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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

Page 142

by Caroline Peckham

  I tried to step back but they held me too firmly. Their fingers digging into my skin as they released sounds laced with their desire for more and more. I wasn’t sure I held enough blood in my body to satisfy their thirst and I began to fear that their basest instincts were taking over despite their assurances that they wouldn’t.

  “Stop,” I breathed and Fabian jerked back suddenly, releasing me as he blinked the bloodlust from his eyes. His lips were stained red and a bead of my blood ran down his chin.

  He snarled at his brother, grabbing Miles’s shoulder and pulling him back before shoving Warren off of me too. Miles hissed fiercely, his pupils dilating as he stared at me hungrily. Fear trickled through me as his beautiful face was transformed into that of a monster and no sign of his lighthearted demeanour shone through. It was like looking at a stranger. A stranger who wanted to kill me.

  Warren shook his head as he forced himself to back away from me, though I could tell he didn’t entirely want to.

  I staggered back a step, clutching my wrists to my chest as the pain of their venom burned through my body.

  “Holy shit why does she taste so good?” Warren moaned, his eyes darting to the blood I could feel trickling down my neck.

  “I’d almost forgotten what it feels like to feed from a slayer,” Miles breathed as he blinked away the desperate look in his eyes and Fabian released his hold on him.

  Fabian glanced at me then dropped his eyes as if he was ashamed of what they’d just done. He stooped low and gathered some snow into his hands before approaching me.

  I forced myself to hold my ground as he drew closer. I’d known what I was offering when I’d let them bite me but it didn’t do much to make me feel better about it. I felt used somehow... violated. I held my tongue because I wasn’t sure what I could possibly say to them in that moment.

  Fabian took my hand and I stilled as he rubbed the venom from my skin with the snow. The icy touch of the snowball against my flesh soothed the burning sensation left by their venom and I watched in silence as he switched his attention to my other wrist.

  “I’m sorry we had to do that,” he murmured.

  “Why do I taste different?” I asked with a frown, finding my voice at last. The only way we were going to move past this easily was if we faced it. They were vampires. I was mortal. This was always going to be an issue between us unless we could break the curse. Ignoring the fact wouldn’t make it go away.

  Fabian cleared his throat, not seeming to want to answer and I tipped my chin up as he removed his own venom from my neck.

  “It was the gods’ way of driving us back to you,” Miles supplied for him. “We tried to hide from your kind but making you taste like that meant that we would always be tempted closer again. We can survive on human blood just as easily. But drinking from them is like having water. Drinking from your kind is like-”

  “Ecstasy,” Warren supplied, sucking the last drop of my blood from his bottom lip.

  “So the gods wanted you to hunt the slayers just like they wanted the slayers to hunt you?” I asked, my anger at the gods as easy to find as always.

  “I suppose so,” Miles said. “They were always driving us against each other.”

  “And feeding from you could easily become addictive,” Fabian muttered.

  I looked up at him as he finished cleaning my wound and the burning sensation left my flesh.

  “Well don’t go thinking about forming any habits,” I said firmly as I stepped away from him.

  “Pity,” Miles murmured and I gave him a flat look in response. There was no way in hell I was about to become their personal dining cart and they’d better remember it.

  “This was a one time deal,” I said firmly. “And I won’t be offering to do it again.”

  I took a steadying breath and pushed my sleeves down to conceal the bites on my wrists.

  I rolled my shoulders back and took a few steps, letting my body adjust to the blood loss and finding that it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared. My head swam momentarily but I was soon able to push past the feeling as I drew my gifts to my muscles. My kind were made to kill vampires so I had no doubt that I was able to survive the effects of a little blood loss fairly well as part of the package.

  “Did any of you hear that?” Miles asked in a low whisper.

  I strained my ears, trying to pick out any sounds above the howling wind and the crackling fire which still blazed amongst the wreckage beyond the closest line of trees.

  My skin prickled as I waited for anything to let me know that Erik and Magnar were drawing close.

  “We’ll keep Erik away from you,” Fabian breathed, glancing at me. “You won’t have to endure any more bites today if I can help it.”

  “Good,” I replied. But that meant that I’d have to focus on Magnar and the last time he’d fought against me it had nearly broken my heart in two.

  A piece of me hoped that when Valentina’s hold on him was destroyed he wouldn’t remember anything that she’d made him do. I knew he would hate knowing that he’d tried to hurt me. Let alone having to recall whatever else Valentina had forced upon him while his will wasn’t his own.

  A branch broke in the trees to our right and I stilled as my vampire companions moved to block me from whoever was coming.

  The blizzard died down a little and the snow lightened just enough for me to see further into the forest.

  Something shot between the trees and my heart leapt as I sucked in a breath but I lost sight of it before I could be sure what it was.

  The sense of unease grew thicker around me and I strained my ears as I tried to pick out the sounds of anyone approaching.

  Gunshots tore through the air and I screamed as I dove to the floor. Blood stained the snow in front of me and Miles hissed in pain as he sprang to his feet and darted forward to meet our attacker.

  Erik leapt at us, his eyes wild as he skidded to a halt before the flaming wreckage and assessed his foes. He was wearing a black suit which seemed beyond weird for our current situation but I didn’t have much time to consider why. He held an assault rifle in his arms and he grinned at us as he took aim once more.

  My mouth fell open as he pointed the heavy weapon right at me and Fabian roared as he launched a huge rock straight at his brother. Erik dove aside but dropped his gun as he did so, hissing at Fabian as he rolled up into a crouch and the rock crashed through the undergrowth where he’d just been standing.

  “Erik,” Miles begged, holding a hand up. “Fight it, Brother. The gods have done this to you. If you’d just try and-”

  Erik lunged towards him and Warren raced forward to help as the three of them slammed into the ground, sending snow flying from the impact.

  Erik snarled like a wild beast, throwing his fists at his brother and baring his teeth.

  I backed up, glancing between the trees as Miles managed to throw Erik off of him and Fabian shot forward in an attempt to restrain him with the others.

  Erik swore at them as they snatched at his arms, battling to contain him between the three of them as he fought with all his might to buck them off.

  I kept edging backwards, hairs rising along the back of my neck as I placed my hand on Fury’s hilt at my hip.

  Erik was faster but Magnar wouldn’t be far behind him and my heart ached at the thought of having him near. I needed him to realise what had happened to him. I longed for him to break free of this hold the gods had placed on his soul.

  Behind you! Fury hissed and I gasped as I threw myself to the floor.

  Venom shot through the air right where my head had been a moment ago and slammed into a tree on the opposite side of the clearing. Magnar roared a challenge as he burst from the shadows, his gaze set on me and lit with a thirst for violence.

  If I’d thought Erik looked strange in the suit it was nothing to how Magnar looked in one. His muscular frame was bursting out of the fitted material and nothing about the wildness in him seemed suited for such a formal outfit.

I rolled over and Magnar slammed Tempest down, carving it into the snow right beside my head. I released a scream and he smiled wickedly as I rolled again and he dragged the blade back for a second strike.

  I snatched Fury from its sheath, holding it between both of my hands as I raised it to take the force of the next blow.

  Metal rang on metal as Tempest hit my blade so hard that I could barely hold it off of me. Magnar grunted with effort as he bore down on me and my back was pressed into the snow. I gritted my teeth as I fought to hold him off.

  “My love wants that ring on your finger,” he snarled, eying my hand hungrily. My arms trembled as he threw his strength into forcing the blades closer to my neck and I cried out as I kicked his knee.

  His leg buckled beneath him and he swore at me as I threw my boot into his side, knocking him back.

  Magnar fell into the snow and I leapt to my feet, running forward and kicking Tempest from his grasp.

  He cursed again and rolled towards me, snatching my ankle as I tried to dance out of his reach.

  I crashed down into the snow once more and he propelled himself on top of me, driving his fist into my face.

  My lip split as pain raced through my jaw and I cried out as I struggled beneath him.

  “Magnar,” I gasped. “Magnar please. It’s me. I love you, I-”

  He punched me again and the iron taste of blood filled my mouth.

  “I have but one love and she has asked me for your head, whore,” he spat as he aimed his fist at my face again.

  I managed to lurch aside, driving my knuckles up into his chin so that his teeth slammed together with a harsh snap.

  I launched my other fist into his throat and he reared back, giving me enough room to scramble out from under him.

  He tried to follow me and I kicked him, my boot connecting with his face as he bellowed with rage. He couldn’t hear me. His only thoughts were the ones Valentina had planted into his head. It was like his body was a shell and the man I loved wasn’t inside it anymore.

  I struggled to my feet and backed away as Magnar got up too. He hounded after me, his gaze glinting with the promise of my death and a deep red glow lighting the backs of his eyes.

  “Is your sister cast to ash or will I have the pleasure of ending her too?” he snarled as he stalked closer and I continued to back up.

  I opened my mouth to respond just as Erik was hurled over my head. He slammed into Magnar and the two of them tumbled away from us through the woodland.

  I glanced around and found Warren grinning in victory as Miles and Fabian stood ready to continue our fight.

  “How long do we keep this up?” I asked as Magnar and Erik appeared between the trees again, stalking towards us like a pair of demons with only one goal in sight. They wanted our deaths. And I wasn’t sure how much longer we could keep evading their best efforts.

  “Until their spell is lifted or our luck runs out,” Fabian snarled, placing himself in front of me.

  My mind went to Montana and the others. I just hoped they managed to kill Valentina soon because I wasn’t sure how much more time we could buy. If they could destroy that necklace then Magnar would come back to me. I prayed that would happen before he managed to kill me.

  The four of us stood ready to defend ourselves once more and it didn’t slip my notice that both Erik and Magnar were looking at me like I was their goal. I guessed that meant Valentina had put the highest price on my head and I was glad that I’d gotten under her skin that much. But I wasn’t so pleased that it meant two of the deadliest creatures on the planet were determined to kill me.

  I clenched my fist tightly, the ring digging into my fingers as I revelled in the warmth of its power as it hid me from the gods. I had no doubt that Valentina wanted to get her hands on the ring for Idun’s sake and I had zero intention of allowing that whore of a goddess to get anywhere near it.

  We closed ranks and I prepared myself to face off against Magnar once more but before they could reach us, purple lightning speared through the sky. It split like cobwebs, coating the clouds above us in a glittering, lilac net.

  The two of them looked up at it for a moment, then exchanged a dark glance.

  Magnar snatched Tempest from the ground and ran to heave Venom from the tree it was lodged in. He turned away from us without a backwards glance and dove into the forest, his footfalls racing away at speed.

  Erik raised his hand and pointed a finger right at me. “I’ll be right back to claim your head for my love,” he promised before sprinting away too.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked in astonishment as we were left alone before the burning wreckage and some of the tension eased from our group.

  “Valentina must want them back with her,” Miles said excitedly. “Let’s hope that means our sister is about to kill her!” He shot after Erik and Magnar in a blur of motion and Warren chased behind him.

  Fabian glanced down at me with a triumphant smile lighting his face. “It seems the tables are finally turning on that traitor,” he said.

  I grinned in return and started running for the edge of the clearing too. Fabian let me get a little way ahead of him before powering forward and sweeping me into his arms. I squealed with surprise as he pulled me against his chest.

  “You’re too slow,” he explained with a smirk. “Let me show you how fast I can move.”

  I opened my mouth to protest but he didn’t give me a chance as he charged forward into the trees and I was forced to cling on for dear life as the wind ripped at my hair. Fabian carved a path through the thick snow at our feet and we speared through the forest at an alarming pace.

  We leapt out of the cover of the trees and landed in a sprawling field. I could see Erik and Magnar ahead of us as they sprinted towards the base where the storm continued to rage. The snow fell so thickly around it that it was impossible to make out any of the buildings let alone what was going on there.

  Purple lightning lit the clouds again and again as Valentina continued to send out her signal for them to return and I just hoped that Montana and the others managed to kill her before they arrived.

  We raced across the field towards her and my gut filled with a steely determination. It was time we ended that bitch’s rule once and for all. I was going to rip her crown from her head and force it down throat. Then, as soon as we’d destroyed that damn necklace, I planned on letting Magnar and Erik kill her in the worst way they could imagine in revenge for all she’d forced upon them. She would rue the day she stole my man from me and I had no doubt that the death he delivered her would be slow and deserving.

  Valentina released my hair and her heel left my back as someone rushed into her. A flutter of blonde hair in my periphery told me Clarice had arrived and my heart soared with relief. I rolled over, groaning as my wounds started to heal.

  Clarice had Valentina on her back and the ruby on her necklace flashed red. The second Clarice raised her pistol, a harsh wind threw her off. She slammed into the ground, tumbling through the snow and throwing up a sheet of white flakes.

  Valentina rose to her feet, trying to regain the upper hand but a flicker of fear danced across her features. I crawled backwards through the snow, my blood staining it crimson as I moved. Panic trickled through me as I felt for Nightmare's presence, reaching into the icy depths around me to locate it. The second I found it, I was going to cut her heart out and crush that necklace beneath my boot.

  Clarice sped toward Valentina once more, battling the wind with all her might. She started side-stepping again and again and Valentina turned toward her, slowly exposing her back to me. I grinned as I realised what Clarice was doing. She was giving me a chance at finishing this bitch.

  My fingers brushed something warm.

  Moon Child.

  I snatched up Nightmare, rising to my feet with a wild excitement growing in me. I had to be swift and silent. Valentina had to think I was still injured on the ground. I had mere seconds to act.

  I held Nightmare by my
ear, aiming at her back. One good shot could end her. One good shot could bring Erik back to me. And the thought alone almost made my heart beat with longing.

  Let me fly to her heart, Nightmare begged.

  I threw the blade with all my might, willing it to bring Valentina to her death. It flew towards her spinning end over end, cutting through the air. Valentina turned sharply and the blade missed its target as it drove into her back but not nearly deep enough. She wailed in pain, whipping around to face me as thunder bellowed overhead.

  Valentina snarled, forcing a wave of air against me and I stumbled away. But with her back to Clarice, she couldn't focus on keeping her at bay too. Clarice ran forward to grab her, catching Valentina around the throat with a shout of triumph. She tried to prise the necklace from her throat and Valentina slashed at her hands.

  I blinked against the snow battering me, pushing against its ferocity to try and help Clarice.

  Valentina yelped as Clarice brought her to her knees, the Belvedere changing tact as she wrestled to rip her head from her shoulders. The wind fell away as Valentina lost her concentration and I grinned in satisfaction as I bolted forward to join the fight.

  Clarice had her arm locked around Valentina's neck, digging her heels into the snow as she struggled to tear her head off. We were so close. If she could disable her body, we could skewer her heart and turn her to dust.

  Clarice gasped as Nightmare's hilt dug into her side and her hold eased enough that Valentina got free, scrambling away on her hands and knees. I aimed a sharp kick at her face, but she fell backwards onto the snow to avoid it and raised her hands to the sky.

  Lightning flashed above me and I launched myself sideways as a bolt hit the ground where I'd just been standing. I sucked in a breath of air as I tried to calm my trembling body.

  Valentina reached behind her back, ripping Nightmare out of her flesh and wielding it at me instead. “You think you can beat me? The queen of storms?” she laughed and lightning cascaded from the sky, so many strikes at once, I didn't know where to run. I moved left and right, blinded as the bolts struck the ground everywhere. I was one wrongly placed foot away from death. The light was so bright and the heat of it sizzled up my spine as the bolts came ever closer to finishing me.


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