A Vampire for Christmas

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A Vampire for Christmas Page 5

by Tuesday Morrigan

  He was hard. From a few kisses. And a little rubbing. He could not forget the rubbing.

  Dieter zipped up his coat and stepped back.

  “Good things come to those who wait. I’m going to have to remember that tonight. Hopefully, you’ll come to me tomorrow. Good night, Kyle Lepiz.”

  Then the German opened the door, pushed Kyle into the hall and slammed it shut behind him. Surprised to find himself alone, Kyle looked up and down the corridor. “What the fuck just happened?”

  Chapter Three

  Kyle was surprised he was still employed. If he were his boss, he would have fired his ass today. He’d spent most of the day daydreaming about Dieter’s awesome tongue and its ability to make him combust. He was damned sure he hadn’t gotten a single thing done.

  “Thank God it’s Friday,” he moaned as the train doors opened on his stop. Someone behind him chuckled and another agreed. He shook his head and made his way home. Normally, the wintery air and frustration from a long workweek would have him running home as quickly as possible so he could burrow under his blankets in his warm apartment, but today he was taking his time to return.

  The cold felt good against his overheated body and the time away from his apartment, which was way too close to Dieter’s, gave him a chance to really think without the taller brunet’s presence affecting his thought processes. There was something about being around Dieter that turned him into the stupidest man on earth.

  Last night he’d come back from work determined to ignore Dieter’s windows. Like all great intentions, it was a bust before it ever took off, and he’d quickly found himself in front of the window as he undressed. As usual, Dieter woke up naked and parted his curtains to give Kyle another glimpse of his utterly perfect body. That was normal, for them. Seconds later, typical became anything but.

  Kyle froze momentarily at the memory of the vision Dieter had made when he’d touched himself and, fuck, the fire in his eyes when he’d looked back at Kyle as he fisted himself to an orgasm.

  A nameless body jostled him back into moving.

  He was so hard. Getting home quickly became a priority. Kyle doubled his pace. By the time he made it back home, Kyle was sure of one thing—Dieter was going to kill him.

  The man made him ridiculously hard. After entering his apartment, he shot a glance at his kitchen window—Dieter’s apartment was black as night—and efficiently stripped off his work clothes and jumped into the shower. He cleaned himself almost mechanically as thinking wasn’t required. His hands drifted of their own volition to his lower belly. His breathing hitched. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the tiled wall of his bathroom and allowed his hands to move south.

  He shuddered at the first touch of his own hand on his flesh. His body was sensitive as hell from being turned on for so long. He sucked air in between his teeth and corrected his grip, wrapping his fingers around the root of his erection, just where it started jutting out from his body. “Yes.”

  The hand on his cock didn’t belong to him. It was longer and wider. The skin was lighter and there was a darker sprinkling of hair on the back of the hand and across the forearm. The hand slid up his length, teasing him with a light touch before flicking its thumb across the head of his erection. Kyle jerked hard. He was so close already. He’d been half aroused since last night, when he’d seen Dieter’s hand on his cock, and he knew it wouldn’t take much more for him to come. That wasn’t what he wanted. He didn’t want Dieter’s hand to be the reason he climaxed. He wanted the German’s hands on his body, his lips on his and his cock sheathed inside him. He could make himself come, but he wouldn’t be satisfied, just as he hadn’t last night or the night before.

  “Son of a…” He bit off the curse and released his erection. With a snap of his wrist the temperature of the water changed. A cold shower would do him good.

  Towel wrapped around his waist, Kyle stepped out of his shower and entered his bedroom. He opened his closet and looked at the clothes hung there. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to wear. His decision depended entirely on what he did that night. The problem was he hadn’t entirely decided what he wanted to do. He knew he needed to give Dieter an answer before the night was over. The taller brunet had agreed to hold to their original forty-eight hours and that ended sometime around eight pm.

  It should have been an easy decision. Kyle wasn’t blind. He also wasn’t even remotely straight. Dieter Mossel was smoking hot and interested in him. Oh, okay, Dieter claimed it was a barter system, but a guy like Dieter didn’t need to convince anyone, man or woman, to sleep with him. Then there were the things the German made him feel.

  He’d barely managed to get through his day because he couldn’t stop thinking about the way Dieter kissed him, as though he was a hungry man sitting before a feast he wanted to last a lifetime. Then there was the feel of his hands on his body and the way Kyle responded to him. Like a fiend taking a hit.

  He shivered. He blamed it on his nudity and the cool air, not the recent thought of how he’d acted last night.

  He also couldn’t ignore the way Dieter had responded to him. Kyle was well aware of just how attractive he was—cute in a nerdy, alternative way—but Dieter was hot in a male model or blockbuster actor way.

  Dieter wasn’t the kind of guy he normally pulled. He wasn’t in the same ballpark as the guy he typically attracted. Half of Kyle was proud of this, the smarter, louder portion was bewildered and frightened.

  His last relationship was a friends-to-lovers situation that had quickly reverted back to plain old friendship. Though they were cool now, Kyle couldn’t forget the reason why Juan had broken up with him. Juan was more traditionally attractive than him and though they clicked mentally, the physical attraction just wasn’t there, on Juan’s side. Initially, they’d both just been scratching an inch, but it hadn’t been long before Kyle had fallen for him and now he couldn’t stop remembering what Juan had said.

  He couldn’t help worrying that he wasn’t attractive enough to keep Dieter’s attention. How could he be when he couldn’t even hold Juan’s?

  “Stop being a baby,” he muttered to himself as he grabbed a shirt and slacks from his closet. He was sure he was over-thinking this thing between them. For all he knew Dieter just wanted one night with him and if that was the deal, it would be more than enough for Kyle.

  He wanted Dieter to ease the arousal that kept him up all night despite his masturbation.

  The last thing he was looking for was a relationship, especially one with a super-soldier.

  Half an hour later, Kyle was dressed and as he glanced at himself in the mirror, he accepted that he looked hot. “I’m going to get laid tonight,” he told himself as he grinned at his reflection. If Dieter didn’t take what he was offering, the man was an idiot. Kyle sprayed himself with his favorite cologne and grabbed his keys.

  He was halfway to his door when the bell rang. He stared at his front door in surprise. He was pretty much a loner with a small group of close friends. No one was expected.

  Wrong door, he figured and waited for the ringer to leave. The bell rang again. He sighed and looked through the peephole, then groaned. He unlocked and opened the door and stood in the middle of the entryway. Not only was he an evil bastard in a previous life, he must have been the kind of evil guy who killed puppies when bored. “What are you doing here?”

  Juan’s eyes widened, as he looked him up and down. “Is that the dress shirt Janina bought you for Christmas last year?” He pointed at the shirt in question.

  “Yes,” Kyle gritted out at the last person he wanted to see at that moment.

  Juan looked at him in surprise as though he’d expected another answer. “Ah, getting into the Christmas spirit?” Then he peered at Kyle in consideration. “Looking nice and all, but why are you wearing that shit, dude? Hey! Move so I can go inside, man. You know you’ve got creepy-as-shit neighbors, right? I’m sure they’re watching right now.”

  Kyle stifled the urge to smack Juan
upside the head. His creepy neighbors probably were at their peepholes watching. He didn’t want old Ms Henderson to call the cops on him like she had the woman a few doors down when she’d gotten into an argument with her boyfriend. “I’ve got plans tonight.”

  Juan’s eyes widened. “Dude, what?”

  “You can’t come in. I’m actually on my way out.”

  Juan rolled his eyes. “No, you’re not and you don’t. If you did, you would have told Carla, who would have told Janina who would have told me so I could pass the info on to Benny.”

  That was how it normally worked in their little group. Though Juan would then go on to tell everyone, since he couldn’t keep a secret unless his life depended on it. “I brought Jamaican?” He held up a brown paper bag that was already darkly stained at the bottom from moisture. Kyle took a sniff and regretted. It was definitely from Kingston’s Backyard, his favorite place.

  “Man, you won’t believe it, but when I got there they actually had gingerbread cupcakes available.”

  Eyes wide, Kyle asked, “With the mango buttercream frosting?”

  Kingston’s holiday desserts were worth waiting all year for. They were ‘slap your mama’ good, but limited. Every time Kyle was lucky enough to buy their special sweets, he purchased enough to eat some then and freeze the rest.

  Juan moved to the kitchen and placed the brown paper bags on the counter. “You should really change, cause this is going to be good and messy. Real good.” He flashed him a grin and then waved Kyle toward his bedroom.

  Kyle opened his mouth to tell Juan that he really did have plans, a date in fact, when his phone rang. He patted his pockets and quickly realized he would have committed a cardinal sin and left without his cell if it hadn’t rung. It wasn’t on him.

  He left the door open and searched his apartment, following the ring until he found it. “Hello?”

  “Did you change your mind?”

  He swallowed. He knew that accented voice, was growing very attached to it in fact. He took two steps to his left to enter his kitchen and glanced toward the sole window. Dieter was dressed and standing in front of his bay windows. “Hi, Dieter, and the answer to your question is no. I haven’t changed my mind. I’m still coming over.”

  Light footsteps let Kyle know Juan had entered his apartment and was standing several feet behind him. He turned. Face bright with amusement and a leer on his mouth, Juan jerked his head toward the window. Kyle nodded. “I’ll see you soon,” he told Dieter and hung up.

  “Wow! So, you weren’t just trying to get me to leave.”

  As he slid his phone into his pocket, Kyle replied, “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Good to know.” Juan sighed and hefted the bag of take out. “I guess I’ll just take this back to my place. You better give me an update when you come back. I want to hear all about this new guy,” Juan said before heading out.

  “Maybe,” Kyle replied as he followed him out. “Wait! Leave me some cupcakes,” he cried.

  Juan snorted. “We’re friends, bro, but no. Hell no.”

  Muttering curses on Juan’s very un-holiday-like behavior, Kyle quickly made his way down the street until he reached Dieter’s apartment. The doorman and the guy behind the desk nodded at him in greeting. It wasn’t long until he was nervously pacing in front of Dieter’s apartment.

  The door opened. Dieter stood in the middle of the doorway, arms crossed. “Exactly how long are you going to stand out there pacing?” he asked with a huff.

  Kyle could feel his cheeks heating up in embarrassment. He was totally caught. Good thing he wasn’t attempting to convince Dieter of his coolness. “Not long,” he admitted.

  “Good.” Dieter stepped back. Kyle entered the apartment. The door closing behind him sounded loud to his hyped senses. Hands shoved into his front pockets, he stifled the urge to rock on his heels, and waited for Dieter to face him.

  The German locked the door and leaned against it. His gaze, searing hot, ran up and down Kyle’s form. “I pray you came to tell me yes. I don’t think I could handle seeing you like this if the answer is anything else.”

  Damn his complexion! Kyle was suddenly wishing he’d been born darker like his cousin Eduardo, or just that Dieter’s sweet words didn’t affect him so. “Uh, yeah. I mean the answer is yes. I agree.”

  Dieter nodded, but he didn’t move away from the door. Fear settled in Kyle’s chest and sent the nerve endings in his hands tingling. He fisted them in his pockets.

  “I’m going to ask this once and only once. Are you sure?”

  Kyle didn’t even need to think about it. He’d already come to a decision. “Yes.”

  “Thank goodness.” Dieter murmured the words and strode across the room in three large steps. Dieter grabbed him about the waist and pulled him hard against his chest. On impact, Kyle’s breath left him in a gasp.

  “Feels like I’ve wanted this, wanted you for a long time. Too long,” Dieter uttered, then his mouth was on Kyle’s. Contrary to the darkness of his voice, his lips were soft and sweet, almost tender in the way they caressed his, brushing back and forth across the hills and valleys that made up his mouth. It was good, great really, but it wasn’t nearly enough. Kyle pressed his body more insistently against Dieter’s, parted his lips and licked Dieter’s closed mouth.

  Sure and determined, Dieters grasped Kyle’s shirt and pulled it from his slacks, then starting from the bottom, he undid all the buttons and pushed it off his shoulders, brushing his cool hands over his heated skin. Kyle’s lashes lowered of their own volition when Dieter’s hands moved to his belt. “So pretty,” Dieter whispered against his nape. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. I can’t wait to get you naked.” As though to prove his words his hands moved faster and it wasn’t long before Kyle’s belt was undone and his pants were pooled around his ankles. He toed off his shoes and kicked them off. Kyle felt weird standing before Dieter wearing only his socks and boxers but there was no way for him to sexily finish undressing.

  He opened his eyes. Dieter wasn’t touching him, hadn’t touched him in several long moments. Kyle’s breath almost left him at the beautiful display before him. Shirt off and discarded somewhere, Dieter was just stepping out of his slacks. He went commando. He caught Kyle staring at him just as he straightened. Smirk on his fine mouth, he dropped his pants. “Wow!” Kyle gasped. He’d seen Dieter naked many times, one of the benefits of stalking the gorgeous German, but it had always been from afar. Not even the clearest pictures could do Dieter Mossel in the flesh justice. Every inch of his long, tall form appeared to be sculpted by Michelangelo himself.

  Goodness to Jobs! This man was his for the night. He glanced up briefly and sent God a little thanks.

  Dieter stepped to him. Kyle watched the way the muscles in his body flexed with each and every little movement. He was a true work of art. Michelangelo’s David had nothing on Dieter. He murmured as much to the brunet.

  “Funny, I believe your passion will be the true work of art,” Dieter replied as he placed his hands on Kyle’s shoulders. A shiver of pleasure ran through Kyle’s body as the weight of his touch settled along his naked skin. Inch by torturous inch, Dieter lifted his hands, moving them up his shoulders and neck until his broad palms cradled his face and his thumbs caressed his jaw and the sensitive skin at the top of his throat.

  Who knew that was an erogenous zone?

  Dieter plundered his mouth as he led him back to the bed. Walking backward would have been awkward if Kyle had been anything more than peripherally aware of it. Dieter was a damned good kisser. All too soon his back hit the bed and Dieter was pulling away. Kyle groaned in dismay. Dieter paused on his way away from the bed and looked at him, a smile of indulgence on his face. “I’ll be right back,” he promised.

  Not trusting his voice to work, Kyle nodded his head in agreement. Dieter walked over to the bedside table on the right side of the bed, a little ways away from them, and rummaged in the top drawer. Kyle ogled his ass the whole time. He was making qu
ite the habit of it, but it couldn’t be helped.

  Dieter came away with a small bottle of lube and a packet of condoms. He threw them both on the bed and made his way back. “Don’t really want to get started and stop,” he admitted as he knelt on the bed. His cock did a little dance and released two spurts of pre-cum at his words.

  Dieter leaned over him, his knees bracketed his thighs and his arms caged his shoulders. Kyle raised his head and simply looked at Dieter, took in the way his silver eyes had darkened to gray, the concentration on his face and the way arousal carved his already sharp features and made them stronger. Kyle moaned and lifted his hands. He wrapped them around Dieter’s nape and pulled the man’s face close to his. It had been too long since he’d tasted his lips.

  As they kissed, Dieter slowly lowered his body on top of his. Their hips lined up and by accident their cocks brushed against one another. “Oh, God,” Kyle cried out and broke off the kiss. Fuck, that felt so good! He rocked his hips up and their lengths caressed one another again.

  “Yes. Again,” Dieter growled.

  Kyle thrust up as Dieter ground down. Dieter planted one elbow into the mattress beside Kyle’s ear and wrapped one large hand around their erections. “Holy shit!”

  Kyle wasn’t sure which one of them cursed, he only knew it was as damned close to perfect as he’d ever come. Dieter’s hand felt awesome around his cock and the other man’s dick moving against his just made everything better.

  “I’m so close already. Too close.” Dieter removed his hand.

  Kyle couldn’t help the outraged cry that escaped his mouth. “What the fuck! I was… Why… Damn it!”

  If Dieter was playing the cock-tease again, he was going to strangle the man, super-soldier or not!

  Dieter pressed his sweaty forehead against his. His eyes were closed and he was breathing hard. Kyle’s breathing matched his. He opened his eyes and Kyle found himself riveted by eyes the color of the sky during a storm. “When I come, I’m going to be inside of you.”


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