Book Read Free

Night Marchers

Page 16

by Rebecca Gober & Courtney Nuckels


  My eyelids begin to flutter open. I yawn and stretch my body while taking in my surroundings. I’m in a dark room in what seems to be a bed, although my feet are dangling off the end of it. I sit up hearing faint voices from another room. Inching closer to the door, I press my ear to the crack.

  “You know we can’t face them; it’s never been done. The Night Marchers are relentless. They won’t stop until they have her,” said a strong female voice.

  “We have to do something; I will not allow her to be taken by them. She didn’t know what she did was wrong and Kao, he has taken so much from me already,” Kai said.

  Adam interrupted the conversation, “Eve, we have no choice. Kai has always helped us with anything we needed. He would fight to the death for us…if he could die. I don’t think it’s even a question of if we will help him; it’s a question of when. When do you need us Kai? We’ll be there.”

  I suck in a breath trying to figure out the oddity of the conversation. If he could die, I thought about this line over and over. I dismiss the statement, as I must have misheard them. I decide I've listened long enough and have more questions than answers, so I pull slightly on the door to make my presence known.

  The light streaming in causes my eyes to burn from being in the dark. I rub them softly trying to adjust to the brightness. Kai is the first to turn around from the table they are sitting at. He rises from his chair and comes to me, “Hello Emma, how was your nap?”

  I give Kai a half smile, “Fine, thanks. I didn’t realize how tired I was last night and I guess the boat rocked me to sleep.”

  “Water is quite soothing. Come with me, there’s someone I want you to meet.” Kai nestles his hand in mine and leads me to the dining room area. The home is furnished with much of the same type of furniture we have at our home but in miniature sizes. The couch and the table look like the type you would find in a kids furniture store. I spot Adam first at the dining room table. He’s holding hands with whom I would presume must be Eve. She is delicately small with light brown hair pulled back tightly in a bun. She’s dressed rather fashionably in a sequined top with flared out blue jeans. There’s no other word that I can use to describe her other than adorable. Not in a kid type way since she’s obviously in her middle years but in a perfectly petite fashionista way.

  “Eve, this is Emma.” Kai introduces me.

  Eve’s large brown eyes widen when she sees me, “She looks just like her,” Eve whispers slowly a hand rising to cover her mouth.

  I furrowed my brow in confusion trying to figure out just whom I’m supposed to look like.

  Eve corrects herself quickly and says, “My, my, come sit dear.” She gets up from her chair and hurries over to lead me to one of the larger empty ones. “Are you hungry? Would you like something to drink?”

  I nod my head. “I’m not hungry, but I would like something to drink, please.”

  Eve goes to the kitchen and brings me a steaming mug of tea.

  “Thank you,” I say while testing the temperature of the drink on my lips. The tea tastes flowery like chamomile with a touch of cinnamon.

  “Emma,” Kai starts, “Adam, Eve and I were talking about your…situation. We are still in the planning stages of what we are going to do but we want you to know that you are safe here until we figure it out.”

  I give them all a meager smile, “Thank you so much for helping me.” The words seem so small but it’s all I can think to say.

  A knock at the door interrupts their reply and Eve rises to answer it. In the open doorway I can see the messenger boy, Paul shifting back and forth nervously.

  “You called for me miss?” Paul says to Eve but his eyes shift to me. I catch him in the act of staring and he quickly averts his gaze back to Eve. A crimson blush fills his cheeks. He’s so awkwardly sweet and I find that this goofy young Menehune is starting to grow on me.

  “Yes, Paul, I did. Won’t you come in and have a seat. We have a very important job for you.” Eve shows Paul to a chair while Adam brings me a paper and a pen.

  “Okay Emma,” Kai starts. “I promised you that you would be able to contact your family. Paul here can take a letter to them tonight once it’s dark. So this is your chance to tell them you are okay.”

  I jump up and hug Kai, “Oh, thank you Kai!” I turn to everyone else, “Thank you so much for helping me with this. My dad, and Alani must be worried sick about me right now!” I take the pen and paper and begin to write a letter to my dad:

  Dear Dad,

  I know you are probably totally freaking out right now. I think I’ve been gone for three days at this point. I am so sorry. I would never intentionally stay away if I had the choice. I don’t have my phone, not that there is service where I’m at anyhow. I am safe right now and please don’t worry too much. When I am able to I will be home.

  I love you,


  PS: Please tell Alani that I apologize for disappearing on her watch. Please, please, please ask her not to tell Tristan. I don’t want him to worry while he’s away. XOXOXO

  I look over my shoulder to see Kai with his arms crossed over his chest looking flustered. I wonder if he read what I wrote, the part about Tristan. I pretend as if I don’t notice anything and fold the letter carefully placing it in Paul’s hands. Adam reaches into his pocket and pulls out several silver coins and hands them to Paul.

  “I will be back before dawn,” Paul states before turning on his heel to leave but not before giving me a quick bow. I stifle the laugh that grows in my throat.

  Adam closes the door behind Paul and says, “In the meantime, Emma, you will be staying in Kai’s house. He has a little bungalow down here that he stays at sometimes. I think you’ll find it quite comfortable. The beds will be more your size.”

  I smile at Adam and Eve and thank them for helping me.

  Kai ushers me out the door and down some tall steps carved out of the rock. When we reach the bottom I look back and see that there are about twenty or so individual apartment style residences carved into the rock. It is so interesting how the Menehune people use this cave-like dwelling in different ways.

  I silently follow Kai down the brick path and through another tunnel. The walkways are very narrow and we have to walk in a single file line to keep from falling into the canal. The tunnels are lit by a series of lanterns which cast our elongated shadows against the opposite sides wall. It’s like a whole new world down here in this cave. Reaching out I trail my fingers along the tunnel wall finding it moist and cool. I imagine it would be tiring living in a place so dark and cold. When we reach the end of the tunnel Kai leads me out into a small private cave that has a stone staircase leading to an upper level. We climb several stairs before reaching the landing. In front of us is a cave wall with a single door made of solid oak. Unlike Adam’s home or the tavern, this door was more our size. We head inside to an empty foyer with a concrete floor and a spiraling staircase made up of polished cedar stairs. Kai takes the lead and makes it to the top of the stairs first. Because the landing up here isn’t very big, I have to wait a few stairs below him while He pulls out a key and unlocks a door.

  When he opens the door I’m quite surprised. I’m not sure what I expected to see; but it wasn’t this. The entire ceiling is made of some sort of clear material allowing the night sky to shine through. There’s a comfortable sitting area in the entry. As we walk through the house Kai shows me around pointing out the basics: the kitchen, dining room, bathroom and bedroom. The entire house is furnished with beautiful hand carved furniture. It reminds me of the Amish furniture that my dad and I looked at when we were picking out a new dining room table. That too was made by hand and carved from a good sturdy type of wood. When Kai sees me admiring the decor he lets me know that it’s all made of Koa wood and that the Menehunes handcrafted it. In fact, the Menehunes made everything in his house. “Make yourself at home Emma. I sent some of the Menehune messengers to get you clothes from your house.
They should be back in a few hours.”

  While I’m not quite sure how they will be able to get into my house, I secretly hope that Paul isn’t one of those messengers. He certainly doesn’t need to be ruffling through my underwear drawer. Either way I’m grateful that Kai thought about getting me clothes. I’ve been wearing this same outfit way too long. When Kai turns away from me for a second I take the opportunity to raise my arm up and do a quick sniff check. Relieved that I’m not sporting some horrid B.O. I make a mental note to take a shower as quick as I can without being rude. I look down at myself and notice that my shorts and tank are covered in mud, dried blood and now have a fading white hue to them from the salt water. I’m glad that there isn’t a mirror nearby because I’m afraid of what my hair and makeup must look like. It’s amazing that the Menehunes didn’t snub their noses at my ragged appearance.

  Curiosity pulls me from my thoughts when I spot another spiral staircase extending upwards from the dining area. “Where does that staircase go, Kai?”

  Kai smiles at me, his eyes brighten in anticipation, “Let me show you.”

  We climb the small staircase until we reach the top. Yet another door awaits us, but this one is unlocked. I gasp in surprise when he opens the door for me. We are standing at the entry of a small room made up of walls of glass. The only thing that’s not see-through is the wooden floor and the door that we just came from. There are non-stop views of Honopu Valley and the Pacific Ocean. The view from the doorway confirms that we are extremely high up, which makes sense considering the number of breath- taking stairs we had to climb. Because of my fear of heights I have to take a second to let my brain process that this is a safe and secure room with no possible way to fall. When the vertigo fades I move closer to take in the panoramic views. We must be at least two hundred feet up. Looking down I see that this room is built onto a jutting off a cliffs edge. There is a sheer drop from the cliffs edge to the lush green valley below. Off in the distance I can see the golden beach where we spent the night surrounded by the intensely blue Pacific Ocean. I pull my gaze from the window and look at the only piece of furniture in the room. It’s a wooden porch swing with just enough room for two. Potted plants with exotic flowers in pink and purple hues surround it on either side. The beauty of this room with its views is almost overwhelming. I could stay here for hours and just gaze out at the land and ocean before me.

  Kai comes up from behind me, “Do you like it?”

  I simply nodded my head unable to come up with words to describe just how much I like it.

  Kai laughs softly in my ear, “I’m so glad I finally get to share this room with someone, especially you.” His breath on my neck sends goose bumps across my arms. I feel an intense desire to touch him and feel that electrical current again, but I withstand it and put my hands in my pockets instead.

  Kai motions for me to sit in the swing. “I’ll be right back.” Kai heads back down the stairs allowing me some time to gaze at the night sky and ponder the conversation I overheard earlier today. I still can’t figure out what Adam meant by ‘if you could die?’ My thoughts are cut short when Kai returns a few minutes later with two steaming mugs. He hands one to me and then settles in next to me on the swing.

  “Kai, your home is very enchanting.” I say quietly while still staring off into the night sky.

  “Thank you. When the Menehunes designed it for me they made it much different than their homes. For starters, I’m sure you noticed that they don’t have any windows,” Kai says.

  “I did notice that... No windows, they only go out at night... Is there something you aren’t telling me? They aren’t miniature vampires are they?” I turn my attention towards him and give him my best teasing expression.

  Kai gives me a serious look and I open my eyes wide in surprise, before he laughs. “No vampires here. They are a different species from us. Their skin does not require Vitamin D like ours does. In fact, too much sun exposure makes them exhausted and sleepy. This city within a cave is very ideal for their needs. Me on the other hand, I need to have some sun. Sometimes I’m here for weeks at a time. I couldn’t handle being away from the outdoors for that long without some rays coming through.”

  “So they built you windows.” I look around at the structure that surrounds me, marveling at their exquisite work. “They are extraordinary people, the Menehunes. I have to be honest Kai...” I start nervously fidgeting with my mug. “I overheard some of your conversation when I woke from my nap.” I feel bad changing the subject so abruptly but this has been weighing on me since we left Adam and Eve’s home.

  “Oh, I’m sure you must have many questions then. Emma, I am an open book, I want you to trust me. Please ask me anything you need to know.”

  I wonder if he really means it. He wasn’t a hundred percent open when I asked about why I healed so quickly from my injuries. I decide to dive in anyway since Kai has apparently given me a green flag. “Well, first I heard Adam and Eve say that they will help us figure out a way to free me from this Night Marcher disaster. Do we have any type of plan? Please don’t think I’m ungrateful for all you are doing for me, but I can’t just hide here forever. I have a family, friends, a whole life that is in the waiting.” I say softly pleading.

  “We are working on it. There are some scholars here that Adam is reaching out to tonight who have much knowledge on The Night Marchers. I can only imagine that you must miss your family a lot. I’m so sorry that you have to be dragged into this. I should have done a better job of protecting you Emma. I should have warned you to keep your eyes down.” Kai looks away from me, his posture gone rigid and his hands balled into fists.

  He turns back to me as I begin, “No Kai! You can’t blame yourself! You protected me. You barely even knew me, and you went out of your way to save me. You are still going out of your way bringing me here. I can’t seem to understand you. I’m burdening you and you are the one apologizing. I should be the one apologizing. I am so sorry... I’m sorry that I got lost...that I went out there alone...that I dragged you into this...that I looked at that thing... I mean your the eyes... I’m so very sorry for everything.” I turn my face away as tears of frustration fill my eyes. I don’t think I really let it hit me until now. This is so crazy, this situation that we’re in. It’s not normal, it’s nuts! If I were to tell a police officer what I’ve seen, what we are running from and where I’m hiding out, who would ever, could ever believe it? I would be put in a nut house for sure! On top of trying to process everything, I feel like a dead weight, like I’m weighing Kai’s life down. He must have his own life, better things to do than run around with me trying to break a curse that I inflicted on myself. The pride inside me says that I should let him go on with his life while I deal with this on my own, stop dragging him down. I’ve already stolen three days from him. The fearfulness inside me stops me from doing such a thing because deep down I know that I’m not capable of dealing with this on my own. Even if in the end, there is no way to break the curse, at least I’m not alone, for now.

  Kai reaches up and gently guides my face back towards him so I can meet his eyes. Warmth surges through me as he looks straight into me; a look of longing is in his eyes. The look he gives me is what someone who has known you for years would give you. He says kindly yet firm, “Emma, you will not apologize. This is not your fault. You are a victim. I apologized to you because I failed you.”

  “No, Kai...” I start to say and then he gives me a look that basically tells me to stop talking because he’s not through yet.

  “I failed you because I saw what would happen, I could have stopped it, but I just didn’t pay enough attention. I was given all the tools to protect you but I failed.” He looks down angrily at himself.

  “What are you talking about? You saw what happen? That makes no sense.” I ask confused.

  “Emma, haven’t you wondered why I was there? Why I was there in the woods that night when the Night Marchers came?”

had not even thought about that. I’m sure that eventually the question would have popped into my head, but with all that’s been going on it hasn’t. “Why?” I ask.

  “It’s really hard to explain... I saw you... I mean... Look Emma, this is really hard to describe because it doesn’t make much sense and it’s a bit unbelievable... I don’t want you to think I’m crazy.” Kai is stumbling trying to figure out how to say what he wants to say.

  Humph! Think he’s crazy? I doubt anything he could say could be more outrageous than a spirit warrior...who happens to be his twin, trying to kill me and miniature people living in a secret underground cave. “Kai, we have been through a lot in the past two days. I have seen things that I could never explain to most people. I need you to be honest with me and answer this. I promise to keep an open mind. I will not think you are crazy.”

  “OK, where do I start...I guess I will just spit it out. The first time on the beach when you were swimming it was not an accident that I was there. I did not just stumble upon you. I was there on purpose to protect you. I had been told to protect you.”

  “Protect me? From what? Who told you to? Wait, did my Dad hire you? Or did the Kealoha’s tell you to protect me?” I pressed my questions towards Kai all at once as my mind reels for answers.

  “No, I wasn’t hired,” Kai pauses looking for the right words to continue. “I had a vision. I’ve been having these visions for years. Normally when I dream I see things...things that can’t be explained. I have been having visions of you for a while. Before I even knew who you were. I thought those visions were of someone I knew long ago... They were always of you on the shore by your home. You would be swimming peacefully by yourself. I would watch you from the shore but always in the back of my mind I could sense danger. Every day for years I would walk up and down that beach looking for you, and one day there you were. The first time I saw you, it was the day you were trying to surf.”

  I gasp in embarrassment. “You saw that?”

  He looks down almost shyly and replies, “Yes. I didn’t stay long when I saw that you were okay and that the boy there was helping you.”

  I almost think I see a flinch when he mentions the boy who was helping me, Tristan. I don’t ponder on it too long when a thought pops into my head and my face turns beet red. Oh no! “Are you the one… that…oh my goodness.” I just can’t even put the sentence together. My bikini bottoms!

  “Um, yes. I had gone for another walk later that afternoon and they had washed ashore. I promise I saw nothing else.” Kai says. His face showing he was just as embarrassed as I was.

  I keep my eyes averted. I was grateful when he picked back up where he left off and continued on seriously, “I saw you again the next day. Just like the vision I had, you were swimming peacefully by yourself. I sensed danger so I was bracing myself to jump in after you when the wave overtook you. I decided against it when I saw you breakwater. I also figured I might startle you more than anything if you saw a stranger swimming out to you. So I watched...and waited to make sure you were okay. That’s when you noticed me. I didn’t want to leave, I wanted to meet you but I had heard the boy from the previous day coming down the path.” This time I’m nearly positive that I saw him flinch when he mentioned Tristan. Kai continues, “I hid behind some brush when you began coming to shore so neither of you could see me. After that day I followed you, making sure you were safe. I had to know who you were, you remind me so much of....” He looks away from me avoiding my gaze.

  “Who? Who do I remind you of Kai?” I remembered earlier when Eve said something at their house. About me looking just like her. I began pressing Kai with my gaze hoping he would answer me.

  “Heleya.” A pained expression overtakes his face and in that instant I want to comfort him. He looks tortured saying that single name. I almost want to tell him that he doesn’t need to continue but I know that I need to hear this. I need to know this. I allow him a minute to collect himself. “She was my fiancé.”

  “Was?” For some reason I feel a twinge of jealousy when I hear that Kai had a fiancé.

  “Yes, she’s been gone for many years.” Kai says and looks at me expectantly waiting for a reaction. I search his eyes but no words come to mind. My brain is trying to process the fact that Kai had a fiancé and that she’s been gone for years...Years? He couldn’t be much older than me. However, his mannerisms are that of someone much older. His eyes look so much wiser than a normal teenager. Perhaps he just looks young... What if he’s older than I thought? I am conflicted about this. I feel attracted to this man for some strange reason, kind of like we are two magnets that have drawn together. If he’s like thirty or something that would be sick, wouldn’t it?

  “There are many things about me that you don’t know Emma. Things I’m not sure you’re ready to hear.” Kai looks at me longingly. His stormy grey eyes are filled with conflict and emotions.

  “Kai,” I reach my hand up and run it gently through his jet-black hair trying to give him the comfort he so desperately needed to continue.

  As if the electricity that runs between us jump-started him I watch as a look of determination crosses over his face. “I’m not like other people. I’ve been on this earth a long time. Too long...” He stops talking to gage my reaction. I don’t give in; I want to know more. “The year was 1654.”

  I can’t stifle the gasp of air my lungs require upon hearing that. When I see him looking at me worriedly I correct my expression and beg him with my eyes to continue.

  “Heleya was killed the eve of our wedding day. She was murdered...” Kai’s hands ball into fists of anger, “ my brother.”

  I want to reach out and touch Kai but I see that he needs to get this out and this is not the time for comfort.

  “Emma, she was only sixteen! He murdered her...because of jealousy! He hated that she was betrothed to me. He hated anything that had to do with me. He wanted her; he wanted everything I had. I did nothing to deserve his wrath or his hatred. He was born with it Emma. My parents sensed it. The chief sensed it. He was born with evil in his heart.” Kai is shaking and his knuckles are turning white from how hard he is clenching his hands. He stands up beginning to pace the room.

  “I found her in the woods. He had left her there to die with a spear wound in her stomach. She had lost so much blood. I cradled her in my arms begging her to hold on. I screamed for help. As she started to fade away I begged her to tell me who did this to her so I could avenge her. Quietly she said with her last breath ‘Kao.’ My brother. I stayed there in the woods holding Heleya in my arms rocking her back and forth. Praying that she would come back to me. It wasn’t for another two hours that some people from my village found me there. I carried Heleya’s cold body all the way back to our village. We buried her that night...” A tear falls down Kai’s cheek.

  “Kao never came home. We never heard from him again. I didn’t speak, eat or do anything for a week. It wasn’t until my Chief passed away that I spoke again. Chief Keli’ilani was like a father to me. Kao and I had been orphaned by both of our parents when we were three. Chief Keli’ilani took us both in. He raised us and taught us to be warriors. The Chief never had any children of his own. He was grooming us from the beginning so that one of us could take his place. A year before his death he had made the decision final. He had chosen me as an heir to take over as chief in the event that he passed away. This spurred Kao’s hatred for me even more. He had wanted to lead our tribe. The Chief could see inside Kao’s soul and he saw the darkness that had overtaken his heart. This is why he was not chosen even though he was older than me by a few minutes...”

  I stand up and walk over to Kai pulling him into my arms. His body is rigid and wrought with tension. He gently pushes me away and says, “Emma, I need to finish telling you this otherwise it will never come out,” I nod and then return to my seat.

  Kai takes a deep breath and continues. “It is our tradition that when a Chief dies a warrior is to take his bones and bury them in
secret. It is a great honor to be chosen but also a great sacrifice as the warrior must commit suicide after the burial. This is to protect the secret of the bones’ location. You see, occasionally we have a Chief that holds great power within. Our people believe that after death these bones hold an even greater power, ‘mana,’ that cannot be exploited by any human.”

  Kai walks over, sits back down next to me and continues. “The process of the Elders choosing the warrior takes weeks. During this time the Chief’s body and bones are being prepped for burial. The night before we were to gather to find out whom the chosen warrior was; I entered the Elders tent. I had lost so much. I felt as though I could no longer go on. I requested that they choose me for this mission. They were very much against this request. After all, I had been chosen to succeed as the new Chief. They pleaded with me to withdraw my request. I refused to stand down and pleaded with them earnestly. They sent me from the tent so they could deliberate. The following morning at dawn our tribe met in the center of our village. The head elder stepped forward and announced my name as the warrior who would be taking our Chiefs’ bones to their final resting place...” Kai starts pacing the room, finishing his story.

  “I stepped forward with full confidence that this was my purpose, my lot in life. After a small ceremony I headed out on my journey to find a safe place to burry my Chief. Other than a nap sack slung across my back, I brought nothing with me. I needed nothing to bring into the next life with me. It took a day’s journey to get from my village to the place where I decided to bury his bones. I buried them at the base of a tree. After I paid my respects I stood up to complete my mission. I noticed that the tree had a single berry growing on it. As one last human moment, I ate of the tree; it’s only berry. I then steadied myself and headed to a cliffs edge. The cliff overlooked the water. As I watched the sun setting below the horizon I stepped out into the nothingness...” Kai sighs. “I must have fallen several hundred feet to the ocean below. I don’t remember hitting the water; I must have blacked out moments before. I do remember waking up on the shore of a beach. I was surrounded by three Menehunes; one of them was Adam.”

  I’m surprised by that last part. Not that the whole story in itself wasn’t surprising. This would mean that Adam is as old if not older than Kai.

  “They must have dragged me from the water onto the beach. They later told me that I had been laying face down in the water for several minutes. It took them a while to get down from the cliff to rescue me. They were assured that there was no way I could have been alive. I surprised them all when I awoke. I didn’t hurt or have a single side effect from the long fall. Once I realized I was still alive I jumped up and ran back into the forest. I knew that I could not speak to these people whom I had never seen before. I had to protect the mana. For days I tried numerous ways to fulfill my duty. I tried to jump from another cliff onto rocks below instead of the ocean. Just like the previous time I awoke a few hours later with no injuries. I swam out into the ocean as far as my body would allow me to, until I could no longer move my arms or legs due to fatigue. I remember slipping beneath the water and closing my eyes as I welcomed the incoming water into my lungs. Again I blacked out. I later awoke and found myself washed up on the beach. I tried many other ways of dying but none worked. I had no idea why this was happening to me. Why I was cursed and could not fulfill my mission. I finally gave up and wandered destitute throughout the valley.”

  “I had no idea what to do. I could not go back home. I had failed my mission. In addition, I could not risk the possibility of any of my tribe members trying to find the location of our Chiefs’ bones. Later the Menehunes found me again wandering. They took me in. I’m not sure why I trusted them, but I knew deep down that they were good. They never asked what happened to me or pried. I lived with them for many, many years. As the years passed and most of my tribe members were gone, I was able to go into town more. I would help the Menehunes with the tasks they could not do like acquiring certain supplies and trading or selling their products. Over those years I solidified my relationship with Adam. He was like the brother I always needed...”

  “Emma, I’ve questioned and wracked my mind for hundreds of years trying to figure out why. Why did all of that happen to me? Why am I still here? Why am I cursed to wander this island? Why have I not died?” Kai is shaking and closes his eyes in pain.

  As I watch him tears begin streaming down my face. They are tears of sadness for his fate and tears of confusion as my brain is still trying to process all that he has told me. How he can still be alive after all that he has tried to do? How he has not aged? How he can keep going day after day after having experienced what would shut the average person down? Then on top of everything I apparently look like his dead fiancé? How bizarre is that? This whole thing is so farfetched. What if I’m going crazy? What if Kai is insane and has somehow made this all up in his head? I’m not sure what I believe.

  Kai looks up and into my eyes. It’s as if he can sense my emotions, my questions, and my wonderment. He sets a focused look on his face and grasps my hand pulling me swiftly from the swing and down the stairs out of this beautiful room that is full of so much sadness and sorrow now.

  “Emma, I need you to believe me; I need you to trust me.”

  I can’t lie to him and say that I do believe him and that I one hundred percent trust him. I should after he has saved my life so many times. I should after he has barred his soul to me. I am just too lost to know right now what I feel or what I believe. My eyes have seen too much over the past few days and my ears have now heard too many things that shake my existence. My norm.

  Kai leads me into the kitchen and pulls out a large knife. It glistens in the dim light emanating from the moon above. My heart begins to race as I try to comprehend what he’s about to do.

  Kai looks at me and gives me a pained expression. He’s hurt by the fear that is written on my face. “Emma, do you trust me?” Kai asks with a soft pleading in his voice.

  I look at him not quite able to give him an answer. Had he asked me ten minutes ago I knew the answer would be yes. Now, I just don’t know. Doubt fills my mind as I stare blankly back at Kai.

  Kai shifts his stance. “Emma, I need you to trust me. I need you to believe me. You need to understand that what I’m saying is true. I am not crazy.”

  Gasping in horror as Kai raises the knife in the air, I cringe. He turns the knife on himself, plunges it deep into his heart and falls to the ground. I’m frozen in total shock trying to figure out what just happened. Kai just killed himself! He is lying on the floor with his eyes closed. The knife is sticking out of his chest. I start trembling and my body is shaking so hard that my teeth clatter together painfully. “Kai!!!” I yell and finally make my body move dropping to his side. I grab the knife handle and use what little strength I find to pull it from his chest. Instantly his eyes open and he gasps. The knife drops from my hand and falling backwards, I succumb to the darkness that overtakes me.

  “Emma, Emma,” I hear someone calling my name. “Emma, can you hear me.” The voice is closer now. I begin to open my eyes slowly trying to take in the surroundings. As my eyes focus I see Kai’s face just inches from mine. I startle quickly looking around remembering what just happened.

  Fear had overpowered me the instant he had plunged the knife into his chest. I may not have known Kai long but to imagine a world without him was painful. I don’t know what I would do without him here helping me through this. I hadn’t realized that I needed him until I saw his eyes close for what I thought might have been the final time. Relief washes over my as my hand instinctively reaches towards Kai’s chest, where moments ago I pulled the knife from his heart. There’s nothing there. No blood that should be seeping through his shirt, only a simple slit in the fabric right above his heart.

  Suddenly it all falls together...I believe him... Kai is immortal!

  Kai offers his hand, helping me up. I still can’t believe Kai is alive. I saw him die, bu
t it’s as if nothing is changed. I pull Kai to me and lift up his shirt, examining him further and tracing my hand over his heart feeling it beat. There is nothing there but flawless skin, no scar to be found.

  Kai brushes his hand across my face with his fingers erasing the worry and pushing my hair behind my ears. No longer am I scared, I’m simply in awe of what just took place. Realizing that we are intimately close, my heart begins to race. I can feel Kai’s heart match the speed of mine. We stare into each other’s eyes as he leans into me and sweeps me into an intense kiss. I tense up for the briefest of moments feeling the bold electric shock before I meld my mouth to his. His lips are so soft and gentle as he envelops me into his arms. I close my mind and let my senses take over. His mouth tastes like cinnamon and his skin feels strong and smooth. My brain is intoxicated with the mere thought of him. The current that is racing through the two of us heightens every nerve in my body.

  We are pulled from our embrace as we hear a knock at the door. Both Kai and I peer down towards the hall. He reluctantly parts from me and heads towards the door. I don’t move from my stance as Kai answers it.

  In the silence I try hard not to let guilt overcome me. I just kissed Kai! What about Tristan? I excuse myself by thinking about all that is happening. It’s been a rough few days and right now, I’m not really sure of anything. Luckily I’m pulled away from thinking too hard about it when Kai comes back into the room with a stack of my clothes. We end up locking eyes and I’m the first to disconnect and look away as my face flushes red thinking of the kiss we just shared.

  Kai understandingly hands me my clothes. “Emma, why don’t you take a shower and then get some rest. It’s been a long night.” I nod my head and he kisses me gently on the cheek. I reluctantly turn and head towards the bathroom.

  I don’t think I’ve ever taken a more enjoyable shower. There’s something about running water cleansing you when you are in desperate need of it. I allow the hot water to melt the tension from my stiff muscles. The only fallback was it gave me time to think. Think about my life and all the changes that have taken place in such a short amount of time. Think about Tristan and the unknown relationship we have. Think about the kiss I shared with Kai, what did it mean? I try to inhale the warm steam allowing my mind to go numb. I use Kai’s shampoo and bar soap. They both smell like lemon grass and olive oil. There are no labels on the bottle so I’m assuming that they are organically made by the Menehunes. It smells wonderful. Kai had mentioned earlier that he helps the Menehune’s with tasks they can’t do like trading and selling items. I wonder how many products out there are actually made by the Menehune’s. I’m sure that they don’t put their name on the label but if they did there could be a huge market out there for the items they make. You can’t get more ‘organic’ or ‘all natural’ than the Menehune’s. The money alone that they can make by selling furniture would set them up for life. I guess that would all come at a price. I remember Adam saying that they are a ‘private’ race. That must be another thing that makes them different than regular humans. They do not struggle with greed. From the stories Adam told me, they have built so many things for the Hawaiians but they ask for nothing in return. If only we could learn something from them. I know that I am already learning.

  After I finish my shower I happily put on clean clothes and pick up my dirty ones to put in the laundry. That’s when I’m reminded of my mother’s picture. I feel bad that I just now thought of this. It was in my shorts this whole time. I’ve basically gone swimming with the only memento I owned that reminds me of my mom. My heart aches a little with worry when I think about the damage that could have been done to it. I reach into the pocket of my shorts to find that it was still there. It’s a little water stained but it’s not too badly damaged and it’s already dry so that should be a good sign. I look at my mom’s bright smile feeling a little comfort knowing that in some way she is with me through all of this craziness.


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