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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

Page 118

by Caroline Peckham

  If I had anything to do with it, then General Wolfe was about to meet his end.

  Wolfe came at me like a storm. I braced myself, but he was a trained fighter. As strong as me, but with the skills of several centuries behind him.

  Fear made a passage through my chest as he lunged forward and slammed a bone-crushing punch to my chest.

  I flew backwards into an alley, hitting the ground with a wheeze of pain. I righted myself in an instant, but he sped toward me, forcing me further back into the alleyway. He was cutting me off. Driving me away from my friends. And I couldn't do anything but fight for my life.

  Though I’d wanted a chance to kill him, I was frighteningly unprepared for doing it alone. But I had to try.

  I gritted my teeth, bringing up Nightmare as he grabbed my arm. I tore it across his chest and he snarled his fury, slamming me against the wall so hard my head spun.

  “No – get away from me!” I yelled.

  He pinned me in place with his fist and prised the blade from my grip with a hiss of pain as it burnt his flesh, tossing it to the ground.

  “I knew you were a thlayer,” he spat and spittle cascaded over me. The scent of rot filled my nose from the gaping wounds in his mouth and my stomach coiled with nausea. “You’re the reathon I'm here, outcatht by my own mathter.” He squeezed my neck so hard something popped and I screamed in agony. I managed to get my hands between us, forcing him back far enough that I could bring my knees up and ram my feet into his stomach.

  He crashed into the opposite wall and I ran to grab Nightmare, desperation stretching through me.

  I can't win this fight without it.

  Before I reached the blade, Wolfe caught me by the waist, wheeling me into the air. My legs kicked wildly, but I couldn't land a hit before he threw me to the ground. Pain flared up my back and I was momentarily immobilised beneath him.

  He smiled darkly, placing his boot on my chest to hold me down. “I'll take my revenge out on you, and when Erik thees what I've done, he'll fight me. And with the help of my friendth I'll kill him too.” He fell on top of me, pinning my wrists to the wet ground. I snarled, bringing my head up and smashing my forehead into his nose.

  Blood poured and he yelled in anger, slapping me hard across the face and my head whipped sideways.

  “I may not be able to bite you, but I can thtill rip you limb from limb,” Wolfe taunted, wrenching one of my arms until I screamed.

  Fear built in my gut. I wriggled hard, but couldn't get free from his grip. I changed tact, wrapping my thighs around him instead and squeezing with all my might. He didn’t let go; he was monstrously strong and terrifyingly determined to kill me.

  Nightmare caught my eye just a foot away on the ground. I dropped my free arm as he started tugging my other with a strength that made my shoulder joint tear. I yelled through tears, a seething fury raging in my chest.

  I can't die here. I can't let him win.

  My fingertips brushed Nightmare's hilt as Wolfe's rancid breath floated over my face.

  “Erik will find you in piethes jutht before I tear out your heart.” A line of drool hit my cheek and I jerked violently to gain my grip on the blade.

  With a swell of triumph, I pulled Nightmare into my grasp, bringing it up and ramming it as hard as I could between Wolfe’s shoulder blades.

  He roared in agony, rearing off of me and anger flared in my blood, so hot, I lost control. I forced him to the ground, rolling so I was on top and pressing him down onto Nightmare which was still lodged in his spine. He wailed in pain and I revelled in the sound.

  A hungry beast filled every space inside me and I bared my fangs, succumbing to its desires. I dug my teeth into his throat, ripping through flesh and sinew, causing as much pain as I could.

  He flailed, throwing punches as he tried to get me off, but I was an animal and my attacks were vicious, filled with the need for revenge. For my dad. For Callie. I was going to make him suffer.

  I sat up with his blood dripping down my jaw, grimacing at the bitter taste of it. It was nothing like human blood; it was acrid and cold. I had to keep going. I had to end him. Dad was owed his death. I couldn't allow Wolfe to keep living after all of the pain he had caused me and my family.

  With a surge of energy, I tore his shirt open, clawing at his chest in a bid to reach his heart.

  “No!” Wolfe bellowed, slamming his knuckles into my face. I flew off of him, crashing to the ground and my senses realigned. My nose wrinkled at what I'd done. Attacking him like a true vampire. My fangs hungered for his death with an intensity that frightened me. It was more than my revenge fuelling my actions. It was pure, animalistic bloodlust, exactly what Erik had warned me of. But if I was going to survive this fight, I had to give in to it. I had to let this dark side of me take over. Even if I became a monster in the process.

  I sprang upright in a fighting stance, snarling my hatred for him. I wiped the blood from my mouth with the back my hand, desperate to get the taste of it from my tongue. Wolfe launched himself to his feet, reaching behind his back, retreating as I advanced.

  With a cry of pain, he tore Nightmare free and flung it at me. I caught it out of the air with a triumphant grin, rushing forward to end him.

  Someone collided with me from above, forcing me to the ground again. I shouted out in alarm as several pairs of hands shoved me down and yanked my arms behind my back.

  Wolfe's laughter filled the air. “I'm not alone, you thee? I have Falentina'th friendth on my thide.”

  Terror snaked through my body and devoured my courage as it moved. I was outnumbered. And I could sense my death moving closer like a lurking shadow.

  I was done for. And Wolfe knew it.

  Fury sizzled with excited energy in my palm as I sprinted further into the storm, rain water flooding over me in an icy torrent.

  The Biters filled the huge square before the town hall but their attention was fixed away from me on the opposite side of the open space where the Belvederes fought wildly. Clarice leapt above the battle for a moment, her snarling face lit by the fire which continued to blaze behind me before she dove back into the mayhem.

  They didn’t need my help to fight these monsters but Montana had been alone with Wolfe and I wasn’t going to let her face him without me.

  I ran to the right of the building, hunting the darkened streets for any sign of them to no avail. Alleyways lined the square but I wasn’t sure where to start my search.

  Watch out Sun Child, Fury whispered and I ducked down just as a Biter leapt at me from the shadows. He sailed over my head and I swung my boot into his chest the moment he landed, throwing him into the wall of the building behind him.

  More of them raced towards me, the whites of their eyes shining with a desperate thirst as I set my feet and let my gifts flood through my limbs.

  Three of them reached me at once and I danced between their attacks, slashing Fury across arms, faces, stomachs, burning their skin with my righteous blade as they shrieked in pain. A female clutched at a gaping wound on her arm and I lunged towards her, piercing her heart and using the space her fizzling remains left open to avoid the next attack.

  More of them reached us and they surrounded me quickly, using their numbers to overwhelm me. They called out for my blood with desperate cries as I stumbled back, working hard just to keep them away from me.

  Grasping hands clutched at my arms, my hair, anything they could reach but I kept fighting, killing and wounding them so that they couldn’t restrain me.

  I roared a battle cry at them, refusing to bow to their bloodlust as I killed again and again but they were like a never ending tide. Each monster I destroyed was swiftly replaced by another.

  One of them caught my left arm in an iron grip, yanking me towards his teeth before I could fight my way loose. I screamed in anger and pain as his fangs sliced into my elbow and I rammed Fury straight through his eye.

  I swung away from him as he released me but the Biters had me pinned down and more
grasping hands caught me, their fingernails digging into my flesh as a second set of fangs found their mark and pain flared in my shoulder.

  A bellow of rage filled my ears as someone else joined our battle. I continued to drive them off of me, kicking and punching whilst swinging Fury in a vicious fight for survival.

  The Biters’ attention slipped from me as they were attacked from behind and I managed to twist my arm and drive Fury through the heart of the female who was drinking my blood.

  A small measure of space opened up before me as the Biters shrieked warnings to each other and the battle turned against them beneath the wrath of their new opponent.

  I growled in anger, kicking out at a female who stood before me and taking her head from her shoulders with a deadly swipe of my blade.

  A heavy weight slammed into me from behind and I was knocked from my feet. I collided with the concrete and rolled, bringing Fury up and piercing the heart of the Biter before he could follow me to the ground.

  I grunted as a boot landed in my side, pain flowing through me as the vampire swung her foot back to kick me again. I caught her boot in my hand, gritting my teeth as I twisted her ankle as hard as I could with my gifted muscles until the bone snapped and she fell back.

  I started to push myself up but an Elite leapt on me, shoving me back down into the concrete as he drove his fangs towards my throat.

  “Callie!” Fabian roared from somewhere close by but I couldn’t respond as I fought for my life beneath the huge vampire who had me pinned down.

  His hand snared my throat and I scrambled beneath him as his impossible strength trapped me. The Elite grinned at me a moment before his teeth pierced my neck and I screamed as his venom flooded into me.

  I stabbed Fury into his side again and again but he only flinched at the pain as my blood flowed from my body and into his mouth. I couldn’t find his heart and his bulk immobilised me as he continued to feed.

  His weight disappeared so suddenly that I barely managed to close my eyes as his ashes cascaded over me.

  A female Elite with long blonde hair stood over me, offering her hand as I snarled at her.

  “I’m here to help!” she said quickly, taking a step back as I raised Fury between us.

  I scrambled to my feet, glaring at her in confusion as I realised she’d saved my life. But before I could work out how I felt about a vampire helping me, the Biters closed in on us again.

  The Elite leapt forward at my side, swinging a silver sword in a deadly arc which carved straight through two of our enemies at once.

  I wasn’t sure what to make of fighting shoulder to shoulder with this stranger but I didn’t have much choice as the flood of Biters came for my blood once more.

  Before they could reach us, Fabian collided with them, tossing them away with his immeasurable strength and tearing into their bodies with his bare hands.

  Some of the Biters turned and fled from his rage and he snarled like a feral beast as he placed himself between the rest of them and me.

  He fought like a wild animal, biting and breaking limbs, tearing the rebel vampires apart and ripping their hearts from their bodies as he turned them to dust.

  The Elite who had helped me rushed into battle at his left and I moved to intercept the enemies on his right.

  I swung Fury over my head, bringing it down with all of my strength as I cleaved a Biter in two before hefting it towards the next demon.

  Lightning slammed into the ground in front us, striking again and again as Valentina wielded her power and we were forced back as the incredible force of nature divided us from our enemies.

  Fabian turned to me, his eyes wild as he took in the bites which marred my skin.

  “Are you alright?” he asked desperately, taking a step closer to me.

  I stared at him, unsure what to say. He’d been fighting to save me as I was overwhelmed and a surge of gratitude flooded through my chest.

  “I’m fine,” I replied lamely. The rain was already washing the venom from my wounds and I had more pressing issues to deal with.

  I almost asked if he was alright; he was coated from head to toe in blood and gore but I could tell that none of it was his.

  The Biters raced towards us again as Valentina’s lightning strikes stopped and panic raced through me.

  “I need to find my sister and Wolfe,” I said urgently.

  “Go.” Fabian said. “I’ll hold them back.”

  “I’ll help you, Sire,” the female Elite said fiercely.

  He eyed her like he’d only just noticed she was there. “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Danielle,” she replied. “I was guarding the bridge; I came to help as soon as I was told what was happening here.”

  “Well Danielle, let’s find out what you’ve got,” Fabian said darkly.

  She smirked in response as she lifted her sword high and waited for the Biters to reach them again.

  I eyed them with guilt stirring in my chest; they’d both just saved me and I was going to leave them here, but Montana might need my help. I took a hesitant step back and Fabian nodded at me.

  “Go,” he urged, rolling his shoulders back as he prepared to dive into battle once more.

  “Thank you,” I breathed and I turned and fled.

  Four Biters held me down. I thrashed wildly, desperate not to give up. My strength surprised me and I managed to loosen an arm, jamming my elbow into one of their faces. A shriek sounded as I broke the female's nose and blood dripped over my shoulder in a steady flow.

  Three more were holding me in place and with their combined strength, I didn't know if I could win. Wolfe watched my struggle with delight, his mouth curved up in a creepy smile. But I was thankful, because if he assisted them, I was dead. But while he continued to hold back and enjoy my plight, I had one single thing left: a chance.

  The group rolled me onto my back and I bucked and kicked, jamming a foot into one of their chests. The male hit the ground with a grunt of annoyance.

  “Kill her, Wolfe,” purred the female who held my left arm. I tried to bring Nightmare up in my other hand, but the male restraining that arm pressed down with all his weight.

  “Not yet,” Wolfe whispered and fear tossed and turned inside me like a roiling sea. “Thee hath to thuffer firtht.”

  Wolfe took a knife from his hip, grinning as he slashed it across my stomach.

  Pain burrowed through to my core and I bit down on a scream, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of it.

  I dug deep for every ounce of strength I had and yanked my arm free from the female. She gasped just as I caught hold of her hair and smashed her face into the ground. The male holding my other arm lunged forward to try and help her. His mistake offered me Nightmare and delight spilled through me as I tore my arm out of his grip. The other males fell onto me and I angled my blade toward the closest one.

  Drive me deep, drive me true, Nightmare urged.

  The knife guided my movements and sank into his back, somehow skewering his heart. He roared as he died, bursting to dust around me.

  Adrenaline coursed through my blood and I found an ounce of hope to cling onto.

  The other males tried to get a grip on me, but I brought up my blade as one of them threw a punch at my jaw. I cried out with effort as I plunged Nightmare into his heart. The final one fell onto me, gripping me with his thighs and taking hold of my head. I gasped just before he cracked it against the ground. My vision swam, but Nightmare was my eyes, moving my hand. With a scream of defiance, I forced the knife into his chest.

  The female shrieked, scrambling upright and making a bid for freedom.

  “Come back!” Wolfe bellowed, but she darted out into the battle.

  I was left alone in a cloud of dust but my relief was short lived as Wolfe gazed down at me with absolute hate. I moved to get up, but he slammed his boot onto my knee and a crack ripped the air apart as it broke. I screamed as agony swelled through the bone and he smashed his foot down on my other
leg, breaking it in several places.

  He grinned as I writhed on the ground, desperate for my body to heal. The process started, but Wolfe knelt down before me with a wild look in his gaze. I whipped a hand toward his face, but he caught my wrist, snapping that too. “Perhapth I'll break all of your boneth over and over again.”

  I snarled, slashing Nightmare toward him. He jerked backwards, but the tip caught his right eye and blood poured. He threw a hand over it with a groan, slumping back to the ground and cradling his bleeding face. I started crawling backwards, dragging my injured legs along, knowing it was a race for who was going to heal first.

  My bones finally started to re-fuse, but Wolfe was on his feet again and as I tried to get up, he slammed his foot into my side. I hit the opposite wall, my head impacting with the stone and stars burst across my vision as I lost consciousness.

  I spiralled into a black pit I feared I'd never wake from, whispering a silent apology to my family.

  I've let you down. I'm so sorry.

  I grabbed the last Biter by the back of his neck and launched him through the air towards my brother. Julius swung Menace up to meet him and the monster screamed a moment before the heavy blade slammed through his heart and reduced him to dust.

  Julius offered me a savage smile and I looked around at the town hall, double checking we’d finished them all as the last of the humans raced out through the back exit.

  The far end of the building was engulfed in flames and I had to hope that Callie was still safe out there as I turned in the opposite direction and strode after the humans. My heart beat with worry for her but she was a full slayer now; the strength of her gifts were unparalleled and I had to keep faith that she could hold her own against the creatures who hungered for her blood. I would only feel whole again once we were reunited though and I hurried outside after the humans, hoping to find her quickly.

  The rain slammed down endlessly as Valentina wielded a storm above our heads.


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