Dark Truth
Page 24
Even though I now know the reason for my strong craving for blood, dad still thinks that I am closer to vampire than my other half, whatever it may be. I hope that one day we can figure out what our other half is. I hate that we are just called vampire hybrids. It seems prejiduce to to be called that and not have a name for exactly what we are.
Mica was right about the winter’s in Europe. I also think that it is beautiful here. As we walked, I looked at the scenery. The snow covered tree’s that are here. The ground that looks like a blanket of white is laying on the ground. I would say that it is completely quiet here, but my sensitive hearing let’s me hear much further away, and hear every little sound that is made, a sound that is not to far away, we still have limits to how far away we can hear. But even the way things look to me now. Every light and color much more clear and I can see every definition of what I am looking at. It isn’t really easy for me to exactly perfectly describe how everything looks to me now. But all the same it is great. I love it all.
Ang. and Carter walked ahead of me and Mica. They were holding hands and walking close together. That is not something you usually see from them. It seem’s as they must keep that part of they’re relationship behind closed doors. It is sweet to see it though. I can really see how much they love each other. It is alot like how me and Mica are. I don’t think that they disagree on things as much as we do though.
Mica stopped by a big snow covered rock and pulled me to him. I could see that Angelic and Carter had stopped under some tree’s a good fourty feet ahead.
“Why did we stop?” I asked.
“I think that it would be appropriate to let them have a little space. As you know we are a very close family, but that means we have very little privacy.”
“Well I’m glad that they are getting some, them time. I think that they both deserve it. Especially since everthing that I have put them and the rest of the family through.”
I didn’t let him speak, because I knew what he was about to say, about it being natural. I reached up and kissed his lips. It just seemed to be the right place for it, here beside this big rock covered in snow. The scenery was very beautiful it looked like what I imagined my wedding to be like with the white snow and the silver sparkles that shined off the snow from what sun was left for the day. My colors.
We walked for another hour or so, but then thought it time to go back inside. Plus realtity hit me again. I needed another blood fix. My cup of blood was wearing off, the craving was returning. If it is ever the last thing I do, I swear I will make Lavon pay for tricking me into drinking from that body. The fresh blood that I tasted, I have a feeling it is going to end up being one of the biggest problems of this new life of mine.
As we returned to the house, I went to get my blood fix from the fridge and then me and Mica left Ang. and Cater to have some time for themselves down in the livingroom to do whatever it is they want to do even if it is to just cuddle on the sofa and watch some movie.
We have some time to spend with each other as well. And some things to talk about. Nothing bad. We lay on the bed and both of us happy, he holds me tightly against his chest and kisses my hair at the top of my head and tells me that he loves me.
Chapter Nineteen
My Secret
Another week has passed, and pretty quickly if you ask me. It is getting harder and harder to keep my secret from Angelic! She keeps saying that she can feel something from me, but she just does not have a clue to what it exactly is. I only have one more week until my wedding. I’m excited, but wondering to myself when I should tell Mica my secret. I want to tell him before the wedding, but I’m not sure yet if I should or not.
Mica has told me that he has a surprise for me on our honeymoon. I’m curious to what it is, but I won’t try and see it in his head. I would love to be surprised. The rest of the family is arriving here today. They have to finish everything for the wedding.
The building made out of glass is already done. My mom and cousin are supposed to be here in a few day’s. Everyone thinks that I am in enough control over myself for them to be here, plus everyone will be here and I will be drinking three times the amount of blood to be sure that I will not be the least bit thirsty while they are here. The main worry now is that hopefully they won’t notice my changes enough to realize that I’m different. We will tell them that my eye color is because of contacts. I’m not real sure what to tell them about my cold skin. I was thinking that mabe I could keep a hot cup of something liquid around to hold onto here and there so that they won’t be as cold. We’ll figure out some excuse’s to tell them. I should really stop worrying.
“Dad just called.” Carter announced to us. “He said that they should only be about another twenty minutes or less.”
Me and Mica were upstairs when he announced this, but we could hear him just as good as if we were standing right next to him downstairs. Mica wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him.
“It is almost time!” He said smiling so beautifully at me and his eye’s shining as bright as the stars at night or like when the sun reflects off of a diamond and it sparkles. “You aren’t nervous are you?”
I smiled back at him. “Of course not. I am extremely happy.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I am very excited to be your wife, to be Mrs. Raven Wolfe!!”
“I can’t wait for you to be my wife either. To make our love official. Not that it isn’t already, but it will be in writing now.” He bent down and with his perfect lips, he kissed me so sweetly, but fiercely. “You know..” He said between kisses.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“We still have twenty minutes.... if you’d like to show me just how excited you really are about becomming my eternal wife!!”
“Is that what you really want me to do?” I teased, with a smile on my face.
“That is exactly what I want you to do!” He said tossing me onto the bed. And that is exactly what happened, we showed our love and excitement for each other, and the fact that nothing will be able to seperate us.
We had just gotten dressed when their was a knock on our door.
“What is it Liza?” Mica asked as we both had heard her comming.
“Are you two comming down anytime soon?” She asked. You could hear humor in her voice.
He opened the door smiling at his sister. “Were on our way.” He said.
Then within two seconds all three of us were on our way down the stairs.
“Raven!” Heaven said excited to see me and to see that I seem to be doing great. She grabbed me into a tight hug and then stepped back to take a better look at me. “Wait,” she said “their is something different about you!” She looked puzzled.
“It may be all of the blood she is drinking.” Mica told her. “I’ve had to make so many trips out since we have been here, it is unbelievable!”
Dad eyed me. I knew what he was thinking litterally. He wants me to tell Mica. I don’t think I can do that right now though.
“Raven, would you take a walk with me?” Dad asked. “I would like to talk to you about something.” He smiled, trying not to look suspicious.
“Sure. Dad.” I said smiling back. I turned and gave Mica a quick kiss. “I’ll be right back Mica.” Mica looked a little confused, but he didn’t say anything about it.
We went at least a mile in a half away on this land. Dad I assumed did not want anyone to over hear our conversation. As soon as we stopped, the questioning started. I kinda felt like I was being interrogated their for a second.
“Why havn’t you told him?” He asked a little to stern.
“I’m waiting for the best time to do that!” I started pleading my case.
“Look, Raven. I had this same conversation with Mica about Micheal. He did not listen and look what it led up to. You left cause Lavon told you and Mica didn’t because he did not think
that it was the right time, Mica went after Lavon and you ended up drinking fresh blood from a human. I’m not upset because I do understand, but it has still brought some strain to your life and Mica’s. You now have to fight to keep yourself under control.!” He looked at me and sighed with his forhead creasing like he was getting stressed.
“I’ll tell him right after the honeymoon. Please? I promise!” I pleaded with him.
“At this moment I won’t say a word, but you have to tell him, and not one day passed your honeymoon. Do you hear me? Raven I don’t want to loose you as a daughter and I don’t want my son to be hurt because he lost you as well. You need to keep in mind how you felt when he kept little Micheal from you!”
“Yes, I understand all of that, but how do you think he will react when he finds out? But I will tell him. Right after the honeymoon. I promise.”
“Good, now that were pretty much at an understanding, let’s get back before the other’s start to wonder what is going on.”
We were back a the house within two minutes. I seen Mica in the livingroom. He looked worried for some reason. I won’t read his thoughts at the moment just incase he is thinking about the surprise he has for me, so I am not really sure why he is worried.
“Hey.” He said to me. “Is everything okay?”
“All is great Mica.” Charles answered him. “No worries I just wanted to talk to Raven about something simple. That’s all.” He smiled worryless trying to reassure his son.
I don’t think that Mica was convinced though. I could see it on his face even though he tried to hide it.
“Dad.” I said. Trying to put Mica’s mind in a different place than where it is at this moment.
“Yes, Raven.”
“I was wondering something. My mom and cousin will be here soon, how exactly will that work out when I need blood? And where will we put it while they are here?” I asked him. I hope my distraction works on Mica.
“I have already thought of that. A small refridgerator is being delivered sometime today. We will put it in your room. While your mom and cousin is here you will have to excuse yourself everytime that you feel the least little bit of thirst. Mica or one of the other’s will accompany you to your room, that way it won’t bring on the right kind of suspicion.
“I guess that will work, but I will have to keep the door locked just so no one accidentally walks in and see’s it. My mom can be very observent when she wants to be as well.” I said.
“It will be fine.” Mica whispered in my ear. I turned and looked at him and smiled. He kissed my forhead. I took his hand in mine and in that instant it was like he forced his thoughts in my head. My fangs unconsciencely popped out. I could see that my distraction did work and that he is not worrying now. His smile widened. My fangs came out everytime we had certain cravings of our own for each other. Those cravings never seem to ease, we just tend to control them so we don’t keep ourselves locked in our room.
Angelic must have felt the atmosphere. “Enough you two. You have eternity for that.” She smiled. “Raven is ours for today.” She glared at dad and Mica seriously, daring one of them to object to her plans that she had for me today. “Me, mom and Liza are taking her out today. She will be fine with us. She is in control of herself today.”
No one objected her. “She deserves a day out.” Mica told her, looking at me. He squeezed my hand lightly and smiled. “She has been locked in here long enough.”
I wrapped my arms around his waist and layed my head against his chest. I could see that he was giving me this chance to prove that I can control myself. “Thank you.” I whispered to him.
“Of course.”He whispered back.
We put on our coats to play our role in the public eye. Then we left. The first place we came to was a baby store. I looked at Angelic and smiled. She knew that I wanted to get some things for my cousins baby. I was very thankful for this oppertunity. I looked at everything there. I pointed out what I liked and what I didn’t. I was also secretly looking for myself as well. When the time came they would remember, hopefully what I liked from here. I’d never really thought about having a baby. For one I would not have brought a child into this world with Lavon as the father. The child would have suffered. Second, I never thought that I could have a baby with Mica because of what we are.
Now I love and I am happy to know that I can have a child with the only one that I have ever truely loved. I guess I’m getting my hopes up. Thats what I need to do is hope, because my certain situation has not been heard of. A vampire hybrid able to have a child. I seen Angelic looking at me out of the corner of my eye as I thought. She was feeling what I was feeling. I immediately thought of something different hoping that she wasn’t getting suspicious of me or thinking that I was crazy or whatever.
After I bought everything that I wanted for my cousin, we left. Mom, (Heaven) insisted that we go out to eat. The place that we went to was a really nice place. It looked expensive. One of those types. Of course their were some fans there that reconized Liza, Angelic and mom. They signed some autographs and took pictures with them. I was glad to see that these humans did not tempt me in the least. That meant that I was right and I will be fine. I am in control of myself for sure.
We were out most of the day just going from store to store. Angelic and Liza wanted to shop. I didn’t think that anyone immortal or not needed this many clothes or shoes or jewlery. But I guess it is something that they enjoy. They have eternity to wear the clothes and things and the money to do it, do to the fact that they are stars. I guess I may get like that after so many years of this life. I did shop as well today. I bought some jewlrey and some clothes.
Finally When the light started to disappear into the night, which did not affect our sight, it was like it was still day just a different shade. We arrived back at he house.
I could here that Mica was upstairs in our room. He heard us come in and he was letting me hear him sigh. I took my things and went upstairs where he was at waiting and to put my things away and to wrap up what I had gotten for Lila. When I entered our room I seen that my fridge was delivered and could smell that it was stocked with a huge amount of blood supply for me.
“How was your day?” Mica asked comming to wrap his masculine arms around my waist and pull me tightly to him. He smiled.
“I enjoyed myself.” I said smiling at him. “It felt good to get out and do things. I got Lila some baby things for her baby that she will have soon. I got me somethings like jewlrey, like I really need it, but I had fun. So how was your day?” I asked him back.
“It was fine, except for the fact that I really missed you, but I guess that makes it even better when you get back.” He shrugged smiling at me.
“I was only gone for five hours or so.” I smiled back.
“I know, but I love to be near you, especially lately. It’s like I can’t stand to be away from you for a second. It’s like I have a different force pulling me to you and everyday it gets stronger. I have alway’s needed you don’t get me wrong, love, but now it is something different. It’s not just the most purest love it’s more. It’s hard to explain. Just don’t think that I am trying to smother you, I promise that that is not the case. It is a strange feeling for me though.”
“Everything is strange in our world.” I mumbled. I am pretty sure that I knew where this pull was comming from..., inside of me. Our child that was growing and hearing both of our voices and loving us. Mabe our child had a gift of it’s own. After all it is half vampire.
His phone rang at that moment.
“Let me get this.” He said to me, while raising his hand to brush my hair out of my face. His touch sent electric impulses through me.
“Hello.” He paused. “What do you want?” He asked and in that moment I was sure that I knew who it was. Krystal. “Why are you calling me?” He listened. “You will never get Micheal back, d
o you hear me!” He said in a deadly voice through his teeth.
I Sighed and went to go put my things away.
“You are a daywalker. You feed on humans, why would I give him back to you so you can corrupt him with your way’s.” He paused and then I seen pure anger cross his expression it looked deadly. “You leave Raven out of this, you or your filthy friends will not come near her. If I see you or any of them near where she is it will be the end for you all, and that is a promise. Do you get that?” He hung up the phone.
He walked to the door and stepped out. “Dad.” He said . “We need to talk..., privately.” Mica motioned for me to come downstairs with him.
Dad was already waiting by the door when we got there to go out with Mica so that they could talk in private. “I’ll be right back.” He told me then left out of the door with his dad.
“This can’t be anything good!” I spoke to myself.
“No it don’t seem like it.” Heaven spoke to me.
I went to sit on the sofa and think, to wait on Mica to get back. I wanted to know what was going on. Besides the fact that Krystal wants her son back. My thirst started to get the best of me so I went upstairs to get some blood. Liza followed me up there.
Two hours passed before Mica and dad returned. It made me nervous, that it had taken so long. Me and Liza halted our conversation that we were having and went downstairs. In the livingroom I got a glimpse into dad’s thoughts. I hissed and my fangs were exposed in reaction to what he was thinking. I seen from his thoughts that he had a vision while he was out. Krystal, Lavon and the rest were trying to find me. Krystal wanting to kill me, and Lavon wanting to come get what he thought was rightfully his..., me. I also seen him telling Mica the secret that I have been keeping from everyone but dad. I seen Mica’s reaction to it. I gasped.