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A Vampire for Christmas

Page 10

by Tuesday Morrigan

  “Yes, really. I’ve seen what you can do and if you think this guy is even half as talented as you are, then I know some people who would love to meet with him.”

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Kyle peppered light kisses all over Dieter’s face. “I don’t deserve you,” he said, voice thick with emotion.

  “No, you don’t. You deserve a better man, but I’m all you’ve got.” Laughter escaped Kyle, startling the smaller brunet. Dieter smiled in satisfaction, obviously pleased with his ability to amuse Kyle despite his bad day. “Go to sleep.”

  “Okay.” He took his favored spot and lay down beside the superhuman. He lay there in silence for a long time thinking over his day, the night he’d shared with Dieter and the man’s offer. “Dieter?” he called lightly.

  The man didn’t reply. Secure in the knowledge Dieter was asleep, Kyle felt secure enough to whisper the words in the dark room. “I think I’m falling in love with you, Dieter Mossel.”

  Chapter Six

  They were still going at it.

  Dieter was surprised to find his ‘relationship’ with Kyle endured once the human had his answers. He’d given Kyle the filled-out questionnaire a week ago and yet they still met each and every night. He couldn’t figure out why the man hadn’t ended their arrangement. Part of him thought it was because Kyle didn’t actually believe he was a vampire. Oh, Kyle had come to accept that maybe neither the German nor American military had a hand in developing his superior abilities, but he hadn’t given up on the thought that some agency somewhere was responsible for his nature.

  Still, a week had passed, seven days of wicked, no-holds-barred sex, and though he hadn’t anticipated it being about anything more than getting off, it was. Dieter wasn’t sure what it was, but something deeper than great sex was happening between them, and now he wanted to take Kyle on a date. This was turning out to be more than just sex on his end, and he didn’t want to be the only one falling. Dieter knew Kyle liked him but he was sure this was turning into something more serious than ‘like’. He planned to seduce the conspiracy theorist into a relationship and the first task started tonight.

  Dressed for the coming evening, he walked over to his bay windows and parted the curtains. His superior eyesight could easily catch details from across the courtyard in the dark. They were even sharp enough to look through Kyle’s tiny window.

  He’d woken a little early, too early it seemed since the brunet didn’t have any lights on. He glanced at his watch. Kyle should be at least on his way home from work. He picked up his cell and called the human.

  Kyle didn’t pick up and it went to voicemail. Dieter didn’t leave a message. He called back again and this time the human picked up. There was the sound of scrambling as though Kyle almost dropped the phone before Dieter heard his breathy voice. “Hey! I’m on my way now.”

  “Good. How was work?” Dieter’s genuine interest in Kyle’s day-to-day activities was one of the things that had clued him in to the fact that this wasn’t just sex. He wanted to know all there was to know about the shorter man.

  “It sucked. Like normal. Hope you have some food and wine at your place. I need it. Hell, I deserve it. I’m headed right over.”

  Dieter blinked in surprise at the words and what they implicated. “Did you get my message?”

  “What? Did you leave a voice message? You know I never check those when I’m at work.”

  Dieter shook his head, only to realize Kyle couldn’t see him. “No, I left you a note before I left last night.”

  “Oh. Last night.” He could hear Kyle’s blush in his tone. He could easily picture the lovely red flush that crept up the human’s neck and across his cheeks. Kyle was probably red at the memory of what they’d done last night. Dieter had never had such a vocal lover. God! He reached down and palmed his erection through his slacks.

  “Yes, last night I wrote you a little note. Go home first and read it. I’m sure you’ll understand then.”

  “What? Wait! Are you serious?”

  “With you? Always.”

  “Oh. Okay. Good to know. Uh, how was your day, or is it night since you seem to be a nocturnal beast?” Kyle rambled, clearly flustered by Dieter’s response. Dieter grinned, amused by Kyle’s state. There was something really attractive about a flustered Kyle and he would do anything and everything in his power to bring the state about. Kyle was sexy as hell when he was all discombobulated.

  “It was cool. I managed some of my accounts. Bought and sold some stocks. Read over some paperwork. All kinds of boring things.”

  Kyle chuckled. “Sounds like it,” he said over the echo of fast footsteps on concrete. Dieter guessed he’d reached his apartment building. A moment later he heard the sound of an elevator descending. It was faint, so light, no human would have heard it from this end of the line. Kyle was almost home.

  “How are your co-workers?” he asked. Kyle started telling him all about his crazy co-workers. He worked for a large, international corporation’s IT department. According to Kyle, the company had done its best to hire the smartest crazy people in the city and considering the city in question was New York, that was one hell of a feat. One guy was a serial baby-maker, Kyle’s words, and was always dealing with baby mama drama and child support issues. Apparently just a little after ten in the morning, one of his kid’s mothers showed up at the office to curse him out. He’d gotten written up for it and had had to have a long talk with their supervisor. Another worker was dealing with a federal charge from his late-night hacking activities. It seemed she might have provided her ex-boyfriend’s attorney with privileged information to get him off. Now she was the one on the hook.

  Keys jiggling announced Kyle had reached his apartment. They kept talking about their respective days, including Kyle’s successes and failures in searching for another job, for the next few minutes before Kyle cut him off. “I give up. I can’t find the note. Where did you put it?”

  “I left the first one on the front of your cereal box.”

  “Really?” Dieter heard the shuffle of feet. “Oh shit! You did.”

  “Did you forget to eat breakfast again?” Dieter asked in exasperation. The human had the most unfortunate habit of not eating in the morning. “I also left a Post-It on top of your desktop keyboard and the last one was on your conspiracy board. Right on top of my face.”

  Kyle started laughing so hard Dieter was sure he was going to end up passing out from lack of air. “You are totally to blame for me not getting your messages.”

  “How is this my fault?”

  “If you weren’t such a fantastic lover, I would have been able to wake early enough to actually do my morning routine. You’re the one who fucked me into the mattress.”

  Dieter didn’t reply for several long moments. He wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Are you complaining?” he asked after a few seconds where only Kyle’s giggles filled the silence.

  “Nope. Not at all. I applaud you. Actually, I can’t wait until you do it again.” He heard paper crinkling. “So you want to take me out to dinner, huh?”

  “Yes, please be ready in an hour. We have a reservation.”

  “Really? I’ve never been to a place I needed a reservation for.”

  “You’re kidding, right? You’ve lived in New York City your whole life.”

  “Never went anywhere you didn’t just stand and wait for service or if I got lucky and they had seating, I got to sit and wait. I’m not the culinary expert you are.” He just knew Kyle was shrugging his shoulder as he answered.

  “Well, tonight will be different.” He felt a little saddened for Kyle that he’d never been anywhere where he needed to reserve a table. The shorter man deserved extravagant dinners every night and Dieter wanted to lavish him with all the attention he deserved. “But the reservation isn’t for dinner. At least not the first one,” Dieter admitted.

  “Huh?” Kyle asked, confused.

  “If I explain any more I might ruin the surprise. Just get r
eady quickly.”

  “Surprise? I didn’t forget my birthday, right? Or Christ, yours?” Kyle croaked.

  Dieter laughed lightly. “No, Kyle, my birthday isn’t for a few months. Tonight’s about you. Since Christmas is right around the corner, think of them as early gifts.”

  “Dieter,” he sighed. After a moment, Kyle asked, “Why?”

  Somehow Dieter just knew his human was asking why he was surprising him, why he was spending money on him, and going through the trouble. ”I like you a lot, Kyle. More than ‘like’ to be honest.”

  “Oh.” He felt the weight of his answer settle between them. He hoped to the Goddess that Kyle didn’t find his admission to be too heavy to handle. He really liked the human and he was starting to think he just might be his True Mate. The connection between them was too magical to be anything but mystical.

  Tonight was not about Kyle’s need to feed his obsession or Dieter’s physical hunger.

  “Is that okay?” Dieter asked cautiously.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.” Kyle paused before continuing, amusement in his tone. “You know, you sound even hotter on the phone.”

  “I do? Thank you for the compliment.”

  “You’re so very proper.”

  He chuckled. “Not too proper, I hope.” He had an idea of where Kyle wanted to take this conversation. He hoped to the Goddess that he was right.

  “You’re already dressed for tonight, aren’t you?” Kyle asked mournfully.

  Dieter did a little fist-pump and answered truthfully. “Yes. Are you getting undressed for tonight?”

  Kyle drew in a sharp breath. “Yes, I just took off my shirt.”

  “So, you’re wearing your undershirt and pants?”

  “Yes,” Kyle moaned.

  “Put me on speakerphone and take off your T-shirt.”


  He knew the moment he was on speakerphone because the background noise was clearer. He could hear fabric moving across skin and the soft pad of Kyle’s socked feet on wood floors. “It’s off,” he called lightly.

  “Good. Now, take off your pants, slowly. Imagine I’m there in front of you. Make me work for it.”

  Kyle groaned. “Why aren’t you here? I wish you were here.”

  “Me too, sweetheart. I wish I was there too, but we’ve only got an hour and we both know I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you once we started.”

  “Fuck! That is so hot. I love the thought that I drive you crazy.”

  “You do, baby. You do. Now, slip your hands into your boxers.”


  “Yeah, just like that. Don’t touch your cock.”

  Kyle whined. “What! But—”

  “I said don’t. I will not repeat myself. Now, play with your balls. Roll them in your hands. Are you doing that?”

  “Yes. Oh, God, yes.”

  “Good boy. Tell me how you feel.”

  “Hot. I feel hot, like the heat’s too high in my apartment. And good. I feel good, but…”

  “But?” Dieter prodded.

  “I wish you were here. I know I would feel better, great, if you were touching me. I always feel awesome when you’re touching me.”

  “I feel the same way, sweetheart. Now, pull down your boxers. Kick them off.”

  After a moment, Kyle said, “Done.”

  “Take the other hand, the one that’s not on your balls, and finger the skin right outside of your hole.”

  “Oh, God,” Kyle moaned.

  “Touch your taint, baby. Tease it.”

  Kyle’s breathing deepened. The shift matched Dieter’s. His own cock was hard and heavy between his thighs. It was taking everything in him not to touch himself. He knew if he fisted himself just the tiniest bit, he would be able to come, but he didn’t want a quick release. He wanted the bone-deep pleasure he found between Kyle’s thighs.

  Little moans were coming out of Kyle’s mouth. Dieter recognized the distinct sounds. The human was close. “Now, sweetheart, jerk your cock.”

  “Oh…oh,” Kyle groaned.

  “That’s it. Harder, baby. Faster. Are you close?”

  “Yes. Oh, yes.”

  “Fuck your fist. Harder. Yeah, just like that.” He breathed the words out through a panting mouth. He hadn’t touched himself, wouldn’t even allow his hands to move past his waist, but he was so damned turned on.

  Shit! Then Kyle was coming, releasing whimpering keening sounds of pleasure. His cries nearly brought Dieter to his knees.

  A few minutes later, when Kyle’s breathing was a little more controlled, Dieter ventured to ask the human, “Are you…”

  “Fine?” Kyle chuckled. “Yeah, I’m great. If it got any better, I would have a heart attack.”

  “Get dressed, babe. I’ll be over to get you in thirty minutes.”

  Kyle muttered something that might have been ‘okay’ before hanging up. Dieter leaned back in his seat and released a deep breath. “By the Goddess,” he exclaimed. Nothing compared to sex with Kyle, but phone sex with him was pretty mind blowing. He could not wait until tonight.

  * * * *

  “Kyle.” Dieter’s voice was low and dark with arousal and exasperation.

  Kyle didn’t think such a combination was possible, and to think it was all because of what he’d promised the European when they got back to his place. Kyle had promised to do a host of wicked, dirty things to and for the vampire in thanks for taking him on the most awesome date in the history of dates ever.

  First, Dieter had managed to snag tickets to the technology convention in town and he’d actually gotten the chance to meet and speak with some of the smartest people in the industry. He’d actually exchanged business cards with some of those people. It hadn’t escaped his notice that Dieter knew some of the men and women he watched and idolized on a first-name basis. As if that wasn’t enough, Dieter had gotten them tickets to a comedy show and the comedian in question had just happened to be his favorite actor. The comedian was getting up there in years and rarely toured so his tickets were quite expensive and they sold out quickly. Kyle didn’t even want to think about how much the superhuman had paid for the flipped tickets. The number would probably give him nightmares.

  Now, they were eating in an upscale five-star restaurant that seemed to have the longest hours possible. Midnight had passed hours ago and yet it was full. Everywhere he looked there were gorgeous smiling faces. Kyle was reminded sharply of the Italian restaurant he’d first eaten dinner with Dieter in, but this was an Argentinean Steak House.

  Kyle leaned across the table and looked Dieter right in the eye. “Best blow job ever. I’m going to suck your nuts until you come.” He felt so wicked for thinking the words let alone saying them. There was something about saying and acting this way in such a high-class restaurant that turned him on immensely. It was a little like having sex in a library. He shifted in his seat.

  As soon as he got home he was going to look up the nearest library and drag Dieter there. A blow job between the technology stacks sounded like a dream come true.

  Eyes bright, forehead beaded with sweat, Dieter leaned back and swallowed thickly. “I’m never going to make it through this dinner. You’re hell on a being’s control,” he whispered before sending Kyle a look full of irritation and desire.

  He gave the superhuman a bright smile. “I try.”

  “You succeed,” Dieter huffed before slouching in his seat. Kyle cut him an interested and concerned glance. Dieter had the most proper manners. The man always moved like he was being watched and critiqued by the Queen of England. Kyle had never seen him so relaxed. Not even in his apartment, well, except for after sex.

  However, there was one other time he’d seen Dieter act like this—at the Italian restaurant.

  Eyes sharp, Kyle looked around the steak house. There were just too many similarities between this place and the last eatery for him to ignore. The first thing he noticed was the clientele. It was as to be expected, rich and powerful men an
d women dining on the finest ingredients cooked by masters of their trade.

  Their beauty held him mesmerized. No one compared to Dieter, he was the most attractive of all the people in the room, but they weren’t far behind him in the looks department. It was jarring.

  One particular male captured his attention. The man had long, bright-blue hair, and fair features. He was gorgeous, prettier than any runway model Kyle’d ever seen on a billboard or television, male or female model.

  Just to confirm, Kyle’s gaze dropped to his waist. The man with blue hair definitely had a package, a large one going by the size of that bulge. His eyes lifted as he caught movement. The man swept his hair behind one ear and leaned forward toward his dinner partner, an equally beautiful man with auburn hair and rugged features.

  Kyle blinked rapidly, unsure of what he’d seen, because if he trusted his vision, the blue-haired guy had large, sharply tipped ears. Elf ears.

  Head down, he rubbed his eyes. He looked at the man again. This time his ears appeared to look normal. Kyle glared at his goblet.

  “Everything okay?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, just think I should lay off on the wine tonight.” Almost from the first night they’d entered their agreement, Dieter had been doing his best to culture Kyle with wine and fine food.

  Dieter chuckled. “What makes you say that?”

  “I totally just thought I saw elf ears on some guy.” He shook his head and exclaimed, “Elf ears!”

  Dieter flinched and straightened. His silver gaze bored into him. “What?” he asked softly. His voice was deadly with intent.

  Voice slight with uncertainty, Kyle repeated himself. Dieter’s reaction was making him uncomfortable. Not for the first time, Kyle wondered if Dieter was telling the truth when he’d said he was something other than human. Kyle hadn’t believed him because…really, vampires?

  Oddly, he was starting to hope Dieter wasn’t human. Kyle really liked the German and could easily see himself falling for him, if he hadn’t already. He wasn’t sure he could give that last part of himself over to the German if he thought Dieter was in any way connected to his cousin’s suicide.


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