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Witchin' Up the Dead: Magic and Mayhem Universe (Magick and Chaos)

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by Isabel Micheals

  Table of Contents
































  Copyright © 2018 by Isabel Micheals

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is coincidental.

  This book contains content that may not be suitable for young readers 17 and under.

  The Author of this Book has been granted permission by Robyn Peterman to use the copyrighted characters and/or worlds created by Robyn Peterman in this book. All copyright protection to the original characters and/or worlds of the Magic and Mayhem series is retained by Robyn Peterman.


  I’d like to thank my good friend Deb S. and Melody S., who always listens to my crazy ideas in the eleventh hour and reaffirms that I haven’t lost my ever-loving mind. Thanks for being there.

  Cover by Blackraven’s Designs

  Edited by Blackraven’s Designs


  Blast Off with us into the Magic and Mayhem Universe!

  I’m Robyn Peterman, the creator of the Magic and Mayhem Series and I’d like to invite you to my Magic and Mayhem Universe.

  What is the Magic and Mayhem Universe, you may ask?

  Well, let me explain…

  It’s basically authorized fan fiction written by some amazing authors that I stalked and blackmailed! KIDDING! I was lucky and blessed to have some brilliant authors say yes! They have written brand new stories using my world and some of my characters. And let me tell you… the results are hilarious!

  So here it is! Blast off with us into the hilarious Magic and Mayhem Universe. Side splitting books by fantabulous authors! Check out each and every one. You will laugh your way to a magical HEA!

  For all the stories, go to Grab your copy today!


  Witchin' Up the Dead: Magic and Mayhem Universe is book 7 in the Magick and Chaos series.

  A shifter stuck in limbo. A witch who brings back the dead, and a zombie apocalypse. What could go wrong?

  Dillen has loved Cecelia from afar for years. The one kiss they'd shared Christmas Day has left the beast inside of him hungry for more. But every time he tries to approach the skittish witch, she runs for the hills faster than he can blink an eye. When a battle with Paimon leads to his death, he ends up in Zombieland with Bridezilla. In order to escape before it's too late, he'll need the help of his family, a few good friends, and a necromancer to bring him back from the dead.

  Cecelia spends the majority of her year reviving the dead. While being a necromancer can have some real Debbie Downer moments, she's learned to embrace her destiny over the years. That is, until the love of her life is in need of her help. She's ran from Dillen for years, but this time, there's no escape. It's either put up, or shut up.

  When the spell she casts goes haywire, will she go against everything she's been taught to save the one she loves? Or, will he be lost to her forever?

  When the veil between the human realm and Zombieland is breached during a New Moon, all hell breaks loose in Bass Ackwards, Tennessee.

  Warning: Witchin' Up the Dead: Magic and Mayhem Universe involves a King looking for his Queen, a jilted lover out for revenge, and a talented group of zombies who love performing off-Broadway.


  Cecelia groaned and tried to ignore the insistent pounding on her door. Maybe if she covered her head and remained quiet, they'd go away. She was exhausted from warding off all the freaks who had suddenly appeared from out of nowhere. For some reason, the Summer Solstice had the residents of Bass Ackwards on edge. If the light show on the outskirts of town near the old graveyard was a sign of things to come… someone was in trouble.

  She watched last night, or rather, this morning, as the sky lit up like the Fourth of July. It wasn't the first time sinister activity had occurred in the graveyard. But, it was the first time said activity had left her with an eerie feeling. Not only had something bad happened, but it was about to turn her world upside down. She wanted to scream at the injustice of it all, as the banging on her door continued. Tossing and turning to get more comfortable, she tried to ignore whoever was knocking, but it was no use. Finally, she gave up, crawled out of bed, and went to answer the door.

  "Somebody better be dead," she yelled, running her fingers through her fiery red mane. Stumbling to the door, she swung it open and froze when she discovered it was Dillen’s sister.

  "Dillen is dead and if we're going to save him, we need your help," Ariel said, matter of fact.

  Cecelia had never seen the formidable lioness look so distressed. She'd heard the words coming out of her mouth, but they weren't registering. Dillen? Dead?

  She stepped aside and motioned for Ariel to come in. She wasn't sure what had happened in the last twenty-four hours, but she was about to find out. The thought of Dillen dead was inconceivable. He was one of the strongest men she'd ever met... a force to be reckoned with on any given day. His sister had to have been mistaken because if she wasn't, then it meant the love of her life was no longer in this realm. Although she was still struggling to process Ariel's shocking declaration, there was a part of her that knew the lioness was telling the truth. Yet, the necromancer in her remained in denial.

  Wouldn't I have felt something if he were dead? If he's my mate, as everyone has told me over and over and over again, then I should have felt his spirit leave his body. Was the cold shiver that raked over me last night a message from the Goddess that I no longer had a mate?

  Ariel's matter of fact announcement continued to wreak havoc on Cecelia's mind, as she took a seat on the sofa. She wanted answers because there was no way in Hades her mate was dead. Just the thought of it left a foul taste in her mouth. The cold pizza she'd had for supper the night before was sitting like a lump of coal in the pit of her stomach. Regret for all the things left unsaid threatened to overwhelm her, but she forced them away. Having a meltdown was not an option.

  Looking into Ariel's somber eyes, she placed a reassuring smile on her face. To avoid creating further distress, she cleared her throat and spoke in a soothing voice. "Tell me what happened."

  Cecelia watched as the young lioness took in several deep breaths. It was obvious she was
trying to gather her thoughts and regain her composure. But, the longer Ariel remained silent, the more she wanted to scream to the Goddess above for patience. Her anxiety level was at an all-time high. She wanted—no needed—to know what had happened to Dillen.

  The last time she'd seen him, they were locking lips on Christmas Day, over a year ago. Yeah, she knew it was ridiculous to have avoided the man for so long. Camille and Symone had reminded her on a daily basis of her stupidity. But that was neither here nor there. It was obvious her mate was in trouble and needed help by the way his sister was still wringing her hands. The lioness looked so forlorn it would have broken her heart, if she hadn't been so worried about Dillen.

  The longer Ariel remained quiet, the more she thought about the last time she'd seen her mate. It sounded so strange to refer to him in such an intimate way. They'd only shared one kiss, but it had been spectacular. He'd wrapped her in his arms and took her mouth in the most sensual kiss she'd ever experienced in her life. Every time she thought about the kiss, butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She also remembered how at home, she had felt in his arms for the first time in her life. It had been both exhilarating and terrifying. It was also the primary reason she'd run as fast and far as she could, even if it had only been to her house.

  Yeah, she'd been a coward that day by running away, but it had all been too much. The kiss had been hot, passionate, and addictive. Her body had sizzled with pleasure; her senses had been on overdrive, and her mind had short circuited. The longer he'd kissed her, the more she'd wanted him. For the first time in a long time, she had felt desirable by a man and it had scared her to death. People who believed you could never get enough of a good thing had never been kissed by Dillen. The King had taken control of her mind, body and soul. He could have demanded anything of her that day and she would have gladly done his bidding. Thank the Goddess, she had managed to regain her senses enough to make a quick escape.

  Deep down, she knew her mate couldn't be dead because if he was, she'd have felt a tremendous sense of loss. A void so deep that it would have left her inconsolable. No, Ariel had to be wrong. Yet, that still didn't explain the unexpected visitor sitting in her living room. Lost in her own dark pit of regret, fear, and scattered thoughts, Cecelia hadn't heard the lioness speak.

  "We were in a battle with Paimon and things began to spiral out of control. It seemed like no matter how hard we fought, we couldn't send him back to Hell."

  "Wait! You've lost me. What does the ninth Spirit of Solomon have to do with Dillen and why would you summon him here to Earth?" Cecelia asked in a high pitched voice laced with a tinge of fear.

  Ariel's head snapped up at Cecelia's comments. She glared at the necromancer. Her lips formed in a tight line, which only emphasized her anger and frustration. "We didn't summon Lucifer's right hand man. That dimwit, Brittney, did. And because of her stupidity and jealousy, we had to send him back to Hell before he captured Claire. That's when all Hell broke loose."

  "Brittney? Claire? Paimon? That still doesn't explain why you think Dillen is dead."

  Cecelia watched as Ariel gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and blew out a breath. She wasn't sure if the lioness was trying to calm down, or sending a prayer up to the Goddess for patience. It made no difference to her one way or the other. She was supposed to have still been in bed. But instead, she was listening to what surely had to be an exaggerated story about a jealous lover. One, who was maniacal enough to summon a Demon from Hell. And dumb enough to have put her mate in harm’s way.

  "I never said Brittney was the smartest witch on the block. May I finish the story now? We're wasting time," Ariel insisted.

  "Sure. I'm listening," Cecelia replied, trying her best not to agitate the lioness even more than she already was. The dread that had created a boulder in the pit of her stomach was back. If they had tangled with Paimon, who commanded a legion of Demons, then they were all doomed to Hell, she thought, before returning her attention back to Dillen’s sister.

  "The battle went on for what seemed like hours. The harder we fought, the more ground we lost. When Claire opened up Mother Earth, I lost my advantage on several of the Demons. One had gained the advantage on me and was about to strike when Dillen leapt in front of me. I watched in horror, as the sword went through his chest. Long story short, my brother died on the battlefield trying to protect me," Ariel said with a sob.


  Dillen woke up with a headache the size of Mount Everest. His body ached and his mouth felt like it was stuffed full of cotton. The birds chirping in the distance only made the pounding in his head worse. The only thing he wanted to do was turnover, bury his head under the covers and go back to sleep. Except, there were no covers, or bed. Slowly, he opened his eyes to take in his new and unfamiliar surroundings. He was lying in a beautiful, peaceful garden that resembled a fairy village in the woodlands. The spectacular colors from the camellias, rhododendrons, candelabra primulas and azaleas looked like something one would have found in the Garden of Eden. Fairies, myrtle wood and a dragon had been created out of a fallen tree. The vibrant colors and smells threatened to overwhelm his senses. Yet, they were also soothing the pounding in his head.

  Where the hell am I? Dillen thought, as he stood and continued to scrutinize his new surroundings. To his left, there was a vegetable garden and a path that led to who knows where. To his right, there was a walled garden with a long border of herbaceous perennials filled to the brim with unique and interesting treasures. It too had a long, winding path. Where it led, only the Goddess knew. Mesmerized and intrigued by the enchanted garden, Dillen opted for the path directly in front of him that held a border of red, white, and yellow roses, dahlias, sweet peas, and banana trees. There was also a waterfall that reminded him of how thirsty he had been only a few minutes ago.

  The water in the garden was refreshing and seemed to soothe some of the anxiety building in his head. However, the more he explored the garden, the more his gut yelled that he wasn’t supposed to be there. Although he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, something was terribly wrong. Where was his sister, Ariel? His Pride? Had they defeated Paimon? How had he gotten here, but more importantly, how did he get home? Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs wrapping themselves around his memory like a cloak, he forced himself to concentrate. He wouldn’t be seduced by a garden, no matter how much its beauty called to him.

  The more Dillen explored the garden, the more his gut screamed at him that it was time to go home. The haze threatening to wipe away his memories forever was getting stronger by the minute. Thank the Goddess, so had his instinct to fight. Although it was a painful process, the harder he concentrated the faster his memories returned. The battle with Paimon at the old cemetery outside town. The horror and sorrow of watching some of his Pride lose their lives to such an evil being. The anger and frustration of feeling helpless and wondering would Paimon kill them all. Every painful memory was like a shooting dagger stabbing him straight in the heart. But the final blow came when he remembered how his sister had almost died at the hand of one of Paimon’s demons. His only thought had been to save her life, even if it meant sacrificing his own. He’d promised his parents on their death bed that he’d always take care of her. Had he kept his promise? Why couldn’t he leave this place? What in the hell was going on?

  Frustrated and angry that there was no one around to answer his questions, and worried sick about his sister and Pride, the King fell to his knees and let out a roar loud enough to shake not only the ground below him, but also the Heavens above.

  * * *

  Bertie watched the handsome stranger from afar. Given his level of distress, she wasn’t sure if now was a good time to approach him. The roar he’d let out had surely awaken everyone and everything within a hundred mile radius. The golden glow in his eyes and the fierce determination on his face told her that he wasn’t a man to be toyed with. No, she had to be careful around this one, or he would destroy her. Yet, the insistent nickeling
in the back of her mind, told her that he was special. That he’d be the one to help her out of this precarious predicament she found herself in. Desperate and tired of being stuck in this Goddess forsaken place, she straightened her spine and prepared for battle. Unlike the other times, she would make sure this handsome creature fell in love with her because the alternative was not an option.

  It took a few minutes, but Bertie finally mustered up enough courage to reveal herself. In a soft, soothing voice, she asked, “Are you okay?”

  When the man snapped his head toward her and roared, she wasn’t sure whether to run or kneel. His powerful presence was doing a number on her senses and that it never happened before. Could he be her salvation? Had the prayers she sent up to the Goddess been answered? Only time will tell. So, instead of running, she continued to approach the man like he was a wild animal waiting to attack.

  In an effort to regain what little courage she had left, Bertie quickly cleared her throat and said, “Hello, my name is Bertie. What’s yours?”

  “Dillen. Where am I?”

  “You’re in my garden,” Bertie replied, ignoring the man’s gruff voice. She knew the only way to get what she wanted was to remain calm, cool and collected. Her only objective was to coax Dillen into doing her bidding and she couldn’t do that if they got off on the wrong foot. Remembering her mother had always insisted that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, she decided to conjure up a meal as a peace offering.


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