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A Vampire for Christmas

Page 3

by Tuesday Morrigan

  “I’m serious, you know?” Mossel paused and waited on Kyle’s response.

  Numbly, Kyle nodded.

  “I am willing to trade the information I have for your body. Can you handle that? I am a demanding lover.”

  “Demanding?” Kyle croaked.

  Mossel simply smiled wickedly.

  “Oh, Jobs!”

  Mossel arched an eyebrow. “Jobs?”

  Kyle shifted in his seat. “Uh, Steve Jobs. He was awesome.” He shrugged and dropped his gaze, but not before he spotted Mossel’s amused smile. “Right,” Kyle said and grabbed his water glass since his wine glass was empty. Mossel must have noticed. He grabbed the bottle and poured some for him.

  “I understand that I’ve given you a lot to think about. I’ll give you tonight and tomorrow to think things through. I expect an answer two days from now.” He dropped his fork and pushed back from the table.

  Mossel had made his demand and now Kyle had options. He coughed and nodded his understanding.

  The taller brunet stood from his seat and took one, then another, step away from the table. The band around Kyle’s chest loosened with every inch that separated them until he could take a lung-filling breath. “I will see you in two days. Same time,” Mossel called before walking out of the restaurant.

  Kyle waited until he couldn’t see Mossel’s lithe form before slumping to the table. A few minutes later, he defrosted enough to grab the half-finished bottle of wine and put it to his lips. He took three large gulps before he lowered it. “Fuck!” He put the bottle down though he wanted to keep drinking until he forgot he’d ever seen Dieter Mossel’s naked form across from the garden courtyard that separated their buildings.

  “Would you like to take the rest home with you, sir?”

  Kyle almost jumped at the waiter that appeared beside the table. He eyed the table. He, unsurprisingly, had barely touched his food while Dieter had eaten about half of his own meal. To top it all off the place served pretty large portions.

  His eyes landed on the bottle. “Can I take that with me?” he asked as he pointed at the wine. The food was good, very good, but alcohol was definitely required for the night and he didn’t even have a bottle of beer at home.


  “Sure.” Less than a quarter hour later, Kyle was on his way. He took the long way home and if he finished the bottle of wine and masturbated twice to the thought of a masterful Mossel it was no one’s business. No one’s.

  Chapter Two

  A little before the sun had finished setting, Dieter rolled onto his back and smacked himself in the face with the closest pillow. Of course he’d purchased high-end fluffy ones so it didn’t hurt nearly enough.

  He pressed the pillow closer to his ears to block out the sounds of the apartment next-door’s Christmas music. He really wasn’t in the mood to hear little rodents singing songs of joy and cheer.

  He’d woken earlier than normal, unable to really sleep. He was still reeling from his actions. He couldn’t believe what he’d said and done last night. Really, he should have just called the cops on his little stalker. A part of him still couldn’t believe he’d offered Kyle Lepiz information in exchange for his body. What the hell was wrong with him?

  He’d noticed the human watching him a little over five weeks ago. At first he hadn’t thought anything of it. He’d just assumed they had comparable schedules. In a city this big, it was understandable that any two people would leave their apartments at the same time and walk the same streets, but the similarities became too much. Then there was the way Kyle skulked through the city. The man had done his best to hide, but no human could really escape the superior senses of Dieter’s kind. It wasn’t long before Dieter had realized he had his very own paparazzo.

  At first it had been flattering. The human was cute, in an adorably alternative geek way with his dark hair with its bleached blond tips, large thick-rimmed glasses, blunt dark purple nails and eyebrow ring. He was handsome and lanky, but Kyle wasn’t his type.

  Dieter was in New York to find his True Mate and nothing, not even a sweetly attractive stalker, was going to detour him. His mother wanted him to get bonded, which was not an issue in itself. The problem was Dieter’s mom really wanted him to bond with his childhood friend, Katja Hakn.

  Smart, beautiful and driven, Katja was everything a man could want in a woman, but Dieter felt nothing but familial affection for her. They’d grown up together, right from the cradle, as their mothers were best friends. She was one of his closest friends, but he saw her as a little sister.

  He’d thought Katja felt the same way, but he was wrong. He wasn’t sure if it was a crush or love, but Katja felt something greater than sisterly affection for him.

  To make matters worse the Hakn family and his grandfather were very interested in uniting the families for political and financial reasons.

  Fed up with the pressure and the fact that no one was concerned with his wants, he’d decided to spend some time away from his overbearing family and seek out his True Mate. So, he’d traveled to New York, the city with the second largest supernatural population, bested only by Los Angeles—and he hated L.A.

  Dieter made sure to go out every night and be available. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he just knew his True Mate, the other half of him, was somewhere in this city. He’d met countless people, been on dozens of dates, and learned a lot about himself and what he wanted in his partner.

  Despite not finding his True Mate, things were going great for him. Until he had picked up a stalker.

  Then Dieter had started having a hard time doing any of the things he cherished, like getting lost in the giant city while shopping, exercising and exploring the concrete jungle that defined NYC and, most importantly, meeting men and women whose blood might call to him in the way only a True Mate’s could.

  It had all come to a head about a week and a half ago when he’d realized he hadn’t had a date since Kyle’d started following him. When he’d gone out to rectify the situation, Kyle’s shadow had weighed over him and effectively cock-blocked him. The blonde he’d been hitting on had been receptive at first, but as the minutes wore on she hadn’t been able to ignore the way his attention was drawn across the street at the man who was hiding in the alley.

  Now, he’d gone and offered his little stalker all the information he wanted as long as Kyle agreed to enter his bed. WTF?

  “Something is very wrong with me,” Dieter muttered into the pillow before lowering it. He might not need to breathe like a normal human, but he could easily suffocate if he kept the pillow over his face long enough, though it would take weeks. Maybe that was what he wanted. It would put him out of his misery.

  He blamed his stupidity on a lack of sex. More than a month had passed since he’d been with anyone, and he was a vampire, a very sexual being. His wrist was starting to hurt.

  With a groan, he rolled out of bed. He couldn’t hide forever. If he was lucky, Kyle would turn him down and run far, far away from him. He ignored the way his gut clenched at the thought. He did not like the irritating four-eyed geek with way too much time on his hands and way too few hobbies.

  “Honestly, government experiment,” he muttered as he pushed back the blackout curtains on his windows. He immediately regretted the regular act. Every evening he woke, stumbled out of the bed and pulled open his curtains so he could try and catch the last rays of a dying sun against his pale skin. Contrary to the mythical beliefs, vampires did not burn under the light. At least not born vampires. True, they were nocturnal beings, but they had no problem with sunlight. Dieter actually adored the great star.

  Dieter didn’t think. He just moved. The sun was setting and though he was a night person, he loved the warmth of the sun. Tonight, he’d done it again. This night, as most nights lately, he wasn’t alone.

  He had a little watcher.

  For one blinding moment, Dieter was angry, so enraged that the fire threatened to burn out all sense of right and wrong. He lowe
red the flame, but it wouldn’t burn out. It shifted and changed, moved from his chest to settle in his lower abdomen.

  Kyle was watching him again.

  Unbidden he remembered the feel of the little human’s body as Dieter had pressed him against the brick wall, and the almost overwhelming smell of his arousal. The attractive mixture of his pheromones, fear and excitement was a heady combination to a demon such as himself.

  He closed his eyes and remembered the poignant aroma, how it had filled his nostrils, slid down his throat and coated his tongue. He strongly suspected the man’s scent was to blame for his wild offer. The aromatic bouquet had been strongest after his proposition, but it always seemed to waft around Kyle when he was near Dieter.

  His demon hungered every time he got a whiff of him. Every night. Like clockwork. Maybe that was why he’d made the offer. He’d gone so long without and the man was partially responsible for his drought, and most importantly, he was the ultimate temptation.

  Sweet. Human. Innocent.

  Now Kyle was watching again.

  Dieter could feel the burn of his gaze against his pale skin and suddenly, Dieter wanted to give Kyle a show he was never going to forget. He lifted his hands high above his head and stretched, pulling his muscles taut. Even though glass, space and another window separated them, he could feel the heat in Kyle’s gaze deepen. He spread his arms out, rolled his shoulders and closed his eyes.

  A time or two he’d watched Kyle wash his dishes so Dieter knew the little window was in his kitchen over his sink. He pictured the twenty-something-year-old human standing in front of the window, mesmerized by the sight in front of him. Heat pooled low in his gut as he clearly saw Kyle’s pouting lips parted, mouth dropped open in surprise.

  Dieter ran his hands through the overgrown strands of his hair. He hadn’t brushed his hair so it was a little tangled. His fingers caught momentarily in the locks and the slight pain spurred him on just the tiniest bit. He’d always liked a little pain with his pleasure. He wondered if Kyle felt the same, if he’d ever had a lover show him just how lovely the line between pleasure and pain was when you were standing right on it.

  Kyle naked on his knees, hands bound behind him, waiting for his master. For him. The image sent blood straight to his cock and his penis swelled. “Fuck,” he groaned.

  Palms open, fingers spread wide, he ran his hands down his throat and over his chest before moving farther down to caress his stomach. He traced the lines that defined his abs until his hand was hovering right above his rising erection. His breath hitched. He could picture Kyle’s doing the same.

  He was so close, but it was too early. His blood was hot and thick with desire but he knew it could be so much better, so much sweeter, if he waited. He lifted his hands and retraced the route he’d mapped earlier until he reached his pectorals. He brushed his palms lightly over his nipples. The air had pebbled them the moment he stepped from the bed, but now they were diamond hard with desire. He plucked one. A frisson of pleasure lit his body from balls to chest. “Oh, Goddess.”

  He toyed with the other nipple. His breathing became more erratic. He lifted both hands onto his chest and imagined it was Kyle’s slighter hands on him as he plucked and tugged on the tips. His hips moved almost of their own volition and he fucked the naked air. He wanted friction across his cock, another hand, a wet mouth or a tight ass. He groaned.

  He wondered if Kyle was the kind of lover who would tease him on and on until he couldn’t take anymore and still torture him some more. “I hope so,” he moaned as his hands left his sore nipples. Chest heaving, he wrapped a shaky hand around his cock. His hips jerked hard at the first feel of his palm around his length. “Shit!” He was so close already. He tightened his grip, staving off the impending orgasm until he could get himself together. A few moments later, his breathing had relaxed and he was no longer a knife’s edge away from coming. He fisted his cock.

  His pace was slow, little more than a tease. He released his cock and dropped his hand. He ran his fingers across the furled skin of one ball, then the other. Devastating shocks of pleasure ran from his groin to his nape and down his spine. “Gods,” he grunted as he shuddered in delight.

  “Hmm.” He returned his cock, wrapped his hand around the base and palmed his length. Pre-cum from his constantly weeping slit lubricated the way. He imagined it was Kyle’s saliva. His mouth would be hot, his suction tight. The human’s plump mouth was made for sucking dick. Using his tongue, the human would pay particular attention to the head of his cock. Dieter flicked his thumb across the tip.

  Little by little, his wrist moved faster until he could feel himself on the edge of an orgasm. He opened his eyes and looked right at Kyle. The brunet was even lovelier than he’d pictured. He was wearing a white undershirt. The fabric was more than light enough for him to clearly see his hardened nipples. The hem of the shirt was rumpled and raised enough for him to see golden brown skin and a light dusting of dark hair on his lower belly that thinned as it descended. He couldn’t see anything lower, but Kyle’s right arm was moving in a familiar way. Dieter grinned and fisted his cock harder.

  Eyes on Kyle, he came, looking into the human’s warm brown eyes.

  Several minutes later, after he’d gotten his breathing under control and come to really understand just what he’d done, Dieter walked out of his bedroom. He washed his hands, grabbed a robe—even if it was a little late for that—and picked up his cell phone. Kyle picked up after the fourth ring.

  “Hello?” he answered cautiously.

  “Come over. I’ll buzz you up.”

  Kyle didn’t reply immediately. A smile stretched Dieter’s mouth when his little paparazzi audibly swallowed. “Dieter?” he questioned. “Dieter Mossel?”

  “Were you expecting someone else?”

  “No,” Kyle whispered.

  “Good. I will see you in five.” Dieter started to lower the cell phone when Kyle’s panicked voice stopped him.

  “Hold on! How did you get this number?”

  Dieter chuckled. “Just as you’ve been watching me, I’ve been watching you. Had a few boys dig around and discovered a few things.” With the right people on retainer, nothing was secret. Not for long.

  “Oh. Well, that’s not frightening at all,” Kyle muttered. Dieter heard him loud and clear.

  “Hello, pot, I’m kettle,” he retorted.

  Kyle released a frustrated huff. “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “Yes. Now, I’m going to let you go. I expect to see you soon.”

  “Wait! Wait! I never said okay. I’m not coming over there.”

  He sighed. “You might as well come over, you’ve been watching from afar for long enough.”


  “Plus, I want my answer, Mr Lepiz.”

  “You said I have forty-eight hours to make a decision. It hasn’t even been a full day.”

  “I changed my mind,” Dieter purred in reply and hung up.

  * * * *

  “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!” Kyle said as he stared at the cell phone in his hand in horror. How and why had his smartphone betrayed him so?

  Kyle’s phone number was private. He’d even installed some ’ware into his phone to make sure that was true in the strictest sense of the word. His phone was more secure than a disposable mobile. Technology was his forte. Steve Jobs was his idol for a reason!

  He knew on some level that it had been a very stupid idea to sit down and speak with Dieter Mossel last night, but he’d never thought it would come back to bite him in the ass this way. Somehow, someway, the guy had figured out his cell phone number. Considering he was some kind of government experiment, Kyle guessed the man had people in the know fully able and willing to hack a man’s profile.

  Though he’d done his best to make sure even Uncle Sam couldn’t track him.

  Dieter probably had a full dossier on him by now. Kyle had pictured the guy giving it to the cops when he went back on his word and got a re
straining order against him, not…this. Calling him up. Demanding his presence.

  He wasn’t even sure what this was. He’d come home and had just started to undress when he’d seen Dieter standing naked, again, in front of his bay windows. He’d been moving toward his living room when the super soldier had started touching himself.

  Dieter Mossel naked was a picture of perfection, but once the other man had started masturbating, he’d became the ultimate seducer. Kyle’s feet might as well have been stuck to the floor with industrial-strength glue. He hadn’t been able to move to save his life. If anything, his whole existence had whittled down to German across the courtyard.

  Memory escaped Kyle when he tried to figure out when he’d joined in. He didn’t recall undoing his pants or slipping his hands into his briefs or pulling out his erection, but he could remember each and every patch of skin Dieter had touched. “Fuck!”

  Then the brunet had opened his eyes and Kyle suddenly hadn’t been able to breathe. The heat in Dieter’s gaze had struck him like a fist to the solar plexus. It had winded him and left him wondering what the hell was going on. He’d kept his eyes trained on the taller man until he’d finished his devastating show.

  Jobs, he’d never seen anything hotter.

  Though he’d touched himself during Dieter’s little performance, he hadn’t reached the apex Dieter had. He hadn’t been able to focus on himself long enough to handle his own business and he’d still been hard. He had just stepped into his bedroom to rectify the situation when Dieter had called.

  And he wanted to see Kyle. Now.

  “Fuck!” Kyle cursed. Surprised by how good that felt, he said the expletive a second time.

  Twenty minutes later, after Kyle had masturbated, showered and dressed, he left his apartment. Breathing deeply, he made his way to the next-door building Dieter called home.

  Kyle lived in an old high-rise building. The structure was over fifty years old and didn’t have much of any amenities. Dieter’s complex was the total opposite.


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