A Vampire for Christmas

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A Vampire for Christmas Page 14

by Tuesday Morrigan

  Kyle grinned widely. “Sounds perfect. I love you, Dieter. Nothing will change. No one will. I will always love you.”

  “Goddess, I feel the same way.” Dieter kissed Kyle swiftly. “I love you so much. I thought—” He broke off as his voice became watery with unshed tears. “I will never allow you to leave me. You must be sure.”

  “I am. Make me your consort.”

  Dieter groaned. “Say it again. Please, Goddess, say it again.”

  A smile flittered across Kyle’s face. “Make me your consort. Make me yours, Dieter Mossel.”

  That seemed to be enough to drive Dieter over the edge. The German lifted off him, grabbed his pants and pulled them low to expose his hard cock. As usual, he was going commando.

  With his teeth digging into his bottom lip, Kyle quickly undid his pants and pushed them and his boxers down on his hips. Sitting on his haunches, cock bopping between them, Dieter pulled off Kyle’s sneakers before stripping off his pants and boxers.

  Kyle grabbed his lower thighs and pulled them tight against his chest to expose his hole. He could feel it winking at Dieter, demanding his cock. It had been so long, too long since he’d felt Dieter inside him.

  “So pretty,” Dieter whispered before sliding down the bed and lowering his head.

  “Fuck!” Kyle yelped at the first feel of Dieter’s tongue against his rosebud. They’d never done this before and he was really wondering why not. Dieter’s tongue was warm and insistent against his sensitive hole as he licked him over and over again.

  Fire settled in his lower belly and twisted through his body. He was close to coming. “Stop. Please, stop,” he cried. “I want you inside me. Now!” Kyle pulled open the top drawer in the right bedside table and grabbed the lube he knew was there. He threw it to Dieter.

  “Fuck, yes!” Dieter growled, and flicked open the bottle. He coated his length and fingers.

  Kyle eyed his glistening fingers. “Just fuck me. I don’t need any preparation.”

  Dieter’s gaze snapped to his face. “What?”

  “I’m sure. I want to feel you tomorrow.”

  A deep rumbling sound filled the room. It took him a moment to place it. Dieter was purring. “You are so fucking hot,” the vampire whispered before capturing his lips in a demanding kiss.

  Dieter’s tongue tangled with his as he placed one slick hand on his waist. He guided his cock to his dark bud and slowly pressed forward. It burned, almost too much. The pain was just on the right side of the fine line of Kyle’s threshold. The burn felt so good, he couldn’t hold back a pleasurable groan.

  When the vampire was balls deep in his ass, Kyle said, “Welcome home,” and followed up with a wide grin.

  “You. Are. Something.” Each word was followed by an act. Withdraw. Thrust. Withdraw.

  Already, Kyle could feel himself on the precipice of an orgasm. “I’m close,” he cried.

  “Okay. Okay. Me too.” Dieter gasped the words out between heated breaths that teased Kyle’s lips.

  The distance between them was too great. Kyle lifted his head and pressed a wet, open-mouth kiss against Dieter’s lips just as his orgasm slammed into him. He threw his head back and yelled Dieter’s name as the release hit him with the force of an eighteen-wheeler sliding downhill.

  Dieter pulled away. Eyes wide with surprise and growing excitement, Kyle watched as Dieter’s face shifted. His cheekbone and brow bones became sharper, more defined. Golden-brown eyes looked down at him and as Kyle looked back at the otherworldly being between his thighs, he realized the shape of Dieter’s were altered. They were larger and more tilted. Feline.

  Dieter opened his mouth and large, sharp incisors dropped from his top gums. Kyle had a moment to admire the pearl-white, wickedly dangerous eyeteeth before they were sinking into his flesh, right where his left shoulder met his neck.

  Fire and tremendous, glorious pressure filled his veins. His heart raced before slowing to an unnatural pace. He felt weak and powerful impossibly at the same time.


  He didn’t know how he could possible place the feeling, but he knew the power that made Dieter special, something more than human, was curling through his body. Changing him. Making him into something more than human but not as supernatural as Dieter.

  “True Mate. Mine.”

  A growl, deep with satisfaction, followed him until the darkness bleeding on the edge of his vision crowded everything.

  * * * *

  “Kyle, sweetheart, your phone is…singing.”

  Kyle moaned and rolled over. He knew he said something in reply to Dieter’s words, but even he couldn’t translate the grunts that came out of his mouth. He blamed the vampire entirely. Dieter had done too thorough a job fucking him senseless last night. Kyle’s brain was still mush.

  Dieter sighed and pushed heavily on his shoulders. “Wake up, lazy bones.”

  Kyle smacked his hand. He was not lazy. Kyle was the most energetic person he knew. “Please, leave me alone. If you do, I’ll give you the most awesome blow job ever…when I wake up.”

  Dieter chuckled and it was dark and husky and Kyle’s well-trained cock started swelling with the thought of getting some. Oh, Jobs! It was official. He was a sex addict. He should tell Dieter. The man had every right to take advantage of his newfound sluttiness.

  They could up the hours spent in bed. Kyle could quit his job and cater to Dieter’s every sexual need. Wasn’t that in the True Mate handbook? His boyfriend…fiancé…husband was loaded, right? He could totally quit. Kyle started to drift back to sleep thinking of all the ways he could earn his keep at Dieter’s side.

  “I would,” Dieter called lightly from the living room, “but I can’t seem to get your damned phone to stop.”

  “Son of a…” Fed up with getting interrupted, Kyle threw the comforter off his head in a huff and sat up. “What?” he yelled.

  Dieter strode into the room, Kyle’s singing phone in his hand. Kyle took a moment to enjoy the way Dieter’s glorious body moved. Really, there was nothing like the sexy gait of a good-looking man.

  The vampire shook his head at him before throwing his phone. Kyle caught it automatically and like a light switch being thrown he realized what that particular ring tone meant. He’d programed his phone to tell him when he received emails or phone calls from certain people. “Holy guacamole!”


  He ignored Dieter’s question, unlocked his phone and searched for his newest emails. It was the third one down. “Oh…my…God.”

  “I’m starting to get worried here.” There was a threatening purr in Dieter’s voice.

  He looked up and grinned at the vampire. “I got the job.”

  “Which job?”

  His grin dimmed a little. Right, he had interviewed at a lot of places. He’d applied to even more. Then he remembered. “The one you helped me practice for.” He still got an instant boner whenever he remembered that very hot ‘interview’.

  “Oh. Oh!” Dieter strode across the room and climbed into the bed. Eyes wide, Kyle watched his sleek form. It was a little like watching a panther, but not the ones at the Bronx zoo. No, Dieter moved like the beasts that lived in the jungles.

  “You know this means we have to celebrate, right?” Dieter’s cool breath moved over his nape and across his ear. He shivered. “Twice,” Kyle clarified.


  “Oh, yeah. I got my dream job and a vampire for Christmas.”

  “Of course, silly me,” Dieter purred before capturing his lips in a demanding kiss. Kyle totally needed to send his acceptance to the offer, but he could do that tonight. First, he had a vampire to satisfy.

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Finding Home: Pavarus

  Jennifer Wright


  Chapter One

  Wes’ fingers had no mercy for the sides of the canoe he currently held in a death grip. It was either permanently imprint his identity on his current mo
de of transportation, or throw a fit.

  He decided to go with both.

  “What the hell am I doing in a friggin’ canoe going down a friggin’ river?”

  “It’s called having fun, Wes.”

  If he hadn’t been worried about tipping the canoe over, Wes would have turned around and smacked Tony. The man knew Wes didn’t like to get wet, he knew Wes didn’t like the woods and he knew Wes didn’t like camping.

  Who wanted to be out in the middle of the nowhere, sleeping on the hard ground, while wishing you had clear, pond scum-free water to wash your hair? Houses were made for a reason, were they not?

  “You said we’d be staying in a cabin, Tony. You said I’d be sleeping on a nice comfy mattress, not a sleeping bag. You said the most I’d have to worry about would be to help collect firewood, and I still don’t even like that.” Wes shot an annoyed glance over his shoulder at Tony. “I could get a splinter.”

  “We will be on a mattress, an air mattress to be exact, which is more than the others get. And don’t worry your pretty little fingers about the firewood, I’ll get it.”

  “What about the cabin?”

  “Okay, so I lied about the cabin. But don’t worry so much, it’ll be fun.”

  “Fun? You think being out here, where it’s dirty and there are bugs bigger than my hand, is fun? I don’t think so. And don’t think I didn’t catch that little bit about us sleeping on the air mattress. You think, after pulling this crap on me, we’re sleeping together? I think the sun’s starting to fry your brain.”

  “Wesley.” Tony’s voice held plenty of warning but Wes didn’t care. If Tony thought he could get away with this without repercussion, he could think again.

  Wes had only been dating Tony for two months, but that was a month and three weeks longer than needed for Tony to figure out Wes didn’t do nature—plain and simple. But he should have seen it coming. With all the times Tony and his friends went on hikes and bike rides through the mountains, Wes should have known Tony would try to drag him along at some point.

  Why would he want to go hiking? It would only make his feet hurt. And why would he go bike riding? He’d get all sweaty and gross.

  Why was he even dating Tony?

  Because he’s hot and great in bed?

  Oh, yeah, I knew there was something.

  Well, he was seriously going to have to rethink his relationship with Tony after they got back to the normal, modern technology, twenty-first-century world.

  “Hey, Chris?” Tony’s booming voice startled Wes out of his thoughts. “Isn’t the river supposed to split?”

  Across the river in another canoe was Chris with his girlfriend. Chris rested his paddle across his lap as he shuffled through his backpack. Pulling out a map, he studied it with his brows pulled together. “It shouldn’t, no. But this doesn’t look right either.”

  “What do you mean it doesn’t look right?” Wes snapped out. “Aren’t you nature boys supposed to know how to read a map? Oh, please tell me we’re not lost. How can you get lost on a friggin’ river?”

  “Enough, Wes, we’re not lost,” Tony growled. “We’ve just never been down this one before and aren’t used to it. He knows where we’re going. Right, Chris?”

  “Uh…give me a second.”

  “That’s comforting,” Wes said sarcastically.

  “Oh, just shut up already, Wesley.”

  “Excuse me?” Wes shot Jessie—or Jackie, or Jamie, or whatever the hell Chris’ girlfriend’s name was—a venomous look. He really didn’t like the bitch. She always gave off this persona like she was better than him. She was always talking as if he wasn’t there, like he was just a shadow in the background.

  “Don’t start, you two,” Tony ordered.

  “No,” nature-bitch protested. “I’m sorry, Tony, but I can’t stand it anymore. All he does is bitch and whine and complain about every little thing. It’s been nonstop since we got here.”

  “Well excuse me,” Wes returned with a vicious glare. “It’s not like I want to be here, I was tricked.” Wes’ grip on the canoe tightened as his anger started to rise. “I don’t like the woods. I don’t like sweating under this blazing sun, with no signs of relief, because I’m stuck floating down this damn river. I hate bugs, I hate dirt and I hate this stupid trip. Trust me. I don’t want to be here!”

  “Good! Because no one wants you here!”

  That made him pause. Sure, he knew he had been bitchy so far, and he knew that…whatever her name was…didn’t like him, but did the others really feel the same?

  Why had Tony taken him on this stupid trip?

  Wes looked at Chris to gauge his reaction to his girlfriend’s statement, only to find him staring wide-eyed and straight ahead.

  “Uh, guys?” Chris threw the map to the floor of his canoe and grabbed his paddle. “I think I figured out why the river on the map didn’t look right.”

  “Why?” Tony asked.

  “Because we’re on the wrong river.”

  “What?” Wes looked forward to see the rough waters up ahead. “Oh my God.”

  “Hurry, we’ve got to get to shore!” Tony shouted. “Wes, grab your paddle and help me.”

  With shaking hands, Wes reached down between his feet and got his paddle. Fumbling with it, he finally managed to get it in the water.

  “No, not that side, Wes, put the paddle on the other side, we want to go right.”

  The waves of the river were becoming violent as he paddled with everything he had.

  “Harder, Wes!” Tony’s voice was drowned out by the sounds of the waves crashing against the huge rocks that littered their path down the river. “Hold on!”

  He barely managed to get his paddle in the canoe when they dropped five feet. Water splashed over the sides, completely soaking him. As much as he hated water, right now he couldn’t care less. All he cared about was the very large rock that they were heading straight for. Before they could try to change their course they crashed into it—the impact forcing Wes off his seat. Scrabbling to get the paddle out from under him, he sat up just in time to see Tony’s head go under the water next to the canoe.


  The man resurfaced, arms flailing as he cried out.

  Quickly, Wes grabbed his paddle and tried to make his way back to Tony, only to be swept farther away. His heart raced and his muscles burned, but he kept going. An odd noise caught his attention and he turned to see Chris yelling as he and his girlfriend made their way towards Tony.

  Thank God.

  Wes’ canoe sideswiped another rock, knocking him off balance and to the bottom of the canoe again. Pain shot through his hand as he felt it scrape against the cold stone, making him lose his grip on the paddle. “No!” Wes sat up and watched his paddle get pulled farther and farther away from him by the roaring rapids.

  Rolling onto his stomach, Wes looked behind him with hope that Tony had dropped his paddle before he went overboard.

  No such luck.

  Wes sat back up and saw Tony being pulled over the side of the other canoe. He was coughing, but otherwise appeared to be okay.

  Looking ahead again, Wes began to panic. Okay, Tony was safe now, but what about him?

  “Help!” Wes screamed, but he could barely hear himself over the water crashing against the rocks. Frantically, he looked around for something else to paddle with. Tony had some things stuffed at the back end of the canoe and he prayed there was something useful there.

  Sliding on his stomach, he made his way under his bench seat and along the bottom of the canoe to Tony’s end. On his knees he leaned over Tony’s seat and dug through what was—right now—useless junk.

  Hearing the others yelling again, he looked over at them to find them almost to shore and Tony pointing ahead. Turning around he looked to where Tony was pointing. Straight ahead about ten yards—and closing in fast—Wes saw mist coming up from the water.

  What the…?

  His breath caught and his heart stopped as h
e went over the top of the waterfall. Wes screamed as the canoe was swept out from under him and he dropped the twenty-five or so feet to the water below.

  Wes gasped as the cold water surrounded him, which only resulted in him inhaling a vast amount of it. While choking, he kicked his legs with all his might, trying to find his way to the surface, but he kept getting pulled under. His lungs were screaming for air and everything around him was getting dark.

  This is it, I’m going to die! But he didn’t want to die! This couldn’t be the end—he was too young to die.

  He felt himself fading. His panic surged higher as the fear of dying flooding his mind.

  His body jerked, still trying to fight for air. Numbness began to set in as the freezing water chilled him to the bone.

  Then everything went dark.

  * * * *

  Wes became aware of the sensation of free-falling just before he slammed into the ground. Like a large slap to the back, he coughed up the water in his lungs and took in the heavenly bliss of the air around him. After rolling to his side, he lay there for a while, coughing and trying to catch his breath.

  He was alive!

  The hard ground beneath him had never felt so good. Never in a million years did he think that he’d be happy to be lying in the dirt. Wes had never been more scared in his entire life. The pressure in his lungs had made it feel like his body had been about to implode. To feel his body jerk around as it had done before, fighting for air… To slowly feel himself slip away into the darkness…

  Wes shivered, his soaked clothes clinging to his body. His teeth chattered and he felt an icy chill course through him. He curled up into a ball and wrapped his arms around his legs. Every ounce of energy was drained from his body. He just wanted to lie there and wait for Tony and his friends to come down and find him.

  Wes lay there, listening to the sounds of the forest around him. His body began to relax as he listened to the wind flow through the trees. The lullaby of the bugs chirping around him was surprisingly comforting. The air was crisp and fresh. Everything seemed at peace.


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