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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

Page 39

by Caroline Peckham

  Erik dropped his mouth to my ear.“Feel free to interrupt if any of these ass-kissers try to inflate my ego too much.”

  I giggled at his tone then composed my face into a teasing grin. “If your ego gets any bigger, Erik, it will need a castle of its own to live in.”

  He smirked. “That’s what I like about you, Rebel. Zero ass-kissing. Although if you fancy putting your mouth anywhere else on my body tonight, you only need to ask.”

  I jabbed him in the ribs, my grin growing beyond all control. I could sense people’s eyes on us, taking me in with curious looks.

  My heart pitter-pattered and I couldn’t fight the swell of adrenaline that coursed through my veins. Being at Erik’s side felt powerful and something inside me liked it.

  He led me through the room with purpose and vampires turned to him, bowing low or offering comments of praise on his royal attire. He nodded and replied politely, but shared a wink with me when they turned away again. I grinned at the private joke we shared, my heart floating in my chest.

  I spotted Clarice surrounded by a group of male vampires all seeming keen to get closer to her than her Courtier. She smiled as we passed her by and Erik guided me up a beautiful white marble staircase, following the line of a golden railing as it led us to the balcony above the room.

  As we trailed along side by side, I leant against Erik and whispered, “I counted four ass-kissers and at least one brown-noser back there. How’s your ego doing?”

  “It’s reached its maximum, I think,” he murmured, leaning in so close his breath skated over my cheek. “But I’m pretty sure that’s because of the girl on my arm, not because of a bunch of empty compliments.”

  My throat grew parched as I turned toward him, eyeing his mouth with a pang of longing.

  Stop thinking about kissing a bloodsucker!

  I can’t help it goddammit.

  We entered an elevator and Erik guided me to the back of it as a group of vampires filed in behind us. Some of them tried to catch Erik’s attention, but he ignored them, angling himself towards me. His hand slid around my waist and he pinched the material there. “I wouldn’t say this to any other girl, but seeing as you were a twig when I met you I think it’s reasonable to tell you you’ve put on some weight,” he said and I snorted a laugh as eyes turned our way.

  “I suppose that’s one good thing about being your prisoner: regular meals,” I whispered even though I was sure everyone in the elevator could hear me. But Erik’s playful tone was bringing out the rebel in me and I didn’t want the fun to end.

  “That’s the only good thing?” He cocked a brow, giving me a hungry smile.

  “Stop it,” I laughed, pushing his chest.

  “Make me,” he growled as the doors opened and the vampires stepped out. They started chattering about us, but their voices were drowned by the music pounding through the room.

  We followed them into a low-lit bar with glinting crystal chandeliers hanging above the space. Several vampires were dancing, grinding up against one another, seeming to be having the time of their lives.

  Erik led me through the crowd, keeping me close as he forged a path between the men and women. He took my hand as we emerged in a seating area with black sofas and chairs surrounding small tables. I spotted Fabian chatting with a group of men in suits; Paige and Brianna were sat across from him, talking in low voices.

  Fabian's eyes fell on Erik's hand circled around mine. He promptly lifted my palm and placed a kiss on my knuckles which sparked an excited energy in me. He quickly released me, muttering, “I'll fetch us drinks,” before disappearing into the crowd.

  I dropped down beside Paige with an impossibly wide smile and she immediately gripped my arm. “Isn't it beautiful here?” she cooed, her blue eyes widening.

  I nodded, taking in her silver dress which sparkled like moonlight.

  “How was your day with Miles?” Brianna leant forward, brushing down the folds of her crimson gown. “I think he's my favourite.”

  My heart sank a little as I recalled my time with Miles. “ was okay.”

  “Who are you going to choose?” Paige asked, her fingers knotting in her skirt.

  I glanced over at Fabian who had returned to his conversation, but I suspected he might have been able to overhear us if he wanted to. His hair was neatly tied back by a coil of black silk as dark as the robes he wore.

  “I'm not sure,” I answered honestly. Miles would keep my secret, but choosing Fabian ensured Erik kept his promise. And I only had until tomorrow to decide.

  “Imagine if we all picked the same brother! We’d all be sharing a husband,” Brianna said, her nose wrinkling. “Who are you thinking, Paige?”

  “Erik's nice.” Paige threw a glance over her shoulder and my stomach knotted as I followed her gaze, spotting Erik by the shiny black bar. At his side, clad in a glimmering green gown, was Valentina. Her hand was curled around his arm and they looked intimately close as she spoke to him. My gut clenched further. He oozed charm and I could tell Valentina was lapping it up.

  Nice? That wasn't exactly the word I would have chosen to describe him. Bewitching maybe…

  “Are you going to choose him?” I whispered, keeping my expression neutral, trying to unravel my twisted stomach. That definitely didn't bother me. Nope, it definitely did.

  “No,” Paige revealed, leaning toward me. “He told me not to.”

  My mouth dried up and my lips parted. “What, why?”

  “He told me the same thing,” Brianna announced with a shrug. “I was pretty keen before that.”

  Paige eyed me closely. “I think he has his eye on you, Montana.”

  A laugh rolled from my throat. “I don't think so.” She had no idea what Erik's intentions really were, and the last thing he wanted was for me to pick him at the ceremony. But then why was he being so flirtatious with me tonight? Perhaps he was like that with all the girls...

  “He's all over you,” Brianna agreed, not seeming too pleased about that. “But Miles is the only one I even slightly trust in this place.”

  Paige glanced around at the vampires, waving her hands to hush her. “Don't say that.”

  “Why? What are they gonna do? Drain me?” Brianna glowered.

  I had to agree she had a point. But talking openly about our dislike for the vampires probably wasn't the best idea in a place full of them.

  “So who then, Montana?” Paige pressed.

  My mouth was so parched I started to grow agitated that Erik hadn't returned with my drink in favour of talking with Valentina. “I don't know,” I insisted. “Who are you going to pick?”

  She pursed her lips then her eyes drifted to Fabian. “Well Erik was my first choice, but I suppose he isn't a bad second.”

  “Do you actually like him?” Brianna interjected before I could answer. Picking him was an awful idea and Brianna obviously sensed that too. I wondered why, considering I was probably the only one privy to the knowledge that he ran the Realms. If I hadn’t known that, Fabian wouldn’t have seemed like a terrible option.

  Paige ducked her head, her cheeks reddening. “I know he's a bit handsy, but Fabian said my family will be moved here if we cooperate. So what's better than that? We'll all be safe and we'll never have to go back to the Realms.”

  “But they want us to be vampires,” Brianna hissed in disgust and I spotted a few eyes turning our way.

  I was thankful for the distraction as Erik reappeared, planting a glass in my hand. I gazed down at the red drink swimming in a strangely-shaped glass which resembled an upside down umbrella.

  “What is it?” I asked him, sniffing the liquid.

  “It's a raspberry Martini,” he said.

  I sniffed it again, sensing something vaguely sharp beneath the fruity tones. Sipping it, my tastebuds seemed to crackle as the sweet mixture slid down my throat. Heat spread through my belly as I swallowed another mouthful. It was divine.

  “Do you like it?” Erik asked, perching on the arm of a ch
air across from me and I nodded quickly. In his hand was a crystal glass filled with a dark brown liquid.

  “You’re not drinking blood?” I asked in surprise.

  He shook his head. “We don’t have to drink it constantly, Rebel.”

  I spied the array of chalices and glasses in the hands of the other vampires in the room, realising he was right. They weren’t all drinking blood. Which was a complete surprise to me.

  “I didn’t think you could drink anything else,” I said and Erik shrugged, taking a sip from his glass.

  “Well now you know.”

  Paige grabbed her own drink from the table; it was clear with chopped green fruit floating in it.

  “Can I try yours?” she asked, offering me her own glass.

  We swapped and I sipped the citrusy flavour of hers with a grin. Paige started giggling and I had the urge to join her as a floaty feeling took over me.

  “Montana, would you like to dance?” Fabian's voice made me jump. I turned to him, finding he'd planted himself in front of Erik, blocking him from view.

  I forced away my hesitation, slapping a smile onto my face. “Sure,” I said, taking his hand.

  A tingle of trepidation ran down my spine as he pulled me upright and guided me away. After the last time I'd seen him, I didn't feel remotely comfortable around him. How was I supposed to get any information from him? He was hardly going to spill his secret plans to me. Still, I supposed I had to be seen trying.

  Fabian gently slid an arm around my waist, starting to sway me to a slow song that warbled through the room. “I wanted to apologise for yesterday. I acted like an idiot, Montana. I obviously misread the situation.”

  I sighed, relaxing a little. “Thank you.”

  “I hope I haven't ruined my chances.” His mouth hooked up at one corner and his eyes grew warmer.

  I shook my head, but glanced away, my eyes drawn magnetically to Erik. I noticed he'd slid into my seat beside Paige and I forced myself to face Fabian again.

  “Erik won't offer you what I will,” Fabian said in a low tone. “I know he seems charming now but when the ceremony is over, he will use you. That's how he is.” His upper lip curled back slightly and I caught sight of his fangs.

  My throat dried up as I nodded. Erik was using me already and Fabian had no idea.

  “You don't like him,” I stated and Fabian's eyes darkened.

  “It isn't about like or dislike. We have different visions for what the New Empire should be. He doesn't agree with me and I don't agree with him.”

  “What do you have in mind?” I asked, suddenly curious for myself as much as I was for Erik. He was technically my ruler after all. And if he gained full power, would things get even worse for us humans?

  Fabian's eyes glowed as he answered. “This world needs a single leader. The four of us are too different to rule together. I wish to take on that responsibility and steer our country toward greatness.”

  “How?” I whispered, a pricking feeling crawling up my spine.

  “We need to colonise more of the world. More vampires, more strength. That is my sentiment.”

  A male vampire suddenly grabbed Fabian's arm, his eyes darting left and right. “Your highness, a word please.”

  “Not here, Miguel,” Fabian snarled at him. “I told you to keep your distance from me.”

  Miguel muttered an apology, but didn’t leave. “It’s important.”

  Fabian schooled his frustrated expression, turning to me. “Sorry Montana, I’ll find you later.” He released me, pushing the man ahead of him as they moved toward the bar.

  I stood stock still, unsure what to do, but my legs urged me after him. Whatever it was Miguel wanted to say was clearly important. And if I was going to keep my promise to Erik I had to try and listen to their conversation.

  The throng of bodies kept me concealed as I moved after them and stood a couple of feet from Fabian at the bar.

  “-is everything under control?” Fabian hissed.

  “Yes, sir. But...” The vampire glanced around nervously again and I shrank back into the crowd.

  “Come, let's talk about this in private,” Fabian said and they started moving through the room again.

  My heartbeat stuttered as I willed myself to make a decision. Nightmare was growing hot on my leg, seeming to whisper follow.

  We crossed the open field before the blood bank in silence, my lessons from the previous day guiding my movements.

  The grass shone silver in the moonlight, the tips of the brown stalks sparkling with a new frost as the temperature plummeted. My breath rose before me in a cloud of vapour, reminding me of the warm blood that pumped through my veins. I was mortal. I was a slayer. And I was alive. No vampire could claim such things. And it was time they remembered they were dead.

  Fury pulsed with anticipation in my palm. The blade was working itself up into a frenzy as we drew closer to the danger. I was starting to feel its revelry too. We were about to find my family. I was going to get them back.

  The thought alone made my chest swell with hope and banished the fear from my body.

  Magnar led the way straight up to the wall of the blood bank before turning right, using its shadow to conceal us from prying eyes.

  The building’s windows had all been bricked over. The newer mortar and brickwork stood out like ugly scars against the rest of the old factory but I guessed the vampires hadn’t cared about the way it appeared.

  We moved quickly; I was almost at a jog as I hurried to keep up with Magnar’s long stride. The chilling silence kept us company. Even the wild animals knew this place was evil. Nothing dared approach it.

  A piercing scream suddenly sounded from within the building and we both froze as the echoes of it reverberated into the valley. I knew my old Realm lay somewhere in that direction, though no lights shone to show me where. I wondered if anyone had heard the screams tonight.

  My gut clenched with terror but I hardened myself against it. I was no longer a helpless human hiding in my apartment after dark while the pain-filled howling on the wind sent nightmares to my slumber. I was going to see this place destroyed. Tonight would be the last time the Realm was terrorised by these screams. The constant threat of the blood bank was about to be removed from the humans’ lives for good.

  Magnar started moving again and I followed in his shadow. As he made it to the corner of the building, he stopped and held out a hand to me.

  Fury growled a warning across my flesh.

  I bit my lip as Magnar slowly released Tempest from the sheath on his back before sinking into a crouch. His hand swept through the bristly stalks by his feet for a moment until he located a stone which filled his palm.

  As he stood again, he tossed the stone ahead of him and it thumped into the grass a few feet away, making it rustle unnaturally.

  Magnar’s grip tightened on his blade as he held it ready and a vampire stepped into view. Before her eyes had even taken us in, they widened with alarm and understanding as he drove his sword through her chest.

  She was carried away on the gusting wind and Magnar tossed the small pile of her clothes into the shadows behind me.

  “The lesser vampires will not cause us much issue,” he explained in a whisper. “But I can feel the presence of more than one Elite inside. If at any point I tell you to run, then run.”

  “I won’t leave you,” I breathed passionately. Did he really think I’d have followed him all this way just to abandon him if he needed my help?

  “You will do as I command,” he replied angrily, his eyes burning with a fierce desire to protect me.

  “You forget that I haven’t taken any vow Magnar,” I replied icily. “So I don’t follow your commands unless I want to. And there is no way that you could make me leave you behind to save myself.”

  “What if I said that I won’t go any further until you swear to do as I ask?”

  “Then I’ll go in alone,” I replied. “Because my dad and Montana need me and I won’t aban
don them any more than I would abandon you.”

  He glared at me for several long seconds before turning away and heading around the corner. I jogged after him, pleased that he hadn’t forced a promise from my lips which I wouldn’t be able to keep. No matter what he told me to do, I knew I could never save myself at the cost of his life and if I told him otherwise it would be a lie.

  A heavy wooden door stood ajar ahead of us and Magnar made a beeline for it. I stayed close, relying on Fury’s information to reassure myself no vampires were about to strike.

  Magnar stepped through the doorway and I slipped in behind him. He hesitated as he looked up at the long fluorescent lights which illuminated the wide corridor we found ourselves in.

  “What magic is this?” he breathed in astonishment, seemingly unable to tear his gaze from the flickering bulb above his head.

  “It’s just electricity,” I reminded him gently, laying a hand on his arm. “Like the flashlight but bigger.”

  I felt the tension ease out of his muscles a little at my words but his gaze remained fixed on the lights for several more seconds before he forced himself to look down.

  He frowned at the ground as he processed what he’d seen and convinced himself to accept it before moving on. My gut twisted uncomfortably at the pain which flashed in his gaze. Every time he was reminded of the changes which had happened to the world in the thousand years he had missed, it seemed to bring up what he’d left behind.

  A set of double doors lay directly in front of us. They were made of heavy metal and the handle on the right-hand side was drooping in a way that suggested it was broken.

  Magnar squared his shoulders and began walking quickly, closing the distance to them in several long strides. I glanced nervously down the corridors to my left and right before scurrying after him.

  His eye caught mine as he placed a hand on the broken handle and eased the door open.

  A wave of warm air washed over us and a cloud of smoke caught in my throat. I slapped a hand over my face as my lungs filled with pressure and I fought back the urge to cough.


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