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A Vampire for Christmas

Page 7

by Tuesday Morrigan


  Konstantin released a heavy breath and through the phone Dieter could hear leather crinkling when his uncle sat down. “Seems I’m going to have to fire another assistant. This is becoming a horrible habit,” he grumbled. “I’m guessing you didn’t get my previous message about the hunters?”

  “What? No. Hunters? Please tell me you don’t mean vampire hunters?”

  “No, fairy hunters,” Konstantin snorted. “Of course, child.” He paused and released a huff. Dieter just knew his uncle was running one hand through his hair in exasperation. “Somehow, we’re still investigating when and how, they found out you left the estate. We caught all of them but one. The bastard escaped.”

  “Worried about me?”

  “I know you can take care of yourself. I just wanted to provide a heads-up. Our people are searching for this hunter—he’s a DuPont, but just in case they’re a little slow, I wanted to warn you.”

  Dieter wasn’t pleased to hear a DuPont was hunting him.

  The Mossel clan and the DuPont family had a long history of hatred. Centuries ago, Emilia Mossel saved a French merchant from a bloodthirsty group of raiders. The man was Simon DuPont. Simon pledged his life to her in repayment. It wasn’t long before the vampiress discovered Simon was her True Mate.

  The DuPonts were enraged with the thought of one of their own loving a demon, let alone pledging his life to her. They called a family meeting. Simon came as expected, but never left. Emilia knew the moment her bond broke that her mate had been killed. Rather than fall to the Grieving, as expected, she raged. Emilia hunted and slaughtered all the overage men and women before finally succuming to the Grieving.

  The children made a pact to annihilate the Mossel clan.

  Dieter really wished the bastards would leave the past behind.

  Konstantin paused and Dieter could hear the sound of paper rustling in the background. “We’re supposed to have an investors’ meeting in less than fifteen minutes. If my presence is required, so is yours.”

  “Actually, Uncle, I have a previous engagement.” His gaze landed on Kyle’s blank face.

  “You say that like I care, child. I’m guessing you don’t recognize the address, huh?”

  “No, I don’t.” There was no point in lying.

  “Well, the meeting is for Isotech. Sound familiar?”

  “Oh. See you soon.” Isotech was a revolutionary biomedical company that focused on blending biology and technology. It was also the company he’d convinced his uncle to invest in when it was a struggling inventor’s dream. Dieter just so happened to have gone to university with the trio of young furies who’d started the company.

  “Good.” Konstantin hung up, and Dieter turned to Kyle.

  “I’m sorry. I really do have to go. Hopefully, this won’t take long.”

  The light in Kyle’s eyes dimmed. The addition of his pouting mouth was just too much to ignore. Dieter swept across the room and pulled the man into his arms. He kissed him deeply. When he pulled back, his heart was beating wildly and Kyle’s face was flushed with pleasure.

  “I’ll, uh, get my coat,” Kyle whispered, voice husky with desire as he tried to slip out of his arms.

  “Why?” Dieter tightened his grip to prevent Kyle’s escape.

  “You’re leaving…aren’t you?”

  Dieter loosened his hold. “Yes, but that’s no reason for you to leave. You can stay. When I return, we will finish the discussion we started.” He lowered his head until his face was just a breath away from Kyle’s. “As a matter of fact, I insist,” he demanded in a voice darkened with arousal at the thought of coming home to Kyle, of finding the human hard and waiting for him.

  Something of what he was feeling must have shown, because Kyle’s breathing hitched and the fingers on Dieter’s waist tightened briefly. “Okay,” he released in a heavy breath.

  “Shouldn’t be gone too long. Feel free to take a nap.” Dieter allowed his desire to show on his face. “You will need to be rested for what I have in mind.”

  “Oh. Okay. Yeah,” Kyle stuttered. Dieter released him and the human took a stumbling step back. “Leave early. Return soon,” he told Dieter and accompanied the words with a shooing motion.

  Dieter chuckled as he went to grab his coat. When he turned around, he found Kyle standing just a few feet away from him. He slipped the merino wool onto his shoulders. Contrary to popular perception, vampires weren’t dead, but they did have a naturally lower body temperature than humans.

  Another set of fingers brushed against his when he went to button up his coat. He allowed his hands to fall to the side. Kyle took his time closing his coat. It was clear he didn’t want Dieter to leave, but the vampire suspected his slow movements were from more than that.

  At least he hoped so.

  There was something infinitely domestic about Kyle buttoning up Dieter’s coat before he left for a business meeting and Dieter couldn’t help praying Kyle wanted to stretch out this intimate moment between them just as Dieter did.

  Kyle paused at the second to last button. “Dieter?” he asked softly.


  “Any idea how long you’ll be gone?”

  “Honestly? No.”

  “Oh, okay.” Palms out, fingers splayed, Kyle placed his hands on his chest.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Just stay. Please.” He hated to beg, but he really did want to return to find Kyle in his bed. It wasn’t a fair request, especially since it was during the week and the human did need his sleep to get through the workday, but he’d never claimed to be kind. He was a vampire, not one of the faefolk.

  “Dieter, have you gotten a chance to fill out the survey?”

  The change in topic caught him flatfooted for a moment. “Can we talk about this when I return?”

  Until that moment, he hadn’t realized Kyle’s hands had been moving up and down his chest in a soothing manner. They stopped at his words.

  “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to cheat me, but you wouldn’t do that, right?” There was just the hint of suspicion in Kyle’s voice.

  “Of course not,” Dieter lied. The questionnaire weighed on his mind. He knew he should answer the sheet. He and Kyle had entered into an agreement and the human had fulfilled his obligations. Dieter needed to do his own part. It was simple really, but fear held his hand. Dieter was afraid this thing between him and Kyle would end when he handed over the filled-out piece of paper.

  Kyle was smart and sweet and sexy and Dieter didn’t want to take the chance that their relationship was all about his need to feed his conspiracy theories.

  “Good. We will talk about this when you return.” Kyle finished up his statement by swiftly buttoning the last two closures. “Have a good meeting,” he called as Dieter stepped out of his apartment. The vampire couldn’t help thinking Kyle’s statement was a veiled ultimatum.

  * * * *

  Just a little after midnight, Dieter slipped back into his apartment. The slow, steady rate of Kyle’s heartbeat greeted him. He followed the sound to his bedroom. Dieter folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the doorjamb and looked down on Kyle’s sleeping form.

  White T-shirt wrapped around his waist, arms flung at his sides and legs angled, Kyle’s small form seemed to take up the whole California King bed.

  Starting from his tie, Dieter stripped out of his dress clothing. The way Kyle’d looked at him when Dieter had promised him a workout upon his return gave him speed. He was half hard before he reached for his slacks. Quickly, he stripped until he only wore his boxers. Then he knelt upon the bed.

  Dieter knew the exact moment Kyle woke. His heartbeat changed. Dieter sighed. He’d really been looking forward to wrapping himself around Kyle’s lithe form. This would have been the first time the human had spent the night. For some reason, the human was willing to nap at his place, but he never slept for more than two hours. Any more than that, and he’d wake, dress and go home—no matter w
hat Dieter said to convince him to spend the whole night.

  It looked like tonight would be a repeat of all those other nights.

  Despondent, he watched the fan of Kyle’s lashes flutter as the human slowly woke. “Dieter?” he called, voice groggy from sleep.

  “Yeah,” the German replied as he lifted the comforter and slipped into the bed. He shivered as he settled upon the mattress. He moved closer to Kyle, and lay upon the sheets warmed by the human’s body.

  Kyle rolled over. Head cradled by the thick pillow, he lay on his side and peered at him. “You’re back.”

  “Uh-huh,” Dieter murmured as he migrated closer to Kyle. The smaller male blinked up at him in surprise to feel Dieter right against him. Dieter nuzzled his throat and wrapped his arms around Kyle’s waist. He pulled Kyle hard against his chest and rolled onto his back so Kyle lay on his torso. They lay together for several minutes. Dieter had just started to drift off to sleep when Kyle sat up.

  “I can’t fall asleep,” he complained.

  Dieter groaned. “It hasn’t been that long. Keep trying,” he growled and gripped Kyle’s shoulders and forced him back against his chest.

  Kyle shook his head in disagreement, rubbing his face against Dieter’s naked chest. Despite his best intentions, Dieter felt his heart rate pick up. He was tired, exhausted really, from the long, boring meeting, and dawn wasn’t nearly far enough away. The last thing he wanted to do was argue with Kyle about spending the night.

  Kyle released a sigh and sat up. “Yeah, I know myself and it’s not going to happen.” He peered down at Dieter. “You’re tired. I should get going and let you sleep.”

  It was a reasonable decision, but Dieter didn’t want to hear it. “No. Stay.”

  “Dieter,” Kyle said. “Be reasonable.”

  “I am. Go to bed now,” Dieter retorted curtly and felt an immediate change come over Kyle at his tone.

  “I think it’s best I go home. I’ll see you tomorrow, well, tonight. Sleep well or have a nice day,” he murmured and leaned forward to press a sweet kiss against Dieter’s forehead.

  At the feel of his lush mouth against his skin, Dieter’s eyes fluttered closed. “I really, really want you to stay.”

  Kyle gave him a soft smile. “I think it’s best I leave. Shouldn’t have taken that nap. It made me sleepy,” he mumbled and yawned.

  “You’re going to make me ask again, aren’t you?”

  Eyes lowered, in what he guessed to be embarrassment, Kyle chewed his lip. “Sorry, it’s just you’re nocturnal and I feel bad sleeping when you should be awake and vice versa.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  “What other reason could there be? It’s not like I’m ashamed of you or something. You’re smoking hot.”

  “Thank you,” he replied with a chuckle. Dieter had never cared much for his looks, his kind tended to be aesthetically pleasing naturally, but he had to admit it was nice to know his lover found him attractive.

  “Did you get a chance to look over the questionnaire today, well, tonight?”

  “No,” Dieter lied. He wasn’t about to admit he’d answered all the questions during the hours-long business meeting. He’d needed something to keep him awake. “Thought you agreed to give me a few days to answer. Is that the only reason why you’re here?” The moment the words were out of his mouth, Dieter regretted them.

  They were foolish and showed his insecurity. He couldn’t believe he was being so ridiculous and needy. Of cou—

  “No,” Kyle replied flatly. “I won’t lie that this is important to me, but no amount of answers could get me to spread my legs if I wasn’t genuinely attracted to you as a person. I’m not that kind of boy.” There was a slight curl of amusement on his mouth, but his eyes were light with understanding. “I like you, Dieter. A lot.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” Dieter brushed a quick kiss across Kyle’s sleep-slackened mouth.

  “That’s not going to get you out of filling out my questionnaire. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were doing this on purpose.” Kyle gave him a squinty-eyed look of suspicion.

  “I’m not. I’ve just been busy.”

  “You work from home and you told me you don’t need that many hours of sleep. What exactly could you be doing that’s so taxing you can’t take an hour to answer my questions?”

  “What makes you think it would take me an hour to do it? It’s not like it’s only a page long, Kyle.”

  “Even if it took you three, it’s been three days, Dieter. It’s Monday night, maybe even Tuesday already.”

  “I’ll get it to you tomorrow,” Dieter said, trying to soothe the human’s ire.

  “That’s not good enough.”

  “What do you want from me, Kyle? I’ll admit I’m in the wrong. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”



  “I want to be on top.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. I want to be on top the next time. It felt good, so good, before.” His features tightened in consideration. “As a matter of fact, now is as good as any other time.” He slid his bottom down Dieter’s torso until he was sitting on his groin. Then he rocked his ass against the vampire’s growing erection.

  “Fuck!” Suddenly, Dieter wasn’t so tired.

  “You haven’t agreed,” Kyle said as he bounced on top of Dieter’s clothed dick.

  Thinking was difficult, if not impossible, when Kyle was rubbing his round, warm ass against his cock, but somehow Dieter managed to decipher the meaning of his words. “Yes. Gods, you can be on top. Anytime. Every time.” Kyle could do whatever he wanted as long as it didn’t involve stopping the ass-to-dick contact.

  “Good.” Kyle leaned forward and up to press a soft kiss against his mouth. Dieter groaned in dismay as the act pushed Kyle’s butt up and away from his hard length. Using his large, wide hands, Dieter gripped the human’s hips and pushed him back down. Kyle grunted in surprise and exasperation. “No,” he said as he lifted one leg over Dieter’s hips to kneel on his right side. “You agreed that I’m on top, which means I get to be in charge.” He wrapped his hands around Dieter’s wrists. His palms were smaller, his fingers shorter, and oddly enough smoother than Dieter’s.

  Kyle lifted Dieter’s arms high above his head and placed them in front of the headboard. “Keep them here. If you don’t I’m going to have to punish you.”

  At the dark, husky sound of arousal in his voice, Dieter’s heart started hammering in his chest. “Do I want to be punished?” he asked.

  Kyle shook his head. “No.”

  Though it went against his nature, he would behave. Dieter nodded his head in acceptance.

  A beaming smile was Kyle’s response.

  With lips, nips and tongue, Kyle mapped Dieter’s body. He kissed his throat and chest, suckled his nipples until they ached with need and sporadically bit his chest and belly.

  “How was the meeting?”

  It took Dieter a moment to realize Kyle was speaking and to him. He blamed his slowness entirely on Kyle’s warm, wet mouth. The man was hovering over his lower abdomen, just inches away from the top of his boxers and it was wreaking hell on his sanity. “What?” he stuttered stupidly.

  “I asked how was the meeting. Tonight?”

  “Boring,” he admitted.

  Kyle placed a closed-mouth kiss below his belly button. “Really?”

  “Yes,” he nearly snarled. “I damn near fell asleep. Please, Kyle. Don’t make me beg.”

  Kyle lifted his head and looked up at Dieter. Heat burned his brown graze, making his eyes appear darker and brighter. “But I want you to beg,” he whispered seductively with an amused smile.

  Dieter swallowed thickly. He’d never seen this side of Kyle, but he liked it. “Good luck,” he teased.

  “I won’t need it,” he retorted before lowering his head. Heart beating wildly in his throat, Dieter watched as he opened his mouth and ran his top teeth down Die
ter’s lower abdomen, from the sensitive skin beneath his belly button until he reached his boxers.

  “Fuck!” Dieter cursed as his hips jerked. His arms itched with the need to be lowered. He wanted to wrap his arms around Kyle’s waist, throw the human on his back, beneath him and fuck him until he couldn’t come again. His need for Kyle burned savagely and the man was doing nothing to appease it.

  Gripping tightly to the sheets high above his head, he took a deep breath and pushed it out through his open lips.

  “Good boy.”

  Gods, that should not have made him spurt a little pre-cum in his boxers. Thankfully, Kyle seemed to think he’d earned a reward for behaving and he pulled his boxers down. To ease Kyle’s task, Dieter lifted his hips, then his legs. Fully nude, Dieter looked down at Kyle’s kneeling form.

  He was surprised to note Kyle was still wearing his sleep shirt and shorts. A white T-shirt and old black gym shorts.

  This was not how they normally did this. Usually Kyle was the naked one and Dieter’s pants were somewhere around his ankles while his cock was buried in the human’s grasping hole.

  Warm hands, much hotter than his own, wrapped around the base of Dieter’s erection. His gut clenched as his breath left him. Kyle’s grip tightened briefly before he moved his hands up Dieter’s hard length. Eyes on Dieter, Kyle fisted him from root to tip, only to pause when he reached the top and flicked his thumb across the glistening head.

  Kyle lowered his head and licked Dieter’s cockhead. He did it repeatedly. The touch was light, almost tentative. Little more than a kitten-lick. It wasn’t nearly enough. The ghost of a touch almost drove him crazy as it heightened his need and did nothing to ease it.

  Dieter grunted something indecipherable, but he hoped it conveyed how great Kyle’s hand on his cock felt. It wasn’t the first time the human had fisted him but the other times were rushed. Now, the man was taking his time.

  Kyle wrapped his lips around the tip and sucked hard.


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