Book Read Free


Page 2

by LeAnn Mason

  “We were. Here anyway. Go meet Holden at the barn. Take a minute to decompress, then work on reading people. Holden knows some good spots to do that.”

  “Can I ride?” I asked hopefully.

  “I’ll leave that up to Holden. It’s his training time. He knows what you need, but you will have to go into a crowded area at some point today and work on your reading and focus, both on zeroing in as well as expelling outside thought. We need to see just how much we can mold your gift.”

  “What is Jade doing the rest of the day?” I looked around the cavernous space filled with seemingly random piles of boxes and equipment, wondering where she’d run off to and when.

  “Jade will also be working on her ability. We’re trying to improve her range. Both with feeling as well as influencing.”

  I nodded. That made sense and would be beneficial. Being able to get a read on someone’s mood would be great if I wasn’t around. It would be even better to be able to manipulate said feelings, especially in tense or potentially dangerous situations.

  Right now, Jade could be no more than a couple of feet from her target, and that put her in the line of fire should things escalate. My petite and very Sage bestie wouldn’t fare well in a physical encounter. I was the only one of the recruits who would though they had no idea the true extent to which I could handle being hurt.


  THE BUILDING WHERE WE conducted our training exercises and drills was an outbuilding located on the farm’s property. It was the best place for privacy and seclusion that we had. I hadn’t realized just how big the property actually was until I’d learned about these little training forays. It had to be the largest piece of land in Minefield and was isolated enough that there was no danger of neighbors or drivers seeing or hearing anything we were doing, unless we were shooting, and so far, that wasn't a skill the recruits got to practice.

  I quickly returned my borrowed weapon-prop to the appropriate storage and set off toward the old truck I liked to borrow when it was around for the taking. She wasn’t the prettiest. She groaned and creaked and had a smoker’s voice, but she reminded me of Dad’s car.

  Of Dad.

  I looked around the cab as I pulled the key from the cup holder and pushed it into the ignition. She could use a good bath and cleaning; a spa day. I huffed a laugh at my internal musings of the car. Like it was a person. I must be hard up for companionship if that were the case. Jade and Holden would probably take offense to that notion… The familiar rumble of the exhaust broke through my self-deprecating thoughts.

  A moment later, telltale creaking drew my attention to the vehicle’s only other door. Jade was there, a dark nymph haloed by light, hauling her almost dry self into the passenger seat. Her long golden hair was limp and wet, a few beads of water still clinging to the tips of the luminous mass, gathering and hanging on the ends before getting too heavy to maintain the coveted position and falling to land on the worn grey seat. She had yet to say anything, at least verbally.

  “Good to see you Miss Danforth. You ran off after electrocuting me, no note. Nothing.” I quirked my brows to take the sting out of the words.

  Still, worried thoughts buffeted me, slapping at me with their intensity. The air became thick with unspoken guilt. I decided to let her off the hook before I decked her just to shut her up. It was never quiet in a telepath’s head, and Jade couldn’t handle my right hook. Also, I couldn’t afford to lose a friend as my previous one-girl-convo clearly illustrated.

  “Seriously, Jade, no worries. You were doing your training session. I was just on the losing end of the exercises today.” I shrugged and turned to look out the rear window as I reversed from the parking spot, hoping she took my nonchalance for acceptance.

  She didn’t.

  “Jade, I can’t stare you into submission right now because I’m trying to make sure that we make it to The Corner Bean unscathed.” I peeked at her before turning my attention back to the road. “I assume that’s why you’re hitching a ride.” That relaxed her substantially though I’m not sure it was my demeanor as much as the fact that she would be able to start her coffee IV soon.

  I couldn’t help the quirk of my lips as I conceded that it was definitely the coffee.

  She settled back into the bench seat, smiling absently. “Coffee, mmm.” Jade looked positively blissed out by the notion of getting her coffee fix for the day. She reached forward and turned the knob for the radio, forcing the crooning singer, telling her man that she knows he’s lying because his lips are moving, into submission.

  “I can’t imagine getting hit with the prod, Nat. Can I still be on the team if I can’t take the tests?” Jade chewed absently at a thumbnail, her mind now worrying about her place on the team, as an enforcer at all.

  It was common knowledge that Sages were not posted to physically intensive occupations or activities; their bodies just couldn’t handle the strain. So they were engineers, doctors, teachers… Most Sages were more than fine with this tendency, but Jade was not. My adorable bite-sized bestie was a gladiator… in her heart. Physically, she was a severely asthmatic waif of a girl. A few people had made the mistake of telling Jade what she couldn’t do. They only did so once.

  My girl was fierce, so this show of worry was a side I rarely saw. I’d never seen it in a situation where it was not the outcome Jade wanted. I’d have to think of some way to pull her out of her self-doubt-pity-party. That was not the Jade I knew and loved.

  “Come on, girl. You know they need you and your mad emotion-bending skill!” She was too far away for me to casually nudge with my shoulder, so I threw out my arm to give her a playful shove.

  “Ow, woman,” Jade complained half-heartedly, rubbing at the shoulder I’d impacted, but her thoughts lightened fractionally. I was on the right track. “Who else would point Dane in the right direction?” A snort of humor escaped as I thought about how too true that statement was for our resident teddy bear resembling squad-mate.

  The male was huge, all muscle and adept at locating whatever he put his mind to, but he often couldn’t draw a mental line between two situations. His mind just didn’t work linearly, Jade however, excelled at such things. We all wondered just when they’d try to make a go of having a relationship. They were too cute together: the bear and the pint-sized firecracker.

  The moment I pulled into a spot down the street from The Corner Bean, the mood in the truck lightened even more. Jade had already thrown open her groaning door and was climbing down to the pavement by the time I’d turned off the engine. That girl loves her coffee. I was just happy that the sumptuous and all-too-tempting concoctions were still being created, all things considered.

  One-half of the duo who could be thanked for our liquid-delivery of caffeine was still around to do his calling, thankfully. Rolph Duggan was a survivor of the illusionist who’d seemed to delight in petty revenge plots that were successful in ruining a number of lives— more than likely, many more than we’d ever know.

  Was it selfish to be thankful he was still around and I could get the best chai tea lattes on the planet? Maybe a little bit, but in truth, I was just so happy that Rolph had survived his brush with the illusionist and that said illusionist was rotting in Enhanced prison like he deserved.

  Rolph’s recovery had been long, slow and painful, but he was now getting around without being wrapped in the stark whiteness that was casting. He was by no means back to normal, probably never would be, but he wasn't giving up. Walking was a bit slower, a bit stiffer, and aided with the use of a walking cane, to say nothing of the lingering pain.

  Rolph knew who I was, knew I could read thought, but he still treated me like a favored child whenever we stopped into his shop… which happened about every day if I was honest. He felt indebted to our team for the rogue’s capture. Per Rolph, I was never to barter for goods in his shop ever again. He held me in special regard. I’d come to his aide and stayed by his side when he had been struck by a vehicle. A cruel and intended outcome b
y a sniveling Sage who didn’t like feeling slighted.

  Men like that were the very reason the whole of the Enhanced were shipped off and quarantined into places like Minefield. Men, people, like the illusionist gave every ninny a reason to fear and hate the Enhanced. That fear kept us trapped within our walls.

  Our team was created in response to the pressure the governments felt from their people about the inhumanity of detaining humans who’d committed no crimes, claiming a number of rights violations. The ninnies in charge were beginning to cave, now considering allowing Enhanced citizens to mingle with Non-Enhanced outside our walls, eventually.

  Who would have thought the human rights movement would apply to us? That populations would kick up enough fuss that their leaders would feel like they needed to reform their ideas regarding the Enhanced? Our task force, and others like it, were the governments’ baby step to appeasing the rising dissent over the lack of choices my kind were afforded.

  One day, we would have freedom, but today I’d settle for heaven-in-a-cup and some time with the horses. Training time with Holden was a bonus. My beautiful, silent, blue-eyed chameleon was a highlight to any day. Training was almost the only time we were without the company of at least a couple of our teammates.

  “Nathalee, Jade! My girls! The usual?” Rolph’s jovial voice pulled me from my rapidly sidetracked thoughts and back to the shop, the rich smells of coffee, sugar, spice and chocolate overpowering all others. So good.

  My muscles, still having electricity induced cramps every so often, loosened at the heavenly aroma wafting throughout the small space before me. The service bar was at the back with Rolph manning the counter, five large blenders lined up like soldiers along the far side. All of them were currently in use, the whirring almost too loud to hear the surrounding chatter.


  Jade and I hung back until Rolph turned back to the front, brandishing a large iced coffee for Jade and my iced chai latte. Summer meant cold drinks, not different drinks. Nothing changed about our order except that now we wanted them over ice.

  “How are two of my favorite people today?”

  Jade loved playing into the flirt, loved how Rolph’s favoritism brought all kinds of curiosity from the surrounding patrons. Rolph, thankfully, was discreet in his reasoning, saying only that we helped him when he had been injured.

  Our team and its members were still a fairly well-kept secret at the moment. We hadn’t had another high-profile case since the illusionist, and even that had garnered attention only when the team had all driven through town with our captive broken and bloody in the back of a beater truck the team used. Most other public forays were done by Devlin and me, and I didn’t look pure Sage, so my presence wasn’t a reason for instant scrutiny. One day soon, it would be though. Minefield was too small for gossip not to permeate the crannies. Word would get out. The question was: What would come of the knowledge?

  After a quick chat about how we all were doing, we bid Rolph good-bye to the tune of the rest of the patrons grumbling about pretty girls getting to skip the lines. As Jade cleared the door and strode out into the warm afternoon sunlight, I asked where she was heading.

  “Meeting Dane and Dev for some more training. I think Dev wanted to work on some low-strength, high-yield maneuvers for me to use in a pinch if needed.” She shrugged before continuing, “I think I’m supposed to work on emotion manipulation from a longer distance as well.”

  “What’s your range at now?”

  “I can do it at five feet or so. At least I’m out of arm’s reach now,” she said.

  “Has anyone been successful in blocking your influence?”

  She gave me her trademark look of arrogance before scoffing and waving me off. “I’ll see you tonight. Say hi to Holden for me.”

  I watched her retreating steps for a few moments before pulling the truck’s key from my pocket and heading in the barn’s direction, daydreaming about the wind in my hair as I rode full tilt on Raven’s back, Holden trailing after me, his mount unable to keep up. I not only missed my vehicle but found myself wrapped around a light pole that popped up right in my path. Really, it did. Like a magic conjuring trick.

  Okay, not really. I just needed to pay more attention. Good luck, I laughed at the thought. I’d been telling myself that for years… still hadn’t stuck.


  AFTER ANOTHER SHORT RIDE in Ol’ Faithful, I parked her in a gravel spot just off the barn entry. I couldn't rub the smile from my face as I made my way through the imposing structure, giving the attending ponies a swipe as I passed. Man, I love this place. Just being on the grounds made breathing a little easier.

  I didn't see Holden as I made my way to the far end toward Raven’s stall, though at this time of day, there was a good possibility it was empty, and he was still out in the pasture, playing and eating… mostly eating. Food was the great motivator. It could be used to get just about anyone or anything to do what you wanted. A lesson I’d learned quickly in my barn visits.

  I didn't see Jasper in his stall, so I didn't feel guilty about not stopping to say “Hi” though it looked like Raven actually was in his.

  “Hey, handsome,” I crooned as I ran a hand down his velvety midnight nose. I was still amazed at the hardness that was most of a horse's head. There was actually very little tissue and even less muscle, the vast majority of softness being the nostrils, lips and underside of the jaw. Everything else was basically flesh-covered bone, and it hurt to take a hit. Been there. Had the goose egg to prove it.

  Hey there, beautiful.

  I shivered pleasantly at the sound of the masculine timbre and turned to greet Holden. When our gazes connected, the tremors only intensified. The heat in his bright blue eyes seemed to dance like ocean waters as he drank his fill. The man could undo me with a look, making me a wobbly pile of girly goo just begging for the taking.

  With great effort, I peeled my eyes away but had to clear my throat before words could escape. Appropriate words, anyway. I was pretty sure take me now would not be on the list. And now, I needed to clear my throat again. “Your uncle says I'm yours for the rest of the day.”

  Holden prowled closer. Only for the day? A raised eyebrow accompanied the playful question.

  With us living as a group at the farmhouse, there wasn't any privacy and even less time when we were actually alone, so our relationship had been slow to progress. No one would hear Holden's pleasure, but mine? I didn't think there was any chance that the sounds that would emanate from me could be misinterpreted, and I didn't want to air my sex life to the entire squad. We were definitely not that close. So Holden and I took moments when and where we could.

  Holden’s gaze was as predatory as his precise movements. One step, then another. Slow, steady. The third step brought him close enough to touch, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me to him, never once breaking eye contact. The heat I felt as our bodies pressed together was more than just a blush; I felt near to combustion. No one would need to be able to read minds to know what was in ours at this moment. In fact, I'd pity anyone who could because we each had some graphic displays going on in there.

  I couldn't look away. I was prey, and I'd most definitely been caught. My hands, having a mind of their own, had snaked around his shoulders, one now sliding upward, making its way to the lush dark strands of his hair. It was in disarray as it always was, but I loved it, the mass just long enough to tangle my fingers in, which I did often. Now was no exception. His head descended with the help of my hand as I tipped up my chin to meet him, needing to be closer. Always closer.

  The meeting of lips was slow and sensual, his tongue darting out to taste and tease. He only had to ask. I opened to his invasion and met him strike for strike.

  Well, there's a show I wasn't expecting to see today.

  The foreign voice was like a bucket of cold water, an effective tool in dousing the fire building between Holden and me. I jerked my head away, opening my eyes to look for th
e interloper. I caught a glimpse of denim jeans and tan cowboy boots as they disappeared into the tack room just behind Holden.

  My head said to take a step back, but my body wasn't having it. My hands refused to release the hold they had on Holden’s scalp, instead clenching the strands within their grasp. The maneuver only made Holden's eyes spark more, the mercury ring around the pupils a beautiful compliment to the ice blue of the iris.

  Our third wheel, whose voice had broken our moment, exited the tack room making a valiant effort not to stare at Holden and me, who were still locked in an obvious lovers’ embrace.

  Finally, I was able to disentangle myself from his arms though they didn’t release me, only straightened, allowing for my movement. Now that the heat was gone, my glare took over. What was he thinking, making a scene like that? Here? Now? Didn't we wait for privacy to mess around like that? And what brought on that feral look?

  “What the hell, Holden?” I punctuated the statement with a little shove. He didn't move, only grinned down at me, laughing at my feeble attempt to move him.

  What? You are.

  “I am what?” I huffed back at him.

  Beautiful. The shivers destroyed my self-control. I couldn't keep my hands off you in that moment. I tried. He shrugged, a mischievous smile gracing his full lips. Didn't try very hard though.

  I smacked him again, this time on his chest. He just laughed his silent laugh at me and stumbled back a step while bringing his hands up to playfully rub at the spot of impact. I definitely hadn't hurt him, but he was putting on a good show now. Nerd.

  “Let's get back to it.” I strode past him to the room the mood-breaker had emerged from and went in search of my boots. I got in the habit of just keeping them here so that I didn't have to worry about them making the trip with me… or not.

  After switching footwear, I set about gathering some items I’d need to get Raven ready: grooming box, saddle pad, saddle and bridle.


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