Chapter Twenty Five
Dark Desire’s
“Don’t make one move Mica!” Lavon hissed at him. “I can kill her or I can take her. It’s your choice.” He tightened up his grip on me and it was really not a pleasent feeling at all.
I could see the pain in my husband’s eye’s. He did not want me to die and at the same time he did not want Lavon to have me. He looked at his son and back to me. He was torn. Their was nothing that he could do to save me from Lavon. If he tried, Lavon would have Micheal killed. I could see it in his mind. He don’t want to loose his son. I also don’t want to see anything happen to Micheal. I love that little boy and I guess if this is what has to happen then so be it. Like I said before I will do anything for him, and if I agree to go with Lavon his life will be spared.
Within this time, the rest of the family had joined Mica at the entrance to our babies room. They were hissing at the horror before them.
I could feel some worry come from Lavon’s mind when he took in the entire Wolfe family standing their. Anyone would be able to feel the fury in this room that was comming from my family. But Lavon’s worry left him almost as quick as it came.
“We will not hurt the boy as long as everyone stay’s where they are. You have to let me leave with Raven. If you don’t comply I will kill the boy! But as long as you listen to me the boy will come with us to ensure our safety. When we are safely away he will be returned to his mother and that is where you will find him.” Lavon was taking in the room and it seemed as though everyone was going to comply with him, but I could hear their thoughts.
They were hurt that they had to loose me to him. They love me. They are furious to no avail.
“Raven!” Mica said his voice breaking from the pain that has now been caused to him.
“Mica, I’m not giving up. You need to think of all of our children. Please.” I pleaded seeing that he was trying to figure out how to get Micheal free so that he could get me and kill Lavon. I can’t let him risk his son’s life like that.
“Shut up,Raven!” Lavon said close to my throat. His fangs grazed my neck. “You won’t have a choice, but to give up on him. Soon you will be completely mine, then he will have to suffer the way I did when you left me for him!”
“Rave, I love you and I will not give up on you. Promise.” Mica said starring intently into my eye’s.
“Shut up! You sound like an idiot. All lovey dovey your making me sick. She will never be your’s again.” Lavon spat at Mica.
Having the gift to know what was about to happen to me through Lavon’s thoughts, I was able to move my head slightly to take one last look at my beautiful triplet’s fast asleep through all of this horror, in their bassinet’s. I then looked at each one of my family member’s. My sweet loving and caring family. I knew that mine and Mica’s children would be in good hands. Then last I looked at my lovely, but painfilled husband. I gazed into his pain strickened eye’s.
“I love you.” I whispered to him.
As Lavon moved me with quick speed to the window along side Jake who still had Micheal, he said, “It’s your turn to suffer!” He said to Mica. “Watch and learn lover boy this will be the last thing that you remember of her!”
Then before I realized, Lavon sank his fangs into my neck. I heard Mica’s gasp, while Lavon sucked the blood and venom from me. Everything started to fade, to turn blurry. The last thing I seen before Lavon jumped out of the window with me in his arms, was Mica’s arms outstreched for me, and the horror on his face.
After Lavon was out the window with me, I was once again surrounded in the blackness and then I was out cold!
* * * * * *
Once again, I awoke to a new life, I presumed. I had know idea how long I was out for this time as well as the last. I could think of my children, Mica and the rest of my family that I was forced to leave behind. I realized at the same time that I could think of them, that it was hard to feel for them. It did not hurt that I was taken from them. This concerned me, but I knew why this was. I was not the same vampire that I had been before. I am now different, the way that Krystal was different. I knew all to well that I will be as evil as she is as time passes. I won’t have a choice, I can already feel the affect of that evil seeing that I can hardly feel anything for my husband and my children.
I opened my eye’s. The first thing that I seen was Lavon. He is sitting beside me. I was laying on a bed, and not my own.
His finger’s stroked my face and he smiled at me. “How do you feel?” He asked. I could feel his influence on me, I knew that he cared, but he could not be sweet, because he is evil.
I could feel my hatred for him turn into desire. I want to fight that desire. If Krystal could do it so can I, but I gave in a little to that desire. “I’m not sure.” I answered. “Their are to many confusing feelings and thoughts going through my head right now.”
“Don’t worry. Those feelings that you have for them will subside and you will be fully able to give into me. It’s the way it is supposed to be. You and me, like alway’s.” His fangs were out and I could tell that mine were to. I did not like this fact.
“I need blood.” My thirst was starting to be unbareable. It is worse than it has ever been since I came into this new world of the supernatueral. I not only wanted the blood, but I wanted it strait from the source. From the body of some senceless human.
“I can feel your thirst, but I have to warn you. We don’t have blood in a cup here. You will have hunt with me. This is your nature now. You are not a vampire hybrid now, you are a daywalker. You will kill to get what you need.” He was very serious.
“I can’t kill Lavon.” I said the words, but I could feel the desire to get up and hunt. I have to fight this instinct as well. I’m sure I can live by drinking donated blood as well as if I got it from some human.
“Rave.., love. You won’t have a choice after to long. You will litterally become blood thirsty and therefore your instinct will kick in fully and you will, rather you want to or not. You will hunt and you will kill.”
I just closed my eye’s and curled up trying to hold onto what sanity I still have left. To try and fight the evil and remember my family to hold onto their love for me, that will help me get though this. I know it will.
Two weeks I have been here with Lavon. He is trying to be patient with me, trying to convince me to hunt, but I still refuse. My thirst is starting to drive me insane. It is making it harder for me to fight the evil that is slowly consuming my mind and my body. The evil is getting stronger, I can litterally feel it running though me.
I find myself wanting to bed Lavon, but I fight it still. I feel like I will give in soon, I’m so weak from the thirst. I know It will be to hard to fight until I get the blood that I need. I looked at myself in the mirror today. I look frighting. I look like a true vampire. My fangs will not retract. The reason for that is because I need the blood, they will stay this way until I drink. My face is even more pale than before. I think I am starting to look sick. I sighed and went back to the livingroom after that, in my new house that is not as nice as the one I had before this.
We are still in London also. Lavon tells me that he wants Mica to suffer. To know that I am so close to him, but so far away from his reach. He wants it to drive him insane.
“Rave, you have to hunt. Soon you will be so weak that you won’t be able to move.” He stared into my eye’s his face was showing anger, for the fact that I was still fighting. He sat beside me on the couch with him holding my hand in his.
“I told you. I won’t do that!” I looked back at him just as serious.
“If you don’t you could die!” He was definately showing his anger now. This is the same Lavon that I remember from my own human life, right before I left him.
“Then so be it. Let me die! I may be turning evil, but I will continue to fight. I won’t kill a human ev
en if they are pathetic and useless to us besides being our lunch.” I turned to look away from him. My own temper rising.
“Stop fighting this Raven. You should know that Mica does not care for you the way that you think anymore. Krystal now lives with him and his family in the house that was supposed to be for you. They are raising their son together. Krystal is raising your children even though she depise’s them, she will be nice because it will make him so much more willing to be with her.”
I could feel the fury rising, I could feel that my now black eye’s were starting to turn red. My eye’s are no longer the color of my husbands, they changed when I was changed.
“Would you like me to show you, so that you can see for yourself? Then mabe you will stop fighting me so much. You can be free from his hold.”
“Yes! Take me. I want to see for myself! If it true I want to see my children for the last time.” I looked back at him. He pulled me to him and kissed me full of evil delight. I kissed him back swept up in the desire’s, but that is as far as I will go, for now anyway.
He grabbed my hand and we were running. It was night so no one would see us. I loved to run. I have not been out since I was turned. I wouldn’t go out because I didn’t want the temptation of being around people. Their blood for sure would make me hunt. I could smell it now, but my fury was much more higher than the need to feed. Plus my looks, hopefully once I drink I will look a little bit more human than the way I look at this very moment!
As we silently approached the house. I walked to the window and peered in. Sure enough Krystal was sitting on the couch with Mica beside her. He didn’t look happy, but he didn’t look disgusted with her either. That’s what did it. My fury is at it’s peak. I heard Lavon’s muffled laugh behind me.
“I told you. He don’t look miserable with her, to me!”
I turned and walked to the door and walked right through it. A deep growl coming from my chest, a hiss escaping my mouth, my fangs still exposed and for sure my eye’s were as red as blood.
Mica’s mouth dropped as I stormed in. “Raven.” He whispered.
“Get out Raven!” Krystal growled at me. “This is my house now, I live here. They are my family now. You no longer belong here!”
I smiled vindictivly. I was in front of her before she finished her sentence. My hand around her throat. I might be weak, but the good that is becoming her is nothing compared to the evil that is spreading through me, and at this moment I embraced that evil. It made me strong in this instant.
“Give me one good reason that I should not kill you right now!” I hissed at her.
“Raven!” Mica made the mistake of speaking. “She is still my child’s mother!” He placed his hand on my arm and I turned to glare at him.”
Lavon was by my side now. “Do not touch her, I will not stop her if she decides that she wants to kill you.” He warned Mica. “Besides you don’t have that right anymore. She is mine now!” He glared him.
I noticed that the other’s were standing in the room now and they were crouched ready to spring. They were thinking about tearing Lavon to pieces, but I could not let that happen, he would will me to kill them. I can’t do that. They have to survive to help my children evolve.
Lavon, put his hand on mine.”Raven, let her go love.” My eye’s narrowed, but I dropped my hand from her throat. I turned to Lavon. He kissed my forhead.
“You were right.” I told him. “Now I will fullfil my part. I want to see my babies for the last time.” I looked at Mica. His face pained again. I turned and walked to my triplet’s room. Lavon gave me the time alone. He stayed down stairs. He had no worries, he knew that Krystal would back him up for the fact if he died she would be out of the picture.
My three babies have grown in the three or so weeks that I have been gone. They are at least seven inches longer and they are more developed, yet they still sleep. I wanted to touch them lightly, but I knew that that would not be a good idea, for I will no longer be a part of their life. I wouldn’t even allow it if they could. They need to have a life with love instead of evil. I do know that I am evil even if not completely at the moment, I will be soon.
I turned to walk out, to leave this house for good, but Angelic was in my way. Her thoughts showed me that she meant no harm.
“Angelic you need to move! It’s time for me to leave.” I asked as nice as I could considering the evil that was flowing through me.
“You don’t look so good!”
“I won’t hunt, but now since I agreed that I would if what he told me was true about Mica and Krystal, I will hunt and I will stop fighting my instincts.” I sighed. “Ang. I am not the same person. I have to much evil in me now. I will not bother any of you again, just promise me that you and the other will love and protect my children. Don’t let krystal hurt them or raise them. She don’t have that right to them, no matter what.”
“I can promise that. But it hurt’s to see you so thirsty!”
“I have been denying my thirst since I reawoke to this more evil life. It has been two weeks since I woke and I refuse to hunt. I did not want to kill even though my instincts were telling me to. I can feel the evil spreading through my body. It get’s stronger in me everyday, regaurdless how much I fought it. Angelic, believe me. I have been fighting. I won’t even bed Lavon. But now I guess that will change. Mica seems content here with her, he won’t let harm come to her and I can sence that he does somewhat care for her. My gifts have strengthened I have found that I have a knew one, but I will not let it be known. It will be a matter of time now, my true self will be completely gone and this evil cold hearted one will replace me.”
“Raven.” She whispered very lowly. “You can not give up. You are still my sister. We all love you and we miss you. Mica grieves for you when he is able to avoid Krystal. So please don’t stop fighting!” She quietly pleaded with me.
I sighed. “I don’t think that I have a choice anymore. I have to go. Lavon is waiting on me.” She moved out of the way and followed me down the stairs into the livingroom. I knew that she was not gong to give up on me. It gave me a spark of hope, but I would not let it show in front of Lavon, and I could not let him feel that spark of hope comming from me.
Mica’s family was down their and still in their defensive stances. They would be ready if Lavon decided to start a fight.
“Raven before you go, can you come with me to the kitchen. I will offer you a cup of blood to strengthen you.”
Before I could answer Lavon was by my side. “No! She will not have none!”
“She needs it!” Mica growled at Lavon. “Why can’t she have it? Do you want her to die?”
“She does as I say. She is mine now and she will learn to feed the way a vampire is supposed to. She will kill, she will hunt, with me.” He wrapped his arm around me and I did not protest it, for I couldn’t. His will over me was strong. I am a part of him now.
I looked at Mica. I could see his pain. So it is true he still loves me. I picked that up from his mind. I quickly looked away when his eye’s met mine.
“I have showed you the truth, now we have to leave. It is time to hunt while it is still dark.” I looked at him and his hands touched my face. He kissed me lightly and I again could not refuse that, especially if I wanted him to think I was giving in. I kissed him back. He pulled away and smiled.
I could hear the low growl comming from deep inside Mica as Lavon kissed me and as I kissed him back. I had to tap into Mica’s mind. I needed to know at this moment what he was thinking. “I love you Raven, and no one else. I swear this to you.” He knew that I would be listening to him. I glanced over to Krystal with her hand on the small of his back, then back to Mica. He thought, “She means nothing to me in that way, she is only here because of our son. I love him and I need him to be with me. I do not make love with her, you are the only one that I will ever take to bed.
I promise you this!”
I turned to Lavon and smiled. “Lavon, my new love. I will be stronger to hunt with you tonight if you let me drink here.”
He looked at me. “Will you give me your word that you will stop denying your thirst and that you will hunt with me from now on?”
“I give you my word.” I answered then kissed him on his cheek.
“Then I will allow it.” He nodded his head for me to proceed.
“Will you wait for me outside so I can tell everyone here good bye. I know that I will not see them again, for now that I am yours.”
“Of course. I would like to talk to Krystal outside anyway and I would rather do it in private to where no one else can here. Except for you of course. Your mind can reach out to listen.” He beckoned to Krystal and they were both out the door.
I followed Angelic to the kitchen. I doused two cups quickly and I knew that I needed more.
Mica walked in the kitchen then. “Give her more sis. She will need it.”
I nodded in agreement. She handed me four more cups full. They were gone instantly. Now it is time to say my good bye to all of them.
Mica was at my side now. He whispered in my ear. “I will not give up on you. I know that you will keep fighting.”
I turned to face him. I nodded and tried to smile at him. He took my hand in his. “Forever. I mean that!”
I nodded once more. “Take care of our triplet’s.”
“You know that I will.” He said.
“We all will.” Heaven said as everyone of them were in the kitchen with us now. “We won’t let krystal have any part in that either.” She wrapped her arm around me and gave me the best smile that she could.
“Thank you.” Was all I could say.
Liza came up to me then. “Raven you will alway’s be our family and Mica’s wife. The triplet’s will alway’s be your children no matter what.” She hugged me.
“Let that help you to fight your new desire’s sister.” Carter said hugging me as well.
Dark Truth Page 32