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When We Fall

Page 6

by Kendall Ryan

  “Give it to me,” she breathed. Her confidence and husky tone caused a drop of fluid to leak from my tip.

  Positioning the head of my cock at her entrance, I pushed forward slowly but steadily, easing past the tightness of her inner muscles and not stopping until I was completely buried deep inside her body. McKenna let out a low murmur of discomfort. I knew I was testing her, pushing her limits, but I also knew she liked it. And I loved the feel of her stretching around me.

  “Ride me, angel,” I encouraged, placing one hand against her side, my thumb lightly stroking her hip bone.

  She rotated her hips, drawing me even deeper and savoring the feel of me buried so completely, before lifting and lowering herself back down in tiny increments as she adjusted to my size.

  Watching her hips move against mine, seeing her eyes slip closed as an expression of ecstasy overtook her features was too much. Fuck. She was my everything.

  I gripped her hips, lifting her up and down while I planted my feet against the mattress and used the leverage to thrust into her. Unable to hold back, I pounded into her tight little pussy over and over again, loving the way her chest bounced as I plunged into her.

  All too soon, McKenna was exploding around me, murmuring my name and gripping her breasts to rub her nipples as she started to come.

  The sight of her, coupled with the intense way her body gripped at mine, wrenched the last of my self-control away. Tingles at the base of my spine drew my balls tight against my body as my own release began. Hot jets of semen pumped into her. McKenna clung to me helplessly and I lifted up on my elbows to kiss her. Her walls continued pulsing around me for several seconds as our breathing slowed and our kiss turned deeper, slower.

  One thing was certain: I did not deserve an angel like McKenna. The only explanation for her presence in my life was that my mom had sent her from heaven to look after us all. It was the only thing that made sense. I’d known she was my angel right from the very beginning.

  I wanted to make love to her over and over again, taking my time like it might be my last time touching her. The last time I had the privilege of holding her naked body against mine. Because when she found out about my connection to the lawyer, I was all too aware that all of this could end.

  Chapter Eight


  Amanda and her baby girl, AnnMarie—named for both of her grandmas—were being released from the hospital today. And since I felt so guilty that I hadn’t even visited once, I’d offered to pick her up and give them a ride home. Just as I was stepping into my shoes and shrugging on my coat, Brian opened the door to our apartment.

  “I wasn’t expecting you until later,” I said with surprise. “Did you drive yourself?”

  He lifted his arms out to his sides. “Good as new. Not even a limp. I can operate a car and everything.”

  Much-needed laughter bubbled its way up my throat. The last few days had been too tense, and it was good to see his smiling face.

  He gathered me in his arms for a hug. “Damn, it’s good to be home,” he said.

  “It’s good to see you on your feet.”

  “Where are you off to?” he asked, taking in my appearance.

  “I was actually going to pick up a friend and her brand new baby from the hospital, then drive them home.”

  “You still have that rental car?” he asked.

  I nodded sheepishly. “I was supposed to return it days ago. But it turns out I like having my own wheels.”

  Brian chuckled. “How about this. I’ll follow you to the rental lot so you can return it, and then I’ll give you a lift to the hospital so we can get your friend.”

  I nodded. “If you don’t mind, that would be really helpful.”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve been in a bed for almost a month. The last thing I want to do is sit inside alone and watch more TV.”

  He dropped his bags in his bedroom, used the restroom, and then we were on the road within minutes. As promised, Brian followed me to the rental lot and waited while I returned the rental car and paid the bill, then we were en route to the hospital.

  “So…you and Knox…” he started.

  When I was in Indiana for all those weeks, Brian knew my relationship with Knox was on the rocks. Now he was fishing for information, but I couldn’t blame him. He had to be curious, and I’d been pretty closed off about my relationship.

  “We’re back together. I love him, Bri. I love being with him and his brothers. And I think my parents would have wanted me to be happy.”

  He nodded silently, looking out at the road. “Yeah, they would have,” he said after several minutes of silence. “They would be really proud of you, you know.”

  It was the first time I’d heard him acknowledge that, and irrational tears filled my eyes.

  “Guess it’s time I let you go,” he said softly. “Shit, I’ve had a crush on you since the first grade. You can’t say I didn’t try.”

  I chuckled lightly. “You put in a valiant effort.”

  He reached over and took my hand. “Knox is lucky to have you.”

  “Thanks, Bri.”

  His injury and time recouping seemed to bring him a new sense of peace and clarity. It had given him a lot of time to think. And my leaving him while he was still recovering to return to Knox must have sent a stronger message than I realized. I’d chosen Knox over him in every way possible.

  When we arrived at the hospital, we checked in at the security desk and were directed to the third-floor maternity wing. I thought Brian might just wait for us in the waiting room, but he insisted on helping, saying there would probably be bags to carry.

  I decided I liked his new helpfulness and sense of peace about our friends-only status. We paused outside Amanda’s room and I gave a knock on the door.

  “Come in!” she called, her voice sounding clear and happy.

  I poked my head in and made sure she was dressed. She was wearing stretch pants and a cute top, and had a big smile across her face.

  “I have my friend Brian with me…that okay?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Of course. Thanks for coming.” She waved us in.

  We entered the room and I gave Amanda a big hug before peeking inside the bassinet holding the tiny baby.

  “Aw…” I gushed as a rush of emotions hit me at once. Amanda was a mom. And AnnMarie was so tiny and pink. She was absolutely precious. A miracle baby in more ways than one.

  While I held the baby and cuddled her in the nearby rocking chair, I was vaguely aware of Amanda and Brian getting to know each other. Oops. Apparently I’d forgotten my manners along with making formal introductions as soon as I’d seen the baby. But Brian was standing with his hands in his pockets and a big grin on his face, and Amanda was laughing at something he’d said, so I focused on the sweet little thing in my arms again. She was so light, I could hold her forever. Her little pink face turned up to mine, and she lazily peeked open one eye and yawned. I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “So she’s all good, despite being born early?” I asked.

  Amanda nodded, pulling her attention away from Brian. “Yeah, she’s good to go. She had a hard time regulating her body temperature, which is why we had to stay a couple extra days, but she’s completely healthy. She’s almost five pounds already, and eats like a horse.”

  The pride in Amanda’s smile touched something inside me. It seemed we were all growing.

  “So I hear we’re here to spring you out of here,” Brian said, looking at Amanda again.

  “Yes, I’m more than ready to leave. It’s impossible to get a decent night’s sleep with nurses coming in every couple of hours and turning on the lights, poking this, prodding that.”

  I handed her daughter back to her. “I hate to tell you this, but I think your nights of sleeping are over.”

  “Yeah, I know.” She smiled down at the baby in her arms. “But she’s worth it.”

  “May I?” Brian asked, stopping in front of Amanda and looking down at the baby. />
  “Oh, sure,” she said and passed him the infant.

  Watching Brian hold the baby only made her look tinier. He cooed something unintelligible down at her while Amanda and I swooned. What was it about a man and a baby?

  While Amanda bundled AnnMarie up in the car seat, Brian and I gathered up her bags. “Do you have everything you need at home?” I asked. I knew the birth had been a surprise, and aside from our thrift-store shopping a while back, I didn’t know if she was prepared to take the baby home.

  “I have a bassinet for her to sleep in, diapers, wipes, and some clothes. I’m breastfeeding because it’s, well, it’s free and I can’t afford baby formula. Besides, it’s not as bad as I thought it’d be. So yeah, I think we have everything we need.”

  I nodded. “Okay.” It sounded like she had the essentials covered. I realized babies really didn’t need much. Despite all the plastic gear and baby products on the market, Amanda was embracing the simple side of things.

  Brian’s brows scrunched together. “If you need anything else, you let us know. Any friend of McKenna’s is a friend of mine.”

  Amanda smiled up at him. “I will.”

  His offer was sweet. I wondered if his demeanor would change if I told him how I knew Amanda, and that she was an addict in recovery I’d met in group. Or maybe his harsh criticism was only reserved for Knox. Either way, I let it go. Today was a happy day, and it felt like everyone was heading in the right direction.

  Chapter Nine


  With the drama of the last few days behind us, I wanted to make the most of my time with Knox. We needed to be alone, to just reconnect. I loved that he’d planned a date for us, and deciding that I quite liked having a boyfriend, I wanted to return the favor. I wanted to go somewhere we could both relax and enjoy the day together. And I’d told Belinda that despite returning to Chicago after my extended leave of absence, she should give my Saturday morning sex-addict group to my replacement permanently.

  Which meant both Knox and I were free on Saturdays now. My new schedule felt positively decadent. Having time to actually pursue a relationship was something new for me. The old me would have felt guilty. The new me was going to enjoy every minute of it.

  When Knox picked me up later that afternoon, I slid into the warmth of his Jeep, inhaling his masculine scent and instantly feeling happy and secure.

  “Are you okay with me being in charge today?” I smiled at him.

  His gaze jerked over to mine and an unexpected jab of lust shot straight between my thighs at the wicked grin on his lips. “I think I can handle that. Where to, angel?”

  “Downtown,” I answered. “Park somewhere near Lakeshore Drive.”

  He was dressed in a warm-looking thermal tee and a black fleece, and since it wasn’t totally freezing out today, my plan should work.

  Once he’d parallel parked on a side street just off Lakeshore Drive, I laced his fingers with mine and led him down to the walking path bordering the lake. It was the middle of January, which meant we were completely alone on the beach. Just me, Knox, and the endless blue water stretched out before us, gently lapping at the sandy shoreline.

  We huddled into our coats and almost by instinct, our joined hands squeezed tighter. It was just us. No kids. No Brian or Amanda. No drama. I breathed in a deep, refreshing lungful of fresh air and sighed happily.

  We walked side by side in silence for a few moments, and though it looked like there was something heavy on his mind, when I questioned Knox, the tension in his features fell away and he dropped a kiss to my mouth.

  “Everything’s perfect, angel,” he assured me.

  Perhaps it was still lingering worry over Jaxon. Either way, I dismissed it. Knox was by my side and that was all that mattered. I was learning to let the past go, to stay in the moment and enjoy.

  I nestled closer into his side, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

  “Are you cold?” he asked, leaning down to press a kiss against my temple.

  Not with his big body to shield me from the wind. “Not really, no.”

  “So, are we gonna talk about things now that you’re back?” he asked.

  “Like?” I prompted.

  “Like your many volunteering jobs, where you live, and when you’re going to buy a car and stop taking the bus.” He raised an eyebrow at me.

  I remembered feeling protected and cared for right from the first time I’d gone to Knox’s house—he was so against me taking the bus across town on my own. He’d insisted on personally escorting me home. He’d wormed his way into my heart right from the beginning, even if I didn’t see it at the time. All the signs were there. He was a good man. Or maybe I was the exception, since I was pretty sure he hadn’t always treated women with such care and respect.

  I glanced over at him to address his questions. “As for volunteering, I’m no longer leading the Saturday morning group.” I was guessing he’d figured as much since I hadn’t in a couple of months now. “A car is on my to-do list. Brian said he’d help me look.”

  “I’ll take you, McKenna.” His look said not to argue.

  Okay then. Knox will help me get a car.

  I nodded and continued. “And what about where I live?” I paused, waiting for him to give me some clue about what he’d meant. My apartment with Brian was in a safe part of town. I didn’t see what issue he could possibly take up there.

  He stopped walking and turned to face me. The sunlight glinting in his beautiful eyes showed off shades of moss green and warm brown. He released my hand, only to bring both of his palms up to cup my face. “When you were away, I realized something about myself. I love you, McKenna, and I don’t want to be without you. I want you to move in with me.”

  The air felt trapped in my chest as I processed his words. He wanted me. He loved me. His offer was much more significant than he could have known. He was giving me my family back. The piece of me that had been missing for all these years. A warm home filled with love and activity. Tears welled in my eyes.

  “Knox…” I sobbed, inhaling ragged breaths.

  “Shhh. Don’t answer now. I know it’s a lot to process, something you probably want to think about. But I promise you one thing—I’m never going back to the man I was before. You’ve changed me. You came into my life and completely fucking gutted me. I thought I couldn’t love again, but you were right all along. Love was the exact thing I was missing and searching for in all those women.”

  I flinched slightly at his words. Being reminded of his past wasn’t easy, but his thumb brushed across my bottom lip, deliciously distracting me.

  “I was looking for you the entire time. And it took a downward spiral for me to find you. My angel,” he whispered.

  I wanted to tell him yes, of course I would move in, but my lips were busy attacking his. I kissed him with a brutal force that he matched with swipe after swipe of his tongue against mine. He hauled me closer, one hand still cupping my face, and the other pressed against my butt to align our bodies together. Suddenly being in public seemed like a terrible idea.

  “Knox…” I breathed against his damp lips.

  “Yeah?” His voice was a rough growl that sent delicious vibrations spiraling through me.

  “Let’s go somewhere.”

  “My house,” he answered.

  Yes. Please. Anywhere but here. Preferably somewhere with a bed. “Wait.” I pulled back. “Won’t your brothers be there?”

  His hazy eyes found mine. “They know we fuck, McKenna.” He pressed his erection against my belly and rubbed it against me.

  A whimper fell from my parted lips and I couldn’t argue. I nodded quickly and he led me back to his Jeep. I almost laughed as I tried to keep up with Knox’s pace. His long legs ate up the sidewalk and I pranced alongside him. We’d made it fifteen minutes into our date before we cracked and needed to be alone. But there was no denying my entire body was humming with need. He’d created this side of me. And I was all too happy to go along with it.<
br />
  We climbed inside the Jeep and Knox wasted no time cranking the ignition and pulling out into traffic. A silent glance in his direction caused a knot to form in my stomach. He was still rock hard in his jeans, the rigid weight of his erection clearly visible through the denim. Desire pulsed through me, hot and uncontained.

  “Knox…” I murmured.

  His hand curled around the back of my neck, guiding my mouth to his while he maintained eye contact with the road. “Not long, baby,” he assured me, his lips brushing against mine.

  I pressed my thighs together, squirming in the seat as his warm tongue licked against my bottom lip. I knew what delicious, naughty things his tongue could do to other parts of my body. A flash of moisture dampened my panties.

  I’d survived so long without physical affection and sex, maybe now I was making up for lost time. Either that or Knox alone had unleashed something in me that refused to be contained. Especially now that I knew how good he could make me feel.

  When Knox broke the kiss, I found myself unable to resist. I reached across the center console and curled my hand around the hard ridge in his pants, eliciting a soft groan from him.

  I rubbed his firm length up and down, loving how big and masculine he felt in my hand. I wanted to make him feel good and lose all control like he did to me. I wanted to see him come apart.

  “Shit,” he cursed, his hands gripping the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

  I wanted to unbutton his pants, tug down his zipper and free his cock, feel its warm weight against my skin, in my mouth, but I settled for lightly stroking him over his pants.

  The raspy breath shuddering in his chest was the only encouragement I needed. Using my fingernails, I lightly raked across him, squeezing and caressing him. I might have said this was for him—meant to turn him on and drive him wild—but it was just as much for me. Touching him, knowing I was bringing him pleasure, made me feel sexy and powerful. Not to mention how it drenched my panties with my own arousal.


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