Book Read Free

Where the Lies Hide

Page 26

by Renee Roman

  Sarah shrugged. “It’s pretty obvious you did what you thought was best. I’m over having Brace in my life. He’s not worth dying for.”

  “What about wanting blood in your life?”

  Sarah gave a small smile. “You found my dad. I think it’s time I contact him.” Sarah glanced from her face down to their joined hands. Cam led her to the couch and sat, pulling her down with her.

  “I shouldn’t have followed you.” She looked away, unable to trust her voice to say more.

  “I’m glad you did. I was already anxious about spending time alone with him, but then when…” Sarah shook her head. “It doesn’t matter now. Even though I didn’t show it at the time, I was glad you were there.”

  “You were inside too long. I didn’t want to storm in, but when I heard you beg him to help you…” She couldn’t finish as a shiver traveled through her.

  “Let’s not talk about it anymore. I’m fine, thanks to you not letting my stupidity keep you away.”

  “I couldn’t stay away.” She pulled Sarah closer.

  “So, now what, PI Stark?”

  She tipped her head. “I’m not following.”

  “Us. We’ve had some rough moments, but here we are again, so now what do we do about it?”

  Cam still didn’t know what she was going to do about Brace, though she’d been compiling everything she had on Brace’s suspected drug activities. She’d file a complaint in the next day or two. The sooner the better. But talking about that right now could put another wedge between them, and she wasn’t ready to go there. She was certain Sarah wouldn’t press charges against him, and there was no telling who they could trust on the force right now anyway. That conversation could wait.

  She would have liked to make love, to physically show Sarah how she wanted to take care of her, make her happy. The idea that sex could substitute for her need of confirmation that Sarah was unharmed overwhelmed her desire to touch and be touched.

  “I want to hold you all night if that’s okay.”

  Sarah kicked off her shoes, then moved into Cam’s embrace. “I’d say that would be perfect.”

  Cam thought so, too.

  * * *

  Sarah inhaled then sipped the dark roast. She hummed as she moved around the kitchen, throwing together veggies and eggs for breakfast omelets, a food that had become one of her favorites. This morning, she’d awakened to Cam draped around her as she leaned on one arm, watching her. There’d been no mistaking the look of adoration and love in her eyes—a look she could definitely get used to. After going to bed and talking for a while, they’d made love. It had been languid, passionate, and tender, reaffirming what she already knew in her heart. She’d been slowly falling for Cam, even when they argued or disagreed on important issues, like Brace. Every couple had moments when they disagreed, and this had been theirs, but if they were serious about having a long-term relationship, they’d get through it together.

  She heard soft footfalls behind her as she stirred the contents in the pan. Strong arms wrapped around her waist and warm lips nuzzled her neck.

  “Mmm…you smell so good,” Cam whispered.

  A tingle shot through her. It happened every time they were together. She loved how her body reacted to Cam’s touch, and her soft voice provided another kind of caress. “Are you hungry?”

  Cam reached around her and picked up the carafe to fill her mug. “Starved,” she said as she looked over her mug and sipped, a sheepish smile on her face. “I worked up an appetite.”

  Sarah giggled. “We both did. Can you put the toast down? This is almost ready.” Something about them working together in the kitchen filled her with a sense of what their life would be like. Lazy weekend mornings of making love, having meals, and taking it slow. The more they shared the more Sarah knew she’d found her future family. Maybe Cam would never let down her guard when it came to Brace and now she understood why it had been so difficult for her. She would call Paul and see where it led.

  She slid half the folded concoction onto each plate as Cam buttered toast. Sarah pulled the jug of orange juice from the fridge and poured into a tumbler. “You want some?”

  “Yeah. I need to keep my strength up.”

  Sarah lifted a brow.

  “I’m banking on more mornings like this.”

  Her hand trembled. She couldn’t imagine how hard Cam’s life had been as a youngster and still she found the courage to be kind, strong, and gentle. Most likely she still battled demons of her past while facing reminders with cases like hers, and Sarah’s admiration of Cam grew with each passing moment. Cam reached across to steady the jug and took it from her.

  “What’s wrong? Did I say or do something?” Cam lifted her chin with her fingers until their eyes met.

  “I’m scared. There’s Brace and thinking about what he might do. And…you and I are from such different backgrounds. I’m afraid to look ahead too far.”

  Cam rubbed her thumb across her cheek, then lightly held her chin. Cam’s cell phone dinged but she ignored it. “I’m not asking for a promise of next month, or next year. All I want to hear you say is that you’re willing to give us a chance.”

  Cam’s lips covered hers as she cupped the back of her head and pulled her close. Sarah no longer doubted she wanted a future with Cam in it. And maybe, just maybe, if she loved Cam with her whole heart, she could leave her past behind for good. Cam broke away, staring into her eyes.

  Sarah needed to open up, too. She was about to tell Cam she’d been thinking much the same thing when Cam’s phone rang, and the words died on her lips.

  “You’d better get that. It must be important.” She stepped back, not missing Cam’s disappointment.

  “You better hope there’s a good reason for calling.” Cam’s tone was abrupt as she answered. She watched Cam’s face go from annoyed to concerned as she listened. “All right. Thanks, Mags.” She ended the call before closing the distance between them. Cam gently held her shoulders. “There’s been a big drug raid. Brace was involved.”

  “What?” She searched Cam’s face.

  “Brace was shot. If you want, I’ll drive you to the hospital.”

  Extreme emotions ran through her head. She didn’t wish harm to anyone, but she admitted she was relieved Brace wouldn’t be able to come after them. With his attempt to kill her, she shouldn’t care what happened to him, but that wasn’t the person Sarah was. If there was a possibility Brace had suffered a traumatic experience when he was young, similar to Cam, that made him the way he was, then she could feel empathy, even if she’d never forgive him. She didn’t need to see him, though for some odd reason she did want to know he was alive.

  “I know I shouldn’t care what happens to him, but I’m not him, and I do.” Sarah gathered her purse and jacket while wondering what else fate was going to throw at her.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  The ride to the emergency room was a blur. Sarah watched the scenery race by without any of it registering until Cam grasped her hand.

  “Go ahead. I’ll park the car and meet you inside.” Cam gently squeezed before letting go.

  All she could do was nod; grateful she hadn’t had to drive herself. Her legs shook when she stood at the entrance, and she took a moment to prepare for whatever the news might be. She knew Brace was warped, but she couldn’t ignore he was part of her, and she of him. She wasn’t an insensitive monster whose need for power—control—wiped away whatever good was inside him. The sliding doors opened, and she stepped into the chaos of a sea of navy blue uniforms and others in bulletproof vests. They stood around in small groups, talking quietly among themselves and glancing every few seconds toward the emergency department doors. A few of them stared at her, and she vaguely wondered if it was because she and Brace were near carbon copies of each other. The swoosh of the sliding doors was followed by Cam stepping beside her and wrapping an arm around her waist. She leaned into the comfort of her solid support.

  “Do you want to try to se
e him?”

  She nodded, unable to put to words why doing so even made sense.

  “Let’s ask about getting you inside.” Cam guided her forward.

  The woman at the desk looked up, a weary but kind smile in place. “Can I help you?”

  “Hello. I’m Cam Stark and this is Sarah Peters. We’re here because Sarah’s brother is one of the officers involved in the police raid tonight and we’ve been told he was injured.”

  “What’s the officer’s name?”

  “Brace Archer.”

  She typed on her keyboard and looked at the screen. “I’m sorry. Officer Archer is in surgery. You can have a seat in the waiting room and I’ll let the staff know you’re here.”

  Her stomach churned. “Is he…”

  “I’m sorry, Ms…Peters is it?”


  “I can’t tell you any more until he’s out of surgery. I’ll be sure to find you.”

  “Thank you. We’d appreciate knowing as soon as possible.” Cam guided her to a couple of empty seats on the far side of the waiting area. She kept a physical connection between them as though sensing how lost Sarah felt. “Whatever the outcome, you won’t be facing it alone.”

  God, she loved this woman. Consciously acknowledging her love for Cam gave her a quiet sense of peace. She wished she could tell her, but this wasn’t the time or the place for such an important confession. They’d have other moments. Please let there be other moments.

  * * *

  Cam longed to find a way to dispel the angst Sarah was going through. She’d found and lost a sibling, though she’d reassured Cam she wanted nothing more to do with him. Nonetheless, if she knew anything about Sarah’s character, she was shaken by the abrupt news. Liv was the only person she’d ever considered real family, and she couldn’t imagine how she would deal with bad new concerning her. She hated Brace and everything he stood for, but she could never turn her back on Sarah.

  “Do you want anything? Water or coffee?” She’d held Sarah’s hand for the last two hours, ignoring the cramp in her bicep at the awkward position she was in.

  “No, thank you.” Sarah shared a weak smile. “It feels like I’m on an emotional roller coaster. First excited to find him, then worried I never would. You telling me he was a criminal with a badge, and me not believing you. And then the look in his eyes when I fell through the floor…”

  “It’s okay. None of that matters as long as you’re here with me.” Cam inhaled deeply. “Sarah, I lo—” She didn’t have a chance to finish as the doors opened and several doctors dressed in surgical scrubs stepped into the waiting room. Sarah stood when she heard her name called among the cacophony of voices.

  “Here. Sarah’s here.” Cam pushed through the crowd and brought Sarah to the front. The doctor’s eyes softened, but the sadness was unmistakable.

  “You must be Officer Archer’s sister. I’m sorry to have to tell you that he didn’t make it.”


  The hush around them was deafening.

  “There was too much damage to his internal organs. I’m very sorry.”

  Cam led Sarah back to their seats and she sat very still. She glanced up in time to see an older couple with a worried look stop one of the uniformed officers. They spoke for a minute before the woman gasped, her hand going to her mouth to muffle her anguished cry. The man nodded to the officer, then wrapped a protective arm around her before they sat.

  Behind them, officers began to talk in hushed tones as the news of Brace’s death passed among them. Cam instinctively pulled her closer and Sarah let out a long sigh.

  “It’s over, isn’t it?”

  “I’m sorry Brace’s life ended this way, but I’m not sorry he’s no longer a threat to you.” She kissed Sarah’s forehead.

  “It’s kind of surreal. Yesterday I was begging him for my life and today he’s gone.”

  A few minutes went by before she realized the couple stood close by. “Excuse me.” He looked to the woman whose hand he held. “We’re Brace’s parents. I’m Jack Archer, and this is my wife, Nicole.” He looked between Cam and Sarah. “Do I know you?”

  “Cam Stark,” she said. Sarah took a minute, then stood beside her and held out her hand.

  “I’m Sarah Peters. I’m Brace’s twin.”

  Jack helped his wife to the bench and Sarah sat beside her. “I know this is a shock. It was for me, too. I recently found out we were both given up for adoption.” Sarah took Nicole’s hand. “I’m sorry for the loss of your son.”

  Nicole dabbed at her eyes and stared at Sarah before sharing a sad smile. “Sometimes loss and discovery are one and the same.” She lightly touched Sarah’s face. “You’re pretty. You have—” Nicole’s voice cracked. “Had the same eye color.” Jack reached for her.

  “Honey, we should ask if we can see him.”

  Nicole nodded, then stood. She turned to go, then stopped. “Would you like to go with us?”

  Cam watched the exchange between strangers and couldn’t help comparing their kindness to Sarah and Liv’s kindness to her.

  “Thank you, but no. I didn’t really know him.” Sarah watched them go to the glass enclosure before they disappeared behind the electronic doors.

  She was going to ask if Sarah was ready to go when someone held out a bottle of water. Cam looked up to find Jimmy Barnes.

  “Thank you.” She cracked the seal and held it out to Sarah. Cam still needed to thank him for making sure she was in the right place at the right time last night, but she didn’t want to do it with so many eyes watching. He gave her a brief nod, and she knew they were good.

  After he walked away, Sarah turned and faced her. “Take me home?”

  * * *

  Sarah sat in silence as Cam drove to her house. She was glad Cam sensed she couldn’t talk about the last few hours. Brace’s appearance in her life had been brief, and she believed that if they’d been adopted together he would have turned out differently. She’d witnessed firsthand how Cam had found a way to take the higher road. To rise above the torment of her youth to spend her days helping others. And she had—for her and likely countless others. And then again, Brace’s adoptive parents had seemed kind. Maybe he’d just been born a bad seed, and nothing would have changed that.

  The lump in her throat threatened to choke her. She glanced over at Cam as she maneuvered the car around heavy traffic. They stopped for a red light, and Cam turned to her, love clearly written in the way she looked at her.

  “It won’t be long till you’re home.” Cam shortened the distance between them by resting her hand on Sarah’s thigh, and the warmth from the contact spread through her and dispersed the chill she hadn’t been able to shake since they’d left the hospital.

  It was a few more blocks before Cam pulled into the driveway of Sarah’s parents’ home. My home. Cam sprinted from her side to round the front and opened her door, extending her hand. Sarah was grateful for the help. The adrenaline rush she felt when she arrived at the hospital, and then again at the news of his passing, had left her drained. Cam pulled her closer until their hips met, her arm wrapped protectively around her. Together they walked to the front door, and when her hand shook as she tried to unlock it, Cam took the key. She handed it back to Sarah from where she stood on the top step.

  “I’ll drop your car off in the morning if that’s okay.” Cam looked at the ground and toed a pebble off the landing.

  “Are you leaving me?”

  Cam’s head snapped up. “No, I…I thought maybe you’d like time by yourself. I don’t want to intrude.”

  Sarah reached for her hand. “Come inside. Please?”

  Cam laced their fingers. They fit together naturally, her smaller ones meshing with Cam’s long, slender ones. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

  She gave a little yank. “Don’t make me beg.”

  Cam smiled, and Sarah’s heart melted as she stepped inside. “You never have to beg me for anything. Whatever you need, that’s what I
want to give you.” She brushed the back of her fingers over the side of her face.

  Sarah held her breath. She wanted to reassure Cam she would have a lifetime to do just that. If last night had taught her one thing, it was there wasn’t any guarantee of tomorrow. She didn’t want to leave this earth without telling Cam how she felt. She shut the door and locked it, tossing her keys on the table before leading Cam down the hallway to her bedroom. Maybe it was wrong of her to want to make love after the news she’d just received, but she couldn’t face the possibility of Cam not knowing for one more day how she felt and the role she had taken in Sarah’s life. She stood beside her bed knowing there was no turning back. She was about to give her body to Cam and tell her she also had her heart.

  Slowly, with her eyes on Cam’s, she unbuttoned Cam’s shirt and pushed it off her shoulders. She placed a soft kiss between her breasts, then reached behind her and unclasped her lace bra before guiding it down her arms. She was tempted to take a pointed nipple in her mouth but forced herself to wait. She unclasped the fastening of her khaki slacks, and Cam slid her shoes off. Sarah pulled the zipper down, then peeled both layers over Cam’s narrow hips. She kissed the top of one thigh, then the other.

  “Lie down, baby.”

  Cam moved onto the bed, resting on her elbows, waiting for her. She had every intention of shedding her own clothes with slow precision, but Cam’s body called to her, and she made short work of joining her, kissing her way up her stomach until she lay on top of her, their warm flesh melding together. Cam’s mouth met hers and her passion burned hot, setting her body and soul on fire.

  Cam slipped her tongue over Sarah’s lips, savoring the intensity of the heat of her mouth. It wasn’t enough for Sarah to surrender her body to Cam. She wanted her heart and her mind to join the fray. If her battered and bruised soul could surrender to love, surely Sarah’s could, too.


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