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books for kids:kids fiction LINDE AND ANDREA ( BOOK ONE )

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by moneyprince777


  Back at home, Linde was almost done with her laundry. While she was hanging the clothes to dry, her father was busy preparing lunch for her. He knew that by the time she was through with her household duties she would be too tired to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the two of them. When lunch was ready, her father beckoned her to come over. Linde entered the kitchen and went straight to where the stove was to start preparing lunch for her father, but alas…! He walked towards her and tapped her back while pointing at the dining table. “Father you don’t have to do this, It’s my duty to take care of you.” Her father just smiled and led her to the table and they ate their lunch together. She was surprised to find that lunch was ready. It had never occurred to her that her father could be a good cook. “Next time, you don’t have to cook for me. I don’t want you to get tired and you know that.” Her father just nodded and continued to devour his delicious food. “I love you father,” Linde whispered as she hugged him.

  After lunch, Linde washed the dishes and told her father to go to their room and have some sleep. There was a book in her father’s room that she really liked reading. What she didn’t know was that for all this time her father was watching her closely and knew how many times she had read the book. He had watched her read each chapter with so much joy. He watched her read the book for the umpteenth time until she fell asleep.

  “Knock…Knock…Knock…, Miss Mayers..Miss Mayers” the mailman called. “Yes I’m coming.” As she opens the door, the mailman hand her over a paper and said “Good day Miss Mayers.” As she read the paper, she knew it another bill they have to pay or else the wont have lights in the next few days.

  Far from where she is a little man calling her, shouting and running towards her waving a paper with so much joy. “ Sister Linde..Sister Linde..” Yuel shouts as he is running towards Linde. What’s wrong brother why are you running so fast? Come get inside and have some water. “I have some good news for you sister” Yuel said as he’s catching his breath. What is it is? “Here” as he hand over a paper to Linde. As she reads it, she hugged Yuel so tight and kissed him. “ You are so good! Perfect in you exam?! That’s assume!” she exclaimed. For that let me prepare you good snack. I still have few breads here from Mr. Bob. He gave me 2 extra bread for free.” Linde winks to Yuel. Here have yourself full, I know you were tired answering your exams. As she was watching Yuel eating, she knew for herself that everything will be alright. That there is a bright side and the God will help her overcome all her problems.

  Outside their house Yuel and Linde were playing. They look so happy. Yuel was happy of course playing with his sister Linde. He misses playing with her mother. Linde was just like her mother. She does what her does when her away. So Linde was a responsible sister to her siblings.

  Acy and Jao arrived after few minutes Yuel arrived. “ How was school Acy?” Linde asked. Acy answered, “ Fine”. Fine? Just fine? Let me see your test papers. Acy went straight to her room as if she never hears Linde. “Acy..let me see your testpapers” Linde shouted. “ Here!! Happy?” Acy said. What’s wrong with this? You never even pass the exam. What are you doing the whole time you are just in your room. Aren’t you studying? Acy.. don’t turn your back on me. Answer me.

  As they were arguing he father was just listening. He went out from his room to Acy’s room. As he enters Acy room he looked at Linde trying to say “it’s ok I’ll talk to Acy”.

  Linde was murmuring about Acy’s bad attitude. What she never knew that Jao is just right at her back wanting to give his exam results to Linde. But Linde didn’t noticed or even mind Jao. So Jao went to his room, leave his test papers at the refrigerator using a magnet. Linde stands up to get some water to refresh herself from being so stressed of Acy. There he saw Jao’s testpaper. He knew Jao was upset. So she went to Jao’s room and apologies. “I’m sorry Jao, I know you’re mad cause all I see Acy” Linde cried. Don’t be guilty sister, I understand. I know you have to remind Acy for being hard headed. You don’t have to be sorry. Hush now..don’t cry I know it’s a long day for you. You have to take rest for sometime sister. We are big enough to take of ourselves. No Jao I promised mother and father to take care of you. And I’m happy doing this, Okay? Don’t worry about me, Im fine. Now go change and I’ll just prepare our food for dinner.

  Everybody was contented of what Linde had prepared for them. Except for Acy. Acy is big-headed and sassy. She always complains why they are not as rich as Linde’s best friend Piah. Jao was a shy type, loner and always find himself out of the group. While Yuel is a happy go lucky brother. Yuel is the entertainer of the house, he sings, he dance and recite poems for the family.

  “Where is mother sister?” Yuel asked. Is she not joining us for diner? She’ll be here soon Yuel, she’ll be here. She just have to finished her work at Piah’s house. Now just eat your dinner and we will just leave some food for mother. Okay? After you eat do your assignments in school. Acy you should study hard!

  9 o’clock in the evening Mrs. Mayers arrived. Everybody was sleeping except for Linde. She is reading this book again. “Good evening mother. How are you? Have you eaten your diner?” Linde asked. Here have a sit and rest for a while, while I’ll get you food for dinner. As Linde was preparing the food, she told her mother everything what happened earlier. About Yuel and Jao having perfect score at their exams. “How about Acy” her mother asked. As always mother. You know her, very hard headed. Never listens to us. “I really don’t know what to do with her Linde. I’ve done everything I can but still she’s like that. What did I do? Didn’t I raised you well?” her mother asked. “ No mother don’t say that. You raised us well. With dignity, ambition in life. Look at Jao and Yuel they are doing great in school” Linde explained. “I’m sorry Linde if we’re just rich you don’t have to stop and take my place taking care you siblings.” Its okay mother don’t worry, I understand. Don’t stressed yourself.

  By the way mother, Andrea from Caro and Marie called this morning. Asking if I’m free Saturday night. But I’m not sure if I’m going. “Why? You have to met her. Did she tell you what is all about?” her mother asked. She just said she has something good news that surely I’ll be glad. Andrea? Caro and Marie? Her mother asked with confusion. I’m not so sure, but as what I know Caro and Marie is a sister company of the store I used to passed by everyday in the village mother” she answered. So you have to go and met her. Give it a try. May be this Is what you were dreaming of.

  As she went to her room, she keeps on thinking if she has to see this girl. She never knew who she is or what is she and how she contacts her. She wants to go but something is bothering her. Who would take care of her father? Her siblings?

  As she read her favorite book again and again before going to bed, she kept on asking herself. “Should I go? Or just ignore? I don’t even know her at all. Should I?”




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