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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

Page 125

by Caroline Peckham

  “I give every man in my harem a chance to see if we're a good match in the hopes that they're the one. Don't get me wrong, I care about them all. But never enough. Never more. Maybe I'm incapable of loving someone that way...” She shook her head and her damp hair fell forward over her shoulders. A tear escaped her eye and she hastily wiped it away. She always seemed so strong and now she was coming apart right in front of me. We were on equal footing in this castle for once and I suddenly felt the need to comfort her. Although I barely knew her, I was strangely protective of her. As if the vampire part of me recognised her as my family. And I supposed she was now. She was my sister-in-law.

  I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close and she stiffened in my arms as if the action was unknown to her.

  Clarice sniffed heavily. “I always wanted a sister.” She leant back, brushing a lock of hair over my shoulder. “Silly, isn't it? I've got everything in the world and yet I still long for more. I should just be happy with what I've got.” She reined in her tears, stepping away from me and tilting her chin up as she regained her composure.

  “I don't think we can help what our hearts want,” I said with a sad smile. “When I was brought to this castle, the last thing I ever could have imagined was falling for one of your brothers.”

  “I told you they're not all bad,” she said with a grin. “Well, Fabian can be an ass, but he has a good heart. Deep down.”

  “I like him more when he's in love with my sister,” I said with a laugh. “He certainly has a way with words.”

  She snorted a laugh. “Did he really write her a poem?”

  “Yes and it was atrocious.”

  She giggled and the sound was light and musical, lifting the heaviness in the air. She glanced down at my filthy attire with a raised eyebrow. “You should get cleaned up.” She gestured to the ensuite across the room. “I'll bring you some fresh clothes.”

  “Thank you,” I said earnestly and she turned with a nod, heading out of the room.

  I made a beeline for the bathroom, slipping inside and finding a room decorated with navy tiles. A circular mirror encrusted with tiny stars hung on the wall above the sink. I eyed myself in the reflection, wrinkling my nose as I spotted the blood and muck lining my flesh.

  I took a long shower, cleaning my skin until its pearly white colour was revealed again. As I dried myself off with a towel, I gazed at the silver cross glimmering on my left palm. I ran my fingers over it, tracing the X, wondering if it would let me know if Erik was hurt..or even dead.

  I blinked hard, jamming that thought to the back of my brain. If there was one thing I knew about my husband, it was that he was a force to be reckoned with. And wherever he was, he would be fighting his hardest to escape. Valentina had bit off more than she could chew if she thought she could break him. And from what I’d seen of Magnar, I suspected the same of him.

  I headed back into the bedroom, finding a pile of clothes left on the bed. Some silky pink pyjamas and jeans and a black shirt for tomorrow.

  I tugged on the pyjamas, feeling a little exposed in the tiny vest and shorts, but I wasn't cold, even with my damp hair hanging around me.

  I moved toward Erik's closet, opening it and searching through the rack of expensive suits until my hand landed on a casual black sweatshirt. I shrugged it on and it hung down to my thighs. Leaving the zip undone, I rolled up the long sleeves and tugged my hair out from under the collar.

  I padded to the door, no longer feeling tired even though I'd probably have been desperate for sleep if I'd still been human. My thoughts turned to Callie and Fabian. I knew she could handle herself with him and the ring's power gave her a weapon over him anyway, but I still didn't like the fact they'd been left alone together. She was injured and coping with Magnar being taken. The last thing she needed was to deal with Fabian's bullshit too.

  I stepped out into the corridor, finding Julius leaving my old room further down the hall at the same moment. He was dressed in navy sweatpants and a white t-shirt. His scent reached me. Blood and shower gel, but as the thirst prickled the base of my throat, I focused on the other scent and the hunger died away a little. I was fed and no longer under the curse’s spell. But I wasn’t about to tell him about the blood I’d recently consumed.

  “Hey,” I called and he turned to me with a grin as his gaze flitted over me. “Shit Montana, if you weren't a bloodsucking parasite, I'd almost have thought you look hot right now.”

  “Thanks,” I said tersely, slightly hurt by his reference to me.

  “Sorry,” he muttered. “You're not a parasite.”

  I smiled awkwardly, walking toward him, wanting to move on from the massive roadblock between us. We were sworn enemies by the gods' standards. But I didn't give a damn what they thought. And the mere idea made me hook an arm through Julius's in an attempt to prove how much that wasn't true.

  “I was going to look for Callie,” Julius revealed and I nodded.

  “I had the same idea. She's with Fabian.”

  His expression fell. “Then let's go save her from him in case he starts spewing poetry again,” he growled.

  I left my arm around his and we headed toward the stairway.

  Callie's scent called to me as we descended the red carpeted stairs into the expansive hallway below. I guided Julius along, breathing in deeply as the smell of her untended wounds guided my feet.

  “You're sniffing her out,” he commented, wrinkling his nose.

  “Yes...” I said carefully. “Does it bother you?”

  “It bothers me that you have to deal with this curse. But...well I'm glad you're like this. Otherwise you'd be dead. And although being a vampire would have seemed like the worst thing on Earth to me a couple of days ago, now I'm having some doubts. And I really don't want to dwell on what that means.”

  I frowned as we walked, moving down another staircase into a large library. “Because you'd have to accept that the Belvederes might not be all bad?” I guessed.

  “I didn't say that. I'm not enjoying keeping the company of the Golden Whore and her siblings.”

  My frown deepened and my heart strings tugged painfully. “Don't call her that. She's not a whore. And maybe if you knew her motivations for keeping a harem, you wouldn't think it either.”

  I released his arm as Callie's scent drew me toward a large metal door which stood open at the back of the room.

  “What motivations?” he grunted, but I didn't think it was my place to share Clarice's secrets.

  “Maybe you should ask her some time,” I said lightly, pushing the door wider and stepping through it. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled to attention and I frowned.

  “Yeah maybe we'll share a picnic on the lawn under the light of the stars. Or maybe I'll gouge my own eyes out with a rusty spoon instead. That would definitely be preferable.”

  “Don't be a jerk,” I said as he followed me into the stairwell and voices reached my ears.

  Julius stilled then hurried past me, seeming impassioned by something as he ran down the stairs with a skip in his step.

  I followed at speed as a strange humming ran through my veins. It was familiar and yet alien too. I arrived in the room and spotted Callie with a giant golden sword in her hands, standing between racks and racks of slayer weapons.

  My mouth fell open as I took in the huge armoury, unable to believe how many of the blades stared back at me.

  Fabian was watching Callie with an amused expression, but as we arrived, his eyes darkened. “This wasn't an open invitation,” he growled, his gaze following Julius as the slayer moved between the racks, looking like a kid who'd been handed a bucket of candy.

  “Well I'm making it one,” Julius said with a smirk and Fabian's eyes narrowed dangerously.

  “Callie?” I said as I approached her, a smile gripping my face. As I took in her dirty clothes and the scratches and gouges on her body, my smile fell away. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine now I've got this.” She beamed as she s
wung the huge sword through the air. “Maybe I should test it out.” She pointed it at Fabian and he rolled his eyes. I spotted Tempest leaning against the closest rack and sensed the angry vibrations it was giving off.

  “Pretend all you like that you want to kill me, but I know I'm under your skin, little slayer,” Fabian said coolly and I realised the ring's power was now affecting him. He was back to his cocky I-don't-give-two-shits-about-the-world demeanour.

  “Yes!” Julius announced with a wild laugh and I turned towards him as he picked up a beautiful sword with rubies encrusted in the hilt. “Vicious,” he announced, turning to us. “This is Valentina's old sword. And now it's mine.” He continued laughing, swiping it through the air. “She's going to die at the sharp edge of her beloved blade.”

  I turned back to Fabian hopefully. “Have your Familiars found anything?”

  “Not yet,” he said, pressing his lips together. “They're searching the Brooklyn ruins. But that's nearly a hundred square miles to hide Erik in.”

  “And Magnar,” Callie added, arching a brow.

  “Who?” Fabian said dryly. “Oh yes, your half-wit slayer boyfriend.”

  “You're just jealous Magnar can grow his hair twice as long as yours,” Julius called from across the room. “Your little ponytail would be more fitting on a twelve year old girl.”

  Fabian bared his fangs, stalking toward Julius. “The weapons in this room are Belvedere property. You don't get to take a blade without my say so.”

  Julius angled Vicious towards him with a smirk. “These are all designed to destroy your kind, Fabian. You don't own a single one of them. They were stolen from my people.”

  “It's not stealing if the owner is dead,” Fabian said with a nasty grin.

  Julius gritted his teeth and anxiety clutched my heart. Why the hell was Fabian goading a slayer in a place like this?

  “Stop it,” I said, stepping between them before their bickering escalated. “We're working together now, so can you drop the crap so we can start making a real plan?”

  Julius lowered the sword slightly, giving in to my pleading look.

  “The plan is this,” Fabian growled. “We wait for my Familiars to find Valentina and then we go after her covertly.”

  “Excuse me, Sire?” a female voice called from the door and I glanced back to spot the blonde Elite from the battle stepping into the room. She wore a pair of jeans and a tank top that showed off her ample curves. She was beautiful with full pink lips and lake green eyes, her skin holding a shimmer to it that seemed to light up the room.

  Fabian's eyes raked over her. “What is it, Danielle?”

  “I had an idea...” She bit her lip and waited for Fabian's encouragement.

  “Go on,” he growled.

  “Well I noticed you only sent birds to scout Brooklyn for Valentina, but you're forgetting about the miles of tunnels beneath the city. Perhaps rats would be more useful for this task?”

  Fabian's brows pinched together as if he was going to berate her.

  “That's a great idea,” I said quickly. “If they're hiding underground, birds won't spot them.”

  Fabian glared at me then turned his attention back to Danielle. “I'll have it done.”

  “I have my own vermin Familiars. I could send them? It would save you the bother of making more,” Danielle offered.

  “Fine, do it,” Fabian agreed.

  Danielle turned to leave, but Fabian shot to her side in a blur of motion, catching hold of her arm. “If you need a place to stay tonight, my quarters are available.” He threw a surreptitious glance at Callie but my sister seemed more interested in the sword in her hands. Fabian's eyes darkened as he turned to Danielle again. “If you don't mind bunking with me?”

  Danielle raised a brow then laughed. “It's fine, Sire, I'm not tired. I'm happy to work through the night and keep an eye on my Familiars.”

  Fabian shifted uncomfortably, her laughter clearly embarrassing him. “Right...sure. But if you need anything-”

  “I know where to find you,” Danielle said, fighting a smile as she headed out of the room.

  “That was embarrassing,” Julius remarked. “You're getting shot down left, right and centre, Fabian. It must be really bruising that ego of yours.”

  Callie snorted a laugh and Fabian snarled, glaring at him. “Shut your mouth.”

  “Make me,” Julius taunted, swinging Valentina's blade through the air.

  I sighed, giving up on them ever forming any kind of real bond. So long as they continued working together, that would have to do.

  “Callie, are you hungry?” I asked, hoping to escape the tension in the room.

  Her eyes widened and she nodded eagerly.

  “I'm ravenous,” Julius agreed, moving toward me, but Fabian sped into his path, pointing at the rack.

  “Put it back,” he commanded, but Julius gave him an amused expression.

  “I'm taking this sword. And if you'd rather not end up as a pile of ash in the next few seconds, I suggest you move out of my way, Parasite.”

  Fabian bared his fangs and Callie moved into action, twisting the ring on her finger as she approached them.

  “Let him have it, Fabian,” she said.

  Fabian blinked hard, turning to her with wide, adoring eyes. “Oh...okay, sure. If it makes you happy.”

  Julius clapped him hard on the shoulder as he moved past him. “It makes me ecstatic, thanks bud.” He headed toward the door and Callie threw me a grin.

  “I'll fetch a maid to bring anything you want to your room,” Fabian said, his cold front lost to the power of their bind.

  “Thanks. Maybe some cheese and bread?” Callie asked and Fabian nodded keenly.

  “I'll have a feast made,” he announced, hurrying from the room and barging past Julius in the doorway. With him gone, Julius moved back toward the weapons, picking up a bow and a quiver of arrows before shouldering them. “I prefer love-sick Fabian,” he mused. “I don’t even have to try and humiliate him, he manages it all by himself.”

  Callie released a laugh, placing the sword back on one of the racks and picking up two short daggers instead. “I suppose this bind does have some positives.”

  “I think you could make him dance for you if you wanted,” I said, grinning. “The gods really don't know what love is if they think acting like a doting moron is it.”

  Callie stilled at my words, her mouth opening. “Shit you're right.” She clutched my wrist, her eyes glimmering with hope. “That's their weakness, Monty. It's love. They don't get it. The way Idun made me and Fabian behave over this bond, it's just lust, infatuation.”

  “So?” I questioned. “What difference does it make?”

  “It means they'll underestimate real love,” she said with a triumphant look in her eyes. “That's why we were able to stop Magnar and Erik killing each other before. Because they love us. Truly. So maybe we can overcome anything the gods throw at us with that strength on our side.”

  “As long as you've got the ring though, we're safe anyway,” I said.

  “Yes we are. But Erik and Magnar aren't.” A crease formed on her forehead. “They're on their own. And maybe that's what the gods want. To cut them off from us.”

  “Why?” I asked, fearful of that possibility.

  “I don't punish them? They’re helping Valentina. But the gods won't be expecting Magnar and Erik to work together.”

  “Great,” I said, realising what she meant. “So we have to hope they put their differences aside because of their love for us?”

  “Yes,” Callie said uncertainly. “If we don't find them soon, they'll have to make their own plan.”

  I sighed heavily, shaking my head. “I hope Fabian finds them in the next hour then.”

  I sat at the rear of the cage and waited with my back to the golden bars which held me. Erik Belvedere was watching me intently but I refused to acknowledge him. Of all the creatures on this planet, I couldn’t think of many I’d like to be stuck
with less than him. Aside from Valentina of course.

  I pulled my knees up towards my chest and rested my elbows on them as I pushed my hands into my hair. This was torture of a specific kind. Valentina knew all about my vendetta with this parasite and she’d chosen to cage us alongside each other with the sole purpose of driving us insane with our proximity.

  Of course she had no idea about the fragile alliance we’d recently formed. So instead of the seething desire to murder each other which she no doubt planned on, we were caught in the drawn out silence filled with all the things we hated about each other whilst not being able to voice them.

  I ran my thumb over the dark tattoo on my left forearm which I’d gotten after my father’s death. When he’d been my mentor my left hand had been marked with a star which joined us and after he’d been taken from me I’d had a replica of that mark etched permanently into my own skin to remind me of my eternal bond to him. Now I sat barely meters from the monster responsible for stealing him from us, who’d changed my mother irrevocably, who’d altered my life and forced me to lead my people before my time should have come. And yet I had sworn not to hurt him.

  I thought of Callie, hoping she’d escaped the battle unscathed. For the first time since she’d broken her novice bond to me, I wished it was still intact. Just so that I could see that star on my hand and know her heart was still beating somewhere.

  “It might help us if we come up with some plan for escaping this place,” Erik muttered and I could tell he was growing tired of me ignoring him. But how could I just start talking to him like he hadn’t done the things he’d done? Callie had assured me that Andvari was the one who was truly responsible for my father’s death but it wasn’t so simple for me to release my anger towards the vampire he’d chosen to use as his tool. I’d felt the touch of Idun’s power many times and I’d also managed to throw it off on several occasions. Besides, being tricked by a deity was no excuse for what he’d done.


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