Managed by Chance

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Managed by Chance Page 17

by Amy DeMeritt

  “Cum with me.”

  Panting for air and moaning, Mel looked up into Katie’s hazy steel-blue eyes, tearing her eyes away from the arousing sight of their groins moving together. She breathed, “Soon,” and Katie visibly swallowed as she began to shake.

  “Now, Mel, please.”

  Mel did everything she could to command her body to release the pressure building in her loins. She watched Katie’s beautiful breasts moving with her body. She admired the way her fit stomach was pumping with her rapid breaths and rolling with the perfect stroke of her hips. Then she looked at Katie’s silky, wet natural mound grinding against hers.

  Katie gripped Mel’s right nipple and twerked it hard. And with that simple, yet effective, act of encouragement, Mel’s orgasm burst and Katie let go of her own.

  Shaking and slightly sweating, Katie laid down on top of her, and Mel wraps her arms around her slender back. Mel slid her hands up and down Katie’s ribs and up into her soft dark brown hair. She kissed the side of Katie’s neck and her shoulder, and Katie sighed in contentment against Mel’s chest.

  “I took a CPR certification course when I was in high school.”

  Mel released a small breathy laugh that was a bit labored from the weight of Katie laying on her. “Just because?”

  “Yes.” Katie lifted her head off of Mel’s chest and propped herself up on an elbow so she could look into her glossy hazel eyes. “I thought it would be good to know.”

  “That’s so Ravenclaw of you.”

  “I really like you, Mel.” She bent down and pulled Mel into a slightly rough, deep kiss, pulled away a few inches, whispered, “Please don’t break my heart,” then reengaged Mel’s tingling mouth.

  Pleasure and desire mixed with a deluge of wonderful emotions and flooded their minds and bodies. Their hands gripped at each other’s arms, backs, breasts, and Mel massaged Katie’s ass and thighs. After a few minutes, she rolled them, getting Katie on her back.

  As she slid a hand between them, gliding easily into Katie’s throbbing sex, she pulled away at the moment Katie released a groan of pleasure and bucked her hips against her. Mel kissed her tightly pinched eyes, cheeks, and lips.

  Quietly, and while still working her hand between Katie’s thighs, Mel answered, “You do realize I’m falling hard and fast for you, right? I’m like a meteor blazing through the atmosphere.

  Breathily, Katie said, “If you’re burning through my atmosphere, you’re bigger than a meteor, more like a comet or a planet.”

  “Interesting.” Mel latched onto her neck below her ear and trailed sucking kisses down to her chest. After tracing Katie’s nipples with the tip of her tongue and giving both a little pinch with her teeth, she deduced, “Yeah, I got that wrong. You’re the one burning through my atmosphere.”

  Katie grabbed her head and pulled her up into a kiss, but as her orgasm burst, her head fell back with a loud gasping shriek of pleasure. As she pressed her lips against Mel’s shoulder, she pulled her hand out from between her thighs, then fell back with a long sigh.

  “I’m falling hard for you too, Mel.”

  “So, instead of holding hands and frolicking through a meadow, we’re holding hands while we fall through the clouds at terminal velocity with our asses on fire.”

  Katie laughed hard as she tightly wrapped her arms around Mel. “It sounded so romantic till you added the asses on fire detail.”

  “Well, we are comets, so the tails of fire are kind of required.” Mel kissed her lips. “But you know, if we’re both comets holding hands and falling together, what atmosphere are we burning through?”

  “You are thinking way too much into this.” Katie rolled them closer to the edge of the bed, and as she stood up, she pulled Mel up. “Come on, let’s go swimming.”

  “What about my palm reading?”

  “I can read it in the pool.”

  “My bag is still hanging from the banister downstairs.”

  Katie grinned as she turned towards her dresser. As she bent over to pull her bikini out, she looked over her shoulder at Mel, and surmised, “Guess I get to watch you walk downstairs naked and get dressed in the foyer.”

  “I’m going to need my sunglasses for this.”

  Mel rolled to the foot of the bed, then hung over the edge to fish through her clothes to find the giant aviator glasses. As she sat up on the bed, she put them on and flashed Katie the corniest “cool-guy” smile she could muster, earning her an adorable laugh.

  “Where did you get those things? They take up half your face.”

  “I bought them for a Halloween costume one year.”

  “Who were you?”

  “Elvis Presley.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Katie stepped into the bikini bottoms and pulled them up to her waist. “Can I see your impersonation?”

  “I can’t do that while I’m naked. I need bell-bottoms and a flashy shirt with a ridiculously huge collar. And I need a ton of styling gel to make my hair all pointy in the front.”

  After tying the top of her bikini, Katie took Mel’s hands and pulled her up from the bed and into her arms. “I would love to see all of that. Will you sing for me too?”

  With a laugh, Mel said, “I can’t sing, but I can lip sync. How about next weekend you come to my place for dinner and a show?”

  “I can’t wait.”

  She tugged on Mel’s hand, and when they reached the top of the stairs, she patted Mel’s ass. “Go strut your stuff for me, stud.”

  Mel pecked her lips, then started walking down the stairs, slowly and with a seductive swagger in her hips. When she was halfway down, she looked over her shoulder at Katie to check her distance, and since she was four steps above her, she carefully and gracefully spun a full circle, then continued down the stairs. Katie clapped for her, and when she reached the bottom, she spun to face Katie and bowed dramatically.

  “Very sexy.”

  Katie lifted Mel’s duffle bag off of the banister and held it out to her. “Let’s see your swimwear, stud.”

  Holding her arms out to the side, Mel teased, “You’re looking at it, beautiful.”

  “I didn’t take you for being such an exhibitionist.” Katie swung Mel’s bag over her shoulder and jerked her head towards the back of the house. “Go for it.”

  Mel glanced between Katie and the short hall leading to the kitchen and dining room. Katie raised her eyebrows and cocked her hips to the side in a slightly impatient sort of way. Mel took a deep breath, then walked confidently down the hall and into the dining room. She got her hand on the terracotta and desert sand striped curtain concealing the sliding glass door, then exhaled hard as her shoulders drooped. She turned to face Katie, who was grinning and already holding her bag out to her.

  “Okay, fine, I’m not exhibitionist.”

  “That’s okay with me. I’ve never had any interest in going to a nudist beach anyway.”

  While opening her bag and pulling her bikini and swim trunks out, Mel asked, “What if it was a women’s only nudist beach?”

  “Still no. I don’t want to see every woman naked. Just the one I’m dating.”

  Mel blushed as her face spread into a huge smile. “What about porn?”

  Katie shrugged. “Sure, I could get into some porn. Most of it is pretty cheesy though.”

  “That’s true.” After pulling on her swim trunks and tying them at the waist, Mel held her arms out, and asked, “Do you approve of my swimwear?”

  “I do. I like the teal swim shorts and the little palm trees on them. They’re very cute.” Katie walked around her to open the door, then gave her ass a firm slap. “After you.”

  “You must really like watching me walk.”

  Mel strutted out the door, putting extra sway in her hips, and Katie reached out to pinch her ass, making her squeal and jump.

  The sun had fully set and the only light illuminating the backyard was coming from the warm glow of solar lights staked around the edges of the lawn and the lights from the deck. The
inground pool also had blue lights built into the sides every few feet, making the water look ethereal. The summer evening air was at a comfortable twenty-degree decrease from the over a hundred-degrees it was during the day. After Katie pressed play on a mix of romantic soul and R&B songs on her cellphone, the sounds of her neighbors, crickets, and bats zipping between tree branches were nearly completely drowned out.

  After testing the water temperature with her toes, Mel pushed off from the side in a perfect shallow dive and glided through the water a foot above the bottom of the pool. She did a few breaststrokes to reach the far end of the pool, then popped up and spun around, wiping water out of her eyes to see if Katie had gotten in the water yet. She was just sitting on the edge of the pool watching Mel with an affectionate smile that caused an eruption of butterflies in her stomach. She dipped under the water and pushed off of the side of the pool with all of her might, shooting through the water like a human torpedo, and did a few more breaststrokes to get to Katie. She came up between Katie’s thighs and wrapped her arms around her waist.

  “Are you going to join me in here?”

  In response, Katie pushed up on her hands and eased forward. Mel waded backwards, giving her room to drop into the water. Katie sank below the surface of the eight-foot deep section, then popped up and wrapped her arms around the back of Mel’s neck. They kicked their feet to keep their heads above the surface, and as Mel wrapped her arms around Katie’s bare waist, their lips pressed and parted in a slow kiss for several moments.

  As she pulled away, Katie caressed Mel’s cheek and through her hair. “You had good form when you were swimming. Were you a swimmer in school?”

  “Yes and no. I didn’t swim for school. But my parents had me in a swim league basically since I could walk.”

  “Dance and swimming.” Katie grinned as she ran her fingers through Mel’s short hair again. “I never would have guessed either of those just from looking at you.”

  Mel quirked an eyebrow, and teased, “Are you stereotyping against me?”

  “A little bit.” Katie laughed after confirming her guilt. “I love that you don’t fit the stereotype though. You have so many layers.”

  “Yeah, I’m like an onion.”

  Katie laughed again, and asked, “Isn’t that from a movie?”


  “That’s right.”

  “Did you do any sports or extra curriculars in school?”

  “I didn’t play any sports or anything in college. But I played soccer and volleyball and was on the debate team in high school.”

  “Debate team, huh?” Mel tickled Katie’s sides, making her laugh and jerk in the water, splashing both of them in the process. After a few moments, she released her sides to loop her arms around Katie again. “I’m suddenly worried about a power struggle at work.”

  “You are completely competent, well organized, superbly professional, and a fantastic leader. I don’t anticipate a power struggle existing between us at all. Whatever differences we may have, I’m confident we’ll be able to discuss it and come to a mutual agreement without upsetting each other.”

  “You do have a way with words. You were good on the debate team, weren’t you?”

  Katie’s pride spread across her lips, creating a cute dimple in her right cheek. “I was the best. I never lost a debate.”

  She gave Mel a kiss on the lips, then slipped from her grip, dipping below the surface of the water. As she swam past Mel, she pinched her ass through her short swim trunks. Mel followed her to the shallow end of the pool, and when they were able to stand up in the water, Katie wrapped her arms and legs around her.

  “Do you have siblings?”

  “One.” Mel reached up to brush a few strands of hair off of Katie’s forehead. “I have an older sister, but we don’t talk. We weren’t a religious family. We never went to church or anything. But while Afton was in college, she met a super fanatic evangelical Christian guy and was born again. She ended up marrying him and they have one kid so far – Bryce. He’s three years old and I don’t get to see him.”


  “Nope. Before she met this guy, Afton didn’t have a problem with me being gay. She used to hang out with me and my girlfriends or my other gay friends. But then she met he who must not be named, and all of a sudden, I became public enemy number one. She made a really hard push for about a year, trying to get me to repent and give my heart to Jesus.” Mel rolled her eyes. “We finally had a really bad blowout because I just couldn’t take it anymore. She hasn’t spoken to me since. And because my parents fully support me and they don’t want any part of Afton’s religious propaganda, she doesn’t talk to them much anymore either.”

  “I’m sorry.” Katie lightly pressed her lips against Mel’s. “I waited till my first year of college to come out because I didn’t want to be living at home when I told them. My family isn’t super religious, but they go to church every so often and on the major holidays, like Easter and Christmas. For my parents, it’s not so much about religion as it is more about body parts. As my father explains, A bolt screws into a nut – two bolts bumping ends or two nuts bumping holes is useless.”

  Both of them laughed a little, and Mel asked, “Is that supposed to mean that sex is only about making babies? Because if that’s the case, it sounds like your parents’ sex life is very sad and boring.”

  With a look of disgust, Katie answered, “I prefer not to think of my parents that way, but yes, that was his meaning. It was completely hypocritical, of course. I knew he didn’t really mean or practice that ideology.”

  “Do you have siblings?”

  Katie nodded. “An older brother and a younger sister. We get along well enough, but we’re not best friends or anything. I have seven nieces and nephews total between them. I get to see them maybe once a month or every other, depending if a family event or something is going on. I babysit on occasion as well. I can’t imagine not getting to see them at all. Some of them are a real handful, but I love them so much.”

  “My sister told me once that if I would hide my gayness, like let my hair grow out and wear feminine clothes, they might let me see him, while being supervised. Supervised – as if I’m going to put a spell on her son behind her back and turn him gay.” Mel sighed as she absentmindedly began running her hands up and down Katie’s bare back. “She used to be cool. She was open-minded and level-headed. She didn’t tend to lean towards any extremes. Then she fell in love and became completely brainwashed or something. I used to be angry about it all. But now I just feel sorry for her. I just feel like she doesn’t have control over her own brain anymore. And I feel sorry for my nephew having to grow up in an environment like that. I just hope when he’s old enough to make his own decisions that he won’t be so bigoted.”

  “Have you thought about having children?” Katie blushed. “I mean, would you want children?”

  “Yes.” Mel tightened her embrace, and while looking unblinking into Katie’s eyes, she continued, “I think it would be cool to have children, after I’m married.”

  Katie leaned in and their mouths united in a slow kiss that quickly escalated. Mel’s hands split, one to rest at the center of Katie’s shoulder blades, and one to glide over her bikini bottom and the back of her thigh. As Mel slipped her hand under the bikini to grip Katie’s bare cheek, Katie released a whimper into her mouth and Katie’s hips pressed in harder against hers.

  Katie pulled away breathless and with her eyes unfocused with arousal. She swallowed hard and placed a hand on Mel’s cheek to trace her cheekbone with her thumb.

  “I really like you, Mel. You’re such a breath of fresh air. As cliché as that may sound, it’s true.”

  With a cheeky grin, Mel deduced, “Well, luckily I’m not a cliché butch, so it all balances out.”

  Katie laughed, then gave Mel a kiss on the lips. “That’s true. You are not a cliché at all.” She kissed Mel again, then peeled herself off of her waist, stepping down to stand on her
own. As she took a few steps backwards, she challenged, “Race you to the other end and back.”

  Without waiting for an answer, Katie dipped below the water and pushed up hard with her feet to gain momentum for the freestyle stroke. Mel took off a few moments after, using the same stroke and quickly caught up. They reached the wall at the deep end about the same time, turned, then pushed off. Mel gained a couple of inches in the strength of her push off, then bolted ahead a few more with the speed of her stroke.

  When they reached the other end, and after Mel won the race, Katie tackled Mel into the water with a laugh and they tumbled around the shallow end tickling, kissing, and playfully wrestling. After several minutes of playing like children, Katie leapt back into Mel’s arms, wrapping her legs around her waist again.

  “Do you want some ice cream?”

  Mel nodded as she leaned in and playfully nibbled Katie’s jawbone, then sucked her neck, just below her ear. Katie released a breath of arousal and pulled Mel’s head up to look in her eyes.

  “Let’s go get a shower first.”

  With a dramatic groan of desire, and with Katie still wrapped around her waist, Mel walked to the built-in steps in the corner of the pool to climb out.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Covering a near jaw breaking caliber yawn with a hand, Mel walked down the hall to the front door of her apartment to answer the persistent buzzing of the intercom. She leaned against the wall and pressed the button to ask who it was with her voice hoarse with sleep.

  “It’s Katie.”

  Suddenly feeling more awake, she immediately pressed the button to unlock the electronic security door to the lobby downstairs and waited in her open doorway with anxiety twisting her stomach. When Katie came walking down the hall in her pajamas with a garment bag over her shoulder, her anxiety unraveled into happy flutters of excitement.

  As soon as Katie reached her, she grabbed the back of Mel’s neck and planted a firm kiss on her smiling lips. Their lips parted and they stumbled backwards into Mel’s apartment. Katie closed the door behind them and hung her garment bag from the doorknob, then pressed Mel against the wall, still locked in a fervent kiss. Her hands slid under her tee shirt and up over Mel’s small breasts, making her release a sharp breath.


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