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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

Page 75

by Caroline Peckham

  The priest was talking again but my gaze had slipped beyond Fabian and I was looking up into the rafters. A shadow moved and I stared at it as my gifts allowed me to pick out Magnar’s face as he gazed down at me in confused horror. My heart cracked right down the middle. I could only imagine what he was thinking. I wasn’t chained and forced to speak under duress: I stood with my body pressed against Fabian’s and a smile on my lips.

  I ached to cry out to him and tell him what was happening but I couldn’t make a sound.

  A deep power slammed into me and I stumbled forward a step. Fabian caught me in his arms, holding me upright as his eyes burned with confusion. I felt something weaving its way between us and a flare of heat shot across my left palm.

  Fabian gasped, holding his right hand out and revealing a shining silver cross on his palm. My left hand held the same mark and I recoiled internally as this bond was formed between us. I hated him, I never wanted anything to link us to each other and yet I was beginning to feel the strangest pull towards him. It went beyond Idun’s control over me; like a piece of my soul ached to be with his.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Count and Countess of the New Empire.”

  Clarice stepped towards me with a glittering silver crown held ready. She reached out to place it on my head and its weight felt like a ton of bricks crushing down on my soul.

  “You may kiss the bride,” the priest announced.

  Fabian moved towards me and my traitorous body pushed up onto my tiptoes as my hands gripped the back of his head and I pulled him closer. Inside I was screaming, begging, pleading and offering any bargain to halt this. More tears fell from my eyes but they couldn’t do anything to stop what was happening.

  I looked beyond Fabian and found Magnar’s golden eyes once more. My heart broke as if I could feel the pain I was causing him.

  Fabian’s mouth met mine and my eyes fell shut, blocking out Magnar and the aching loss I could see filling him.

  Fabian’s kiss was fierce and demanding, his hands gripping my hair as he forced me to yield to his desires. My body continued to betray me as I kissed him back. And a traitorous piece of me which I refused to accept was me at all liked it.

  The mark on my palm burned with excited energy in response to Fabian’s touch and I couldn’t deny the desire I felt pooling in my stomach. It was like my soul had been severed in two and he was claiming the part of it I couldn’t control. I was bound to this creature of the night. I was his. And he was mine.

  His kiss grew hungrier as he felt it too and I met his passion with my own.

  My heart pounded in fear and longing for a warrior with golden eyes who should have been mine. I was losing him in that moment and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Somewhere deep inside me something fractured. And I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to fix it.

  I gazed at Callie, unable to believe she’d just gone through with the marriage so willingly. And not just willingly, she'd looked like she'd enjoyed the whole thing. When they'd kissed she'd practically been grinding against Fabian. Something wasn’t right. But for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what was going on.

  I glanced at Erik, hoping he was about to set his plan into motion. We needed to get her out of here. Now.

  The priest raised his arms in the air. “Let us toast to the love of these three partners and wish them all the happiness in their futures together.” He stepped aside to reveal a huge font and as he approached it, blood gushed into the basin from a tap. A ring of silver chalices circled the bottom of it and the priest stooped down, picking one up. Three guards rushed forward, filling the remaining chalices and hurrying into the crowd, handing a cup to the vampire on the end of each of the aisles. The guards ran back and forth until all of the chalices were handed out.

  “Drink the modest blood of Realm G in thanks to the humans of the world, without whom we would be nothing. Once you have taken a sip of their godly sacrifice, pass the cup to the person beside you,” the priest encouraged, lifting his own cup to his lips.

  I grimaced as he took a drink, the blood of my people passing into his system. He smacked his lips together then passed the chalice to Fabian. Callie gazed at the cup with hope as Fabian drank then handed it to Erik. What was she thinking?

  Erik gave me a dark look, lifting the chalice to his lips and taking a the smallest of sips before handing it to Miles.

  As Miles gulped down the last of it with a grin, the priest raised his own empty chalice into the air. “To the never-ending rule of the Belvederes!”

  His words were echoed from the congregation and I glanced back, spotting the chalices reaching the centre of the aisles.

  Callie threw me an excited glance, seeming ready for something to happen. I frowned, trying to figure out what she meant, then the priest in front of us screamed.

  He held his throat, eyeing the chalice in alarm.

  “Are you alright?” Clarice darted to his side.

  The priest took a slow breath, seeming to regain his composure. He patted Clarice’s arm.

  “Yes, my apologies, your highness.” He turned to face the congregation. “Right. Back to the ceremo-AH!” His entire body exploded into dust and I stumbled back in horror as Erik shielded me from the falling ash.

  Screams rang out behind us and I turned, finding half of the congregation bursting into dust. Their clothes fell to the ground and those still standing started screaming at the sight.

  Confusion coursed through me. The vampires holding chalices gazed down at the blood in horror.

  I turned to Erik in a panic, fear scorching through me. “Erik – the blood!”

  He touched his lips and I clutched his hands, waiting for something terrible to happen. He groaned, resting a hand to his stomach and looking to his family in concern.

  A tense moment passed, but the royals remained standing, miraculously okay.

  A battle cry filled my ears and I spotted a huge warrior with long hair leaping from the rafters above us, landing atop the crowd and slicing a vampire in two with his sword. My breath snagged in my throat as dust plumed around him, settling at his feet. Panic broke out as the man started killing anyone who hadn't drunk the blood.

  “Magnar!” Erik roared and their eyes met for the briefest second before ten guards blocked the path between them.

  A weight slammed into my back and I found Julius there, tearing me from Erik’s arms.

  “No!” I gasped.

  Erik’s fist hit his face so hard that Julius wheeled backwards and lost his grip on me. Before Julius could lunge at us again, Erik’s hand surrounded mine and he dragged me away. The X’s on our palms met, lighting a fire of need in me.

  I must stay with him.

  Nightmare hummed on my thigh as I searched for Callie. Sun Child is close.

  Erik forced me through the surging bodies, dragging me away from the fight.

  “No- wait!” I gathered my wits, gazing around to try and spot Callie in the room. I couldn’t find her and my heart splintered. “My sister!” I demanded as Erik tugged me behind an enormous pillar.

  He slammed his hands either side of my head, pinning me in place. “Stay here. I’ll find her.”

  “No,” I snarled, dragging up the folds of my dress and snatching Nightmare from my leg. I raised it and Erik’s eyes flashed. “I’m coming with you.”

  He ground his teeth and I could tell he was about to refuse, but I ducked under his arm and fled back into the mayhem. The congregation were fleeing for their lives, running for the exit, wailing as they went.

  Vampires fell at Magnar’s feet again and again. No one could get close. He was like a wild animal. His eyes swept across the crowd as if he was searching for someone and I was sure it was Callie.

  I spotted blonde hair and my heart soared. I shouldered through the cathedral and no one paid me any attention as I forged a path towards my sister.

  I’m coming. We won’t ever be parted again.

  Magnar moved among the vampires leav
ing a trail of swirling dust in his wake as he killed over and over. Most of them were unarmed and had nothing available to defend themselves with aside from their teeth. But none of them could get close enough to bite him.

  Idun suddenly released her grip on me and I sagged with relief, dropping to my knees as I regained control of my muscles.

  Fabian knelt down beside me, cupping my face in his hands as his eyes lit with concern. “It’s alright my love,” he breathed. “I’ll never let him take you from me.”

  Anger surged in my gut and I shoved his hands off of me. “Don’t touch me,” I snarled, though the traitorous half of my soul yearned for the opposite.

  Fabian’s eyes swam with confusion. “You can’t tell me you don’t feel this,” he said as he reached for me with his right hand and the silver cross glimmered on his palm.

  I tried to slap his hand away but he caught me instead, pressing his palm against mine and joining our marks.

  I inhaled sharply as power flooded beneath my skin and every inch of my body tingled with desire for him.

  I grabbed the front of his shirt with my other hand, ignoring the commotion surrounding us as I dragged him towards me so our lips met again.

  Fabian groaned with pleasure as he pulled me into his arms and sprinted through the cathedral, carrying me away from the panicking congregation.

  He slammed me against a heavy pillar, kissing me once more and releasing my hand so that he could push his fingers through my hair.

  As our marks disconnected I remembered who I was and I pulled away from him, bringing my fist up to meet his face. He staggered back and I punched him again, splitting his lip.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” I shouted angrily as I advanced on him. He frowned at me as he backed away, holding his hand up between us so that the mark stood out clearly. “What have you done to me?” I demanded. “What is this?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied and my heart raced as I could see that he was telling the truth. “But I need you Callie. We’re meant to be together. Can’t you feel it?”

  “I can feel it,” I admitted. I couldn’t deny the feelings which were stirring inside me as I looked at him but they weren’t mine. He was a vampire. And even if he wasn’t I didn’t know him at all. I had no reason to feel anything for him and whatever this was, it wasn’t real.

  “Then come with me. I’ll take you home and we can be together-”

  “No,” I growled. “I don’t know what this is but I do know who I am. And I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  I started to back away from him and he fell to his knees. “Please Callie, don't leave me-”

  My mouth fell open in surprise. Fabian Belvedere was begging at my feet and to make it worse a part of me wanted nothing more than to do what he was asking. I wished I still had Fury. With my blade in my hand I could have put us both out of this misery with one swift blow. But even as the thought crossed my mind, the horror of the idea consumed me. How could I live in a world without Fabian?

  I shook my head violently, refusing to accept those thoughts as my own. “If you really care about me, then don’t follow me.” I turned and ran from him before I ended up running towards him instead.

  I’d lost sight of Magnar but it didn’t matter. I only had to head in the opposite direction to the fleeing vampires and I knew I’d find him.

  Someone stepped on the train of my dress and I stumbled as it tore. I reached down and ripped the remaining length of excess material off, forcing a rip up the side of my leg too so that I could lengthen my stride.

  I instantly ran faster, racing towards the sound of a battle cry in the centre of the cathedral. If I could just get to him then I knew I’d be alright. He’d find a way to undo what had happened to me.

  I shoved my way between two fleeing females and stumbled to a halt as Venom cut through the air in front of me, narrowly missing my chest.

  Magnar’s eyes were filled with rage as they fell on me but they softened with recognition and pain glimmered in them instead.

  I leapt towards him as fresh tears spilled from my eyes and forced every inch of my will against Idun’s rules so that I could fling my arms around his neck.

  He fought her off too and for the briefest moment, he pulled me against him and everything in the world seemed right again. His mouth grazed across my neck for a fleeting second and he inhaled deeply.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he breathed.

  “Never,” I replied, clinging on to him as Idun tried to force me to let go.

  “Magnar!” Fabian roared from somewhere behind me and a tremor of fear rolled down my spine. “You will unhand my wife!”

  I pushed through the guards, but was slowed by their immovable strength. A clamour of noise rang out as they surged toward Magnar and a gap allowed me to slip past them.

  Julius called my name and I turned, spotting him driving Menace through the chest of a guard. She scattered to ash in front of him and he strode toward me at a fierce pace.

  I shook my head. “Get Callie!” I yelled, but two more guards turned at my voice, spotting Julius behind me. They pushed me aside and I slammed into a pew, catching myself before I was knocked to the ground. Julius roared as he intercepted them and my heart leapt at his ferocious expression. I wasn’t worried for him; I wouldn’t have wanted to be a vampire standing against his anger.

  I climbed up onto the bench, gazing across the madness. My heart lurched as I spotted Callie in Magnar’s arms, but Fabian was closing in on them at a terrifying speed.

  “Callie!” I roared, but she couldn’t hear me over the commotion

  “Rebel!” Erik bellowed and I spotted him throwing guards out of his way as he made a beeline for me. My stomach fluttered as I started scrambling over the pews, jumping from bench to bench as I headed away from him, knowing if he caught me he’d take me from here. Away from my sister.

  My heart tore apart as I was tugged in two opposing directions. The mark on my palm ached, telling me to turn back, but I battled it with all my might.

  I have to get to Callie.

  I spotted a whip of dark hair at the back of the hall. Valentina was by the doors, wrenching them open.

  “Hey!” I called, quickening my pace.

  She could help. She could bring a storm down on this place and get Callie out of here.

  My foot caught on the netting of my dress and my heart flew upwards as I slipped. My knees crashed into the floor and my chin collided with the bench. The crown fell from my head, clattering to the floor.

  I groaned, crawling along the cold tiles and forcing my way out of the aisle.

  Blonde hair spilled in front of me and hands grabbed my arms. I looked up, my heart lifting as I prayed it was Callie.

  My shoulders sagged.

  Paige stood there, her cheeks pale and her eyes wide. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, where’s my sister?” I demanded, trying to peer past her head. She pushed me toward the doors, ignoring my question.

  “Come on, we have to get out of here.”

  I spotted Valentina hurrying outside and quickened my pace to catch her. “Hey! Wait! Help us!” I sprinted to the doorway, gazing down into the street where rain was pummelling the ground like bullets.

  Run, Moon Child! Nightmare screamed, scorching the inside of my hand.

  A shadow fell over me. I didn’t react fast enough. I was slammed down onto my back as an impossible weight fell atop me.

  Panic seized me and I clawed at the vampire who held me in place, his hands pushing my hair from my throat. “We have the right to bite,” he growled with a manic grin then dug his fangs into my neck. Pain flared through me and white stars exploded before my eyes.

  The rebels were here!

  I screamed. My fist tightened around Nightmare and I plunged it into his side.

  He choked, coughing blood over my dress as he reared upwards. Nightmare guided my movements and I forced the tip into his chest with a shout of defiance.

  He cru
mbled before my eyes and I threw his clothes from me, trembling from head to foot as I regained my feet. Terrorised cries caught my ear and I spotted Paige pinned to a pillar, thrashing as a female vampire drank from her neck.

  More of the Biters poured into the hall, falling upon the guards in droves.

  I sprinted toward Paige, Nightmare raised with a deadly promise. Before I reached her, strong arms surrounded me, yanking me back.

  I wriggled desperately as my captor caught my wrist and prised Nightmare from my grip. “I’ll have that.”

  I recognised Valentina’s voice and my stomach clenched. She turned me in her arms, grabbing hold of my throat and lifting me of off the ground.

  Confusion riddled through my bones and fear scratched at my heart. I raked my nails up her arms, desperate for her to release me as my air supply was cut off.

  “Rise Biters! Take the humans! Drink the blood you are owed!” Valentina cried to the room and horror consumed me.

  A group of salivating vampires ran towards us and Valentina dangled me before them. “Goodbye for good, Montana.” She threw me into the air and my arms flailed wildly above me as if I could grab onto the nothingness between my outstretched fingers.

  I screamed as I crashed to the ground, the air leaving my lungs in a hard whoosh. All four of the Biters fell on top of me, searching for flesh to bite. They tore at my dress, slicing the lace apart with desperate fingers.

  My cries were lost to the tumult of noise around me.

  Without Nightmare, I couldn’t fight. Without Nightmare, I was dead.

  The first set of teeth sank into my arm and I threw a hard punch, kicking and flailing so they had to take hold of my limbs to hold me still. Pain tore through me as venom sailed into my veins.

  One of them crawled up me like a wraith, her eyes pits of hell as she took in her prize.

  Terror flooded my bones. She dipped her head toward my neck, but before her teeth reached me she was wrenched back by her hair.


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