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Disaster in Korea

Page 68

by Roy E Appleman

  23. Peploc, MS. Marshall, in River and Gauntlet (pp. 267-68), has some of the artillery north of the Kaechon River at this time and vulnerable to CCF attack. He was mistaken; all the artillery had crossed to the south side of the river and were in firing positions south of the 23rd RCT.

  24. 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., 30 Nov 50, in 2nd Inf. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 2472; Gugeler, MS; Maj. Sam Radow, CO 1st Bn., 23rd Inf., interview with author, 16 Aug 51.

  25. Marshall, Riverand Gauntlet, pp. 277-79. Marshall based his account of the ROK attack on interviews with eyewitness American officers, including Lt. Col. McMains (CO, 3rd Bn., 9th Inf.), Lt. Col. Skeldon (CO 2nd Bn., 38th Inf.), and Lt. Heath (38th Inf.); 9th Inf. WD, Hist. Narr., 30 Nov 50, Box 2471; Peplos, MS.

  26. IX Corps WD, Bk. 1, 26 Nov 50, and Vol. 6, Annex 2, G-3 Msg. No. 1786; Brig. C. N. Barclay, The First Commonwealth Division: The Story of British Land Fow€s in Kona 1950-1953 (N.p.: Aldershot, Gale, and Polden, 1954), p. 34; Eighth Army WD, G-3 Sec., 3, 6, 9, and 24 Nov 50, and Transportation Sec., 24 Nov 50; 2nd Logistical Comd. Hist. Rpt., G-3 Sec., Nov 1950; Lt. Col. G. I. Malcolm, The Argylls in Korra (London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1952), pp. 58-59.

  27. Barclay, First C,ommonaral 1, Division, p. 25; IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 29 Nov 50, Box 1770; 1st Cav. Div. WD, G-3 Jnl., 29 Nov 50.

  28. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 30 Nov 50, Box 1770.

  29. Holden, Letter.

  30. 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 29-30 Nov 50, Box 2473; Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51; Pcploc, MS.

  31. Peploe, interview with author, 12 Aug 51; Peploe, MS; Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51; 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 2473.

  32. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 30 Nov 50, Box 1770.

  33. Peploe, interview with author, 12 Aug 51, on beginning of the tank movement at head of the 2nd Bn., 38th Inf. Also, Peploe, MS. The account of Lt. Mace's run through the enemy fireblock is based partially on Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 281-86. Marshall interviewed Lt. Heath and others in the party in late Dec 1950.

  34. 9th Inf. WD, Hist. Summ., S-3 Narr. Diary, 30 Nov 50, Box 2471; Sgt. Richard H. Shriver, combat correspondent assigned to 9th Inf. Rcgt., "Personal Experiences with 9th Inf. HQ Company at Kunu-ri and in Fireblock," 11 pp. (Typescript MS, 16 Aug 51, prepared at the author's request, copy in his possession).

  35. Maj. Gen. George B. Peploc, USA, Ret., letter to author, 8 Dec 79.

  36. The account of Manning's and Peploe's travel through the enemy fireblock and arrival at the Middlesex Battalion position is based largely on Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51, and Peploe, letter to author, 8 Dec 79. During the interview Manning frequently consulted a map of the area and his contemporary notes in giving the map coordinate readings that have been included here. Regarding the movement of the 38th Inf. Rcgt. through the enemy fircblock, see also 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 2437. The British Centurion tanks were too large for the SunchonKunu-ri road north of where they stopped on the night of 29-30 Nov. They probably would have blocked the road at some points to southbound traffic if they had tried to travel north on it. But the American medium tanks attached to the Middlesex Battalion could have negotiated the road. Many from the 72nd Tank Bn. with the 2nd Div. did.

  37. Goodrich, letter to author, 25 Mar 80, and idcm, Comments.

  38. Peploe, letter to author, 8 Dec 79. Peploe, in his MS, states that he conferred with Gen. Keiser at the 2nd Div. CP at Sunchon during the evening of 30 Nov 50.

  39. Marshall, River and Gauntlet, p. 297, based on his interviews with survivors.

  40. Ibid., pp. 303-306.

  41. Ibid., pp. 321-23, apparently based on an interview with Turner.

  42. 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 30 Nov 50; IX Corps WD, PORs No. 197 and 198, 29-30 Nov 50, Box 1769; IX Corps WD, Bk. 1, 30 Nov 50.

  43. Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51.

  44. Peploe (in MS) again emphasized the misleading combat intelligence Gen. Keiser and he had at noon on 30 Nov 50, when his regiment started south into the enemy fircblock.

  45. Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51.

  46. Epley, Comments.

  47. Cohen, Diary; Homer Bigart in New York Herald Tribune, 2 Dec 50.

  48. Cohen, Diary. Col. Epley's journal memorandum for 30 Nov states that he left the CP at 1:30 P.M. and arrived at Sunchon at 8:40 P.M. (Box 2435).

  49. Cohen, Diary; 2nd Div. WD, Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 2435; Holden, Letter.

  50. Cohen, Diary; Homer Bigart dispatch, datelined 1 Dec 50, with 2nd Div., to New York Herald Tribune, 2 Dec 50, p. 1, col. 6.

  51. Col. Albert K. Stebbins, interview with author, 4 Dec 53.

  52. Col. Gerald Epley, USA, Rct., letter to author, 6 Dec 79.

  53. Goodrich, "Recollections," pp. 8-9.

  54. Epley, Comments; Epley, letter to author, 6 Dec 79; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, Capt. Richard S. Johnston, CO, 2nd Mil. Pol. Co., Rpt., 30 Nov 50 (hereafter cited as Johnston, Rpt.).

  55. Epley, Comments, pp. 4-5.

  56. Johnston, Rpt.

  57. Epley, letter to author, 6 Dec 79, p. 4.

  58. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., msg. 301930, Holden to Kunzig, 30 Nov 50, Box 1770; Buys, Comments.

  59. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., and G-3 Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 1770.

  60. Capt. Edward C. Williamson, after-action interviews. See his report, "Kunu-ri: Support of the 2nd US Inf Div Rearguard by Battery A, 17th FA Bn (8-in how) During a Retrograde Movement 24 Nov-1 Dec 50," No. BA 64 (Mimeographed, in Office Chief of Military History, Washington, D.C.); Capt. Russell A. Gugelcr, "Artillery at Kunu-ri," in Combat Actions in Korea (Washington, D.C.: Association of the US Army, 1954), chap. 6. Gugeler used Williamson's report and his own interview with Lt. Col. Harrelson, and other sources. See also Goodrich, Comments.

  61. Williamson, "Kunu-ri."

  62. Ibid.; Gugeler, "Artillery at Kunu-ti ; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 235-36. Gugeler says the weapon sent forward to fire on the enemy machine gun was a dual-40. Marshall gives it as a quad-50. There is often confusion in interview comments referring to these two potent antiaircraft weapons carriers. One distinction, aside from their armament, is the half-track character of the M16 quad-50 and the full-track character of the M19 dual-40.

  63. Williamson, "Kunu-n"; Gugclcr, "Artillery at Kunu-ri"; Holden, Letter; Goodrich, Comments.

  64. Goodrich, "Recollections," pp. 8-9. In light of Goodrich's comment about the FDC operations sergeant's description of the bypass when he came through it, its condition then (which became worse as time passed) more accurately explains why the bypass was closed to vehicular traffic. We also know that many of the soldiers in the last two serials (6 and 7 on the Sunchon road) abandoned their vehicles and artillery in the fireblock area, long before they reached the bypass, and walked out over the hills.

  65. Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 339-40, quoting Lt. Col. William Kelleher, CO, 1st Bn., 38th Inf.

  66. Ibid., pp. 337-38; Johnston, Rpt.; Epley, Comments.

  67. 23rd Inf. Regt. Comd. Rpt., 30 Nov 50, Box 2472; Holden, Letter, and previous text and citations.

  68. Col. Paul L. Freeman, interview with author, 17 Apr 52; Col. Gerald G. Epley, interview with author, 13 Dec 51; Buys, Comments, 13 Mar 80; Peploe, MS.

  69. 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., Operations Sec. 3, 30 Nov 50, Box 2472; Freeman, interview with author, 17 Apr 52.

  70. 24th Inf. WD in 25th Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 3764; Maj. Sam Radow, CO 1st Bn., 23rd Inf., interview with author, 17 Aug 51; Capt. Ordic Taylor, liaison officer, 24th Inf. with 23rd Rcgt. at Kunu-ri, interview with author, Aug 1951.

  71. Col. Paul L. Freeman, CO 23rd Inf., "Withdrawal of the 23rd Infantry from Kunu-ri" (Memorandum for record, per conversation with Gen. Keiser, addressed to CG, 2nd Inf. Div., 9 Dec 50, copy in author's possession; hereafter cited as Freeman, Memorandum); Freeman, interview with author, 17 Apr 52.

  72. See references in n. 71. Col. Epley told me on 13 Dec 51 that
Gen. Bradley had come part way back from the Pass area to where Col. Sloane was at that time and that Gen. Keiser was at the Pass.

  73. Goodrich, "Recollections," pp. 8-9.

  74. Marshall, River and Gauntlet, p. 328.

  75. Maj. Gen. J. S. Bradley, deputy director for strategic plans, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C., letter to Maj. Roy E. Applcman, 2 Apr 52 (signed by D. Kaplan, secy. to Gen. Bradley, for him). Kaplan said that Gen. Bradley was in Walter Reed Hospital at that time and had asked him to send the letter to me.

  76. Freeman, Memorandum; idem, interview with author, 17 Apr 52.

  77. Freeman, interview with author, 17 Apr 52; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, p. 329.

  78. Radow, interview with author, 16 Aug 51; Freeman, Memorandum.

  79. Freeman, Memorandum; idem, interview with author, 17 Apr 52; Lt. Col. George H. Williams, Jr., letter to author, 28 Nov 52 (Williams rode in the lead jeep behind the section of tanks at the head of the column); 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., 30 Nov 50, Box 2472; 2nd In. Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 2435; Gugclcr, MS; Maj. Frank Meszar, exec. off., 23rd Inf., interview with author, 15 May 53.

  80. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Jnl., Spot Rpts., 30 Nov 50, Box 1770; Radow, 16 Aug 51 (Lt. Col. Claire E. Hutchins, Jr., was CO of the 1st Bn. in Nov-Dec 1950); Gugeler, MS; Freeman, interview with author, 17 Apr 52; 1st Lt. Clark C. Monroe, interview with author, 1951; 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., Sec. 3, Operations, 30 Nov 50, Box 2472.

  81. Freeman, Memorandum.

  82. My interview with Col. Freeman grew out of the latter's desire to obtain a copy of Gen. Bradley's letter to me. Although I did not know it at the time, Col. Freeman was a student at the National War College at Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. In some manner, Freeman had learned that Bradley had written to me on the subject of Freeman's authority to use the Anju road for the 23rd Inf. RCT at Kunu-ri. Freeman telephoned Maj. Gen. Orlando Ward, my superior officer, then chief of the Office of Military History, and asked him to have me send a copy of Bradley's letter to him. Gen. Ward declined to issue such an order, saying that I, the recipient of the letter, should decide whether to comply with the request. Gen. Ward then informed me of Col. Freeman's request and told me to handle the request in my own way. I telephoned Col. Freeman at the National War College and discussed the request, arranging to meet Freeman the following day. In the ensuing conversation I found Col. Freeman intensely interested in having a copy of Gen. Bradley's letter to me of 2 Apr 52. That letter was the only existing written record that showed authority for Freeman's action. I provided Col. Freeman with a copy of the correspondence from Gen. Bradley, and he seemed much relieved at receiving it. Col. Freeman seemed nervous about the continuing criticism of his actions on 30 Nov 50 and fearful that it might result in some official action that would adversely affect his military career. With a copy of Gen. Bradley's letter in his possession, he felt more secure.

  In a conversation at a reception at Fort McNair the evening of 11 Apr 52, S. L. A. Marshall told me that Gen. Bradley wanted Col. Freeman court-martialed after Kunu-ri and that he (Bradley) had denied Freeman authority to move out by the Anju road. Marshall said that Freeman's authority to do so was from Gen. Keiser over Col. Sloane's 9th Inf. radio at the north end of the enemy fireblock. This statement is incorrect. How Marshall's mixup in this matter could have taken place I do not know. His view, however, became known to many officers in the army. That condemnation of Col. Freeman's action was widespread in Korea was well known to me in the Eighth Army in 1951.

  83. Marshall, Rim and Gauntlet, pp. 350-51, quoting Fralish, whom he apparently had interviewed; Capt. Perry Davis, public information officer (PIO), 2nd Div., interview with author, 17 Aug 51. Regarding Maj. Lavell's death, see U.S. Military Academy Register ofGmduaus (West Point, N.Y.: Association of Graduates, USMA, 1975), p. 460, Item 11651.

  84. Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 357-58.

  85. The 9th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Narr., in 2nd Div. WD, Dec 1950 (Box 2471) gives a good account of a large group of men from the rear of the 2nd Div. withdrawal, apparently including the Fralish-Grinnell group of artillerymen, who escaped on foot over the hills from the vicinity of the Pass area to the Sunchon road some miles southward and were guided on into Sunchon by liaison airplane messages dropped to them.

  86. Goodrich, "Recollections."

  87. Lt. Col. Robert J. O'Donnell, letter to the editors, Combat Forces journal 3, no. 12 (July 1953): 2.

  88. Holden, Letter, includes the comment that Col. Goodrich, S-3 of the 2nd Div. Arty. in 1950, gave him the information on the 155-mm howitzer blocking the bypass. 89. Goodrich, "Recollections," p. 9, and letter to author, 25 Mar 80.

  90. Killilae, "Operation Roadblock," pp. 15-16.

  91. Sgt. Richard H. Shriver, HQ Co., 9th Inf., "What I Know of the Battles near Kunu-ri," 11 pp. (Typed MS, 16 Aug 51, prepared for and copy in possession of the author; hereafter cited as Shriver, MS). See also 9th Inf. WD, Hist., Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 2471.

  92. Shriver, MS; 9th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Narr., in 2nd Div. WD, 1 Dec 50, Box 2471.

  93. Sec references in n. 92, above.

  94. Shrivcr, MS.

  95. 2nd Div. WD, G-l Personnel Periodic Rpt., No. 12, 15-30 Nov 50, Box 2435.

  96. Epley, letter to author, 6 Dec 79.

  97. 2nd Inf. Div. WD, Narr. Summ., 1-30 Nov 50, p. 36; ibid., G-4 Narr. Rpt., p. 3, Box 2435; Col. Pascal N. Strong, (Eighth Army Engineer in 1950) "Army Engineers in Korea," Military Engineer 44, no. 302 (Nov-Dcc 1952): 405-10; Maj. Lawrence B. Farnum, letter to the editors, Combat Forces journal 3, no. 12 (July 1953): 4.

  98. 2nd Inf. Div. PIR No. 71, 5 Dec 50, in 2nd Div. Comd. Rpt., G-2 Sec., Box 2439; 2nd Inf. Div. Comd. Rpt., G-2 Sec., 29-30 Nov and Dec 1950, PIR No. 71, 5 Dec 50, Box 2439, for estimate of enemy forces and dispositions.

  99. Futrell, US Air Fora in Korea, pp. 237-38; IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 30 Nov 50, Box 1769; Field, Naval Operations, pp. 267-68. Rear Adm. E. C. Ewen, commanding the Fast Carrier Task Force, informed the commander of the 5th Fleet at 10:30 P.M., 30 Nov 50, that two-thirds of their effort to aid Eighth Army had been wasted because they could not find controllers.

  100. Epley, Comments; Goodrich, Comments.

  101. Capt. John T. Dunphy, I Corps historian, letter to author, 1 Dec 51, citing I Corps G-3 Jnl. Serial 559, 291915. But Maj. Odum of I Corps, G-3 Plans, who was in the I Corps, G-3 Sec., on 30 Nov 50, told Dunphy that all requests of that nature were approved.

  102. Maj. Lucas M. Prescott HQ, IX Corps, letter to author, 26 Dec 51. Prescott wrote: "Have made every check on all available sources of information in regard to the request of the 2nd Infantry Division for authority to use the Kunu-ri-Anju road. In so far as written journal entries I have not been able to locate any ... Lt. Col. Rice and Capt. Kovar who were on duty in IX Corps G-3 Section during the night of 29 November 1950 state that request was received from the 2nd Division and cleared with I Corps and transmitted to the Division." The IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts. for 29 Nov, states that it received a radio request from the 2nd Div., G-3 Sec., for a report on the Kunu-ri-Anju road and then south, and information on the 25th Div. movement. This source states that IX Corps G-3 Sec. gave the 2nd Div. G-3 Sec. information on the road and secured permission for the division to use the Anju road but that from Anju to Sukchon the road was crowded and it would have to work into the traffic as best it could-that the 25th Inf. Div. was doing the same. This message apparently was sent at 7:50 P.M. on 29 Nov. Another reference to the subject in the 2nd Div. Activ. Rpt. for 29 Nov says a request was made through IX Corps to use the Anju road, but does not state what response, if any, resulted from the request. See IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., Jnl. entry No. 2542 (or 2140?) 291950, 29 Nov 50, Box 1770; 2nd Div. WD, G-3 Activ. Rpts., 29 Nov 50, Box 2435.

  103. Epley, interview with author, 13 Dec 51; Lt. Gen. Frank M. Milburn (I Corps CG, Nov-Dec 1950), interview with author, 4 Jan 52; Buys, Comments.

  104. Holden, Letter.

  105. Marquat, "Automatic
Artillery in Korea"; 5th Cav. Rcgt. WD, Nov 1950; 1st Cav. Div. WD, Nov 1950, Box 4416; 1st Cav. Div., G-4 Jnl., 30 Nov 50, Box 4417; Buys, Comments.

  106. 2nd Div. WD, G-1, Personnel Rpt. No. 12, 15-30 Nov 50, dated 1 Dec 50, and Enclosure 2, Box 2435; and G-1 Rpt., 2nd Div., Lt. Col. James D. Tanner, G-1, 7 Dec 50, Box 2435.

  107. The figures relating to the 9th Inf. Regt. are taken from the 9th Inf. WD, Narr. Hist., S-1 Narr. Diary, Nov. 1950, Box 2471.

  108. Eighth Army WD, Sec. 1, Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 1122; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, Dec 1950.

  109. 25th Inf. Div. WD, Summ., Nov 1950, Boxes 3764 and 3765.

  110. 2nd Div. Comd. Rpt., G-1 Sec., Dec 1950, Box 2436.

  111. 2nd Inf. Div. Comd. Rpt., Dec. 1950, Narr. Summ., Appendix D-la, and G-3 JnI., 1 Dec 50.

  112. "Report on Status of the 2nd Infantry Division, 5 Dec 1950," four-page memorandum from Lt. Col. A. E. Lancaster, Eighth Army G-3 Sec., to Col. Dabney, Eighth Army G-3, in Eighth Army Comd. Rpt., G-3 Sec., 5 Dec 50, Box 1136 (hereafter cited as Lancaster, Report); Lt. Col. Holden, Report, 2nd Div. G-3 Rpt. with 2nd Div. POR, 5 Dec 50, Box 1136 (hereafter cited as Holden, Report).

  113. Killilac, "Operation Roadblock," p. 15; Marquat, "Automatic Artillery in Korea," p. 7.

  114. Lancaster, Report; Holden, Report.

  115. Eighth Army Comd. Rpt., Narr., Dec 1950, Box 1134.

  116. The depth of Gen. Keiser's feelings about Kunu-ri may be sensed from the fact that, when Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway later wrote to Gen. Keiser (they were both in the West Point class of 1917) for information as to what happened at Kunu-ri, Keiser never answered (Ridgway's statement to author).

  117. Epley, Comments.

  118. 2nd Inf. Div. Comd. Rpt., chief of staff Jnl., 5 Dec 50, Box 2436.

  119. Eighth Army Comd. Rpt., G-3 Sec., 5 Dec 50, Box 1136; 2nd Div. Comd. Rpt., Dec 1950, for 7 Dec.

  120. Maj. Gen. Leven C. Allen, interview with author, 15 Dec 53; Mrs. Edward M. (Margaret) Almond, conversation with author, 28 Apr 77. Mrs. Almond told me that Gen. Keiser told her on or about 15 Dec 50 in her home in Tokyo that Gen. Allen had come to Yongdong-po and relayed to him Gen. Walker's order relieving him of command.


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