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Instigated (Daywalker Academy Book 3)

Page 7

by Maya Daniels

  “I was on a mission,” I mumbled while subconsciously swiping my fingers over my chest, as if that will make me look less like an apocalypse survivor.

  Astara snickers and Leo grins.

  “Oh no, babe. You have it down to an art. The bloodsucker will dig it, I promise.” She walks a slow circle around the chair before giving me a very serious look. “He will know that no one peed on his territory while he was away on business. They love that shit. Trust me.”

  I stare at her for a long moment half expecting her to laugh. Even a smile would do the trick at this point, but she is watching me with such a straight expression that I turn to check the others in case I’m missing something. Astara is testing a new shade of red on her face while doing her best not to burst out laughing. She looks like a puffer fish, her cheeks blown up to hold her breath in. Leo has his lips folded in, biting on them while staring at his feet with his nostrils flaring. Fenrir, on the other hand, has a hand covering his eyes and his face scrunched like he is in pain.

  “Am I right?” Myst nods eagerly at Astara. “Males eat that shit up for breakfast. It saves them the caveman act of pounding their chest and growling ‘mine’ in everyone’s face.” She stabs a finger at me. “Your hunk is busy being held against his will but that’s semantics. You’re onto something. Keep at it.”

  Astara howls with laughter, completely losing it.

  “What are you doing here, Myst?” Fenrir snaps, his tone louder than necessary, although it’s probably a good thing because otherwise he won’t be heard over Astara and Leo laughing their asses off.

  “What have you got so far?” Myst comes to face me like the Fae hasn’t spoken.

  I search her face, still not sure what her game is. She did say I shouldn’t trust her, and I don’t. She’s been working with Alex for fates knows how long. For all I know she is still working with him, gathering intel so they are one step ahead. That’s the cynic in me with a mountain of trust issues talking. Myst doesn’t look away, her dark brown eyes open and steady on my sunglasses. There is something about her, obnoxious behavior aside, that tells my gut she can be trusted. Just not to what degree. One thing is certain: Myst takes care of Myst first. Everything else is second.

  “He was going to meet with Alex.” Jerking my chin at beefy, I don’t dare mention the book. Fenrir has enough brain to stash it somewhere where it’s not visible. “So far, the information we found is ‘I don’t know.’” I do my best impersonation of the assholes voice.

  “That’s it?” Arching an eyebrow, her expression tells me she knows I’m full of shit.

  “He was working with two demon guards.” Thinking fast, I spin it the best I can without revealing too much. “They were meeting to hash out stealing something from the Academy but we chased them to the portal. This one went through with me attached to him.”

  “Atta girl.” Myst winks at me. “Nothing gets away from you. What did they want to steal? That might give us all we need to figure this out.”

  “We don’t know …”

  “They wanted to snatch something from the library.” Astara speaks over me. I’m not sure if the rest of them notice the slight stiffening of Myst’s shoulders. “They didn’t get whatever it was.”

  “Where is Alex, Myst?” Fenrir still has a stick up his ass. It’s like he is glued to that marble slab. He hasn’t moved an inch from it.

  Very slowly, her head turns his way. Since I’m watching her profile so closely, I don’t miss the muscle in her jaw twitching when she locks gazes with the Fae, although her features are blank otherwise. Fenrir’s face is like a storm cloud ready to unleash a torrent of pouring rains on us. I’ve never seen him look at anyone with so much disgust. A smirk as sharp as a razor blade blooms on Myst’s lips.

  “If I knew where he was, I would’ve brought you his balls as a peace offering, hot stuff. I hear you can make earrings with stuff like that. Some tribal shit for good luck or something.”

  Waving his glower away with a flick of her wrist, Myst glides around me and pulls the sling of the scabbard over her head. She flings herself on one of the couches, placing the sword gently next to her thigh. Crossing an ankle over one knee, she wraps her fingers around the six-inch needle-sharp heel of her boot. My eyes widen behind the sunglasses she wears. Those boots may be a better weapon than her sword.

  “I see I need to make an offering first to be included in the cool kids’ club.” She swings her foot by rocking the boot she is holding by the heel. “I’ve been moving around the city, but Alex hasn’t shown his face in any of the places he frequents.” Locking eyes with Fenrir, her smirk comes back. “That includes his bed, yes.”

  “What of the hunters?” Leo pipes in. “Any sightings? Any unusual behavior? They can’t all just vanish from the face of the earth; it’s unlike them.”

  “On that I have a lead.” Myst gives the shifter her attention. I can feel Fenrir bristling. “I came here to actually leave a note about where I’m headed tonight in case I don’t make it out. If they get one on me, the rest of you can follow the breadcrumbs.”

  “Whose place is this?” I murmur to Astara, missing whatever Leo says.

  “Zoltan’s.” Astara gives me a meaningful look, and I have every intention of digging for more details.

  “Now that we are done with all the lies, let’s get back to the beginning.” All conversation stops between Myst and Leo, and everyone turns to me.

  Myst grins like I did something monumental.

  “Hello Myst, how nice to see you.” Jamming my fists on my hips, I glare at her. The sunglasses are killing my death look, but I’m not brave to remove them with all the sun coming through the windows. “Why are you here?”

  “Leaving a note is a smart move …” Leo trails off, his eyes snapping to Myst and flashing dangerously.

  “Leaving a note for Zoltan so he can see it after we rescue him?” The sunglasses slide down my nose so I jerk them back up with my forefinger. “Try again.”

  “There is still hope for you,” Myst tells Fenrir and the shifter before releasing her hold on the heel and leaning forward with forearms on her knees. “I felt the disturbance in the portals and I followed you here. You’ve been hauled up for a while and I figured I should come see what’s up.” All the attitude melts from her face and she sighs. “I’ve been monitoring the portals to see who goes in and out. Alexius is nowhere to be found since that night, but I do have a lead that he will be attending a meeting tonight. Your turn.”

  “We might’ve screwed up your lead because asshole over here”—I flick a thumb to my right at beefy—“was supposed to meet Alex today to bring him whatever they stole from the library.” Myst waits patiently and I take a risk. “They wanted to steal a warded book. We stopped them.”

  I know I make the right choice because Myst relaxes fully for the first time since she showed up at the door. The lines tugging on her eyes and mouth smooth out and she leans back, sighing as she closes her eyes. I don’t know if she knows which book they wanted or not, but when she opens her eyes and looks at me, her movements are less stiff and more natural.

  “Nothing is screwed up. Alexius doesn’t know you have his worms. The difference is, instead of them we will show up.” She cracks her neck, rubbing her shoulder with a wince. “It’s all about timing, and where he will be tonight is a perfect place to follow him and spook him out.”

  “I’m in.” Astara is first to agree, her worry for Zoltan as big as mine. “Where are we going?”

  “There is a gala tonight organized by the Red Cross to celebrate their accomplishment in opening over ten new hospitals in Africa and South America in the last month. Alexius will be there without a plus one.” Myst checks her nails like they are the most fascinating thing in the world.

  “He is not going to show up there,” Fenrir drawls, arrogance oozing out of him like sap. “Not after how he showed his hand. He had Zoltan at knife point, or did you forget that?”

  “What does that have to do with the
book?” I frown in confusion, but I doubt they can see it because of the large sunglasses.

  “The Academy was invited as well.” Leo grabs a chair, rolling it backwards before he straddles it and presses his forearms on the back. “Showing up would be too cocky and reckless, even for him.”

  “The Academy supports the Red Cross? That’s so nice of them.” Maybe Zoltan was right. My crappy experience notwithstanding, the place might not be that bad if I give it a chance. Myst snorts in a derogatory way. “What?”

  “Blood, Chicca. It makes the world go round and round and round …” She spins her finger at me.

  Right. Of course they’ll shove their noses in a place where there’s blood. How stupid of me to think those old farts on the Board will do anything that doesn’t serve them. I should’ve talked to Azgor instead of ignoring the ghoul. He would’ve mentioned it for sure. He was too excited about the party they threw for me when everything went to shit to be able to hide it. More what-ifs and should’ves to add to the pile.

  “Fenrir might have a point.” Astara grinds her teeth while yanking on her hair in frustration. “He would be too stupid to show up there.”

  “Who’s going?” I turn to the Fae and he looks at me like I’m nuts.

  “No one, of course.” And there it is, the staring down his nose at me done in perfection. “We have more important things to do than mingle with humans for the sake of appearances.”

  “What time and how do we get there?” I turn to Myst, ignoring Fenrir’s protests.

  “It starts at eight PM at Los Angeles Convention Center.” Tapping a finger on her lips, she looks me up and down. “Normally I’d say we should be fashionably late, but in your case that might be a necessity.”

  “She’s not going,” Fenrir snaps. “Go mingle with humans. Do what you do. We are going back through the portal where we can find a way to clean up the mess your boss created.”


  “No, Drake,” he cuts me off whirling on me. “It’s what she does. Creates chaos wherever she goes with no thought to the collateral damage left behind her.” Laughing humorously, he shakes his head. “We couldn’t get you to do anything else but search for clues on how to get Zoltan back, but somehow she manages to convince you to go to a party in five minutes flat. That’s how poisonous she is.”

  Whoa. Taken aback, I gape at him, my chest feeling tight at the hurt crossing Myst’s face. She handles it much better than me. I would’ve cracked his skull halfway through the nonsense spilling out of his mouth. Not that I know Myst at all, but she is giving us a lead. None of us are here for an evaluation of her character and I don’t see anyone else jumping in to offer any help. She is giving us a chance. A chance we can’t afford to overlook since until today we have absolutely no idea where to start. Chasing our tails is the only thing we’ve been capable of for days.

  “I’ll go get us something to wear.” In the deathly silence that follows her words, Astara gives Fenrir a pitiful look and strides out of the apartment without glancing back.

  “We can’t leave this one here. I can tie him up but I’m not sure it’ll hold him long without someone keeping an eye on him.” Leo sighs, his eyes anywhere other than on the Fae.

  “I have a place where we can stash him until you take him back with you.” Lifting off the couch, Myst grabs her sword.

  Fenrir snorts in such a way my palm is itching to slap his face.

  “I need a shower, but as soon as Astara comes back I’ll be ready.” Taking a deep breath, I pull the sunglasses low on my nose and turn away from the wide stretch of windows so I can lock gazes with her. “Thank you for helping us out.”

  “You’d be smart to listen to him, Chicca.” She smiles kindly for the first time, making her look younger than her appearance of mid-twenties. “He is a jerk, but he is not far off. Good thing I have stakes in this too, or you would’ve had only a memory of my magnificence to remember me by.” Winking, she glides to the open doors. “Let’s go wolf. I have no time to waste. This perfection doesn’t come easy, so I have grooming to do.”

  I watch her leave, her heels snapping sharply on the marble tiles. Leo throws beefy over his shoulder, following behind her shirtless and barefoot not sparing us a single glance. Pushing my sunglasses up, I turn to Fenrir. He’s stiff as a board, his fists clenching at his sides and the muscles in his jaw and arms jumping. Opening and closing my mouth a few times, I blow out a breath.

  “I need a shower,” mumbling under my nose, I search the area for the bathroom.

  “Hellion.” His word is strained, but I’ve had enough drama for the day.

  “Look Fenrir, I get it. You and Myst have history and that’s something I’d like to stay as far away from as possible. I have enough of my own shit to deal with. But don’t try to fuck up a chance that could be the break we need just because you have your panties so far up your ass they’re cutting off the blood flow to your brain.” Chewing on the inside of my mouth, I look him up and down. “Alex will not expect anyone from the Academy to show up. Remember? We talked about this. He predicts your moves, plus he has enough moles inside to know that nobody is going. This is something I can do, a wild card he won’t see coming.”

  He gives me a sharp nod and flings his hand to the side in an invitation to walk with him. I keep my mouth shut while he guides me through a hallway into a stunning bedroom as large as my apartment back in Sienna. My brain is mush, so I don’t play attention to anything apart from the second open door leading to a bathroom.

  “I’ll be back,” Fenrir murmurs, closing the door behind me.


  I stand under the scorching hot spray until my skin prunes and my feet can’t hold me up anymore. Surprisingly, I think about nothing. Not one stray thought enters my brain until I turn the water off and exit the shower, a cloud of steam following in my wake. The mirror fogs while I stand dripping water all over the soft rug under my feet. In a daze, my eyes land on the pile of dirty clothing I left on the ground. Thankfully there is a plush robe hanging on the back of the door because no way am I putting the same outfit on. I’ll walk around naked first. That will give Fenrir an aneurism I’m sure.

  Twisting my hair in a rope, I squeeze the excess water before snatching the robe and wrapping it around me. The soft fabric swallows me whole, but the moment Zoltan’s scent fills my nostrils my knees give out and I drop on the floor. With trembling hands, I pull on the fabric and bury my nose in it, breathing him in. Is he alive? Is he hurt? What are those monsters doing to him while I’m here getting ready to play a dress up?

  It should be me there, not him.

  I fight hard against the tears that are trying to come. The time for crying is long past. It won’t help Zoltan or me anymore. Now it’s time to keep my shit together and do something right for once in my life. Everything that’s been bothering me since they took him becomes crystal clear in my mind. I know exactly what I’m going to do. Roberti thinks he is too smart. Two can play his fucked-up game. Ill lift my middle finger to him and the Board at the same time. A girl can’t ask for more than that.

  A soft knock comes from the other side of the closed door. When I don’t answer it comes louder, then the door swings open revealing Fenrir’s panicked face. His eyes flick around before they lock on me where I’m crumpled on the floor, Zoltan’s robe pushed under my nose.

  “Francesca.” Rushing in, the Fae scoops me up. “I shouldn’t have left you on your own.”

  “Right.” Snorting, I wiggle so he can put me down. “Because nothing says awkward like you giving me a bath.”

  “You are not well.” Ignoring me, he walks to the large bed and places me gently on the edge. “When was the last time you fed?”

  “We ate together.” No way am I discussing blood with him right now. “I’m not hungry.” My stomach decides now is the right time to make the loudest gurgling sound in the world just to call me a liar.

  Fenrir cocks an eyebrow at me.

  I glare.

  With a sigh, he moves around the room, opening drawers and digging through them with such focus I expect him to come out with a hidden treasure. In the meantime, I see the bedroom properly for the first time. Everything is simple, organized, and clean, like no one has ever stepped foot here. Typical Zoltan. His scent all over the robe tells a different story. The silky, dark gray sheets on the bed do too, but I stop thinking about it when a claw grabs my heart as if trying to wrench it out of my chest.

  “Here”—Fenrir thrusts something in front of my face—“put these on for now.”

  I have to lift my arm up and wiggle my hand out of the sleeve before I can take the clothing he is giving me. I unfold it to see dark blue pajamas with a button-down top. Without a word, he walks out of the room and leaves me to dress. I don’t want to stay here smelling Zoltan on everything around me, so I dump the robe and pull them on. The bottoms keep falling to my ankles, so I kick them off. Following Fenrir’s example, I open a few drawers to find running shorts and other sportswear in one of them. Pulling on a pair of shorts that I cinch tightly at my waste; I grab the sunglasses from the bathroom and wander off in search of the Fae.

  He turns around looking right at me the moment my bare feet enter the open-spaced living room. He must’ve cleaned up all the blood, water, and other bodily fluids while I was in the shower because everything is spotless. Waving me to sit on the couches, he comes out from behind the slab of marble separating the kitchen from the rest of the apartment.

  Holding a glass of blood like a ritualistic chalice to be presented to the gods, he offers it to me. “You want to face Alexius tonight, you will drink this, Drake.”

  I shut my mouth with an audible click.

  Tucking my legs under me, I sink in the soft leather and take the glass between my hands. Fenrir looms over me until I take the first sip, then he settles next to me stiff as a board. Sometimes I wonder how his spine doesn’t snap from standing that straight. I gulp the warm blood while eyeing him over the rim. I can see a lecture coming so I wait.


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