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Dark Truth

Page 30

by Fallon Farmer

  “Have you considered any names?” Liza asked me and Angelic was all ears herself to see what the names were going to be.

  “Yes, actually I have. I thought about it all night long.” I paused to look at Mica and my sister’s. “I want to name this girl after you Ang.” I told her and she beamed. “I will call her Angellica Dawn Wolfe.” Angellica is the one with the blonder hair and sleeping in the purple bassinet. She is also the one that was wrapped in the purple recieving blanket when she was born. Mica had told me about the color coordination.

  “Thank you, thank you Raven. It is a beautiful name and it means alot to me.” She hugged me. I could feel the love comming off of her.

  “Your welcome.” I told my loving sister. “The second girl.... I want to name her after you Liza and Heaven. Her name will be LaHeaven Lizaniyia Wolfe.” I said. I know it is a mouth full, but that is what I chose.

  Her middle name is pronounced (Li zani yia) just as it is spelled.

  “You are the most kindest sister ever.” Liza told me. “No offense Ang.” She smiled brightly and hugged me also with much love.

  “It was the least that I could do after everything all of you have done for me.”

  “Those are are wondeful names, but do I get to name the boy?” Mica asked me.

  “I think that would be a great thing for you to do.” I told him.

  “I would like to name him after me of course. His name will be Mica Jr. Wolfe. Since Krystal would not make Micheal a Jr I will make my second son a JR.”

  “That is a great name Mica.” He smiled at me.

  “So we have, Mica Jr., Angellica Dawn and LaHeaven Lizaniyia. Welcome to our crazy little family my precious little one’s.” She said starring at the three of them sleeping.

  “We’ll leave you two to spend time with your babies.” Liza said then our two sister’s walked out of the room.

  “This is so unbelievable!” I said. “Would you have ever of thought that us being immortal would have three darling babies, and sleeping right here before our eye’s?”

  “It is unbelieveable. I am so happy that I don’t quite know how to explain it, and that is something for me considering my true age of the world.” He smiled and it shone as bright as the night’s stars.

  Here we are. Mica and me, married, immortal together, a family of three children. Something that we thought impossible is now something possible and right here in front of us.

  We spent the rest of that day with our children, watching them sleep, feeding them, which I had to go get a cup of my own blood when I smelled it, but it was fine. We held them and we showed them that we love them, we enjoyed spending our time with them. They are so beautiful and it is wonderful that they are here with us now and forever.

  One week has gone by and it has been great. It is different now that we have babies, but in a good way. The day never get’s boring. Me and Mica have support from all of the family. They have been a great help. Ang. is enjoying her time with the babies. She loves them so much. Heaven is so happy. She say’s that it is so wonderful having babies in the family again, she has missed that part of human life so much and now she has a total of four grandbabies. Liza is alway’s holding the babies as well as the other’s. She switches from one to the other making sure that they all get the same amount of attention. She don’t want none of them to feel left out. She said.

  The guy’s Mica, Vincent, Carter and dad are helping Micheal adjust to all the changes in the house. He seems to have just a tad bit of jealousy about the babies getting more attention. That’s one reason that Mica spends all his time with him when he is not helping me with Angellica, LaHeaven and Mica Jr.

  He is really enjoying his time with his children, all four of them. And he is so physicotically happy that he is a father, but that is a great thing. Most human father’s usually don’t get to spend much time at all with they’re kids. Mica is seriously a great dad. I am very proud of my husband.

  Mica and I spend are time together mainly at night when the triplets are sleeping and Micheal is in his room or downstairs with one of his aunts or uncles. Like tonight he is downstairs with Carter, they are working some kind of puzzle. I’ll tell you, that little boy is very smart.

  Tonight Mica and I lay on our sides in the bed and stare into each other’s silver gleaming eye’s. I’m running my finger’s down his bare chest and he’s taking his fingers and stroking my face and moving my hair out of my face and smiling at me brillantly.

  “You know what Rave?” He asked in a soft subtle tone.

  “What?” I asked. I could of just found out by reading his mind, but I would rather hear him speak his thoughts.

  “I honestly think that I am the most happiest, most luckiest immortal in the world. To have a beautiful wife, who loves me no matter what, and I have four beautiful children. I swear that I am on some kind of high from all of it. These are the best things that have happened to me in my entire existance, and I have been on this earth for so many years now that I could loose count at any moment.” He looked down at me, for he had stared up at our high ceilings like he could see through it to the stars.

  He smiled and before I had a chance to speak his lips were on mine. When he lifted his head I could see that his fangs were out and so are mine. I could see all the happieness that he was just telling me about and all of his true desires, which I know everything about, and if I’m not mistaking I can swear that their is a bit of fear in them as well. I peaked into his head for a split second to see what his fear was. He was scared that Lavon would find away through him and the others and get to me. He can’t bare the thought of loosing me. I closed his thoughts out quickly.

  This time I kissed him as our bodies intertwined as one and we made love.

  We watched the sun rise this morning together as we alway’s do, but then it was time to get up. I had to get downstairs and get some more blood from my stock down in the kitchen. Plus we needed to tend to the babies and Micheal. I put on some clothes and fixed my hair. I quickly threw my hair into a poytail. My hair is just so long, I have to watch because the babies are already trying to pull my hair. I believe that they are going to be just as smart as Micheal. They’re developement mentally grows each day. It has to be a supernatural thing. Mabe from the side of ourselves that we have no clue about. Who knows!

  “Mica I gotta get downstairs. I seem to be extremely thirsty this morning, more than usual. Would you like me to get you anything while I’m down there?” I asked as I took one last look in the bathroom mirror.

  “No. I’ll be down there myself once I check on the triplets.”

  “Okay.” I kissed him one short kiss on the lips as I was walking by, then went down to the kitchen.

  I seen that Vincent was sitting down reading a magazine. He did not look happy. He had a grim look on his face.

  “Whats up Vincent?” I asked trying to figure out his mood without having to listen in on his thoughts. I hate to do that with the family, I mainly keep they’re thoughts blocked.

  “I’m reading Starz magazine.” His expression only seemed to get worse.

  “What are you reading about that is making you look so horrible?” I asked ready to find out.

  “Well what I’m reading that is so terrible is they are prying in to our personal lives and right now is not a good time for that to be happening considering eveything that is going on at the moment.” He looked up at me with raised eye brows, he really isn’t happy.

  “What does it say?”

  “Here see for your self?” He turned the magazine to face me so I could see for myself. I had my blood in my hand, I thought that I was gonna drop it, but fortunitly I didn’t, but I did gasp at what I was seeing on the page.

  “What the hell?” I nearly shouted.

  “I told you it was bad Rave!” My brother told me.

  I just c
ould not believe what I was seeing. I was on one side of the page and Krystal on the other. In big bold letter’s it said: Krystal vs Raven! They’re fude over the famous Micheal Wolfe! In even smaller words it said: Read here to find out what happened. Source’s tell us what happened!

  About a week ago, mabe longer. It was said from a reliable source, that Krystal, Mike Wolfe’s co-star of the Dark Love movies and Mike’s wife who was at the time pregnant with his children had gotten into a fight. The source say’s that it knocked Raven in to labor, but not before Raven won the fight. How odd is that. A pregnant wife of a star fighting and winning against her husbands co-star.

  This is the first time that we have ever heard of any negative feedback concerning The Wolfe family. Mabe Mike’s wife is a bad influence. I think mabe that he should reconsider what he is getting himself into before he looses everything he has over her. (Blah, blah, blah.)

  It said more, but I decided to stop reading before I found someone to take my anger out on.

  “So they think that I am a bad influence huh? I wonder who in the hell they’re source was?” I asked Vincent as I stared directly at him. I think I may have made him a little nervous.

  “They’re just trying to make money with dirty gossip, but your right on one question. Who is the source? Their was no one else there, but us and the bodyguards” He paused to think than I seen it click. Litterally, but I did not mean to listen in.

  “It had to be someone who was there!” I stated his fact.

  “Raven!” He said scowling.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to. I just heard it, besides you know I do my best to keep everyone of you out of my head, to block your thoughts from me.” I smiled trying to convince him.

  It worked, but it is the truth. “I know. I just can’t believe that someone in our comany is a traitor. We need to find out who. They could be spying for Krystal and Lavon.”

  “That is a possibility.” I agreed.

  We both sat there and thought of the option’s. He gave me permission to look into his mind just this once so I could see if their was a connection to something that I was thinking to what he was thinking. So I sat there thinking and listening and drinking cups of donated human blood that was tasting great by the way. Definately no more human food for me.

  “I just don’t see any connection!” I told my loving brother and I stepped out of his mind.

  “I don’t get it myself. But it has to be someone that is around at the set and around us and that is close to us to even know that you went into labor. Only the director knew, but he had specific order’s not to tell anyone that you were in labor and he had no idea about the fight.” He sighed and so did I.

  We thought some more, but this time I did not step back into his mind. I needed to concentrate on my own thoughts for right now. What I really wanted was to call Mica or one of the other’s down here to ask them, but then I would have all these minds to block out and I wouldn’t be able to think strait. I usually don’t have a problem like this, but I guess you could say that I am mad and stressed at the moment and that is not a good combination!

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Bad Times Are Approaching

  Finally I called Mica down. Me and Vincent were not having any luck between the two of us. Mica agreed that someone had to be a traitor, but he also could not see anyone close to us being the source. He was also not thrilled about what was printed in the magazine. The only thing good is that they didn’t know the truth behind they’re story. Which that is best. I believe the world would turn ugly if the truth was out.

  Imagine the headlines really saying that: Daywalker Krystal hates her co-star Mike Wolfe’s wife Raven which is a vampire hybrid more like vampire than her other half. Mike and his family as well are also vampire hybrids. Krystal and Raven are ready to kill each other over Mike.

  Ha! That would not even be remotely funny.

  “Raven, don’t worry. All will be fine. It’s not like they will figure out what we really are.” Mica said thinking that he could convince me of that.

  “Mabe, but Mica what if they capture a picture of something that is not good for them to see? I honestly have a feeling that this kind of publicity is not gonna go away quickly. The magazine company is going to make to much money selling this story. I believe that they are going to start hounding us and try as much as they can to stay in all of our personal lives.

  “She’s got a good point Mica. If they see something that they shouldn’t.... well it could expose us all for what we are and what darkness and evil’s that are really lurking in they’re world. Lavon and them have to be stopped and it has to be done soon. This won’t get any better until that happens.” Vincent told his brother definately agreeing with me.

  Mica sighed, knowing we were right. “Lavon will have to be stopped. I know.” He was looking over at me. He tried to smile, but it was not the same adoring smile that I love to see on his luxerious face. “I just don’t want to see anything happen to Raven.” He looked back to his brother at that point. I’m sure that he knew what my reaction would be to that.

  “I will not stay out of this fight. I am no longer pegnant and I will get to kill someone. Especially the way that my life has been disruppted by each and everyone of those filthy day walking no good excuse for vampires.” I paused they didn’t respond so I continued. “Besides from what I have seen in their minds pretty deep. I don’t see no one comming for me, except for Krystal and Lavon and his stupid crew. We will have them in numbers. I won’t get hurt. I dought if Krystal could even get a grip on me.” I said a little smug.

  “No one is aloud to touch Krystal!” Mica said abruptly and he meant it. “She may be evil and sadistic but I will not hurt my son by someone killing his mother. I will not allow it!” He closed his eye’s in silence.

  I held up my hands in protest and fury. I know he just did not go there. “Hold up Mica. Are you saying if she comes after me I can’t kill her even though she will be trying to kill me, and by the way I have three children. I will defend myself. She will not have the slightest chance to take me from my babies or you for that matter. I will destroy her and watch her burn if she tries.”

  “Thats why I am demanding that you stay out of this fight. Like you said we have them in numbers, it will be nothing for us to defeat our enemies.” He looked at me. He actually thinks that I should understand his decision.

  It took everything I had to step away from him and stand next to his brother. I rolled my eye’s at my husband and turned to Vincent. “Do you mind walking with me outside?” it looks as though I need to blow off more steam than I thought.”

  “No problem little sis.” Vincent answered me.

  Mica grabbed my arm. “Your not going outside!”

  “I love you Mica, but if you know what is really best for you right now, you’ll let go of me!” I said and showed my fangs to Mica in anger.

  He dropped his hand and sighed. “Fine, but watch yourself.” He growled. “He could be watching us as we speak.”

  “I will. Tell Ang. and Liza that I’ll be back soon to sit with the babies.”

  The walk with Vincent was paying off. He let me rant and rave and mabe I broke a tree or two, but he kept silent and listened and of course he was watching our backs to make sure that nothing unseen was about to attack us, or that their were someone hiding in the tree’s waiting to take a picture of us to print in next month’s Starz magazine. He would be able to spot them if they were because of our supernatural sight, plus some.

  “Do you feel any better?” He asked he was serious, but their was some amusement in his tone.

  “I’m much better, now. I think I will actually be able to look at him without wanting to break his perfect nose, for what he said. His opinion of what nobody should do to Krystal even though we both know that she wants me dead with every last ounce of determination for him that s
he has.” Okay mabe I have a little bit of anger left, but I do feel much better for letting everything off of my chest, even if I did have to hurt mother nature a little bit.

  “I do understand. He shouldn’t of acted like that, and he does need to realize that she is not the same as she was as a human. It’s crazy that she is even able to still desire Mica after she has been willed to desire Zarious, but that must come from her being so stubborn. None of us were to thrilled when he began to date her, and then when she concieved we were all furious with him. We do love Micheal, but his choice has led to this. She won’t go away willingly.” He shook his head. He agree’s, that is good to know.

  “Thanks Vincent. I’m glad to know that I have someone else who understands where my anger comes from. Your a great big brother and I will alway’s love you and the rest.”

  “Same here my little tempermental sister.” He smiled very brotherly at me, and I appreciated it.

  We were starting back toward the house, when we were met by one of my guards. It was Nathan.

  “Mrs. Wolfe, we need to get back quickly. Charles had a very disturbing preminition.”

  I looked at Vincent and he nodded to me and we ran faster than the light of speed back to the house and through the front door.

  “What’s up?” Vincent asked once we were in the house.

  The whole family besides Heaven and the kids were downstairs waiting on our return. Liza came to Vincent’s side and Mica came to mine.

  Mica looked at his brother. “Lavon is comming for Raven, tomorrow.” He paused and looked down at me and then back to his brother. Their was something in his eye’s that flared up my temper a little. He noticed and sighed, but then continued. “Krystal will not be with them, so their will be no worries on that subject.” He kept his eye’s away from mine and I think that that was best.


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