how much of that can you do my goddess? Oh and if you don't mind a game of 21 questions I would be grateful if you would enlighten me on some things," Cade asked as he retrieved his wall from the destroyed building.

  A laugh burst out of him as he realized the small building that crumbled as he removed the wall belonged to none other than Rista, whose headless corpse was still where they left it in the middle of the camp.

  "So to begin with a probably stupid question how did you create the closet?" Cade asked as he fused t
he wooden wall into place.

  "No question is ever stupid my Cade, except for the one you ask yourself every time you see Mina, Sabine, or myself. We love you for all the reasons we told you many times before. Let your old world's ideals go and accept that we do, and if I have anything to do with it, always will. But to answer your question. I have you your powers and this puppet got the same treatment just without the metal skeleton, my own being just a little stronger." Promena answered in a light tone.

  "Puppet?" Cade asked distracted by the next piece of wall, separating the first room from the second as he fused it in place.

  "This is me just not all of me, my job racked up quite the queue when we had our first talk. I am almost a quarter of the way through it now though. Think back to the Oren tests, I'm just better at it than you are. That, my Cade, is the only reason you survived placing your seed in me. Hmmm speaking of, I could go another round if you want? Quickie?"

  Promena smiled as she finished clearly proud of her effect on Cade as the next wall to be installed fell to the ground a story below. "Yes please," Cade said with enthusiasm as he lifted his wife by the ass that had almost derailed his plans earlier.

  Walking over with Promena's legs wrapped around his waist and her lips locked on his Cade made it to the storage room that held their water tanks and laundry appliances.

  Setting that ass on the washing machine he set the spin cycle going before he barked out a laugh as his clothes disappeared. "I'm going to want to know that trick once we are done, my goddess." Cade sad before he tore the dress that was keeping him from Promena's delectable body.

  "If you do a good job my husband I might teach you a few. Now as Mina once said give me what is mine NOW." Promena shouted as Cade's length invaded her wet tunnel.

  "Yes mam, and I'm going to hold you to that promise," Cade said as he began to pleasure his wife. "I'm counting on it," Promena said as her husband skillfully began to bring her to the first of many orgasms.

  Afternoon tryst completed and with a new skill under his belt along with a load of his seed planted deep in his goddesses womb had Cade whistling during the rest of his renovation.

  Promena had continued the game of 21 questions after she left shortly after to help the girls make sure the groups of ex-slaves knew their way back safe to their home villages, she answered his questions mentally this time though.

  Cade wasn't surprised at how long the girls had been sorting out their pecking order after his first question was answered.

  His first meeting with Mina had put the time difference in perspective. He had killed a slaver named Kaz and then spent what felt like hours in Mina's memories and when he came back to the real world the slaver's blood was still wet and fresh. Their week-long mental get together had lasted long enough for Cade's nap to last long enough for him to get a little bit of REM sleep.

  The question that had been running around his mind though, about her talk of his "gloriousness" when he came into his "power" was answered almost cryptically.

  "I can't directly give you the answer to that my Cade, daddy forbid it but I think I can give you a HUGE hint. Cultivate." Promena finished the hint with a smile.

  Cade rolled his eyes at the idea of chakras and pressure points and hours of sitting still mastering the flows of power in the universe.

  He set that question of how the cultivating thing worked for later. He was more concerned at the moment with getting his house put back together.

  Fusing the wall back in its proper place, he stood at the top of the stairs leading back down to the first floor and was quite proud of his work.

  The hallway that led to their storage/laundry room was wide enough for him to walk down with his arms spread and barely touch the walls.

  The rooms he had created were spacious enough for a queen-sized bed, closet, drawers, and nightstand. The three of them led to the small shower and toilet room, both separate from the other with lockable doors.

  Promena had given him another bit of knowledge at his request. The whole house had the equivalent of LED lights now, the bright lights illuminating every room.

  "Fancy mother fucking smancy if I do say so myself," Cade said, his good cheer written across his face as he walked downstairs to give all the ladies the good news.

  Cade walked into the living room to find his wives and the other women surrounding their kitchen table going over a large map.

  "If we follow the river we can destroy the slave camps here, here, and here. We should not leave them at our backs, flying home or not." Mina said as she pointed at some unknown spots on the map between her and Promena.

  The force that he used to point out the spots on the map and the glare she gave the goddess both worried Cade and caused the respect he held for his Dresk to grow.

  His fierce mate wasn't cowed by the prodigious strength and power of their goddess that was for sure.

  "Back, front, of sideways they can't hurt us. We are going to Opect to destroy their whole operation. The few we would destroy, aren't going to affect us in the long run, so why bother." The goddess that was his wife crossed her arms under prodigious bust, pulling an involuntary grunt from Cade as his lust spiked suddenly.

  Six pairs of eyes turned to look at him in surprise. "Hello ladies, I would like to add my two cents if you don't mind. I think we should just do a five-minute flyover. I kill the slavers, destroy anything keeping the slaves from escaping, and with a little mental magic they know they are free and we continue on to the next one. Sound reasonable?" Cade finished his plan with a look around the room.

  Mina gave him a nod with a small smile on her face, Sabine's only reaction was a thumbs up as she continued to write something on a sheet of paper in front of her.

  Promena's reaction was the most animated, her smile was brilliant as she smiled at her husband. Cade suspected he had passed some sort of test as he looked at her beautiful face.

  Walking to the table Cade saw the map that was laid out of the continent of Zeme. His mind sorted through the strange handwritten words and their meaning came to him just as quickly as if he was reading something in English.

  Cade was almost thankful for Oren's sacrifice, the raping murderous lizard man's knowledge, and his time as Cade's meat puppet, coming in handy.

  "So three camps, maybe a thirty-minute pitstop all together. Then are off to rid this continent of slavery and bond a dragon not to mention selling all the gear we don't need. Everyone on board with that plan?" Cade finished their plan for the foreseeable future to a chorus of "Yes Cade" as his mates smiled his way and the three women caught on to his meaning a few seconds later and made the same response with a little less enthusiasm.

  "Sharee and...I'm sorry what were your names again?" Cade asked in a kind tone. "I am Nat and she is Eve," the short but attractive orc woman quietly, not meeting Cade's eyes.

  Cade had a moment of deja vu as he remembered when he and Mina had met Sabine, just with fewer death threats.

  His fears about gaining another mate were unfounded though as Mina emitted a low growl from her chest that put that dilemma to rest.

  "K..., well your rooms are ready, the shower and bathroom are at the end of the hallway. Mina if you could show them how to use the facilities I would appreciate it." Cade finished his request as two of the three women left quickly, fear written across their faces.

  The short jaguar woman Eve stood by her lonesome with a snarling Mina slowly creeping her way. The short woman Cade noticed was similar to his little snake with her lithe body and slim proportions.

  "My Cade I want a...what is it called again a...dogo no that's not it doooojjjjoooo DOJO yes a dojo. Someplace to punish kits who overstep their bounds and eye fuck their Dresk's mates without getting permission do to anything but KISS THE GROUND HE WALKS UPON. Does that problem sound familiar Eve?" Mina's shouted words at the smaller woman grew quiet as she asked her final question.

  Cade was taken aback by the large and in charge Mina, his libido though had no problem with his
powerful mate. His sex-addled mind, fully involved with visions of roughly taking his panther mate from behind caused him to completely missed Eve's quiet answer.

  Cade came back to himself a few moments later confused at the lack of sexy panther lady and short jaguar girl.

  "They went upstairs you horn dog. Come my Cade let me show you how to build quicker... though if I do that you might not get the treatment from earlier." Promena's statement ended with a snort as her mate looked around for Mina who had left a few seconds after Eve had answered in with a quiet "yes my Dresk".

  Promena and Sabine both burst out laughing as Promena sent her the recent memory of Eves's panicked face as Mina chased her up the stairs, literally on her tail.

  "What's so funny you two?" Cade asked as he watched his two wives crying tears of mirth at the short jaguar woman's misfortune at angering Mina.


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