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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

Page 59

by Caroline Peckham

  He took a breath. “A warrior born but monster made, changes fates of souls enslaved. Twins of sun and moon will rise, when one has lived a thousand lives. A circle of gold shall join two souls, and a debt paid rights wrongs of old. In a holy mountain the earth will heal, then the dead shall live and the curse will keel.”

  A shudder went through me as a ripple of power emanated around the room. I recognised some of the words. Nightmare had spoken them to me. But why?

  “What does it mean?” I asked in a hushed tone and Julius took my hand, squeezing my fingers.

  I turned to him in the darkness, finding his eyes twinkling at me as the low light of the moon fell across the tower. “I don’t know. But I have some questions since Nightmare spoke to us earlier. It called you Moon you know why?”

  “No,” I breathed. “I mean…the only connection I can think of is that my mom used to call my sister and I her sun and moon.”

  “You’re not twins are you?” Julius asked, his grip on my hand growing firmer.

  “Yes,” I gasped as I realised what he meant. “You think we’re the twins of sun and moon the prophecy talks about?”

  “I don’t know,” he answered, his tone dark. “But maybe. It is possible you and your sister play some part in breaking the curse.”

  The weight of that prospect settled over me. I turned the words of the prophecy over in my head, trying to work out what it could mean. “It says the twins will rise when one has lived a thousand lives. Could that mean…when one of us is immortal?” I shuddered at the thought and I felt Julius shrugging his shoulders.

  “Perhaps. There is only one part of the prophecy my brother and I were ever clear on. The holy mountain is a place of the dead. We called it Helgafjell in my time. I suspect this curse must be broken there in some way. A debt paid...” He shook his head, having no more answers.

  Silence stretched between us as I waited for him to go on. Eventually, he did. “Montana, I’m afraid of what Nightmare said earlier. It spoke of you…and then of a monster made. This could be a clue, but if it is what I suspect then it’s directing you toward an unspeakable fate.”

  “What fate?” I asked, a tremor quaking my heart.

  Julius’s voice dropped to a dark whisper. “I fear it wants you to become a vampire. And it wants Erik Belvedere to do it.”

  I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. “No, it can’t be that,” I insisted, my heart thumping with fear.

  I gripped the blade tighter, feeling so afraid. Because if it was true. If becoming a vampire somehow led to the curse being removed from every single vampire in the world, what choice did I have but to do it? Throughout my entire life I’d dreamed of ways to bring down the vampires. Callie and I had pretended we could magic them away and the whole of the human race would be free again.

  But what if that was an actual possibility now? What if becoming one of them was the only way to end their reign of terror?

  Julius reached into his pocket and took out a phone.

  My brows rose in surprise. “Where’d you get that?”

  “Stole it off that guard I killed.” He grinned broadly. “This is connected to cameras in the castle grounds.” He pressed a button on it, showing it to me. “Every blind spot, every weakness the royals have in that place is right here in my hand.”

  My mouth parted in surprise as I moved forward, eyeing the live streams in tiny boxes on the phone. Julius tapped on one and it expanded.

  I could see the steps leading up to the castle. A couple of guards were standing by the road beyond them, looking around.

  We watched and the minutes ticked by. I threaded my fingers together as I waited for something to happen.

  “Looks like we’ve got some movement,” Julius murmured.

  Headlights spilled over the guards and two cars arrived. I held my breath as the guards hurried forward to open the side doors but Erik stepped out before they got there, still wearing the casual clothes I'd last seen him in. Fabian, Miles and Clarice all appeared after him dressed in their royal attire.

  Erik led the way as they marched up the steps, his expression taut with rage. My stomach tightened with emotion as I watched.

  Julius shrank the image, clicking the next one which enlarged an office with a circular glass table at the heart of it.

  “I had to hack into the camera in this room.” Julius tapped his temple. “Security access is only given to a few Elite. When I first awoke from my sleep, this world had changed so much and I had no idea how to use vehicles or computers. I knew I needed to understand these things if I was to stand any chance against the Belvederes so I begged Idun for help. Luckily she was feeling generous and she gifted me all the knowledge I needed and more.” He beamed and I shook my head in awe. The gods really did exist...

  “You can watch everything from here?”

  “Only where there are cameras. I couldn’t see into your bedroom, in case you were wondering.”

  I took in a breath, realising something. “Then surely someone saw the vampire who attacked me a few days ago. Why haven’t the guards identified the culprit if they can see all this?”

  “Attacked you? When?” Julius demanded, seeming agitated.

  “Four days ago,” I said, my brows pinching together. “They must have seen them on here.”

  Julius sighed. “The system went down around then. Nothing for hours into the night. I thought it was a glitch on my end. The next morning the streams were live again.”

  I took in a breath. “Who else has access to these? Who could have done that?”

  Julius thought on it. “It would have to be someone with a lot of power or the royals themselves.”

  I ground my teeth, thinking it over but Julius nudged me, pointing at the screen. The royals marched into the office, taking seats around the table.

  My heart skittered at the sight of Erik’s fierce expression. He looked ready to murder someone. And I had the feeling that someone was Julius.

  “My Familiars have traced them to the Bronx ruins,” Fabian spoke and I was startled as the sound was fed back to us, clear as day. “Their scent is all over that place, but the hounds haven’t yet narrowed it down. I’ll send a couple of birds too. Their keen eyes will spot them if they make a move toward the city again.”

  “Thank you, Fabian,” Erik said tersely, knotting his hands on the table.

  “Should we be concerned?” Clarice asked, running her fingers over a golden plait down one side of her neck. “If there is a slayer of old in New York, there could be more. And how is it possible that he still lives after a thousand years?”

  “I don't know the answer to that. But there is only him. I believe it is Julius Elioson. I’m sure you all remember him,” Fabian said, his eyes flicking left and right.

  “I’ve still got the scars to prove it,” Miles growled, turning over his arm to reveal a silvery line on his skin.

  Julius chuckled in my ear.

  Fabian nodded, looking grave. “I became aware of his presence several weeks ago. I’ve been trying to track him down covertly.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Miles hissed.

  “I didn’t want to start a panic,” Fabian muttered. “Just days ago he set a bomb that killed two Courtiers. And I know how attached some of you get to them. I didn’t see the need in worrying you.”

  I looked to Julius, my heart thundering in my ears. “Did you?” I demanded.

  He shook his head fiercely. “Of course not. I’d never kill a human.”

  “But it was intended for Erik,” I hissed, panic rising in me. Was I sitting beside a murderer?

  “I didn’t do it,” Julius spat. “A bomb wouldn’t kill a Belvedere anyway. I am not a fool.”

  I eyed him with concern, but could see the truth in his gaze. Was Fabian lying to cover his tracks? But if Julius knew the bomb wouldn’t kill Erik then why would Fabian set it? Unless…the bomb had never been intended for Erik.

  I dragged my eyes back to the screen as the r
oyals’ voices rose with their anger.

  “You had no right, Fabian!” Clarice snapped. “We could have dealt with it together. What were you thinking?”

  “Enough,” Erik growled before Fabian could defend himself. “Fabian has been an idiot, yes. But we have more important matters to discuss now.”

  “Like?” Miles asked, sitting back in his chair.

  “Like finding Montana, for one,” Erik snarled. “And apprehending the slayer who took her.”

  “You mean executing him surely?” Fabian interjected.

  Erik’s mouth twitched with anger. “Eventually. But we must learn what he knows. If there are more slayers-”

  “There are no more slayers,” Fabian hissed, slamming his hand down on the glass surface. “The remainder of them died off a thousand years ago.”

  “Not true.” Erik took out his phone, placing it at the centre of the table and playing a video. I couldn’t see what it showed, but Erik explained anyway. “General Wolfe encountered a slayer in the blood bank south of Realm G. He said his name was Magnar Elioson, Julius's brother. Maria sent me this video which clearly shows it is true.”

  A hushed silence fell over them all. Clarice took up the phone, gazing at the screen in alarm. “Magnar is still alive? Who’s the girl he’s with?”

  “Montana’s sister, Callie Ford,” Erik revealed and my heart thundered harder in my chest.

  Miles stood abruptly, glaring at Erik. “You know, don’t you? She told you.”

  “Who told me what?” Erik replied calmly, but his eyes shone with a dangerous glint.

  “Montana's blood is stronger than the others we've found. She has the potential to be a full slayer,” Miles announced and Clarice’s mouth parted.

  Fabian gazed at him, his eyes narrowing.

  “I saw her mark,” Miles went on. “She hasn’t taken her vow of course, but what difference does it make? If she’s with another slayer now, what’s to say she won’t take it and they’ll band together against us?”

  Clarice turned to Erik with desperate eyes. “Is it true?”

  Slowly, Erik nodded and my heart crumbled to dust. They knew. All of them knew. And surely that made me a threat?

  “Montana has slayer blood stronger than any of the Courtiers brought here in the past,” Erik said carefully. “She is also a twin.” He took his phone back from Clarice, tapping the screen. “Look at her. Her colouring is as light as Montana's is dark. Night and day. Twins of sun and moon.”

  Miles and Clarice shared a look of fear.

  “The prophecy Erik? Are you really spurting that at us now?” Fabian drawled.

  “It is our salvation,” Erik barked at him. “We have been wrong all these years. Forcing humans with slayer blood to have children with us to try and bear twins. But like I always said, it was just another of Andvari’s lies. Warrior born but monster made does not mean we are supposed to have children with those of slayer blood.”

  My thoughts muddled together as I absorbed what he was saying. They were trying to solve the prophecy. They thought bearing twins with a slayer was the answer. But it wasn’t. It was us. Me and Callie.

  Julius pressed a comforting hand to my spine.

  I focused my thoughts on their conversation, not wanting to miss anything else.

  “We’ll double our efforts in finding Montana’s sister,” Miles said keenly. “She must marry one of us.”

  Erik glared at him. “I’ve already sent several Elite to find her,” he snarled. “But this.” He bashed his fist against his phone. “Shows how deeply the rebels have gotten into our ranks. One of my own sirelings bit into that girl’s neck. I cannot send a team after her if they will not follow basic orders. My own General is a Biter. He murdered their father after I explicitly ordered for him to be released from the blood bank.”

  Clarice took a slow breath. “Okay…we can handle this. We’ll send only our most loyal followers to retrieve the girl.”

  “These were my most loyal followers, Clarice!” Erik yelled, his anger spilling over. “I cannot trust anyone. Not even the people in this room!” He turned his gaze to Fabian who snarled in response.

  “You are in dangerous territory, brother,” Fabian snarled. “You have already wrongly accused me of killing your sirelings. You know the slayer was the culprit, so why is it you still look at me with distrust?”

  “Because there are things you don’t know I’m aware of,” Erik snarled. “Montana was attacked by a vampire just days ago. In her bedroom on the castle grounds. Who else could gain access to the royal quarters unless they walked amongst us freely? Someone allowed an assassin into our home. There are only a few people who could manage such a thing.”

  “You think I tried to kill the girl? Why would I want her dead?” Fabian snapped. “What is it you see in me, Erik? A traitor? Because the only traitor I see here, is you.”

  “Me?” Erik snarled. “In what way am I traitor?”

  “You had my men killed in retaliation because you believed I was targeting you. If only you would put your faith in me and stop-”

  “Enough,” Clarice stepped in, glaring between the two of them. “If Erik has acted against you, Fabian, you will be compensated. But he made a mistake and you must let that pass now. We have to unite. If the slayers are rising again-”

  “They’re not rising!” Fabian insisted.

  “How do you know that?” Miles growled. “We know of four in existence. What if there are more than that? And if Magnar and Julius Elioson are amongst them, they are Blessed Crusaders. Gifted by Idun herself. How do we know these others are not the same? How do we know we are strong enough to face them? We had to run from them before.”

  “Because we have an entire country of vampires at our backs,” Fabian said coolly. “We have nothing to fear from four slayers. They are no more than a thorn in our side. And we will pluck it out and crush it in our palm before any more of our people are killed.”

  “Maybe we should consider the positives to this,” Miles said thoughtfully. “If Montana and her sister are of slayer blood, they could bear the twins the prophecy speaks of.”

  “It is them it speaks of you fool,” Erik said in exasperation.

  “But how do you know that?” Miles questioned. “Andvari told us that we could bear children with mortals. That must be important.”

  “It’s just another of his tricks,” Erik insisted.

  Clarice gazed anxiously between them. “I hate to think we have been wrong all these years. That we’ve made those poor girls have children when it wasn’t necessary. So many of them died in the process...”

  My heart stuttered at her words. Wives had died bearing their children? It was unthinkable.

  “It’s a bit late to grow a conscious, Clarice,” Fabian laughed.

  She scowled. “I’m not the one who fathers them. Maybe you should be the one growing a conscience.”

  Fabian rolled his eyes. “The human girls have never complained about my treatment. Most of my wives adore me. Wouldn’t you say the same of yours, Miles?”

  Miles nodded firmly. “I’ve always given them everything they ever wanted. Montana would be no different.”

  “She is my fucking fiancée, Miles,” Erik snarled, his eyes flaring with emotion.

  My heart squeezed at his words.

  “No one will be touching her. None of you. Not even me,” Erik said, seething as he stared his family down.

  Miles pursed his lips.

  “Well it’s irrelevant anyway at the moment, considering she is off gallivanting with a slayer,” Fabian remarked. “Perhaps she is screwing him as we speak, preparing to bring more of our enemies into the world.”

  Erik was out of his chair in a heartbeat. He grabbed Fabian by the collar, hauling him out of his seat. “Talk about her like that again and you’ll regret it.”

  Fabian shoved him off, brushing the creases from his shirt. “By the gods, Erik, don’t tell me you actually have feelings for a human.”

k glared at him for several long seconds before returning to his chair. My heart twisted and writhed in my chest. I could see in his eyes that he cared for me. I knew it in the depths of my soul.

  I felt Julius’s gaze on me but I couldn’t turn my head to face him.

  "What about her sister then?" Miles asked. “One of us will marry her when she is caught-”

  “No!” Erik bellowed, his gaze like molten lava. “You are not listening to me. The answer is not children. They are the answer. We must figure out what the rest of the prophecy means. We are so close to an answer.”

  “Screw the prophecy,” Fabian muttered.

  “What?” Clarice gasped. “How can you say that? It’s what this is all for. We only want to break the curse, Fabian.”

  “Well maybe I'm done hearing your complaints about our so-called curse. The prophecy is a lie told to drive us all mad anyway, why not enjoy the immortality we’ve been given?” Fabian offered.

  “Why take wives then, Fabian?” Erik growled.

  Fabian’s eyes whipped to him. "Because I want to, Erik. Get off you high horse and join us all in the real world will you? We're royal. The kings and queen of a whole country. We don't have to answer to anyone. If I want a human bride, I will have one. And if it solves the prophecy, great. If not, at least I had fun trying.”

  Erik’s eyes narrowed sharply. “You have to answer to me, brother. I'll always make sure of that.”

  "Is that why you went behind my back to have the Realms rebuilt?” Fabian mused, folding his arms.

  My mouth parted at his words. Erik had done that?

  Clarice and Miles shared a look of alarm as Fabian continued, “Yes, I know all about your backstabbing, Erik. The Realms are my responsibility, stick to your own business if you know what's good for you.”

  "I am making them my business because you’ve done such a terrible job with them," Erik said in a fierce tone. “The Realms will be brought up to the standard of Realm A within the next month, or I'll expose your lie to the New Empire and we'll see what the people think of your treatment of the humans.”

  “They don't care,” Fabian laughed. “I thought they did once, too, that's why I created Realm A. I thought it was necessary, but it isn't. Half of the city is vying for the right to bite.”


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