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Masters of Taboo Presents: Cannibalism, Digesting The Human Condition (Limited Edition)

Page 27

by Biro, Stephen

  Her screams sounded like a humming, just like you told me Diary. That’s when I pulled back and that’s when my teeth wrapped around her Adams apple. It was like a perfect, bulbous mouthful that my teeth could totally wrap around and sink into. My jaw muscles ached as the teeth finally met and I yanked free. I don’t remember much after that, just the taste. It tasted exactly like the dead cat in my living room; sweet with a hint of almonds.

  “What’s that Diary? No… everyone has an Adams apple. She had long hair and perfect tits. I don’t want to hear that. The flies said I did a wonderful job and giving them generations of children and will help others to hear them, to help them.

  “What? No Diary! You told me Mrs. Anderson was off limits. She’s my neighbor, too close to home! Good… I’m trying to listen to all of you but you have been my best friend since the beginning. You understand me more than the rest. I’m tired; it was a long bus ride back. It was too easy because I got a bus ticket back, ten minutes after my meal. I know, kismet, coincidence, whatever. I’m tired, going to go to sleep after I make some ramen noodles.”

  Dear Diary 11/23/10

  It’s been awhile since I talked to you but I had another session with my psychologist. She told me she wanted me to cannibalize her so I would have her power and share it with others. I know; I know… the flies are happy because I ripped open my arm while trying to jump the fence to the other apartment in the projects. I don’t want stitches, the flies are happy now eating my flesh. I know, I know but when you look at it, I ate their babies a couple of weeks ago and now, they are happy, eating me. They’re turning into butterflies now. I can understand it. It’s hard to talk with a mouth full of flesh.

  “What? No… my wounds weren’t visible when I saw the good doctor. I was wearing long sleeves and didn’t itch at all whilst talking to her.

  Diary says, “Who are you going to listen to from now on? Me, the flies or the Doctor?”

  “You can’t say that! Each of you has certain goals and love towards me. I listen to you all!”

  Diary says, “You can’t say that anymore. The flies are happy, since you are giving them a home and a breeding ground. Your doctor, wants you to eat her… on the grounds that she will be giving you, her power for a better life while me… I just want you to be strong and self-sufficient. I want you, to be the strongest person out there.”

  “So, what do you want me to do? Tell me! You’re my oldest friend! You’re everything to me!”

  Diary says, “We are in the circle of life. No matter what happens, the flies, will live and grow stronger because death is a part of life. Your doctor, she wants you to be stronger and she understands that you need to consume her flesh to ingest all that she is and she is stronger then you. Not in a physical way, but in a mental way and not only, does she know that, but she is giving her flesh to you, to consume… so that both of your energy, your power can finally become one. You are in the circle and what you think you know is on the cusp of reality.”

  “I know Dear Diary! I couldn’t have survived this long, without you. I have a scheduled appointment in two days. I will bring some tools and such to make this a reality. I’ve been thinking about my first dinner and I have been ever so hungry, since then. I don’t know why my mouth is watering but it always have been since that day. I have to go to sleep. Thanks Diary!

  Dear Diary 11/26/11

  Oh my God! It makes so much sense! I went to therapy and she knew exactly what was on my mind. We began with my childhood and went all the way to my adulthood, plotting out my thoughts and desires and then she took a left turn. She began to tell me, exactly what I wanted… no… needed to hear!”

  Diary says, “What did she say? Don’t hold it back, I can read your mind!”

  “I would never do that Diary! She told me… point blank… That if I wanted total control and complete power over myself, that I would have to eat, my own flesh!”

  Diary says, “What? No! That’s a fallacy!”

  “No, you are not understanding what she said, she told me, that for me, to have complete control, over myself, that I need to eat my own flesh and not hers or my neighbors or even strangers I don’t know. The power and understanding of life, is buried within my own flesh!”

  The Diary says, “That’s total bullshit! What did you tell her?”

  “Everything she needed to hear. There was even a fly in the room who agreed with me, told me everything she said was to try. I would gain ultimate power by ingesting myself!?

  The flies begin to exasperate and swarm around the living room. They begin to chant and buzz around while saying, “Eatz yourself! You’re holding yourzelf from power!”

  “Diary! That’s why I bought the instruments to make this a reality.”

  He turns towards the boxes he brought into the small living room and begins to unpack them. He pulls out a tray of sterilized surgical instruments and lays them on the coffee table. He stands up and walks into another room and drags in, a nitrous oxide and oxygen tank, setting it beside the couch. The tank is already set up, with a facemask and hoses. He pulls out of the box more equipment, hoses and sterile equipment he doesn’t even know about but feels it should be there.

  The Diary says, “You can’t do this! This could be the end of me and you!”

  He says, “I’m doing this, for us! I just need you to shut up, while I do this. I just need you to understand… that I love you and I’m doing this, to get closer to you.”

  With that, the Diary stays silent.

  The surgery tray’s plastic is ripped open. The gas is moved around, to sit next to him. He grabs the bone saw and places it in front of him as his eyes, begin to twitch. He moves and grabs the belt and begins to fasten his arm by the bicep, while pulling it tight. He snaps it into place to make his veins bulge and swell. He picks up the bone saw and places it, two inches above his elbow and waits.

  The Diary says, “You’re really going to do this? You can be very powerful, eating those who gave up hope and those who want to be eaten?”

  He looks at The Diary and says, “I am the most powerful I have ever came across. My flesh is the key and I am all, which I have ever looked for. Some would say this is the beginning of the end but I say; this is only the beginning.”

  With that said, the bone saw rips across the flesh, one inch deep when he stops and leaves the instrument, in the middle of his ligament. He reaches for the nitrous and clamps it, on his face and turns the knob to start the laughing gas. It’s instantaneous. The rush of the gas and the feeling becomes numb as he breathes in the N2O and oxygen mix, stupefying him.

  He grabs the bone saw and begins to yank on it this way and the other way. Blood spatters but not as much as he thought. He begins sawing back and forth, back and forth until the Flies begin yelling at him!

  “Fazter! You need to go fazzter otherwize the Queen iz going to be mad!”

  With that said, he popped or should I say, cut through his arm. The sound was a sickening relch, that came free. The right arm was the master while the left, was the victim. He continued to huff on the gas when he grabbed his ankle and began to sink the bone saw into it when he had a moment of clarity. He stopped and took the surgical bands, pulling them up past his stump and to his shoulder and used a metal bar to twist and turn the rubber to cut off the blood flow.

  The stump was gushing blood until the twists and turns stopped it. He twisted it to fold onto itself to actually hold it, without his hands and arm. He knew what he was doing when it came to blood loss.. he was the master of himself.

  The flies began buzzing, the Diary began screaming and his Doctor… walked into the room.

  The Doctor said, “I’m so glad you finally listened to me?”

  “No! Fuck you! I haven’t eaten myself yet! Fuck you!”

  The Psychiatrist walks up to the tank and kneels down, beside him and says, “Don’t be upset. I know your talking to your Diary and the flies in your house. You want answers and I was doing my best to give them to you. But two
other entities are hard to outsmart, much less be in league with. You’re doing what you need to… I’m just here to help you.”

  “He just stares at her when she says, “Listening to flies is wonderful but when it comes down to it. You need a person to help you though it all.

  Once she said it, he was gone. Nothing mattered anymore. The bone saw began to rip across his knee. Ripping thru flesh, ligaments and veins but it didn’t matter. She grabbed one of the tourniquets and began twisting it around the limb he was cutting off.

  He got through and the limb came off easily. He started to become desperate so the good doctor lifted up, what was left of his leg and allowed him to gnaw on it.

  The flesh wasn’t easy to bite through. He actually had to try to rip it with his teeth but it didn’t really work. His teeth, scrapped the flesh and he was able to eat layers but not like an actual bite.

  He wanted to spit it out but he knew, his power was growing, so he stripped the flesh of what he could while his Doctor looked at him and said, “Harder then you thought? Yes? I suggest you actually get to the guts of the matter.”

  The good psychiatrist reaches over, for a scalpel on the table. She picks it up and brandishes it like the sword, Excalibur. It picks up the light and spreads it across the room as she looks down and says, “This is it, my Son. This is what you want and need. Your power is growing and what you believe is happening, is happening.”

  With that said, she plunges the knife into his gut, just the left side mind you. Above the intestines and below the lungs, right at the ribcage. She pulls it across in a slick and easy move that opens him up like a can of sardines. Intestines suddenly move outwards, his stomach belches forth, wanting to escape but it doesn’t! He gasps; pulling in the nitrous but doesn’t notice it. The numbness of life and death, melds into each other as the death gasps begin to shudder his body. He becomes desperate to pull the last of his life when she pulls back and plunges the blade into his chest… piercing his lungs.

  The death rattle begins to wheeze and the shudders begin to slow down as his life trickles out of him. With one last kick and shudder, he lies there… lifeless.

  The Diary says, “You finally did it. I didn’t think you could. I always say you’re a stupid human being.”

  The Psychiatrist says, “Fuck you. You knew I was always there. Who the fuck cleans up, after your mess.”

  The Diary says nothing, when the flies begin to talk. “We have always counted on you! Don’t let him fuck up our relationzhip! We are with you alwayz! We have generationz behind you and will alwayz ztand behind you.”

  She stands there, in a mess of flies and a book, splattered with blood on the coffee table. She looks around and says, “It is over; we all get what we wanted. I’m done… I should never have listened to either of you, in the first place.”

  The last words came out of her mouth, and another set of words came into her mind.

  “You helped manipulate him, you helped kill him. You even helped him to understand hiz mind before he died. You can’t let a mind like hiz go to waizt. You have to take hiz head and feed on it becauzze you will grow powerful!”

  With that said, she began to dismember the rest of the body. She pulled the bone saw across his throat and pulled deeply, on the back cut. She began to laugh but stifled her tears as the inches of flesh cut through each stroke. When the saw hit the bone and began to curl to the left or to the right. She lost her humanity in that instant. As she thrust down, into the last ligament and bone, it curved to the left. Making a popping sound she will forever hear for the rest of her life.

  Coming soon from Unearthed Books.

  All Work and No Play

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  Loving The Human Remains

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