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A Vampire for Christmas

Page 12

by Tuesday Morrigan

  “I meant what I said. I don’t lie. I really did miss your lips.”

  Kyle flushed a lovely shade of pink. He darted a glance down the hall. Dieter’s eyes followed his gaze. They were alone. “We just left your place and you spent the better part of the night fucking me into your mattress,” Kyle whispered heatedly.

  “Hmmm,” Dieter moaned, already missing the feel of Kyle’s warm, tight channel. No one compared to Kyle. The vampire was sure he could live a thousand years and not find a better lover. He hadn’t taken a sip of Kyle’s blood yet, but he just knew if he did, a True Mate bond would settle between them.

  The thought of entering into a bond with Kyle, especially one as intense as a True Mate bond, should have filled him with fear, but it didn’t. Excitement filled his breast and threatened to seep from his pores. How could he be less than thrilled when a True Mate was a god’s-granted partner, a person to complete him and fulfill his every need like no other? Dieter would be the same for his True Mate, strong where his partner was weak.

  Humans spoke of soul mates, but True Mates were something greater.

  Kyle’s mind, body, soul and blood called to Dieter.

  He tugged on Kyle’s wrist and the brunet stumbled into his embrace. “If I could, I would spend every waking moment deep inside of you. Each and every kiss just takes the edge off the need I feel for you.”

  Kyle’s mouth dropped open. He dearly wanted to put something long and hard between those parted lips. He was amused to see Kyle staring at him in jaw-dropping wonder. “You’re serious,” Kyle whispered after several moments, his voice light with acceptance.

  “Of course I am, sweetheart. You’re hot, so smoking hot.”

  Kyle shook his head and laughed. He placed his hands on his cheeks and pulled his head down. “You’re blind as a fucking bat, but I think I can handle that,” he chuckled before placing a swift kiss against his mouth. “Will that hold until we reach the club?”

  Dieter titled his head back and mock-frowned in concentration. “I would prefer a blow job.” He paused to leer at Kyle. “But I can wait until tonight,” he continued before dragging the man to the elevator. They didn’t have to wait long for one of the elevators to arrive. He stepped on after Kyle.

  His senses went wild immediately. He blinked at the jagged feeling of aggression that almost instantly filled his body. His vision brightened, his sense of smell and taste improved, his hearing became clearer and goose bumps broke out along his body as his skin hardened. When he felt his nails growing into razor-sharp talons he knew he needed to calm himself. He closed his eyes.

  “Dieter?” Kyle called uncertainly. The acrid sent of fear filled his nostrils. He was scaring his lover.

  “I’m fine. Just give me a moment,” Dieter assured him without opening his eyes.

  “Is this a super mutant thing?” Kyle asked tentatively.

  “I thought we settled this?” Dieter retorted automatically.

  Kyle sent him a shaky smile. “Is this a vampire thing?” he corrected.

  Dieter nodded. “Yes.” He took a deep breath and focused on nothing. It was hard, so very difficult at first, especially when he took a whiff he caught a scent that sharply reminded him of his father’s lupine guardian. He knew the man wasn’t in the States let alone in his building since his father was in Australia conducting a business deal. He guessed the familiar scent was what had sent his senses reeling. Once he centered himself, Dieter opened his eyes.

  Eyes wide and bright, Kyle was watching him. “That was frightening and fascinating,” he said after a moment.

  Dieter rolled his eyes. Trust his lover not to be too upset with his loss of control. He sniffed. The man was definitely more fascinated than frightened. That and incredibly turned on. He considered taking the elevator right back to his apartment but stopped himself. He and Kyle hadn’t really gone out since they’d started this thing between them and he didn’t want the human to think he was after just sex.

  If he really wanted to convince him of that truth, Dieter needed to make sure they had activities outside the bedroom. Now, the human was well aware that Dieter was a living, breathing vampire. Sticking around for admittedly awesome sex with a guy who had regular cravings for O+ and spending the rest of your life with him were two very different things. He mentally sighed and stepped off the elevator. He held out his hand for Kyle’s and froze.

  His senses hadn’t lied. He should have trusted them. A tall, ebony-haired man with rich brown skin stood several feet away from the elevators. He seemed to encompass the corridor that separated the elevators from the general lobby area.

  Bilal Dhi’b. His father’s lupine guardian.

  If Bilal was here, then so were his parents.

  “What’s wrong?” Kyle’s sharp tone reminded him of his presence. He wiggled his hand, reminding the smaller brunet of his outstretched arm. Lips pursed in a frown, Kyle slid his palm into Dieter’s larger one. Kyle stood near so they were as close to hip to hip as they could be with their height difference, before returning his gaze to the werewolf standing several feet away. “Good evening, Bilal,” Dieter greeted and bent his neck to him in greeting. Never let it be said that Dieter Mossel couldn’t be courteous even when he was silently freaking the fuck out, as Kyle would say.

  “Evening, Little Master Dieter,” Bilal replied and bowed low at the waist.

  Dieter grimaced briefly at the qualifier and title. Bilal was family. As much as a father to him as his own biological father. He hated the formality and being called little, but he knew Bilal was being especially proper since Kyle was there. They had to maintain an image for outsiders.

  “Kyle Lepiz, this is Bilal Dhi’b. He works for my father and is a close family friend. Bilal, this is Kyle, my boyfriend.”

  He felt the human jerk in his hold but ignored it. His eyes were riveted to Bilal’s strong face. The man blinked and his mouth turned down the tiniest bit. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed the minute change in his features, not even another supernatural, but Dieter was family. Bilal was not pleased. It was to be expected.

  “I suppose Mother and Father are somewhere nearby?” he questioned.

  Bilal’s mouth turned up into a grin. “Of course. There are waiting for you in the car.” He paused and tilted his head to the right. “Correction, they are leaving to meet us in the lobby.”

  Dieter grimaced. He considered inviting his parents up to his place, but dismissed it. Less would be said in public and he didn’t even want to envision how awkward the elevator ride was going to be. It looked like they were going to have this out on the first floor of his rental.

  He heard, smelled and felt them all at the same time. The soft tread of leather-clad feet, the distinctive scent of his mother’s floral perfume and the call of like blood reached him together. Might as well go meet them head on, he thought, and tightened his grip around Kyle’s waist. As usual Bilal’s broad form followed.

  His father appeared austere as usual. It was disarming on such a tall, handsome man. His father had light brown, almost blond, hair and sharply hewn features. Dieter had gotten his height and eye color from his father.

  Typically, his mother looked lovely. With her light brown skin, dark eyes and hair and fine features, she was the picture-perfect example of a Middle Eastern princess. None would know that she was the commanding force of the family.

  “Mother, Father, this is my boyfriend, Kyle Lepiz. Kyle, these are my parents, Anitra and Quintus Mossel.”

  His father tilted his head in greeting and held out his hand.

  Dieter loosened his hold around Kyle’s waist, giving the human the opportunity to take Dieter’s father’s hand. Eyes keen, Dieter watched as they shook. “What brings you guys to New York, Father?” he asked once Kyle was snuggled back at his side. “I could have sworn you were scheduled to be in Australia to finalize a deal.”

  His father’s mouth tightened and he could smell the slightest salt in the air. A quick glance confirmed his sense of smell.
His mother looked ready to cry. “Family comes first, Dieter. We came here to bring you back home and return you to your fiancée.”

  Dieter closed his eyes and tilted his head back in exasperation. Did his father really have to say that word, and right in front of Kyle? The brunet stiffened in his arms and attempted to pry his hand out of Dieter’s. ‘Attempted’ being the key word since Dieter wasn’t letting go. He refused to allow any distance between them.

  He opened his eyes and glared at his father. “I have no fiancée,” he retorted, making sure his words were strong and clear.

  “Dieter?” his mother called lightly as his father replied with a purring, “Is that so?”

  The skin on his nape lifted at the purr in his father’s voice. The man was angry and the demon was near to the surface. Still, he would not back down on his this. “I never agreed to marry. Mother and Grandsire’s plan was never my own. I came to New York for a reason.”

  “Ran away,” his father muttered.

  Dieter shook his head. His father sounded like a five-year-old. Comfortable with allowing her husband to dictate the conversation until then, Anitra stepped forward. “Dieter, please do not act like a child. Our sire has spoken. You and Katja are engaged.”

  He snorted. “Funny, I don’t recall popping the question or providing her with a ring. Tell me, Mother, did you stand in my place? I know how interested you and grandfather are in getting us together.”

  Anitra’s left hand tightened into a fist but other than that there was no proof of her displeasure.

  “You are promised. That is the end of the story. You have embarrassed the family enough with your cowardly actions. Come now, Dieter, and leave the human. Katja waits.” She held out her hand.

  Something in Dieter snapped at her icy words and callous attitude. “That is not the end of the story. I am here searching for my True Mate and I believe I have found him.”

  His father gasped while his mother snorted. “Surely, you jest, Dieter. This…little human is whom you want to spend the rest of your existence with? Do not make me laugh.”

  “Anitra!” his father reprimanded. She ignored him. He strode over to her and grabbed her arm, pulling Anitra to him. She tried to force her way out of his hold, but his grip was too tight.

  His father’s dark face promised punishment for his mother’s words. Dieter loved his mother, always would, but he hated her bigotry. His father felt the same way. Quintus wasn’t fond of the fact that his wife looked down on all humans. His father grabbed his mother’s arm and pulled her roughly to him. “Anitra, if Dieter speaks the truth, we will leave him and his intended alone. You and your father will let him be.”

  Quintus’ voice was quiet but determined. His father rarely put his foot down where his wife was concerned, but this seemed to be one of those times. Dieter sent his father a look full of thanks. It was nice to know someone was on his side. His father hadn’t been for the engagement, but he hadn’t spoken against it, preferring to keep his silence on the topic.

  Dieter turned to his mate. One glance at Kyle’s face told him he needed to speak fast. He guided his human back toward the elevator corridor. It wasn’t exactly private, but it was better than nothing.

  “I am not engaged or in a relationship with anyone,” he said quickly.

  Kyle took a deep, chest-expanding breath, and released it loudly. “Explain. Quickly. Because I’m not the kind of boy who’s looking to put ‘home-wrecking slut’ on his resume.”

  Dieter almost grinned at that. If things weren’t so serious right now, he definitely would have. “Katja and I grew up together. We’re friends. I have no interest in her, but our families are old allies and would like to formally join. My mother and grandsire are eager for us to marry. I declined and when it became clear that my views were not appreciated, I left.”

  Kyle gave him a small grin. “So, your father wasn’t exactly lying when he said you ran away?”

  Dieter sent him an answering smile. “Yes and no,” he replied with a chuckle. “Yes, I was tired of being ignored and irritated, but I also knew there was little I could do to change my mother and grandsire’s mind.” He shrugged. “So, I left to find the one thing that would convince them to stop their foolish plans.”

  “Which is?”

  “My True Mate.”

  Large brown eyes stared up at him. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “If you’re thinking of a soul mate, then yes, the closest human equivalent to a True Mate is a soul mate.”

  “And you think I’m that—your True Mate.”

  Dieter kissed him swiftly, determined to clear that frightened, unsure look off his face. “When I left, I spent a year and a half traveling the world, searching for that elusive person. I dated but no one kept my attention. No one but you. I am sure you are my True Mate. My blood calls for you. My soul aches for you. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted another. I know you are everything for me. My True Mate.”

  * * * *

  The words left Kyle reeling. Dieter Mossel, the most beautiful and perfect man on the planet, a vampire, wanted him, Kyle Antonio Lepiz. Holy guacamole! He pinched himself. Ouch. Okay, this is really happening. “Holy…” He stopped himself from finishing the exclamation. Dieter’s parents already weren’t pleased with his presence. The last thing he wanted to do was give them another reason not to like the human, so no filthy mouth.

  He reached up and grabbed Dieter around the neck. The vampire automatically dipped his head. Their kiss was sweet and hot, everything he wanted and needed at the moment. Kyle curled his body closer to Dieter’s. He wanted to crawl inside this incredible man and bask in his awesomeness.

  Their kiss grew hotter, more erotic, and Kyle’s hands drifted to Dieter’s front while the German gripped his bottom. A cleared throat reminded them that they were not alone. It was like a splash of icy cold water.

  Jesus H Christ. He was three seconds away from jerking Dieter off in front of his parents. He was doing a bang-up job on his first impression. He was sure the older Mossels would remember meeting him with fondness.

  His mother would be so ashamed of him.

  Cheeks red, he broke off the kiss and moved out of Dieter’s arms. The vampire was reluctant to let him go, but Kyle wasn’t having that. Right by his side was close enough. Plus, the quicker they could get this meeting over with, the sooner he could be alone with Dieter.

  He was Dieter’s True Mate, his soul mate, and while Kyle wasn’t the smartest cookie, he knew Dieter must love him. A man didn’t claim you as his True Mate to his parents, angry ones at that, and not love you.

  Oh my Jobs! Dieter loved him. Dieter. Mossel. Loved. Him. Kyle. Lepiz.

  He was starting to feel a little faint. He needed some air, maybe one of those little fans his mother carried everywhere, and chocolate, because this was monumental and deserved a celebration.

  Kyle turned as the door to the building opened, letting in the winter chill. He’d forgotten until then that they were having this conversation in the lobby of Dieter’s luxurious apartment. There was a tall, dark-haired woman standing just in front of the glass door.

  Chills that had nothing to do with the cold weather moved down his spine. Dieter stilled next to him and heavy unease settled in his gut. He glanced sharply at his boyfriend before looking back at the woman. Kyle had seen some truly weird shit in New York City, but there was something about this woman that unnerved him. She made the hardened New Yorker in him uncomfortable.

  She looked totally out of place, even in New York, where everyone was an original. She was wearing a luxurious, floor-length ball grown that the fashionista fag in him just knew was an original and cost thousands of dollars. Protecting her from the cold was a thick fur coat opened to display the gown.

  The woman herself was just as beautiful and antiquated as the dress she wore. Her skin was pale like the creamiest milk, but it wasn’t sickly-looking. No, her complexion was luminescent. She had dark soulful eyes and gorgeous thick brown hair t
hat fell in ringlets around her pretty face.

  “Dieter?” she called and took a step forward.

  “Katja,” Dieter replied in a low voice. His tone was soft. Intimate.

  The unease within Kyle’s gut solidified. Katja. This was the woman Dieter’s family wanted him to marry. The family friend. The female he grew up with. Funny, how Dieter’d never mentioned she was beautiful. Timelessly lovely.

  Kyle was nothing compared to her.

  Katja walked farther into the lobby. “Dede, my love.”

  Dieter dropped his hand and Kyle swore his heart plummeted to the ground. Ice settled along his skin as icicles stabbed his chest. Fuck!

  “Kitty.” Dieter strode across the room and swept the woman into his arms. He spun her in a circle and the sound of her delighted laughter sounded like nails on a chalkboard and felt like glass shards in a wound. Kyle didn’t move. He told himself Dieter was just greeting his friend. Dieter did say they’d grown up together. Just because he didn’t want to marry her didn’t mean he didn’t like her. They were friends. Just friends.

  Kyle repeated the words over and over again in his mind until Dieter lowered her to the ground and pressed his lips to hers.

  That was not in the friend code.

  “I told you, Quinn!” Dieter’s mother whispered smugly to her husband. Kyle darted a glance toward them and looked back at Dieter.

  He wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but he wasn’t going to stay around to figure it out. Confronting Dieter about his lying, cheating ass was an option, but why bother.

  He wasn’t going to stand there like an idiot and watch Dieter make out with his fiancée. Judging by the heat in that kiss, Dieter had obviously lied when he’d said they weren’t together. Kyle wasn’t sure what he told Dieter’s parents, but he made some flimsy excuse and fairly ran out of the building.

  * * * *

  The moment Kyle ran out of the room, Dieter broke himself away from Katja’s thrall. His demon roared to the surface. His snarl filled the lobby and echoed off the walls. His parents’ gaze swung back to him in horror. He knew they could smell the sticky sweet scent of his rage, feel his pulsing aura. He didn’t care.


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