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Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2)

Page 17

by Lea Hart

  “I see you’re full of your usual piss and vinegar.” Bending down, she kissed his cheek and then ran her hand over his beard. “I like this pirate look you’re going for.”

  Grunting, he took her hand and pressed a kiss to it. “I broke up with you yesterday and told you never to come back.”

  “I know, Caid, and I imagine you’ll do it again today.” She started unpacking the bag she’d brought and laid out the Tupperware containers. “And since we both know the result will be the same, you might want to consider forgoing the ritual once and for all.”

  “I’m not saddling you with a man who has an uncertain future.”

  “At least you have one, Caid, and that’s a lot to be grateful for.”

  “Can you skip the positive-happy speech today?”

  “Only if you skip the breakup one with me.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  She rolled her eyes and then swayed from side to side. “Lucky me.”

  “Did he break up with you yet?” Don yelled out.

  Pushing the curtain aside that separated the two beds, she waved to Caid’s roommate. “No, but I think he’s about to.”

  “Let me know when he does so I can try my new pick-up line. I think the one I came up with earlier is going to be a winner.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  “Don, keep your goddamn lines to yourself and stay the hell away from my woman,” Caid shouted.

  Courtney blew a kiss to Don and then pushed the curtain back in place. “How can I be your woman if you break up with me at least once a day?”

  Caid pushed his head against the pillows and let out a groan. “You are making me fucking nuts, woman.”

  She straightened his T-shirt and smiled. “Thank you, honey.”

  “What did you bring me for lunch?”

  “I made a delicious lasagna.”

  “Did you add the spicy sausage this time?”

  “I did since it’s your favorite.” Pulling out a set of utensils, she handed them to him and then unzipped the new container she’d gotten from Amazon. “Look what came in the mail yesterday; isn’t it fab? It supposed to keep food hot for hours, so I thought it would be perfect for the meals I bring you.”

  “Pretty slick,” Caid responded as he accepted the dish she handed him. “I see two containers in there.”

  “I made some for Don.”

  “Why are you feeding the man who’s trying to steal you from me?”

  “Because I’m a decent human being.” She took the second container and a set of wrapped utensils and smiled. “And if you’d quit breaking up with me, I wouldn’t be stealable.” When he gave her nothing more than a frown, she walked across the room and handed Don his lunch.

  “Thanks, Court, this smells amazing.”

  “You’re welcome, and it’s lovely that you’re so appreciative. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.”

  “Court,” Caid bellowed. “Get your warm and fuzzy ass over here and quit flirtin’ with a boat guy.”

  Patting Don’s shoulder, she smiled. “Isn’t he charming?”

  “Dump him, and we can run away together.”

  Courtney gave him a sassy wink and nodded. “I’ll keep it in mind.” Walking back to Caid’s side of the room, she ignored him and took a seat, pulling out her bowl of salad. “Your loss of swagger is making you meaner by the day, and I want you to know that I’m keeping count of all the awful things you say to me.”

  “I’d expect nothing less.”

  Sitting back, she ate her salad quietly and decided Caid not griping and complaining was a blessed thing.

  “Where is your lasagna?”

  “I’m having salad for lunch.”


  “Because I’ve been eating all my feelings for the last two weeks and my pants are getting a little tight.”

  “Those feelings have anything to do with me?”

  She pushed her fork into her salad and sat up. “Yes, Caid. I was worried out of my mind when I got word you were injured. Then, when I saw what bad shape you were in, I could hardly sleep.”

  “Which is why we shouldn’t be together. I don’t know if I’m going to walk again and I will not be a burden to you.”

  “So, if the tables were turned, you wouldn’t want to be burdened with me?”

  “That’s not what I meant, Court.”

  “But I’m weaker and can’t handle a less than perfect warrior?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Yes, you did, Caid, and it makes me very sad that you think so little of me.”

  “Fuck…I’m not saying this right.”

  “Just say it, Caid.”

  Setting his container on the table, he let out a gust of air. “I wasn’t sure you’d want me when I was fully operational because the sacrifice of being with a man like me is a big-ass one. And now that I don’t know what I’ve got in front of me, I’m not going to be a selfish bastard and ask you to come along for the ride.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “Excuse me?” he bit out.

  “You just don’t want to be in a relationship with me because I occasionally take risks that make you feel uncomfortable. You’re hiding behind your injury, and I don’t buy it.” She picked up her fork again and shoved some salad in her mouth, so she wouldn’t cry all over the stupid man.

  “Perhaps you’re forgetting it was me who asked you for a second chance after you broke up with me initially.”

  She wiped her mouth and then hitched her shoulder. “I didn’t forget.”

  “Then pull your head out, Court, and don’t say stupid shit to get a rise out of me.”

  “I’m adding that one to my list.”

  “Go ahead,” he replied as he picked up his lasagna. “I imagine you’ll have a damn book filled by the time all is said and done.”

  “So, are you going to give me your breakup speech now?”

  “No, I’m eating my lunch and will save it for later.”


  Leaning over, he grabbed her hand. “Thanks for lunch, babe. It’s perfect just like you.”

  “Did you get extra meds this morning?”

  “No, I just…”


  “Want you to know how fucking much I appreciate you.”

  “That was very sweet.”

  “Was it enough to get one of the things erased from the list?”


  “How long you think it’s going to take for me to work the list off?”

  “At the rate you’re going…years.”

  “Figured as much.”

  She gave him a smile and then went back to her lunch. “Don’t let me forget to show you a picture I took this morning.”

  “Show me now.”

  “Okay.” Bending over, she pulled open her purse and dug out her phone. “I could hardly believe it when it happened.” She slid her finger over the screen and looked through her pictures. “Here it is.” Passing him the phone, she grinned. “Milton has been put in his place.”

  Caid snorted out a laugh as he looked at the phone. “Kellan finally made the rodent behave.”

  “If Milton crosses the sidewalk, Kellan sits in the doorway until he turns around.”

  “Law of the jungle never fails.”

  “If that were true, then Milton should’ve recognized that I was far above him in the food chain and not crossed my threshold.”

  “I think he had a crush on you and was willing to take the risk.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  Caid ate the last bite of his lasagna and then put the lid on the container. “Not really, Court. You’re one in a million, and I think the squirrel recognized that.”

  “That’s very nice, but it’s not going to make me erase anything off my list.”

  “Had to give it a shot.”

  “I know.” She opened the bag and handed him a bottle of water. “Do you want your dessert now or after your appointment wi
th the orthopedist?”

  “After, because if I get the news I think is coming, I’m going to need all the sweets I can get.”

  “No matter what happens, it’s going to be okay.”

  “I hope so, Court.”

  She stood and pressed a kiss to his head and hoped for the same thing because if Caid couldn’t be the warrior he’d always been, it was going to be a rough road.


  Caid hated the wheelchair the hospital insisted he use and gritted his teeth as Courtney pushed him out to the patio. Nothing he hated worse than being an invalid, and he hoped like hell the conversation he was about to have with the doctor was going to be a good one.

  “Any particular table appeal to you?”

  “No, just pick one.”

  “Alright, Mr. Grumpypants.”


  “I know you’re concerned about what the doctor is going to tell you and hate being in the wheelchair.”


  “Get over yourself and enjoy the suck sandwich because a lot of people are a lot worse off than you.”

  “Is that your motivational speech for the day?”

  She pushed his chair under an umbrella and then took a seat next to him. “No, I have one about not being such a prickly bastard that I was going to give you later.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  She patted his arm and grinned. “The sooner you accept my ‘take care of shit side’ and motivational speeches, the better.”

  “Are you stealing my lines, woman?”


  Adjusting his cap, he looked down at his knee and wondered why she wanted any part of him. “I’m probably going to be sent to a rehab facility for a couple of weeks, so maybe we should take a break and then reevaluate.” He watched her head turn slowly and her silky brown hair fall over her shoulders and told himself it was the right thing to do.


  “Court, it wasn’t a question; it’s what I want.”

  “Too bad.”

  “Don’t you want a break from my cranky ass?”



  She covered his mouth with her hand and bent down. “Caid, there isn’t a line I’m not willing to cross, so don’t test me. You are coming home with me, and you will do everything the doctor says without complaint. You will also stop trying to break up with me and irritating the crap out of me.” She lifted her hand and then pressed a kiss to his mouth. “Any questions?”

  “Any way I can talk you out of this warrior-princess thing you got going on?”

  “It’s warrior-queen, for your information, and the answer is no.”

  He took her hand and covered it with his. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “I know.”

  Feeling the ten-ton boulder on his chest shift ever so slightly, he nodded. “Fine, Court, we’ll do it your way.”

  “Good, because all I want to do is stand beside you, whatever it is.”

  Swallowing, he studied their entwined hands and didn’t know what he’d done to deserve a woman like Courtney in his life. “Here comes the doctor.”

  “It’s going to be okay, Caid.”

  Not able to handle Court’s positivity, he waved to Dr. Jacobsen. “Hope you have good news.”

  “It’s a beautiful day, and it was a great idea to meet outside.”

  “That non-answer is not a good sign.”

  “It’s not a bad sign either,” Courtney replied before standing and shaking the doctor’s hand.

  Reining his frustration in, he gave the doctor a nod and hoped he didn’t give him a lot of double-speak before getting to the point.

  Dr. Jacobsen set his tablet on his leg and folded his hands. “I just looked at the x-rays, and it looks like the surgery we did last week was successful. And considering the damage the two bullets did, we’re very encouraged. Doing the total knee construction was the right decision, and I believe, with time, you’ll regain full use of your knee.”

  “That’s fucking awesome, Doc. Are we looking at a couple of weeks or what?”

  “At least four months, Senior Chief, and that’s a conservative estimate. I’ve written a moderate rehab schedule for you and don’t want you bearing any weight on the leg for at least a month.”

  “But when I had the other knee done, it was a six-week recovery.”

  “You were five years younger, had a lot less wear and tear on your body, and two bullets hadn’t ripped it to shreds.”

  “So, what, I’m an old man now and can’t bounce back like I used to?”

  “You’re a special operations professional that has pushed your body to the limit, and if you ever hope to regain the full use of your knee, you will follow the schedule I’ve set.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” Courtney asked.

  “He could risk never walking without a cane.”

  Sucking in a long breath, Caid looked up at the medical center and hoped the buzzing in his head wouldn’t last long. “When you said I’d eventually regain full use of my knee, did you mean for a civilian or for a SEAL?”

  “Right now, I can’t predict that. The human body sometimes does miraculous things, and I’m not comfortable saying either way.”

  “So, if I attack my rehab like I do my life on the Teams, I could screw the pooch and do more damage than good?”


  “So, four months?”

  “At least.” He slid his finger across the screen of his tablet and pushed down his glasses. “I’ve put in a request for your stay at a rehab facility unless you have someone at home who can manage your care.”

  “He’s coming home with me,” Courtney piped up. “And I will make sure he follows your orders to the letter.”

  “Very good, Ms. Walker.”

  Caid caught Courtney’s smile out of the corner of his eye and couldn’t decide if the next four months were going to be the best of his life or the worst. The gleam in his woman’s eye suggested she hadn’t decided yet, and he wondered why he’d never noticed her lust for power before.

  Quiet librarian, his ass. The woman was going to go Attila the Hun on his ass, and by the looks of it, there wasn’t much he could do.

  Dr. Jacobsen stood and patted Courtney’s shoulder. “You’re a brave woman, and I commend you for taking on the Senior Chief’s rehab.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  “You’ll be in the hospital for one more week because we want to make sure the repair that was done on your lungs is going well,” Dr. Jacobsen said. “Any questions?”

  “None for me,” Courtney replied with a smile.

  “Thanks, Doc, I’m good.”

  “I will see you tomorrow on my rounds.”

  “Copy that,” Caid replied.

  “That was good news, Caid.”

  “Not as good as I hoped.” Hearing a loud whistle, he looked up and saw Ace approach. “Hey, man, what brings you down here?”

  “Your ugly mug.” Slapping Caid on the shoulder, he grinned. “Thought I’d hang with the gimp and catch up.”

  “He’s all yours because I have to get to the library,” Courtney said. “My afternoon homework club is packed with kids, so I can’t be late.”

  “Sounds good, Court,” Ace replied as he squeezed her shoulder.

  Bending down, Courtney gave Caid a smile. “Want to give me your breakup speech now?”

  “Nah, I’ve already given you two, and since you didn’t pay attention to either one, I’m going to save my breath.”

  “Be still, my heart.”

  “See you tomorrow, babe.”

  “I look forward to it,” she replied before kissing him lightly. She picked up her bag and gave both men a finger wave before heading off in the direction of the parking structure.

  “That woman has the finest ass I’ve ever seen,” Caid said with resignation. “And why she’s putting up with me doesn’t make any sense.”

  “You taking out your frustrations on her?
” Ace asked as he sat down.

  “I’m all over the place.” He fisted his hands together and let out a snarl. “One minute, I’m trying to break up with her, so she doesn’t have to deal with my shit situation. And the next minute, I’m praying she never leaves my side. All the while, I don’t think I deserve her and just wish she’d run away, so I don’t feel so guilty.”

  “Bet she’s lovin’ every minute of your schizophrenia.”

  “She’s a goddamn queen and should just run as far away from me as she can.”

  “There’s no chance of that because, for some unbelievable reason, she’s fallen for you.”

  “Don’t tell me shit that isn’t true.”

  Ace let out a laugh and leaned back. “That woman has been parked in our kitchen every night and has quizzed me relentlessly about what she can do for you and how she should handle your less than stellar attitude.”

  “Did you tell her to drop me and go find someone with a real future?”

  “No, as a matter of fact. I told her she had to be a hundred times more stubborn than you, a lot stronger, and never give you an inch.”

  Caid snorted and then rolled his shoulders. “She’s taken that advice to heart.”


  “You getting spun up?”

  “Yeah, we’ll be heading down range by next Monday. We’re looking at a ninety-day deployment cycle, so I’ll be missing the holidays with Lisa.”

  “Everything is different when someone’s at home.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Is Lisa ready for it?”

  “She tells me she is and I’m going to take her at her word.”

  “Think her experience in war zones is going to help her deal or make it more difficult since she has a pretty good idea what you’re facing?”

  “I have no idea, but know I’ll have my answer before too long.”

  “Who’s on the platoon?”

  “Logan, Colt, Bryce, Trevor, and three guys from Team three.”

  “I hate sitting this one out.”

  “Do what your doctor tells you to, so you can be ready for the next one.”

  “Plan on it, brother, because I’m not done.”

  “Didn’t think you were.”

  Caid pulled his ball cap down and promised himself he was going to do whatever it took to not only make a solid relationship with Courtney but to have a future on the Teams. Both deserved the best of him, and it was time he quit pissing and moaning and got to work.


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