A Vampire for Christmas

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A Vampire for Christmas Page 4

by Tuesday Morrigan

  A little less than four years ago, the two neighboring buildings had been torn down. A fifty-floor high-rise luxury condominium building had been built in their place. The complex even had a doorman. The middle-aged white man smiled at Kyle and opened the polished glass door for him. Kyle felt severely underdressed. Already, the evening wasn’t going well.

  He stepped into the building. Marble greeted him at every glance.

  “Evening, sir. How can I be of service?”

  An elderly black man with salt and pepper hair stood behind an ornate marble and wood desk. Kyle eyed the man. He really didn’t want to admit that he was there to see the guy in 9F. If he did that, then Dieter would need to confirm his identity. The lobby man would buzz him up and he’d take the elevator up to Dieter’s apartment and… Kyle was terrified of what Dieter would do there. He stepped back.

  “Sir?” the elderly man prodded. Kyle shook his head and took another step back. “Sorry, my mistake,” he called and turned around. He was taking his stupid ass and even more idiotic cock back to his apartment. There he would grab his biggest vibrator, deal with his arousal and forget all about the guy next door.

  His phone rang, jarring him so badly he literally jumped at the sound. He pulled his cell from his coat and glanced at the screen. Then he groaned.

  The phone didn’t recognize the number, but he did.

  Dieter was calling him again.

  The European had probably got tired of waiting. A second phone, the one at the front desk, went off as his cell continued to ring. The old man picked it up. “Evening, Mr Mossel,” Kyle heard him say just as his cell stopped singing.

  “He is really getting on my last damned nerve,” Kyle gritted before turning back around. The elderly man was just lowering the phone into its cradle when Kyle walked forward. A low buzzing sound filled the lobby. “You’re free to go up, Mr Lepiz,” he called lightly.

  Body jittery, Kyle faked confidence and strode through the unlocked inner door to the elevator. He pressed the button for it, and waited for its arrival. He wasn’t waiting long. He quickly stepped onto it and jabbed for the ninth floor. The phone rang halfway up. He put it on silent without looking at the screen, already sure of who was calling him. Kyle didn’t know if he should be feeling flattered or annoyed. Dieter obviously wanted him to come over, but he was calling him more often than a thirteen-year-old with a major crush. On the other hand Mr Apartment 9F was super hot.

  And he had the answers Kyle needed. Eduardo was gone, but Kyle still wanted to find the truth.

  The elevator dinged, announcing the arrival of the target floor. “Right, can’t forget the answers,” Kyle muttered to remind himself of why he was really there.

  Dieter’s sexiness was just a side benefit. Kyle wasn’t going to do anything with the guy. He was not going to whore himself out for government secrets, no matter how much they would prove his theory about the illegal actions the US was undertaking. He was going to question Dieter and get as many answers as possible without ever taking off a single piece of clothing.

  Or touching the superhuman.

  Or allowing Dieter to touch him.

  “Oh. Jobs,” Kyle moaned.

  He stepped off the elevator and took a deep breath. Now he had a plan. “Ask questions. Get answers, but no naughty touching. Absolutely none.”

  He could handle that.

  He knocked on Dieter’s door. The European opened it a moment later. Kyle’s palms started sweating almost immediately. Dieter looked good. Really good. He wore dark blue jeans and a bright blue long sleeve shirt. His outfit clung to his long, muscular limbs and emphasized the breadth of his shoulders and the length of his legs. Kyle’s mouth watered.

  No naughty touching, a little voice reminded him even as his palms itched to map the hard lines of Dieter’s body.

  “Welcome.” Dieter took a step back and held out an arm. “Please, come in.” His voice was sin personified. His accented bass went straight to Kyle’s cock.

  Kyle entered the apartment and looked around. “Wow!” he gasped.

  The floor-length windows should have given him some indication of just how nice Dieter’s place was going to be, but he hadn’t really thought about it. The super-soldier lived in a large loft apartment that was at least twice the size of Kyle’s one-bedroom, and it had the open floor plan that was all the rage. Polished concrete floors. Exposed brick walls. Slate-gray fixtures were warmed with lush leather recliners in bright shades of blue and green. They bracketed an amber-yellow sofa.

  Apparently being the government’s guinea pig paid well. Very well.

  “You came.”

  He turned and looked at Dieter. The taller brunet was watching him with surprise evident on his handsome face. “Yes,” he replied.

  Dieter shook his head and grinned. “I guess I shouldn’t have counted you out so early. I thought you wouldn’t have the courage to come.”

  Kyle stiffened. “Well, you’re wrong,” he said through his teeth. He was going to totally ignore the fact that he’d been halfway out of the lobby when the man had called.

  Dark gray eyes looked him over for a moment before lightening with amusement. Dieter smiled. “True. Please, take a seat.” He gestured toward the living room area. “Do you want something to drink?”

  Kyle considering declining, but his clammy hands needed something to do. He shoved them into the front pockets of his jeans and rocked on his heels in nervousness. “Yeah, sure. Sounds good,” he babbled.

  Dieter’s grin widened. “Cool.” His gaze raked over Kyle’s form. The shorter brunet ignored the flush that crept up his neck at the heated look. “Forgive me,” Dieter said lightly. “Would you like to take off your coat? I should have asked that first,” he finished with a chuckle. He strode toward him.

  Kyle froze, seeing the super-soldier moving at him. He swallowed thickly as the man walked into his personal space. He didn’t touch Kyle, but his skin tingled from the burn of Dieter’s body heat. He shuddered.

  “Are you unwell?”

  “Uh, no. I’m cool. Cool,” Kyle stammered as he lifted his shaky hand to his zipper.

  “You can hang it in here.” Dieter moved back to stand beside an open coat closet. The light in his eyes told Kyle he knew exactly what he’d done and how his actions affected Kyle. He was so screwed.

  Dieter held out one broad hand. Kyle noted the long fingers and wide palm as he mechanically took off his coat. He handed it to German. Dieter hung it up and closed the closet door.

  Still dressed, Kyle suddenly felt naked without the leather covering.

  Dieter turned and headed toward the kitchen. Stainless steel appliances and marble gleamed under fluorescent lighting. “Beer sound okay? I’ve got some wine if you want some? Please feel free to take a seat.”

  “Beer’s fine,” Kyle called back in response as he shuffled over to the living room and took one of the recliners. He released a heavy breath as he settled into the comfortable seat. “Answers, then leave,” he muttered, reminding himself of why he was there. He wasn’t there to do anything more. No matter how attractive Dieter was.

  Or how strongly Dieter’s very presence affected him. Jobs, Kyle was half-hard already.

  “Ayingers, okay?” Dieter’s voice came from a few feet away and the closeness made Kyle’s head snap up.

  “Uh, never had it, but sure.”

  Dieter returned a minute later with two bottles. “German beer. Nothing like that swill you Americans drink,” he muttered, disgust thick in his voice.

  Kyle chuckled and accepted the cold bottle. Dieter wasn’t the first European who’d complained about American beer to him. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Dieter lounged in the sofa across from him. A heavy silence settled between them. Cautiously, Kyle sipped at his beer, waiting for the super-soldier to speak. When it became clear that he wasn’t going to talk any time soon, Kyle’s gaze strayed to him.

  No one should look that good just sitting down. Muscles lo
ose, long limbs splayed, Dieter managed to appear comfortable and sexy as he sprawled on his sofa.

  Still drinking his beer, Kyle alternated between sending shuttered glances at the European and looking around the rest of the apartment. He put the longneck to his lips to take another sip then lowered it in surprise. The bottle was empty. Had that much time passed? He’d thought he was doing a damned good job of nursing his beer as long as possible. The last thing he wanted to do was get drunk.

  “Would you like another?” Dieter asked.

  He shook his head. A clear head was needed.

  “You sure?” Dieter prodded.

  Kyle cleared his throat. “I’m sure.”

  Dieter leaned forward. “I was sure you would have asked me some questions by now. Have you decided you don’t want to know what I am?”

  Pulling on the experience he’d gained as a member of his high school and college newspaper, Kyle straightened his spine and looked Dieter in the eye. “Are you naturally nocturnal?”

  Dieter parted his lips. Kyle scooted forward in his seat eager to hear his answer. He was pretty sure he knew what Dieter was going to say, but he needed to start somewhere and he desired a confirmation.

  Dieter’s lips spread into a smirk. Kyle’s stomach dropped. “We haven’t talked about payment. I refuse to answer a single question until I know what I’m getting in return.”

  Kyle flushed. Biting his bottom lip, he considered the other man. He was gorgeous. Smoking hot. It really wouldn’t be much of a sacrifice if Kyle gave in just the tiniest bit. Oh, who was he kidding? There would be no sacrificing going on where Dieter Mossel was concerned. Still… “It’s a simple question.”

  “You’re well aware of what I want. I’m going to get another beer. You may consider your response while I am gone.”

  Kyle slumped in his seat and placed his hand, still cool from the cold beer bottle, against his forehead. Dieter was serious and determined to get…his payment, and if that wasn’t the hottest thing ever.

  If Kyle kissed him, he got answers. If he did more, he got more answers. “How is this not a win-win situation?”

  Where was that little voice when he needed it? Right now it should be whispering something about self-respect, decency and pride, but the tiny bastard was probably taking a well-earned vacation. It had been working quite a few overtime hours lately.

  The soft pad of Dieter’s footsteps announced his incoming presence. “Have you come to a decision?” he asked as he walked back into the living room.

  “Uh, yeah. A kiss for an answer.”

  Dieter sent him a heated look. “Among other things, but I am willing to start with kisses.” He lowered his bottle to the glass top coffee table. “Come here.”

  Kyle sputtered. “You haven’t answered my question.”

  Dieter shrugged. “Fine. Yes, I’m naturally nocturnal.” He sat on the arm of the chair and leaned over him. He was close, too close. Dieter’s slim hip was only inches away from Kyle’s shoulder. He could easily reach out, and—Kyle forcefully cut the thought off.

  Though Dieter’s body wasn’t touching his, Kyle could feel the phantom press of his form. His right shoulder and arm tingled.

  The return of Dieter’s cologne wasn’t helping. It was unlike anything he’d ever smelled before and yet, intimately familiar. He wanted to pull the taller man hard against him, wrap his arms around his waist, and nuzzle his neck. He wanted to be as close as possible to the source.

  That was totally not happening. He needed to keep his hands to himself. Kisses just required lip-to-lip contact. Nothing more.

  “Now, about my payment.”

  He swiftly lifted his head. Dieter’s gray eyes gleamed molten silver. He stifled the urge to do something ridiculous like squirm or run far away as a circus of elephants pirouetted in his stomach. Dieter’s eyes were so beautiful and his face was so handsome. This close he could see every feature, every imperfection and, just like he’d suspected, there were few flaws.

  “I’m going to kiss you now, Kyle.”

  “Really?” He cursed himself. His voice was light and high with hope. What happened to keeping his hands to himself and no naughty touching?

  Dieter lowered his head and suddenly Kyle couldn’t think about anything other the gorgeous man who was kissing him breathless. The kiss was nothing like he’d anticipated. There was something unequivocally feral about Dieter. Kyle had expected that essence to come across in his kiss. It didn’t.

  His mouth was insistent, his touch soft. His lips moved over Kyle’s, tenderly coaxing his to open with infinite patience. It wasn’t long until Kyle succumbed to Dieter’s masterful coaxing. He parted his lips. Dieter’s tongue matched the man, sleek and long, with a strength that spoke of supple grace. Warm and wet, it tangled with Kyle’s, enticing him to join in a dance older than time.

  It was the best kiss he’d ever had.

  He moaned when the German pulled back. Yeah, he needed to breathe and his lungs were crying out for air, but that was no reason whatsoever to stop kissing. He reached for the man.

  “Shouldn’t you ask a question before providing payment?” Dieter questioned with a laugh.

  It took Kyle a moment to process the words seeing as his brain was a pile of goo. He straightened and just stopped himself from slamming his hands onto his lap. Slowly, he lowered them to his thighs.

  Now, questions?

  He couldn’t think of any off the top of his head. Thankfully, he’d planned for that and he grabbed the sheet he’d printed before coming over. Gingerly, he unfolded the piece of paper.

  “Are you stronger than a normal human?”

  “Ah, you typed up your questions beforehand. That was very intelligent of you.”

  Kyle flushed. Hot guy calling him smart. So embarrassing and a total turn-on. “Thanks.”

  “May I?” Dieter asked and gestured to the list.

  He shrugged. “Sure.” He handed it over, hoping Dieter would just answer them all. Or at least as many of them as possible tonight. He waited with bated breath, like a Disney heroine, for Dieter’s reply. He was so close. Any moment now European would open that gorgeous mouth and give him the answers he’d waited years for.

  “Would you mind if I kept this?”

  Confused, Kyle looked at the super-soldier in inquiry. If Dieter was going to answer the questions, why did he need the list? Kyle voiced his question.

  “I will answer them, but not tonight.”

  Kyle stilled. He leaped from his seat. “What?” he shouted.

  Dieter slid into the seat he’d just vacated and sat back. Kyle had the height advantage and normally that made him feel a little more secure in a conversation. This was not normal. Even sitting, Dieter managed to project a fierce presence. The superhuman reminded him all too easily of a lion lounging after a meal. He wondered if the government had spliced some of the big cat’s genes with the German’s. It would explain so much.

  “I realize I was being too demanding. It was wrong of me to shorten the amount of time I gave you to consider my proposal.”

  Kyle’s jaw dropped. “It was wrong?” he sputtered a few seconds later when it became clear that Dieter wasn’t going to continue.

  Kyle wanted kisses…he meant answers. He wanted answers.

  “Yes, wrong. I was raised better.” Dieter released a small grin. “My mother would be horrified. I know I didn’t show it earlier, but I am a man of my word. I will stick by our original agreement.”

  Which was great if one ignored the fact that Kyle didn’t want to abide by their original agreement. He wanted answers. Okay, just whom was he trying to kid? He wanted answers and kisses now. Definitely kisses. To be honest, at this moment, with his blood heated and his heart racing, he was way more interested in the kisses than anything else. Dieter’s tongue was a weapon of mass destruction.

  Definitely a government invention. A glorious one, but nothing that slick and agile could be natural. Nothing.

  Now Dieter wanted Kyle to
wait until tomorrow to get some more of that goodness. “Are you serious?”

  Dieter stood. “Yes.” He walked across the room. Kyle totally took the chance to ogle his ass as the soldier opened his discreet closet. He pulled out Kyle’s coat. Leather in his hand, he strode back to his frozen form. Kyle found himself maneuvered into his coat and in front of Dieter’s door with the taller brunet a warm presence at his back.

  He could not believe this was happening. He’d never taken Dieter for being a cock-tease. To be honest, Dieter seemed like the type to fulfill each and every dirty promise. Kyle spun around. He was not going to allow Dieter to do this to him. Dieter wanted him. He was the one in control.

  Dieter was grinning.

  Kyle bristled. The bastard knew exactly what he was doing. He parted his lips to rip Dieter a new one, but the super-soldier was ready for him. A soft, lush mouth met his, cutting off Kyle’s words before he could start and drowning his mind in the sweetness of Dieter’s kiss.

  His long arms wrapped around Kyle’s waist and pulled him close. Suddenly, Kyle was too hot. His leather coat was too much. His body felt overheated from the closeness of Dieter’s long, hard form.

  He needed to get naked. Now!

  The German shoved a leg between his and forcefully widened Kyle’s stance. The temperature turned up and Kyle worried about burning alive.

  Then that leg rubbed against him and ignition seemed eminent.

  Dieter’s hands slid up over his coat and Kyle ached from the loss of touch. He regretted allowing Dieter to help him into his jacket. The leather coat, his sweater and undershirt created a barrier so thick he couldn’t feel the other man’s hands on his chest. He shivered when Dieter’s palms reached his neck. Goosebumps broke out along his flesh at the skin to skin contact as pleasure hit him hard in the gut. Dieter slid his palms under his lapels and the sound of Kyle’s zipper being lowered was loud in the otherwise silent room.

  His hands were slightly rough and the feel of those calluses moving across his neck sent shudders of pleasure down Kyle’s spine. Dieter tilted his head up. Eyes wide, Kyle looked up at the handsome superhuman. He kissed him again, this time lightly. It was the swiftest press of lips against his and not nearly enough to ease the ache that burned in his gut and between his thighs.


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