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The Ghosts and Hauntings Collection

Page 13

by Cat Knight

  “No, I don’t remember doing that. Maybe I did it in my sleep.” Sarah voice was even but her heart was racing. If the windows were open, then no wonder it was freezing. She jumped up and grabbed her robe and put some thick socks on. After pushing the old wooden frame down closing the window tightly she went along the hallway to the next room and a shudder ran up her as she saw that window was also open. Once more she pushed it closed.

  Sarah knew that window had been shut. She made her way along the hallway and climbed up to the attic. Putting her hand on the knob, she hesitated just momentarily. Right now, it didn’t seem a brilliant idea. Why it had last night, Sarah couldn’t say. Perhaps she had just been excited. But finding all the window open had scared Sarah just a little, if she was honest.

  Gathering her courage, she pushed open the door. The morning sun shone weakly over the floorboards, and the light bulb hanging in the middle of the room, swung just slightly. Sarah looked over toward the window and gave a silent sigh. The window was shut. Apparently, it was the only one in the house that was. Stepping back outside, Sarah quickly shut the door and ran down the stairs to Rick.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Want eggs for breakfast?” Rick was rustling about in the kitchen.

  “MMM that sounds good”. I’ll get some the tea going. Rick cracked eggs and dropped them into the hot fat. Just the sizzling made Sarah feel warmer. The kettle whistled and she poured scalding water on to teabags adding milk and sugar.

  “There, this’ll melt the ice.”

  “I’ll take a trip into town and get some heating for the house until we can get it sorted here.” Rick took a satisfied slurp of his tea

  “Sarah? Do you think you opened those windows up last night?”

  “Maybe – I really don’t remember.” Sarah was busying herself with cooking toast.

  “Sar... aren’t you even a little bit worried about this sleepwalking?”

  “No. No silly. It was just because I was over tired I guess. I’ll get an early night and try to catch up. It was just first night excitement that’s all. Look, I promise if it happens again I’ll see a doctor OK?”

  Chapter Three

  Rick pulled up outside Dobbs heating and appliances. The shop like the rest of the town had an old world feel to it. A black bell hanging from a piece of string jingled as he opened the door. The room was cramped but laid out in an orderly manner with washers and dryers pushed against the back wall and smaller appliances lined through the middle. A woman of older middle age, with glasses strung around her neck came out from another room, a beaded curtain tittered and swung behind her.

  Sighing slightly, she moved behind the counter and watched him wordlessly. Rick could hear a TV playing quietly in the background giving him the feeling he was disturbing her from her regular viewing. He walked the rows looking at the heaters. They would need at least two. One for the bedroom and one for downstairs.

  “Hello, I’m in need of a couple of good heaters.

  “What kind of area do you need to heat?”

  “Some fairly large rooms. It’s a big house, old, has some drafts. We just moved in and of course – the heating’s out”

  “Which house is that?” The woman, presumably Mrs Dobbs, was prying. Rick saw no reason to hide the information. This was a small town and everything would be everywhere in no time.”

  “We just bought Fairview. It’s our first house.” Mrs Dobb’s face seemed to lose its bored appearance. She looked alarmed and concern crossed her brow. Confused, Rick continued on talking, feeling the need to be rid of the silence that had developed.

  “My wife loved it from the start. And we both love the town. We’ll have the house turned into a home in no time. Just need a bit of warmth for now!” Rick rubbed his hands together and chuckled trying to lighten the mood. Mrs Dobbs opened her mouth to say something and then closed it. Rick asked “Is something wrong- something we should know about the house?”

  “Ah no.” she shook her head. “It’s been empty a good while that’s all. This heater here will put out a good warmth, and you say you need two? This one here’s good for the price.”

  Rick bundled his heaters into the car and headed out for a few more groceries.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The lady at the local shop was a much cheerier soul than Mrs Dobbs at the appliance shop. She had a happy rotund body, brown curls that framed her face, a big wide grin and blue eyes. Rick walked along the isles selecting baked beans, canned tuna, and some frozen meat pies. For Sarah, he purchased her favourite sweets. Allsorts. The conversation with Mrs Dobbs had him a bit concerned.

  Mainly for the fact that there seemed to be something she wanted to say about the house and wouldn’t. He placed his items on the wooden counter and waited for her to ring up his groceries. She bagged them, and gave him his change.

  “There you go sweetheart. You passin’ through then? Just a little holiday?” Rick must have looked surprised, she continued “Oh I know all the locals, you’re a new face.”

  “Nope, not passing through. We’re also locals now. Just moved in last night.”

  “Ah well, good to meet you. I’m Annie Goodall.” Rick took her outstretched hand.

  “Rick Foley. I’m sure you’ll be seeing a bit of us. We’re below the hill near the creek.”

  “So, which is the house that you’ve moved into? You renting?” Rick curbed his irritation. The beauty of a small town was its charm, the problem with it was the gossip. Still he didn’t want to get off on a bad foot, and besides he might find out a bit more about the house than the old girl Dobbs had wanted to share.

  “No, my wife and I are the proud owners of Fairview house.” The woman stopped what she was doing momentarily, and instinctively pulled back.

  Rick reached over to take the bag.

  “You’re up at Fairview?”

  “Yes, we love it.” Mrs Goodall’s wide smile was replaced with open mouth shock. The happy smile fell away and she couldn’t meet Ricks eyes. Rick noticed. “Is something amiss? With the house?”

  “Oh Its been empty a while though... well... look take the Allsorts as a little gift from me.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sleep was fitful, and Rick found no rest from the day. Broken images passed across his mind. Disturbed by them he tossed and moaned in his sleep. Momentarily he opened his eyes, wondering at the dream and then slipped back into sleep trying to shake off the darkness. Twisted faces flashed into his vision, although they didn’t speak to him, their malice infused his mind. Rick tried to turn away but found himself rooted it time at the mercy of what-ever it was that came for him. His heart began to race and somewhere in between and betwixt, Rick heard his own breath was laboured, hard and heavy. He struggled to release himself from the horror, the faces came closer and Rick could not flee them. He was caught, wrapped up in something he couldn’t shake off. Panic seeded and began to grow and escalated quickly. The faces loomed closer until he felt their breath on his face. A hand caressed his forehead, its icy fingers tracing over his flesh. Terror etched through his slumber into his senses. He tried to reach up for the fingers to tear them away but still he couldn’t move his limbs. Trying to Twist and turn he could not free himself from the dream that bound him. Breathing became difficult.

  In the depth of a nightmare Rick awoke and looked over at Sarah sleeping peacefully.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Despite Sarah’s promise, she had asked Rick to try just one more furniture arrangement. They pushed and lifted furniture again and again until it was once more perfectly placed.

  There was still too much of an empty space, as their small apartment could never have held the amount of furniture this place needed. Rick was silent. Sarah knew he was hiding something. She had asked him about his mood several times and received unsatisfactory answers. Yet he was low in mood, not his usual self. Running her hands through his sandy brown hair, she lent up to kiss him, his face was pale and his eyes were red rimmed, making the darkness of the them sta
nd stark against the whites, but mostly they had no sparkle. Sarah felt her own happiness beginning to fade.

  His voice was flat when he asked her “Why do you think no one has lived in it all these years.” With a long sigh, Rick sat down on the sofa he had just moved. Sarah tried to sound confident in her answer.

  “Probably because it needed a fair bit of work. Most people can’t be bothered with renovations and just want a house they can move right into without worrying if the electrical will work, if the flooring and walls are sound. After-all its been empty for years. And that’s why we got it a such a bargain.”

  A pang of worry ran through her. Was the house affecting him? Things would need to get resolved quickly before he asked her any more awkward questions.

  That wasn’t all of it though. The people in town had been talking about the house and Sarah had fobbed him off, playing their concerns down when he suggested that the locals seemed surprised that anyone was living in it.

  Chapter Four

  It was early evening and Rick was done in. He remained on the sofa to watch Netflix for a bit of a reprieve. Sarah fixed some spaghetti from a tin. They would have to get some real food in the house tomorrow now that the house was mostly organised; at least he hoped it was. Sitting curled up on one end of the couch, his arms wrapped around himself, he was dreading going to bed tonight, but how could he explain to Sarah?

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The terror shook him. Beads of sweat ran down his chest and static buzzing rang in his ear. Mischievous giggling and footsteps came from the hallway. Every hair on his body stood on end. Rick threw the covers off and moved out to the hall. He turned on the light and saw nothing.

  Almost like a child, he wanted to wake Sarah for his own comfort but thought better of it. Sarah’s behaviour was strange enough and he didn’t need to add to it or to worry her. Perhaps he had not woken fully from the dream, and something had disturbed him.

  Tap Tap Tap came from the end of the hallway. Rick stood completely still, doubting his sanity. Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap. Every muscle constricted.

  OK, there was a logical explanation, he told himself, the dream had put him on edge, that was all. He walked toward the end of the hallway, toward the stairwell. The floor boards creaked beneath his feet. He took another step forward. His weight bore down on the boards, but there it was! Another creak that was not of his making. It was faint, but he definitely heard it. Unless it was a reverberation in the floor boards.

  He swallowed and forced himself to breathe. Carefully and deliberately placing another foot down, the timber adjusted and creaked again. He waited.


  Relief flowed and he took another step. The sound of the floorboards eeked out like a long moan. There was another, then one more, but Rick hadn’t moved. Whirling around nothing but emptiness surrounded him. The floor boards sounded again.

  He turned back to the stairwell and took a few more tentative steps, the boards moved with his weight. Nothing happened. He was about to turn back to bed when the phantom steps walked closer meeting him toward the middle of the hall.

  Rick’s heart was palpitating. He wanted to call out, to say ‘Show Yourself’, but even in his fear, it seemed a foolish idea. A surprise anger began building in him. This was their new house and he was not going to be scared to walk down the hallway in the middle of the night. He took a few steps quickly, testing. There it was again. The sound of the floorboards creaked toward him.

  He was face to face now with whatever it was, yet he could not see it. Tingling chills ran over him. A trail of nerve endings prickled on his arm from his neck downwards to his spine and his heart pounded through his chest. Despite the fear he thrust his hands out in front of him.

  Something moved away, he sensed it.

  The floorboards creaked furious and fast, toward the stairwell. Rick reached for the only response that made sense in this craziness. He couldn’t run, nor hide, nor sleep, so Rick chased. He reached the top of the stairs and the giggling descended to the lower level. He stood at the top looking down. There was nothing there. Begging courage from a God he didn’t believe in, Rick took the stairs. The footsteps ran from the bottom of the stairwell and disappeared. Standing at the bottom on the last step Rick waited. Tap tap tap, from the living room.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  This isn’t really happening. No sense could be made of it, his mind raced to come up with a rational explanation. Rick was not one to believe in ghosts and demons. Whatever it was – it was real and he would find it. He wished at this moment he had a club, a weapon of some kind. All he could grab was a brolly. Walking to the living room and brandishing his brolly close to his body for protection. he peered in. The living room looked empty. He flicked the light switch. Nothing. Cautiously continuing his path quietly, he looked behind the couch, then pulled the curtains aside. Nothing. All was silent, everything seemed normal


  After a time of standing, checking, sitting, he curled up on the sofa. He dragged the decorative quilt that Sarah hung over the back, and covered himself. Resting his head on the cushion, against his will, his eyelids closed and Rick slept.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  It’s so cold in this room. Rick pulled his blanket tight around his head. The heat from the portable had dissipated. His nose was freezing and he could do with a woollen hat. Under the blanket the temperature became warmer and sleep found him. Dreams flitted through his mind.

  Through the silence, soft chittering noises pushed their way in to his slumber. He was dreaming again. Sarah and he were sailing on a boat the water lapped against the bow. It was relaxing. The boat swayed and lulled him. The water swished louder, it’s rhythmic bounce bringing him deeper in. The waves grew heavy against the boat. He was being tossed on high waves, right to the precipice. Panic engulfed him the wave was over him and rushing down filling his nostrils.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  He was crammed against the side of the sofa when he woke. Sweat seeded his lips. Rick threw his head back and gulped in the cold air. Then, in the dim light he saw her. A pale, shimmering young girl. Her blonde hair tied in pony tails over her shoulders. Her eyes were shining dots in hollowed sockets and her translucent face gloated now that he had seen her. She floated up and disappeared.

  Chapter Five

  Rick stayed up all night. He heard no more tapping giggling or footsteps. He checked Sarah several times. Her sleep was not disturbed. He forced himself to think rationally. The ghost had not hurt him. Frightened the daylights out of him. But not hurt him, either it couldn’t, or didn’t want to. Even if it stood right in front of him he didn’t think it could touch him.

  He made some tea and quietly contemplated what to do. Sarah had been jittery of sorts since they had been here. She denied it, but the sleep walking? That worried him. Rick suspected she had lied and it didn’t sit well with him. He needed the information that the locals had. After he knew what he was dealing with, then he would speak with Sarah. And this would be taken care of today.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  It was around 8:30 a.m. when she woke and realised Rick wasn’t in bed. Sarah had slept soundly. But Rick’s side of the bed was cold and she hadn’t even noticed. Brrr. They would have to get the heating fixed.

  “Rick? Rick? Sarah walked downstairs tying her robe closely around her, and found him in the kitchen eyes wide open, bleakly staring into space.

  He looked over as she entered and was silent. The cover from the back of the sofa was laying across his shoulders.

  “Rick! You look ghastly. Are you feeling OK?” Sarah leaned over to kiss him. He brushed her lips lightly and pushed up from the bench away from her. She stepped back at his aloofness and stung inwardly at this slight. In the living room, she could see the cushions piled into a one end of the sofa.

  “Just a sleepless night. So cold in this house.” He turned his back toward the heater. He had the small heater blasting out its radiant heat right in front of him, and although it warmed the spot, the ambient he
at was not much affected. “If I can’t get the heating fixed I’ll go into town later today and try to rustle up someone to come and take a look at it. The portables aren’t doing too much.”

  “Why don’t you rest up a bit sweetheart, and I’ll make some breakfast and a fresh pot of tea.” Sarah grabbed eggs, baked beans and bread. Ricks behaviour was odd; he didn’t have much to say despite her attempts at small talk. Worst of all he refused to be drawn to a better mood and stubbornly remain subdued.

  Later as she continued organising and unpacking she heard him thumping around in the basement. A few times he cursed, as though he had hurt himself, telling her ‘nothing’ when she asked what had happened. Around 2:30 p.m. he gave up on the heating system and called from the front door that he was going into town.

  Sarah felt an internal pang and sighed, they had never seemed so separate but she had an inkling of why Rick wasn’t sleeping, he just didn’t want to tell her what it was. Things needed to be taken in hand fast.

  Moving here was never meant to be like this. The home was not the happy place Sarah had believed it would be.

  It was rapidly becoming something else altogether. She watched him leave and began to ascend the stairs to the attic.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Each step buckled and complained under her weight. The air became thicker as she approached, it seemed to have some weight about it. Its heaviness increased so that the final steps proved the most difficult. Placing her hand on the attic door, she pushed it open.

  Afternoon sun beamed in bringing reams of dust to view. The corners of the room were in shadow, but the rest of the room was bright and the dollhouse was where she had left it. Walking over she knelt down and began picking up tiny pieces of furniture and organising them in their respective rooms. Finally, she took little teacups and saucers, sat down cross legged and pretended to sip.

  Sarah’s limbs tingled and her hands were trembling as she held the little cup. Her senses seemed extra keen and she glanced around the room expecting at any minute to find what she was looking for.


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