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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

Page 123

by Caroline Peckham

  The brakes whined and the truck finally pulled to a halt. The Biter in the cab hopped out and a voice called to him.

  “You actually got him?” a male gasped.

  “Uhuh. I've got our royal ruler right here.” Someone banged their knuckles on the truck and I ground my teeth, waiting for them to appear.

  Four Biters circled the vehicle, gazing into the cab with wide eyes.

  “Holy shit,” a female said. She had bright red hair cropped short into a bob and an angular face that made her resemble a crow. Her eyes raked over me with vicious delight. “Hello Count Erik,” she giggled, running her finger across the edge of the truck wall.

  I snarled but she only grinned in response.

  Two of them climbed into the bed, lifting me between them. There was no point in fighting just yet; the chains would start breaking bones if I fought them any harder.

  They sprang down from the truck and I eyed the rubble around us between two demolished buildings. They walked forward with purpose and I spotted a metal sign bent over at an angle as it jutted from the ground.

  Rockaway Avenue Station.

  I tucked that snippet of information away as they moved past the sign and we suddenly descended into a stairway between mountains of debris. Darkness swooped over me but my eyesight quickly adjusted so that I could see the slanted dank ceiling above me.

  They increased their pace, heading ever further into the depths of the old subway station. We arrived beside a large track and they promptly jumped down onto it. Old movie adverts were plastered across the walls and a poster girl watched my plight with her eternal smile. Her blue eyes were cracked down the middle and riddled with mold, the effect strangely haunting as they carried me away from her.

  The darkness thickened, but I could just make out old cables on the walls, running deep into the tunnel. The Biters moved faster and a light suddenly grew around me as we approached another station. Our way was blocked by an old train and one of the Biters threw me over their shoulder, springing onto the platform beside it.

  The group carried me toward the train and the redhead punched her thumb onto a button on it. The doors opened with a hiss and they walked me inside. The carriage had been gutted and looked recently decorated. The walls and floor were painted red and at the far end was a large throne that looked like it belonged in a museum. It was a huge, golden thing with crimson cushions.

  One guess who that belongs to.

  The Biters wheeled me around to face the opposite direction and a hole opened up in my chest. Two large cages filled the rest of the space big enough for four men in each.

  I ground my teeth, unable to fight the urge to writhe in their arms as they carried me toward the cage on the right. One of them swung the door open and they promptly dumped me inside.

  I spat air through my teeth as my chin hit the floor. Rolling, I turned my gaze on them as they slammed the door shut and a metallic gong rang out. The redhead slid a padlock into place, eyeing me with glee.

  “Prepare to bow to your new queen,” she said, her eyes glittering.

  “I don't bow to anyone,” I growled.

  “And yet you were happy to make us all bow to you and deny us our gods-given right,” she snarled.

  The large man beside her with a bloody cut across his nose nodded his agreement. A sweet satisfaction filled me that a slayer had delivered that blow; it was going to leave one hell of a scar.

  “But you're content following Valentina as your queen? You're a bunch of sheep with no brains of your own,” I taunted.

  “We will feed from the vein under our new ruler,” the wounded man said, cracking his knuckles. “She is the true queen of the New Empire.”

  “So what will you rename it now?” I asked coolly. “The New New Empire? Not quite as catchy, but I wouldn't expect anything more from a bunch of idiots.”

  “It will be the Scarlet Empire,” the redhead announced with a wide smile. “The humans will be released from the Realms and we shall hunt them as we please. Our calling will be fulfilled. Our true nature will be honoured and never hidden. We won't be suppressed any longer.”

  “Well as charming as that sounds, I'm afraid you haven't taken over yet. My family will come for me. And the only blood that will be spilled in my Empire will be yours.”

  The redhead gripped the golden bars, glaring in at me. “They'll never find you, Erik Belvedere. And even if they get close, Valentina will bake them in the sun's rays until they yield.”

  “Perhaps...if I don't tear her heart out first,” I snarled as anger simmered in my veins.

  She threw her head back as she cackled. “You're in a cage made by the gods. They're helping us because they know our cause is just. They gave us this gift of immortality and they want us to spend it well.”

  “I'd be careful laying my trust in the gods if I were you. They are not on anyone's side,” I said.

  She turned her back on me and the four Biters exited the carriage, leaving me alone.

  An ethereal laughter reached me from beyond the planes of this world. Idun was close, mocking me. I gritted my teeth, not acknowledging her presence, but as I lay in silence, the chains around me loosened, uncoiling like a living thing and slithering toward the bars like snakes. They moved through them, curling into a pile beyond the cage.

  I rolled my shoulders, wincing from the cuts they'd inflicted on me as I waited for my body to heal. A heavy pressure bore down on me and I gazed up at the red roof of the carriage.

  A warm hand brushed my cheek and I grimaced at the invisible touch of the goddess.

  “Why?” I bit at her. “What is Valentina offering you for this?”

  Her ethereal voice filled the air and her lips brushed my ear. Valentina is devout...she honours us.

  “Us?” I spat, realisation hitting me.

  Andvari and I wished for a fight. You and Magnar scorned us, hiding under the gifts of his treasure. Where is it, my love? Which of you wields it?

  I smiled coldly, remaining silent. If they wanted that ring, I sure as hell wasn't going to help them find it.

  Sharp nails raked down my chest and I swore between my teeth as my shirt turned to ash around me.

  Two dark eyes found me in the reflection of the carriage window as Andvari emerged, gazing at me. “You have turned on me,” he snarled, his face almost pressing against the glass.

  “You've never helped me,” I snapped. “You expect me to do your will, but I'm done playing your games. You want me dead? Then fucking do it.”

  Andvari scowled, baring his sharp teeth. “Death is easy. Valentina will ensure you suffer. And when you are nothing but a bleeding, starving husk, you will beg for mercy from me. Then you will tell me where to find my ring.”

  As my wounds healed enough for me to sit up, I rose to my feet and stared at him through the window beyond the bars. “You're forgetting something,” I said, grinning darkly. “That ring protects my wife from you. And I wouldn't give it up, not if you tortured me for a thousand years.”

  Love is powerful, Idun whispered to us both. But it can be wielded. It can be used as a weapon against you.

  “You're clutching at strings, Idun,” I said with a hollow laugh.

  “Am I?” She stepped from the very fabric of the air before me, her golden skin gleaming as beautiful vines crept around her naked body. She moved toward me with a lustful smile and my love for Montana shifted sharply onto her.

  I moaned, stumbling forward, wishing to touch her. She caught my hand as I approached, placing it against her cheek. I stilled before her, enraptured by her. But my mind snagged on a dark-haired girl with skin as pale as the moon and I tugged my hand free.

  She tutted, forcing her will into me again as she claimed my heart once more. “Foolish prince,” she purred. “I am the one you adore.”

  I nodded, reaching out for her again and brushing my fingers through her silken hair. Desire slid into me like a hungry animal and I reared towards her, desperate for her mouth on mine.

>   She stepped back, surveying me with a smile. “I will make you love whomever I choose.”

  I nodded firmly, bathing in the sound of her voice.

  “So where is the ring, which one of your friends wields it?”

  The answer came to my lips, but I bit down on my tongue to stop myself, a renewed flare of loyalty finding me. I blinked, clamping my teeth together as the answer tried to fight its way from my mouth.

  The doors sounded again and Idun's presence evaporated. My heart was my own once more and relief spilled through me.

  I turned to find Magnar being manhandled into the carriage, yelling his anger as he battled against the gods' chains. One was wrapped around his neck so tightly his muscles bulged beneath it.

  Blood dripped to the floor from his wounds and the Biters eyed it greedily as they approached the empty cage beside mine.

  Magnar was thrown inside it and the door clunked shut. The chains around him loosened, moving away from him into the pile my own had formed.

  Magnar groaned, rolling onto his side as his eyes found mine and I sensed irritation in his gaze. He released a heavy huff. “Great. Of all the fucking bloodsuckers to be stuck here with, it had to be you.”

  The truck jerked to a halt and I sat up suddenly as I came to my senses again. I wasn’t sure if I’d fallen asleep or passed out but I hadn’t wandered into any dreams so I was tempted to believe it was the latter. Julius’s arm was tight around my shoulders and I smiled up at him appreciatively as I moved out of his grip.

  My head swam with pain and my vision darkened a little as I got to my feet.

  Julius leapt out of the truck and I waited for the dizziness to pass as Danielle, Clarice and the other vampires followed him out.

  I took a steadying breath as I moved to the exit and Fabian caught my elbow.

  “Let me carry you inside,” he breathed, his voice laced with concern. “You can hardly stand.”

  I tugged my elbow out of his grip and shook my head, causing it to spin wildly. “I thought I warned you not to touch me,” I snarled before jumping out of the truck.

  The sudden movement stole my energy for a moment and I blacked out as the ground rushed towards me. I heard Tempest hitting the gravel path as it fell from my grip and the sound resounded painfully through my skull.

  I came around quickly and found myself in Fabian’s arms while Julius pointed Venom at him.

  “Release her,” the slayer growled and I tried to push my way out of Fabian’s grip but he wouldn’t let me go.

  “She collapsed,” Fabian hissed. “I’m just looking after her.”

  “If you care about her then you’ll respect her wishes. She told you not to touch her.” Julius stepped closer.

  “Get off of me,” I snapped and Fabian reluctantly released the arm beneath my legs so that my feet could touch the ground but he kept his other arm around my waist. I used my gifted muscles to shove him back and I stumbled towards Julius.

  Montana climbed out of the cab as the tension between them grew. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” I replied quickly, not wanting her to worry about my injuries. “We need to get moving.”

  Julius stooped to retrieve Tempest from the ground before handing it back to me. The heavy presence of the blade made me feel closer to Magnar and I held it tightly as I followed Clarice up a wide set of stairs which led into the lavish castle.

  Julius stayed close to my side and I offered him a small smile when I was sure the others weren’t looking. I didn’t want these vampire to realise just how weak I felt. I’d lost a lot of blood as well as having my head smashed into a wall and I was the only one here who couldn’t heal quickly.

  We moved through expansive corridors and up a spiralling staircase until Clarice led us into an office with a huge glass table dominating the space.

  I dropped into a chair with a sigh of relief and waited while Clarice, Montana, Julius, Miles and the vampire who seemed to be his shadow took seats too. I guessed Danielle and the other Elite weren’t going to be privy to this conversation.

  The door closed behind us and I frowned as I wondered where Fabian had gone.

  “It might be worth cloaking all of us so that the gods can’t hear this conversation,” Julius murmured on my left and I nodded as I pushed the ring’s protection over everyone in the room.

  The vampire I didn’t know had chosen a seat opposite me and he smiled at me as he noticed my attention lingering on him. He was tall with dark hair and a strong presence. I wondered why he was the only elite to be given special treatment.

  “Hi, I’m Warren.” He leaned forward, offering me his hand but I didn’t shake it.

  “And why are you here, Warren?” I asked.

  He glanced at Miles who answered for him.

  “He’s family.” He dropped his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Warren is my secret husband.”

  I didn’t smile in response to the wide grin he offered me. “And did you have to kidnap him and force him down the aisle too?” I asked.

  “No,” Miles chuckled like I’d been joking. “This one is for love.”

  “How nice for you to be allowed to make that decision,” I replied darkly before looking away from both of them. Being back in this place was putting me on edge. We were surrounded and outnumbered and I was beginning to wonder why the hell I’d agreed to come here. Fabian still wanted me for his wife with or without the ring’s influence and if we couldn’t trust these bloodsuckers then there was very little that I’d be able to do to stop him from taking me again.

  Miles shifted uncomfortably and Montana caught my eye from Julius’s other side, giving me a reassuring smile. She obviously didn’t think I had any reason to fear this place and I had to trust in her knowledge of these royals.

  “What are we waiting for?” Julius asked as no one seemed inclined to start discussing what we were going to do next.

  “Fabian is just sending his Familiars out to scout for Valentina,” Clarice explained. “We need to figure out where that bitch is hiding. We can start as soon as he returns.”

  The pounding in my head was growing sharper again and I touched my fingers to the wound on my forehead, fighting the urge to wince.

  Miles watched me with interest and I scowled at him. “Am I making you hungry, bloodsucker?”

  “A little, now you mention it,” he replied. “But mostly I’m just fascinated by seeing a wound which doesn’t heal instantly.”

  I placed Tempest on the table in front of me and leaned towards him. “I can give you one to match if you like it so much?” I offered.

  “You can try if you want to spar with me.” Miles grinned and I got the feeling that was a genuine offer.

  “Our kind don’t play at fighting with the likes of you,” Julius said. “So if you want to fight her then you’d better be prepared to die.”

  The door opened before he could respond and I looked around as Fabian stepped in. He was holding a glass of water and had something else clasped within his other fist. He began to move towards me then halted suddenly as the ring’s influence fell over him.

  I eyed him warily as his love for me slipped away and I wondered what that would mean. The last time I’d released him from it he’d tried to steal the ring from me and force the bond back into action. I clenched my fist tightly, ready to remove its power again if I had to.

  “Have your Familiars found anything?” Clarice demanded.

  “Not yet,” he replied. “But they’re scouring every inch of the city. It won’t be long until they find them.”

  “I imagine you said much the same thing when they were hunting us,” Julius replied. “But they weren't very effective then.”

  Fabian dropped into the seat on my right and didn’t respond though he was clearly irritated by Julius’s remark. He placed the glass of water on the table before him and slowly slid it towards me as if he wasn’t sure if he wanted to do it or not.

  He hesitated before leaving it in front
of me then withdrew his hand.

  “What’s that for?” I asked.

  Fabian glanced at the rest of the people in the room before he replied. “It’s water. So that you can take these.” He held out his fist and I frowned as he opened it to reveal two white pills. “They’re painkillers to help you feel better. You’re my wife after all and I swore to look after you.”

  “I’ve never noticed you paying so much attention to caring for your other wives,” Miles commented.

  “Well there’s not a lot of point in her being here if she can’t think straight,” Fabian replied dismissively, dumping the pills on the table in front of me before looking away.

  “He divorced his other wives anyway,” Warren reminded Miles and the two of them chuckled as Fabian glowered.

  I guessed that he wouldn’t have gotten the painkillers for me if he hadn’t been under the influence of our bond at the time and now that it was gone he was embarrassed by the action.

  I pursed my lips as I picked up one of the little pills. “What am I supposed to do with it?”

  “Swallow them,” Fabian growled, obviously wanting to move the conversation along.

  My headache was only getting worse so I shrugged as I put the pill into my mouth and washed it down with the water. I repeated the process with the second pill and some of the tension left Fabian’s shoulders as the attention shifted off of us.

  “We need to quell these Biters once and for all,” Clarice announced, drawing the subject back around to the reason we were all there. “Once we have their location we need to go in hard and without mercy. When they were just protesting there wasn’t much we could do about them but at this stage I don’t think there is any other choice but to execute them all.”

  “Agreed,” Fabian snarled.

  “We should try to apprehend Valentina,” Miles added. “Then we can broadcast her execution for everyone in the New Empire to see.”

  “If I get to her before you, I won’t be holding back on killing her,” Julius replied.

  “Me either,” Montana said and I agreed with both of them on that.


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