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Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2)

Page 15

by Lea Hart

  “Size don’t matter when it comes to women. In fact, it’s the small ones you have to watch out for ‘cause they’re the ones with magic powers.”

  “You mean the kind that will twist your balls, slide a knife through your gut, and turn your world to ashes?”

  Glancing over, Colt frowned. “I hope you work shit out with Courtney soon.”

  Before he could come up with an appropriate response, Colt stalked off in the direction of the CIA operative. “Go ahead, sucker, fall into the black hole; I wish you luck.”

  “Who the hell are you talking to?” Ace asked as he collapsed into the seat.


  “Excellent,” Ace responded as he pulled out his tablet and sat back. “Ready to get back out there?”

  “So fucking ready.”

  “Need to be in the middle of a firefight to get your mind right?”

  “Yeah, since bullets flying make problems disappear better than anything I know.”

  “Calm in the chaos, brother. Best medicine there is.”

  Seeing Lt. Cmdr. Warner give the signal, he nodded. “Team meeting.”

  Ace shoved himself off the bench and grinned. “Let’s see what we’re in for, brother.”

  “Doesn’t much matter what it is, as long as I get to blow some shit up.”

  Because as far as he could tell, that was the only thing that was going to drown out the loud voice in his head that kept telling him he wasn’t going to be happy without Court in his life.

  Lt. Cmdr. Warner nodded to Daisy. “You’re up.”

  “Thanks, Jason.” Pulling out a stack of photos, she spread them on the stack of gear they were using as a table and pointed to the largest one. “Vince Dorchester, the billionaire businessman and bestie to the president, got snatched out of the Cala de Mar Resort in Ixtapa. He was there for an economic summit and golf weekend with other business leaders from the region. Intel is suggesting that Ruben Oseguera is responsible.” She pushed forward another picture and nodded to the woman standing next to her. “I’m going to let Kate give you the details on the cartel.”

  “Everyone quiet,” Colt said. “Kate is going to speak now.”

  A low rumble of chuckles erupted from the group, and Caid watched Colt mean-mug anyone who didn’t stop immediately. Seeing the woman’s face turn pink made him wonder if Colt’s apparent infatuation had any sort of chance of making it out of the starting gates. One thing was for damn sure; it was going to be complicated. SEALs and CIA operatives weren’t known for mixing well, so whatever was ahead of them wasn’t going to be easy.

  “Pipe down, everyone,” Lt. Cmdr. Warner barked at the group.

  “Go ahead, Kate, everyone is listening,” Colt said quietly.

  “That’s a shit show in the making,” Ace said out of the side of his mouth.

  “He thinks he’s helping.”

  “That’s the kind of shit that always comes back to bite us in the ass since our ‘helping’ is usually interpreted as interfering.”

  Kate spread out a map and then cleared her throat. “Ruben is known as ‘El Mencho’ and is the head of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. He’s one of the most wanted men in Mexico and has seen a recent slip in power. It’s our belief that he snatched Mr. Dorchester as a way not only to bring in a cash infusion but also demonstrate that he’s still a powerful man.” She pulled out a red pen and circled a large area near the coast. “This is Ruben Oseguera’s area of power and influence. He’s got a large estate in the foothills that sit just outside Ixtapa, and we believe that’s where Vince Dorchester will eventually land.”

  “We’re going to be teaming up with the Mexican High Command GAFE. They will act as the QRF, and their Airborne Brigade will be there for exfil,” Daisy said. “Dorchester was snatched thirty-six hours ago, so we’re on the clock.”

  “The entire area is under the influence of Oseguera and making a move without him finding out is going to be challenging,” Kate said quietly.

  “So, he owns the city, the local police, and the politicians?” Caid asked.

  “Yes,” Kate replied. “If you’re not with him, then you’re against him, and if he thinks you’re disloyal, then you’re dead.”

  “We’re operating out of Puerta Vallarta and will be staying at a site the Grupo Aeromovil de Fuerzas Especiales uses in the area,” Lt. Cmdr. Warner said. “In an effort not to announce our presence, we’ll be in civilian clothes and traveling in indy vehicles for the duration.” He tapped his knuckle against the tables and then grinned. “Rest up, men, and get ready; this op is going to take more than a minute. When we get settled in PV, we’ll get a local update and then see what our next move is going to be.”

  Caid nodded to his commander and then strolled over to his hammock, knowing burying himself in work was likely going to be his saving grace.


  Courtney handed Wayne a pile of dresses and let out a long sigh. “Are you sure this is necessary?”

  “Absolument, mon ami!”

  “Did you watch a French movie on Netflix last night?”

  Wayne swept his hand over his hair and collapsed next to the pile of dresses. “No, but I did have a coffee with the most delicious Frenchman yesterday. He’s a visiting professor or something or other, and we had a wonderful time together.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Let’s just say that I might very well benefit from his years of experience.”

  “Are you looking for a sugar daddy?”

  Crossing his legs, he then pursed his lips. “I’m not – not looking.”

  “Well, I wish you luck.”


  Courtney pulled out a yellow dress and held it up. “This is one of my favorites.”

  “I know,” Wayne replied as he rolled his eyes. “And I think it’s safe to say that there isn’t a shirtwaist dress with a million buttons that isn’t on your top-ten list.”

  She stuck her tongue out and then put it back in her closet. “I’m not cleaning out my closet if you plan on mocking me.”

  “Buck up, missy. Don’t go soft on me now.”

  “I’m struggling, Wayne, and there’s no use pretending otherwise.”

  “Which is why we’re going to do something constructive and make sure that only things that spark joy are residing in the black hole that you like to call a closet.”

  “A blow torch couldn’t spark joy in me right now.” Falling against the bed, she let her arm fall over her face. “Not only am I mad at Caid but now I’m also worried since he’s somewhere in the world doing something fairly dangerous.”

  “Bastard!” Wayne half-shouted. “How dare he go off and do something heroic.”

  Courtney popped up and pushed her hair out of her face. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

  “Then let’s discuss how you came to be obsessed with these,” he waved his hand over the pile, “librarian dresses.”

  “They’re flattering and make me appear professional as well as approachable.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Can we skip this exercise and make margaritas instead?”

  Wayne shot to his feet and flapped his arms. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t try.”

  “I’m a lost cause, and there’s no need to waste your genius on me.”

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Wayne replied as he picked up a stack of dresses and put them back in the closet.

  “Oh, my God, I almost forgot to tell you…”

  Wayne spun around. “What?”

  “Borden stopped by today and…”

  “Does he suspect anything? Are we about to be hauled off in cuffs? Is he planning on making you his love slave and doing delicious unspeakable things to you in that to-die-for sex room?”

  Courtney waved her hands. “Eeeew, no!”

  “Then why did he stop by?”

  She grabbed a book off her nightstand and held it up. “He brought me an ARC of his latest book and…”

nbsp; “What’s an ARC?”

  “Advanced reader copy.” Opening the book, she held it up. “He dedicated it to me, his amazing research assistant.”

  Wayne grabbed the book and let out a whistle. “Damn, it kinda makes me feel bad for doing the whole breaking and entering thing.”

  “There was no B & E. We were invited in and merely availed ourselves of an opportunity to confirm there were no bodies in the basement.”

  “Way to skate a line and rationalize completely hinky shenanigans.”

  Courtney walked toward the door and then bowed. “Why, thank you. It’s a gift.”

  Wayne hip-checked her out of the way and then strode toward the kitchen. “And one you should be damn proud of.”

  “I am, but I think it may be time for me to…”


  “Not be so impulsive.”

  “A woman who has checklists for her checklists is not impulsive.”

  Walking into the kitchen, she started pulling out supplies. “How about impetuous?”

  “Same thing,” Wayne replied.


  “Each of your dresses has at least twenty buttons. You don’t take risks.”

  “I do, Wayne. Not in my everyday life, but at least every couple of months, I do something that skates the edge of good choices.” She plugged in the blender and then started adding ingredients. “Caid was right. Doing a search of Borden’s basement was risky, and no matter how I frame it, it wasn’t my brightest idea.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “That I need to find a better outlet for my overactive imagination.”

  Picking up the bottle of tequila, Wayne poured a quarter of it in the blender. “But what if we did find something?”

  “It would’ve been hard to convince the police to go in because the probable cause was a result of an unlawful search.”

  “I hate pesky details like that.”

  “Me too.”

  “Did you almost have a heart attack when Borden showed up at your door?”

  “No, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t palpitate.”

  “Did you guys discuss his next project?”

  “A little and I think that room we saw filled with the photos and notes is where he outlines his upcoming projects.”

  “That’s so…unsatisfying.”

  “Borden is nothing more than a jacked-up genius with a fascination of the macabre, just like I said before. I think I let my imagination run away with me because the relationship with Caid was so intense and overwhelming.”

  “So, thinking about murder and mayhem was easier than thinking about the uncontrollable feelings Caid was evoking?”

  “Yes, and I think I subconsciously wanted to test him and see if he really would accept a less than perfect version of me.”

  “And since he didn’t…”

  “I don’t know, Wayne.”

  “But you miss him, don’t you?”

  “Like mad.”

  “Did Borden ask you to work on the research for his next book?”

  “He did, and I told him I wasn’t available.”

  “How did he take it?”

  “Fairly well since I gave him a recommendation for a woman who will be perfect.”

  “Are you matchmaking, Court?”

  “I might be.”

  “Now that you know he isn’t a killer, it should be much easier.”

  Laughing, she added some fresh lime juice to their mix and some ice and popped the lid on. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Wayne held up two glasses and tilted his head as she filled them. “I think working it out with Caid is a definite possibility if that’s what you want.”

  “Maybe,” she replied as she set the blender down. She took a filled glass from Wayne and held it up. “To friendship and shenanigans.”

  “May it not land our asses in jail.”

  “Cheers to that.” Courtney took a sip and hoped that wherever Caid was in the world, he was safe.


  Courtney turned to her new roommate and frowned. “I am not amused.” When he tilted his head and remained silent, she crossed her arms. “Your handsome face isn’t going to get you out of trouble for very much longer.”

  When he dropped his head and closed his eyes, she let out a sigh. “Fine, but don’t think you can sleep in my bed every night.” Hearing her iPad buzz, she leaned over and grabbed it off her nightstand and sucked in a breath. “It’s him,” she said quietly. “What do I do?” She glanced over and watched Kellan’s eyes close. “You’re no help.”

  She flipped it over and folded her hands, ignoring the incoming Facetime call. “Why he thinks he can call me out of the blue is beyond me.” Tapping the cool metal of the cover, she told herself in no uncertain terms that she shouldn’t accept Caid’s call. After all, what was there to say to one another?

  Nothing, that’s what.

  The ringing stopped, and she let out a breath. “Better.”

  Then it started again, and she lifted just the corner up and saw that he was making a second attempt. “Nope, not going to wear me down.”

  Kellan’s head rose, and she gave him a satisfied smile. “Nothing to worry about; I’m staying strong.”

  Counting backward from ten, she hoped the ringing would stop when she hit one. Thankfully, it stopped at five, and she couldn’t have been more grateful. “Nothing to it.” She grabbed her water bottle and took a big gulp. “Caid is as easy to resist as kale salads, so it doesn’t matter how many times he calls. In fact, I’ll just turn it off, so we won’t be disturbed for the rest of the evening.” She pressed her finger to the switch and the Facetime icon lit up her screen. Hitting the accept button, she glared at the screen. When Caid’s stupid handsome face filled the screen, her heart filled with longing.

  A feeling so overwhelming and gut-wrenching, it almost took her breath away. Tears pricked the back of her eyes and she immediately told herself under no circumstance could they fall. “Is there any particular reason why you felt it necessary to call me three times?”

  “I would’ve called you ten if that’s what it took to get you to talk to me.”

  Pushing her hair over her shoulder, she ignored how much she missed his deep voice. “Do you have an overdue library book you want me to return?”


  “Then why are you calling me?”

  “Because my plan isn’t working.”

  “What plan is that?”

  “To extract you from my heart. I’m usually pretty adept at waging war and taking out the enemy, but my usual tactics don’t seem to be working.”

  “And what enemy is that?”


  Feeling Kellan move, she glanced over and ran her hand over his shoulder. “You okay?”

  “Who you talking to, woman?”

  “My new roommate.”

  “You got a roommate sharing your bed?” he shouted.

  “I wasn’t planning on letting him, but he got really pushy about it, and I gave in.”

  “What?” Caid roared.

  Lifting her iPad, she let Caid see the view of her bed. “Meet Kellan.”

  “Fuck me; you almost gave me a heart attack.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Caid. Why would you care who shares my bed?”

  “What made you decide to get a dog?”

  “The family he belonged to got transferred. Taking him overseas was going to be difficult, and they didn’t want him stuck in limbo for months until they could get the paperwork in place.” She stroked the German Shepherd’s head and smiled. “He’s a therapy dog and really good with children, especially ones with special needs. I’ve been bringing him into the library, and the way the children react to him is unbelievable.”

  “That’s cool, Court.”

  “I didn’t know I’d like having a dog so much, but I do.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “What are you saying, Caid?�

  “When I get back from my work trip, I want to see you.”


  “Because no matter what I do, I can’t get you out of my mind.”

  “We were only together for two weeks, so…”

  “You were inside my head from the moment I saw your face, and you know as well as I do that a minute with the right person is longer than a year with the wrong one.”

  “But you don’t like the way…”

  “You scared the hell out of me, Court, and I didn’t like the way it made me feel since I don’t do vulnerability.”

  Kellan moved closer and rested his head on her lap, and she knew it was because he sensed her discomfort. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “I know that now.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I can’t tell you, babe.”

  “Oh…is it going well?”

  “It’s going.”

  “I guess there’s no point in me asking anything else.”

  “I’ll never talk about work much, if at all, but you know that’s because of rules and regs and not anything else.”

  “It’s not like we’re together, so you don’t have to explain.”

  “Any part of you want to change that?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Do you think about me, Court?”

  Seeing the naked vulnerability in his eyes wrenched her already bruised heart, and she knew acting cool wasn’t possible. “All the time.”

  Caid closed his eyes and nodded. “That’s good.”

  “Any idea when you’re coming back?”

  “Hoping it’s soon.”

  She watched his head turn and wondered what had caught his attention. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Colt’s gone gaga over someone and is making an idiot out of himself, and as much as I don’t want to watch, I can’t help myself.”

  “What’s he doing?”

  “Following the person of his affection around and making a nuisance of himself. If he’s not offering to grab a cup of coffee or sharpen pencils, he’s sitting as close as he can get and not get in trouble.”

  “And you think it’s ridiculous?”

  “No, I just think doing it in front of the team is. A man should be able to make an idiot of himself in private and not have to deal with his teammates’ comments and advice.”


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