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Atomic Mage 2

Page 5

by Carter, Garrett

  Promena turned around from the window view and pulled her husband down for a kiss. "I missed you this morning and our sweet Sabine got to you before I did. So if you do well we can bless this room also. So pay attention." Promena said as she turned around and pressed her well-padded ass against her husband's swollen member.

  "I apologize, my wife, I wasn't feeling very amorous last night so Sabine caught me this morning doing laps around the dojo to get her daily bloody Cade. Then one thing led to another then another then another and so on till you assigned Mina her task. I will gladly pay perfect attention if you are offering the reward I think you are my goddess." Cade said as he hugged his wife to his chest.

  "So what will be different this time? I think last time went pretty well." Cade said as he placed a kiss into the goddess's white locks.

  "Last time was a waste husband. So much potential gone." Promena stared into the distance for several seconds before she continued.

  "But this time you will cultivate your power and gain a new tool at the same time. Time to bend the rules my Cade. Now you know how your power sources work? Do the same with the slavers. Also, end them in the way they deserve." Promena said in a light tone as she walked them to Cade's command seat and sat down on his lap.

  "Whenever you are ready my husband, don't worry about the slaves I have removed them from the blast zone...Oops." Promena said as she made herself comfortable, lounging again in her husband's embrace with her leg resting on the arm of the lazy boy chair.

  Cade's focus was diverted again by his wife's commando state but he rallied his flagging willpower with a renewed dedication, he wanted that reward so bad he could taste it.

  Cade scanned the camp, holding all the startled slavers in his mental grasp. His thoughts as the slavers struggled went back to his earlier tests with his initial power sources.

  His little hand grenade was small but potent, the mass of the camp with its buildings and reprehensible crew were billions of times larger.

  Putting safety first, at least the safety of the people in his home, Cade layered ten of his shields around the camp.

  The dome covered camp flashed as bright as a supernova as he let the fission reaction he created run away. "Good, now collect it," Promena said as she hugged her husband's arms to herself in apprehension.

  Cade collected the wild energy inside the dome a split second before he lowered it with a grimace.

  Thinking back to his first time with Promena he braced for the pain he knew was coming.

  As the almost blinding stream of energy slammed into him Cade grunted not in pain but surprise. It didn't hurt near as much as the storm of power that had washed into him when his wife had almost killed him with sex.

  "Very good Cade, now subsume it let it sink down to your very being," Promena said as she instructed her husband in a breathless voice.

  Cade had no idea how to accomplish his wife's task till an idea popped into his head. Using the method he had used for Sabine's recovery he let the mass of energy cover him head to toe in a glimmering blanket.

  Pulling the shimmering energy to the center of his body. Cade felt what he could only describe as a bounce as the energy collided inside him and rippled through him.

  As he felt the ripples settle down a serene feeling settled over him. Cade was pulled out of his peaceful state of mind as Promena gently moved his hand and placed a small chunk of mithril ore in his open palm. "Now do it without the explosion." She said quietly.

  Cade dissolved the nugget of ore with a thought and watched the swirling mist spin in his hand.

  Taking the next step without being coached he absorbed the minute particles of energy into his being once again.

  The feeling of peace was more muted this time as it became part of him. "My husband is magnificent," Promena said in a soft voice.

  "Now, at every opportunity I want you to use that my Cade. Anything this world can do without is yours for the taking." Cade's goddess said with reverence.

  "And my reward?" Cade said as a grin split his face.

  Promena spun in her husband's lap inverting herself, her head in Cade's lap as their clothes disappeared. The sight of his Promena with a smug grin on her beautiful face as she laid herself out for his pleasure hardened him in seconds.

  Cade took a moment to appreciate his nude and gorgeous goddess's impressive bust defying gravity as she settled her soft ass on his upper chest.

  As she hooked the back of her knees on the back of the chair, putting her bare pussy inches from his watering mouth she replied simply "A meal fit for a God".

  Cade dug into his delicious meal with fervor, moaning his appreciation of his goddesses flavor into Promena's folds.

  "Enjoy your meal, my husband you have more than earned it," Promena said as she stroked the underside of Cade's throbbing length with a soft hand.

  She let out a long moan as Cade began to attack her sensitive clit and licked up his shaft capturing its head.

  Bobing on the throbbing shaft of her husband's dick she came off of it with a pop. "Glorious," Promena moaned her legs beginning to shake as she approached her peak.

  A strangled cry escaped her lips as she came for her husband. "Truly glorious," she said as Cade continued devouring her through her orgasm.

  Returning to her own meal Promena saw visions of her husband, the love of her eternal life bathing the cosmos with his greatness. "Absolutely glorious," she thought to herself as she began in earnest to earn her own reward.

  Cade sat at the kitchen table two days later enjoying a meal as they flew towards the capital in the late morning sun. He chuckled to himself as he toyed with a small swirling mass of glowing energy.

  The owner or partial owners of the mass had been the slavers of the last of their target camps. Cade was still amazed by the cultivation ability his Promena had shown him. It cast the worry about the dwarves in a new light.

  "Boom goes the dynamite," Cade said as he quickly spread the fingers of his hand. The swirling mass exploded in a fake explosion right before he absorbed it.

  Cade was again surprised by the slaver's operation, nowhere near as much as he hated the whole concept or the people behind it but these fuckers were organized he could give them that.

  The last two camps had been for breaking and training the slaves they had caught.

  The next one after he had nuked his own training camp had been this worlds fucked up version of a trade school. From smiths to bowyers and all the in-between.

  He had nuked the place all the same but with a new idea in his head that frankly, one he should have been working on before.

  The next camp had followed the same format just for more trades of the homemaking variety. The fleeing freed slaves would make excellent maids, seamstresses, butlers, and groundskeepers.

  Destroying the last camp had cemented that idea. His kingdom that he was going to center in the mining town he was going to make would provide a home for those that had been freed if they chose. The high chieftains' response to his proposition was going to decide whether he built a city or a kingdom.

  The quick clacking of wood from the open doors of the dojo brought him out of his plans of economic reform and kingdom building.

  Smiling as he expanded his power to encompass his home's training ground. He flinched as one of Mina's training swords smacked against the side of Eve's neck.

  He almost stood up to go and heal the young woman as she tumbled to the ground, but smiled again as she stood up and shook herself off and reengaged with his panther mate.

  Realizing his mate had pulled her strike at the last second he felt a surge of warmth for his Mina as she again sent the girl sprawling to the mat.

  Cade marveled at the new scope of his powers. He essentially had an eye in the sky now, the view sharper and more detailed.

  The change from his initial vague feeling of details had become a picture-perfect image that he could move at will.

  Changing his view he took in the more even fight between S
haree and Nat. Cade still felt a little apprehension at having the orc woman join their group, his respect for the short green woman grew though as he watched her bout with Sharee.

  As they traded a few quick blows, Nat's wooden bladed polearm sliding to the side as Sharee diverted Nat's swing at her neck with a wooden shield. Sharee's reverse strike at Nat's midsection with her training short sword was blocked as Nat recovered quickly and slammed the end of her polearm into the ground in the path of the blade.

  Cade pulled back reflexively in shock as the blow that he assumed was going to stop on the shaft of Nat's weapon was redirected up as Nat limberly brought the weapon around in a blur.

  He preemptively winced in sympathy for the back of Sharee's head and was surprised once again as she deftly rolled forward causing the base of Nat's polearm to miss connecting with her head by inches.

  He was about to switch back to his Mina's training with Eve, assuming the evenly matched pair were going to be at it for quite a while longer. His eye in the sky was shifting to do just that as Nat took him by surprise, the missed swing that he assumed was going to end with a reset before the two women reengaged was expertly turned into a downward chop.

  Nat had let the polearms shaft slip in her hands till she held it by the base and the extra reach of the weapon let her land a hard blow against Sharee's back before she could recover from her dodge.

  Giving the victorious Nat a mental golf clap at her skill with her weapon Cade sent his little snake a quick mental kiss and Promena a ring. His instinct to heal the jaguar woman's bruises overridden by his irritation at the gossip as he left the battered woman to heal on her own.

  Love and desire sang through his bond with his sweet as she lounged in their massive tub after her bout with Cade earlier that morning. The love with a promise to slake his lust in her amazing body later was sent back to his mate before Promena answered his call.

  "Yes my god of a husband? What can I help you with?" Promena responded with her own lustful thoughts suffusing their bond. "Just wanted to know how long until we reach the capital, my goddess," Cade asked, his pants tightening as he remembered his wonderful wakeup that morning.

  His reminiscence of filling his goddess as she begged for his seed was interrupted by Promena's sultry response. "We should be there by late evening my Cade. If you have time after you enjoy our little snake I have a task for you." Promena said with a smile.

  Cade was about to ask what task she needed him to complete before half-hard length surged to full mast, as he received a glimpse of what his task was.

  Promena had sent her own eye in the sky vision of her toying with her snatch, her bountiful breasts exposed, freed from their cloth prison.

  Cade's heart skipped a beat as Promena slid her hard bud through her drenched fingers causing her whole body to shake as she tipped herself over the edge into bliss.

  "Damn, even I felt that, go complete our goddesses task for you my love I will be in the bath for a while longer," Sabine said to her mate.

  Cade shakily stood up and made his way to the man shack, mentally renaming the command center of their home to the boom boom room.

  As he opened the soundproof door Promena's moan as she brought herself to another orgasm weakened his knees.

  Cade groaned as his clothes disappeared from his body with a thought, freeing his length from its cloth prison. After closing the door, Cade rounded the plush chair and dropped to his knees, and aligned his throbbing shaft with his wifes' flexing tunnel. He decided to take his time with their afternoon tryst, as he slid into her wet paradise.

  The foreseeable future was going to be wrought with challenges and moments like these, he thought as he groaned into Promena's mouth as he took her lips in a passionate kiss, we're going to be few and far between.

  Swallowing his goddesses moan as he sheathed himself fully in her satiny canal, Cade decided to fight for these little moments. Be they bouts of lust with his wives or small moments of enjoying each other's company.

  As he began to pleasure his Promena, her gasps and cooing appreciation of her husband's attentions were more than enough of a reason to make them happen.


  “Falling flat on his back Cade had the wind knocked out of him for the fifth time in as many hours.

  As he lay on the padded mat he found he couldn't be mad at the constant ass whoopings he was receiving. The perpetrator of his untimely return to the floor stood a few feet in front of him, her breaths coming in bursts.

  "I need a break my love or I will be worthless for the rest of the day," Mina said between gulps of air.

  "Then you will be worthless my sexy trainer," Cade said before he pushed off the mat with his back and landing solidly on his feet.

  Mina gave a long aggrieved breath as she slowly assumed a ready stance with her short swords facing her mate.

  "A little tired my pretty kitty? If you can keep up I will reward you later," Cade said as his mithril spikes circled his head, blunted for training purposes.

  "What makes you think I would want sex when you wear me out in all the wrong ways my mate?" Mina said as she rolled her eyes.

  "Who said anything about sex, my love? A good long massage was what I was offering, but if you don't want it then I guess I will have to use these hand and magic powers on someone else." Cade said as he caused a few of the spikes to zip around the room.

  "So no sex? Just a massage?" Mina said cautiously as her eyes pleaded with her mate. Her ears on the other hand were following her mate's weapons of choice around the large room.

  "Not unless you beg for it my love, now come I have a reward to give out," Cade said with a grim smile that failed to hide the excitement in his eyes. Any reason to touch his Mina was a good one.

  Cade and Mina completed their bout with a win for him for once, the other twelve times his sexy panther mate had kicked his ass notwithstanding.

  As they made their way to separate showers, Mina's ban on sex, which Cade was sure would be lifted in short order, still in effect, he contemplated the huge city they had found themselves on the outskirts of.

  As they had seen the city walls past the expanse of farmland that had been cleared near the walls Cade had felt a little overwhelmed by his task of taking over such a large and populous city.

  And populous it was, there were long lines of carts that stretched for as far as his eyes could see at the massive eastern and northwestern gates, as he sat in the boom boom room alone bringing their flying house around looking for a place to set down their home.

  The sound of Mina clearing her throat brought him out of his thoughts. As he turned a lustful growl made it past his lips as he took in his nude mate's gorgeous form.

  "None of that my Cade, you have a reward to deliver, and if I let that monster have his way I would sleep through most of it. Now come I wish to feel your hands on my body." As Mina turned and walked towards the activity room, still naked as the day she was born, Cade couldn't help himself as his eyes traveled south and enjoyed the view of his mate's pert ass.

  Shaking himself out of his lust he dressed in a simple cloth shirt and pants and followed his mate to make good on his promise.

  As Cade delivered on his promise to massage all his mate's aches away in the activity room he found he could only keep half a mind on his task, despite his mate's moans and groans as Cade worked her over.

  They had been in Opect for three weeks and he was fuming at the "welcome" they had received.

  After their flyover, which Cade had finished with a cringe as every person, cart, and guard had watched with wide eyes as their flying house coasted over the farmland grid locking both of the gates for the remainder of that day.

  Cade had selected a place to park the house on the outskirts of the large sprawling city well away from the massive wall and just on the edge of the fallow fields to the irritation of one shepherd who had to chase his whole herd of what looked like to Cade to cows with zebra stripes.

  A curious look at P
romena had been a shrug and her simple response of "I was bored".

  The city guards had ridden up shortly after on what looked like giant dogs, the shortest of the pack could look him in the eye.

  As the leader of the group stepped off his puppy mount with an irritated look on his scarred face, Cade and his wives had stepped out of the front door.

  Captain Wroth of the western gate, as he had introduced himself as looked a little rough to be an officer, but who was Cade to judge.

  His assumptions that Mr. Worth was a slaver that had a high opinion of himself was proven true as soon as the large human opened his mouth. "Who do you think you are, the time it will take to fix your fucking fuckup is going to cut into my time with my slaves. You want to fix this problem for me and you have three of them, I could make your fines for this go away if you let me have some alone time with one of them."


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