A Vampire for Christmas

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A Vampire for Christmas Page 13

by Tuesday Morrigan

  He prowled toward Katja. “You dare…you dare to thrall me away from my True Mate!” he roared and lunged for her. He saw Bilal out the side of his eye a moment too late. One second Bilal was in his peripheral vision and the next he was snatching Dieter out of the air and slamming him to the marble floor, preventing him from ripping out Katja’s fine throat with his descended incisors.

  “Dieter!” his mother screamed. He could hear the heavy footsteps of the human who manned the front desk on the main level. His mother’s yells and the human’s calls for additional security were faint. Their voices sounded as though they were at least a mile away.

  He only had one focus—Katja’s impending demise.

  Dieter snarled and screamed profanities at Katja, promising her death as soon as he broke Bilal’s hold. He asked then demanded that the lupine release him so he could exact punishment upon his former friend, but Bilal wouldn’t hear a word he said.

  His father stomped halfway to Katja. “Tell me my son is mistaken, Katja, when he says you used your thrall to pull him away from his human.”

  Backed up against one of the polished walls, Katja stared at his father with fear and horror in her wide eyes. The sight of her fear brought Dieter no pleasure. “I… I thought… The man is human.”

  His sire closed his eyes.

  Dieter’s snarls grew louder at the slight against Kyle. Human or not, his True Mate was perfect. Nothing on the planet compared to his lover.

  His father pivoted and turned his back on Katja. He looked down at Bilal and Dieter with luminescent eyes. “Calm down, my child. Now!” his father demanded using his Sire ’s call. The anger and tension bled out of Dieter’s body almost instantly. “Bilal, you may let the boy rise.”

  Bilal released him and rolled to his feet fluidly. He held out his hand for Dieter, but Dieter ignored the lupine guardian and stood. Hate in his heart and surely on his face, he glanced at Katja briefly before looking at his father. “I will never ever marry this…female. I never want to see her again and there is nothing you or my grandsire can say that will change my mind. I will call a Blood Feud on her and her line before I marry her.”

  Katja started to cry, but he ignored her piteous moans. There would be no forgiveness in his heart. Though he’d calmed down, his fingers were still clawed with the need to rip out her treacherous heart. No, there definitely wouldn’t be any understanding from him.

  “Bilal,” his father called lightly. “I think it would be best if a car was brought here to pick up Ms Hahn. She will be departing tonight to return to Germany,” he said icily, his words clipped with anger.

  “Katja! Speak up, child. Tell them or they will think the worst.”

  Dieter shook his head at his mother’s obvious denial. He was disgusted by her ability to keep pretending in the face of the frank truth. Katja hadn’t denied his claims. If she hadn’t used her thrall on him, she would have said that immediately. He knew his mother had grown up with Katja’s mother and considered the woman to be her best friend, but this was too much.

  He glared at his mother, glanced at Bilal and his father and straightened his clothing. He’d made his position clear. He didn’t give a damn what his parents or grandsire did. “I must go and find my mate and beg his forgiveness. Hopefully, her jealous actions have not cost me my True Mate,” he said before striding out of the building to run after Kyle.

  Dieter had kissed Katja in front of Kyle after promising the human that there was nothing going on between them. He was painfully afraid there was nothing he could say to fix this.

  Chapter Eight

  For the first time in over a week, Kyle stepped into his apartment. He’d needed some time away from his place and NYC as a whole after Dieter had broken his heart right after claiming Kyle was his True Mate. Kyle had gone to his oldest sister’s house and basked in her care, allowing her to feed him countless pounds of rich food and wipe his tears when she wasn’t running after her rambunctious horde.

  He snorted. Having seen her, Katja, well, he really couldn’t blame Dieter. She was quite beautiful.

  His right hip started pulsating almost the moment after Kyle closed the door. “Leave me alone,” Kyle screamed at his vibrating phone. He didn’t even need to look at the damned thing to know who was calling. He’d taken it off sound and put it on vibrate when it had become clear Dieter was going to call him all the damned time, regardless of the time and whether he even answered. His voice mail was full of messages he didn’t bother to listen to and he’d long learned to put his text messages on silent.

  He wished he could do the same for all his calls, but he was waiting to see if he’d made it through the second round of interviews for one of the many jobs he’d applied for.

  Dieter had cost him a lot. He wasn’t going to allow him to ruin this chance.

  He hadn’t been home for ten minutes and he already wished he was back in Jersey. Kyle hadn’t been able to look at his apartment when he’d finally made it back to his place the morning after The Incident. Even in his mind he’d capitalized the night he saw Dieter kissing his fiancée.

  Kyle had a new F-word in his vocabulary and it wasn’t four letters long. His family quickly discovered fiancée was a curse word that should never be uttered in front of him. Thankfully, none of his siblings were engaged. Or looking to get engaged.

  Tonight would be his first night back in his apartment. He’d driven straight to work from his mom’s house. He hadn’t even considered returning the night before the new workweek.

  “I don’t understand you humans and your need to talk to inanimate objects.”

  Heart in his throat, Kyle froze at the unknown masculine voice. Someone was in his apartment. He couldn’t think past that. He knew he should move, do something to protect himself from this unknown intruder, but he was frozen in fear.

  He understood now why animals stilled when cars came bearing down on them on the road.

  The man released a heavy sigh. “Relax, little human, I am not here to hurt you.” He heard a knob turn before his living room was bathed in yellow light. “If I wanted to do that, you would already be dead.”

  “That was in no way comforting to know.” The words were out of his mouth as soon as his brain thought them. He closed his eyes. His motor mouth had run off again.

  The man chuckled. “I can see what Little Master Dieter sees in you. I don’t believe you will ever bore him.”

  Kyle slowly opened his eyes. Part of him, like ninety-nine point nine nine nine percent, was really hoping he was dreaming and that the guy and voice wouldn’t actually be there. He wasn’t. Dreaming that was. There was definitely a man sitting on his ragged second-hand sofa. Kyle recognized him instantly. He was the black man who had come with Dieter’s parents to find the wayward vampire.

  Bilal something.

  He was the Mossel family bodyguard or at least that was the impression Kyle had got from their short meeting. His large form dwarfed the run-down seating. Kyle wished he’d had money to spend on a good leather sectional because his grandmother’s floral loveseat, oddly enough, made Bilal look like even more of a bad ass. So not cool.

  “How did you get in here?” Kyle was pleased to note his voice was actually steady when he spoke. Miracles of miracles.

  “I am a multimillionaire werewolf trained in the killing arts. I can pick a lock,” Bilal replied sardonically.

  Wasn’t that a mouthful? Kyle nodded in understanding before his brain stuttered on ‘werewolf’.

  Then again he’d been sleeping with a vampire for a few weeks now.

  “Do you want something to drink while you tell me why you’re here?” Kyle might as well make the meeting as comfortable as possible seeing as how he couldn’t kick Bilal out. Werewolf trained in the killing arts, and all.

  He strode toward the kitchen. If this conversation was happening, he was going to need something alcoholic. He rummaged through his fridge and found a bottle of wine. His chest hurt as he pulled it out. Dieter had always brough
t wine over for their nights at his place.

  The vampire went against Kyle’s stereotypical view of Germans who wanted a great beer with every meal and preferred a good glass or two of red with his dinner, even when it was delivery.

  “If it is not too much to ask, I wouldn’t mind a glass of water, Mr Lepiz.”

  “Got it!” he called back before preparing their drinks. He downed a whole glass of red before refilling his goblet and venturing out to the living room. He placed the water on a coaster in front of Bilal before taking a seat. Kyle couldn’t believe he was keeping it together enough not to run screaming from his apartment, let alone play the polite host. His mama would be so proud.

  Bilal took a measured sip of water and held the glass between his large hands. His dark eyes seemed to search Kyle for several moments before he ventured to speak. “You have not been answering Little Master Dieter’s calls.”

  Kyle’s hand tightened on his glass. “Contrary to what you people might believe, ‘human’ is not synonymous with ‘stupid’. I know what I saw.”

  “Do you?”

  Kyle stiffened then forcefully made himself relax. “I saw them. Saw him. Dieter kissed her.” He couldn’t bring himself to think her name, let alone say it. If fiancée was a curse, her name was taboo.

  “It wasn’t by choice.”

  He snorted. “Pull the other one. It’s got bells on it.”

  Bilal tilted his head to the side, and confusion clear on his face, he stared at Kyle. “I do not understand, but I believe you are saying you do not believe me, yes?”

  Oh, yeah. Foreigners. How weird was it that Kyle wasn’t sure if the term ‘foreigner’ applied to Bilal because he was a freaking werewolf or because he was raised abroad. The accent was a dead giveaway of the latter.

  “Have you heard of thrall?” Bilal asked.

  A sinking feeling settled in his stomach. “Yes,” he croaked. After accepting that Dieter wasn’t just fucking around with him, Kyle had looked up everything there was on vampires.

  Hell, he’d even gone old school and visited a physical library.

  “It is a gift granted to all of the vampire lines.” Kyle paused and took a sip.

  “All werewolves are equal, but some are more equal than others,” Bilal murmured.

  A heavy pause settled between them.

  “My mother first told me that when I was a child. Most werewolves make great guardians. Physically, we are stronger than our vampire brothers. Magically, as a whole they best us, but some lines, some families—”

  “Are more equal than others,” Kyle supplied for him.

  Bilal smiled. “Yes. My family is known for their ability to see ward magic. The Mossel line is renowned for their soul magic and the Hakns are known illusionists. They are particularly gifted at thrall.”

  “Oh.” There was so much he wanted to say, but the words wouldn’t come out and he wasn’t even sure any words would do his feelings justice.

  “Yes. It seems Katja thought you unworthy of Dieter’s affection and decided to rectify the situation. Normally, vampires are not susceptible to another vamp’s thrall, but Katja is a Hakn and a particularly gifted one.”

  Hand shaking, Kyle placed his wine goblet on the center table. His face dropped to his hands. “Oh, God.”

  Katja enthralled Dieter into kissing her.

  And Kyle had walked out on Dieter.

  He hadn’t given Dieter a chance to explain himself and it turned out the vampire hadn’t wanted to kiss that woman. He wasn’t in love with or engaged to her, and Kyle hadn’t had the guts to even confront him. If he had… “She forced him.”

  “Yes,” Bilal agreed sourly. “Things are tense between the Mossel and Hakn lines. The Hakn Patriarch is doing all he can to avoid bloodshed. Dieter is not helping things.”

  Kyle snorted. “Of course not! What she did was—”

  “Wrong. Inexcusable. Despicable. There are a thousand words I could use to describe her actions and none would do it justice. What I meant was that Dieter’s failing health is making the whole situation worse. His grandsire is ready to call a Blood Feud.”

  Kyle’s head snapped up. “He’s sick?”

  “Hmm, yes. I believe he is self-destructing.”

  “Self-destructing?” Kyle repeated faintly.

  “Yes. There are downfalls to being more than human. Matters of the heart are one of the most prominent.” Bilal lowered his glass to the table and leaned forward. Elbows on his thighs, he looked back at Kyle. Kyle’s heart started pounding.

  “I, we, believe sometime during your courtship, he began the process of making you his consort. I don’t believe he did it purposely, but… Though unfinished the separation is harming him, especially since he wants to be by your side.”

  “Dios mios,” Kyle whispered, slipping into Spanish. This was bad, all kinds of bad. “Is he…is he still there? Has he moved?”

  “No, I didn’t think it prudent and I know he wouldn’t have allowed it.” Bilal stood and held out his hand. A set of keys and a magnetic card sat in his broad palm. Kyle snatched them and headed for his front door. “Thanks. A lot.” He opened the door and looked over his shoulder. “Feel free to make yourself comfortable or let yourself out when you’re ready to leave.”

  He had a vampire to save.

  Several minutes later Kyle was in front of Dieter’s door. He’d pretty much ran there as quickly as possible. Huffing a little, he waited for his heart to stop racing before he knocked. He had the keys if Dieter refused to let him in.

  He wasn’t waiting in the hallway for long.

  Dieter opened the door and stared at him.

  “Uh, hi?” Kyle said and gave a little wave. A wave of embarrassment flushed through him almost immediately. If Dieter wasn’t standing in front of him looking at him like he was a ghost, he would totally face-palm himself for his stupidity.

  “Kyle?” Dieter questioned, voice weak from unease. Or maybe exhaustion. His vampire looked like shit. He appeared withdrawn and tired. He was deathly pale, his hair was greasy and there were shadows beneath his eyes.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Can I come in? I think we need to talk.”

  Dieter’s face tightened. He pulled the door a little closer as though he couldn’t bear for Kyle to even look into his apartment. “I’ve been trying to contact you for days, and now, you want to talk?”

  “I know, and I’m sorry, but please, Dieter, can I come in?”

  Dieter’s face softened and he released the door. It swung open wide. He took a step back and to the side and gestured for Kyle to enter. “Might as well get this over with,” he muttered under his breath, but Kyle heard him.

  He felt horrible knowing Dieter thought he’d come to officially end things between them. He closed the door softly behind him.

  Back to him, Dieter walked deeper into the apartment.

  “I’m sorry, Dieter.”

  The vampire stilled then slowly turned. “You’re sorry?”

  “I should have trusted you. I should have believed you. I mean I know you’re better than that. You don’t lie. Why would you cheat?”

  “I’m not with her.”

  “I know, baby. I know.” Kyle ran across the room to wrap his arms around Dieter’s waist. The vampire returned the embrace.

  “What convinced you?” Dieter asked after several minutes.

  Kyle sighed. He hated admitting that he hadn’t believed Dieter on his own. He told him about Bilal’s visit.

  “I understand,” Dieter said lightly when Kyle was done his tale.

  The human shook his head. “You shouldn’t. I mean I should have at least asked you what the hell was going on!”

  “You saw me kissing a woman who claimed to be my fiancée. I don’t blame you. Nobody blames you. All of this is on Katja and her alone.”

  Kyle nodded against his vampire’s chest. He could accept that if Dieter was willing to believe it. He just wanted to stay in his superhuman’s arms and listen to the slower beat of his he

  Dieter pulled away slightly to look down at him. “Now what?” he asked softly.

  Kyle looked up at him. Dieter really did look pretty bad. “Sleep.” He stepped to the side, but kept one arm around Dieter’s lithe waist. “Come on,” he called before leading the vampire to his bedroom. They both needed sleep. He hadn’t exactly been sleeping well since that night.

  What little sleep he had had was probably the result of one too many glasses of liquor.

  Neither man said a word until they were in bed, under the covers and snuggled against one another.

  “You’re my True Mate.”

  Kyle froze. His heart hammered in his chest at Dieter’s words and fear spiked at the statement. He wanted so badly to believe his words, but he was deathly afraid Dieter was wrong. “How can you be sure?”

  Dieter’s arms tightened around his waist. Kyle automatically rubbed his cheek against the vampire’s naked torso. “I’m forty-one, and I’ve never felt anything close to what I feel for you. Plus, your blood calls to me.”

  “So, my blood would only call to you if I was your mate?”

  Dieter sighed. “Well, that or if I thirsted for blood.”

  Kyle’s stomach plummeted. Judging by Dieter’s appearance, some time had passed since his last feeding.

  “I’m not hungry,” he said as though he could hear Kyle’s thoughts. He rolled them over until Kyle was beneath him. Eyes molten silver with conviction and need looked down at him. “I want you, Kyle, need to claim you, make you my consort.” He rocked his hips against Kyle’s. Dieter’s cock was hard and the brush of his erection against Kyle’s groin was turning him on. Kyle’s cock started to harden and got harder with every thrust.

  “What about being a True Mate? Or is that the same?” Kyle gasped.

  Dieter shook his head wildly. “No, True Mates are special, one for every person, but a consort is just the ultimate partner. Like marriage for a human but more permanent. Any lover can be made a consort, but a True Mate is a once in a lifetime thing. I will never find another True Mate. Just you.” He stilled his hips. “It’s until death, Kyle. They both are. There is no getting out or walking away. Vampires do not divorce.”


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