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Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1

Page 18

by Imogen Wells

  “Sean will come looking for him, you know that don’t you?” I caution. Ryder arches a brow at me then nods his agreement. “So, what happens now?”

  “We’ll stay here for a couple of days. You and Scott need time to recover, then we can head back to the city. I’ll talk to Sully, put some extra security in place for when we return.”

  “I can’t stay here. I have work, Sean knows where I am, and I need to figure out…” I trail off as I realise what I was just about to say. Ryder frowns at me, his eyes boring into mine, searching for answers I’m still not ready to give. Then I think back to our previous conversations and all the things he said he knows about me. He knew Tyler, so it’s not a stretch to think he also knows I have—had—a daughter. I can’t believe I didn’t think about it before. I narrow my eyes at him. “Exactly how much—”

  I don’t get to finish what I was about to say as a knock comes at the door. Part of me is relieved and the other part is freaking the fuck out, with a healthy dose of anger mixed in for good measure. The door opens, and Scott is there. Casting his eyes quickly over the scene before he turns to Ryder telling him that Rick is here.

  “I have to go. Get some rest.” He gets to his feet, I feel his eyes on me, but I don’t look at him. Then he walks away. I look up when I hear him moving down the hall, Scott is still there, watching me. I begin to feel a little uncomfortable under his scrutiny, pulling at the covers awkwardly.

  “Good to see you’re okay, Camryn.”

  “You too, Scott. I’m sorry you got hurt and that your car is wrecked.”

  “Just doing my job.” And with that he leaves, pulling the door closed behind him.

  Job. That one word slaps me in the face so hard I see stars. I silently thank Scott for reminding me that I’m just another job.

  These guys aren’t my friends, Ryder isn’t my boyfriend, he’s just a guy I’ve been screwing. And I’m just another client and notch on his post, despite what he tells me. With that thought, I harden my heart and my resolve, vowing not to let him in anymore. Any more than he already is, anyway.

  I need a phone, or my phone more precisely, although I’m guessing I’ll never see it again. As I move to the edge of the bed, my leg throbs, reminding me that I need to take some painkillers. Snatching the bottle up, I shake out two and then down them with my cold tea.

  I don’t have any shoes, but I find a pair of warm socks in one of the drawers. Getting them on would be hilarious if I were watching someone else doing it and not feeling like a red-hot poker was searing my skin with every movement. With the socks finally on my feet, I shuffle into the hall, pulling the door closed behind me.

  This place is fucking huge. The hallway is long with doors lining both sides, and if it wasn’t for the light, modern decor, I’d be forgiven for thinking I’d booked into the hotel from The Shining.

  Turning right, I make my way towards the staircase at the end of the hall. Taking in the stairs and then looking at my leg, I can see this is going to be a barrel of laughs. Gripping the handrail on my left and taking a deep breath, I ease myself down the stairs. When I reach the bottom, my heart is hammering inside my chest, my breathing is rapid and sweat beads on my forehead. Using the bottom of the t-shirt I’m wearing, I swipe it across my head, and then take a look around.

  The entrance is vast with a high ceiling, and there’s a stunning chandelier hanging from the ceiling that casts a rainbow on the walls as the light coming through the glass windows either side of the front door hits it. The room to my left appears to be a lounge, I head in that direction when I hear voices coming from one of the rooms on the other side of the hall.

  Inside, the focal point of the room is a magnificent fireplace set in a wall of exposed brick with an oak beam mantle piece. Two black leather L-shape sofas are in front, creating an almost square seating area with a matching oak coffee table. There doesn’t appear to be a television, but to the left are floor to ceiling windows with doors in the centre that lead to a small patio and acres of garden and woodland beyond. I’m glad I put socks on as the floor is slate grey flagstone, and I can feel the cold seeping through.

  I’m looking out the window, watching the sun’s light breaking through the trees in the distance, when I hear someone enter the room behind me. I know it’s not Ryder, but I’m surprised to find Rick there when I turn around.

  “Rick,” I exclaim, surprised as he strides towards me, eating up the distance within seconds and wrapping me up his arms. I stiffen before relaxing in his warm embrace. Realising this is what I needed but from someone else, not Rick. “I’m glad someone is pleased to see me,” I mutter, my face squashed against his broad chest.

  Pulling back and holding my shoulders, a confused expression on his face. “Ah, you’re talking about the Neanderthal in the other room, I take it.” He teases, a smile pulling up the corner of his lips. “Yeah, well, Blue’s never been good with expressing his feelings.” He guides me to the sofa, groaning as I lower myself into the chair, and he takes the seat next to me. “You scared him, and he doesn’t know what to do with that feeling.”

  “Don’t try and defend him. He might be your friend, but he’s being a dick,” I point out, arching a brow at him. “Besides, you give great hugs, and it was actually just what I needed, so thanks.”

  “Happy to be of service. So, how are you?”

  “I’m okay. A little bit sore in places, but I’ll live.” I’ve had worse. I don’t say that out loud, though. “Ryder mentioned that we are staying here for a day or two, if that’s the case then I really need to call work and sort out a few days off. And Jamie, I need to check she’s okay. I could really do with my phone; do you know what happened to it?”

  Rick rubs his hands up and down his thighs. “Seb went back early this morning and collected your belongings. I’ll have someone bring them to you, but you don’t need to worry about work.” I look at him, my eyes wide and brows raised. “Ryder called them this morning and told them you needed some time off.” His voice remains firm, giving nothing away, but the flexing of his jaw tells me that he’s not entirely happy.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? No, of course you’re not.” I huff, dropping back in the sofa. “I might have a psycho ex out for my blood, Rick, but I’m not a child. I don’t need him acting like my fucking father,” I snap at him.

  “Look, I know you don’t and that’s not his intention either, trust me. He’s…” he rubs a hand over his face. “He’s a good guy, Camryn. It’s not my place to say, but he carries his own demons and guilt, so don’t be too hard on him, okay.”

  “You’re talking about his brother, aren’t you?”

  Rick gasps, “He told you about Kyle?” The surprise is clear on his face, so I’m guessing Kyle is something he doesn’t talk about much.

  “Yeah, a little. And about how you lost your men on your last tour.” Feeling that Rick is uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation, I try to lighten the mood. “We don’t just fuck, you know. We talk too, sometimes.” I smirk at him.

  Rick roars out a laugh. “I can see why he likes you,” he says, shaking his head. “I need to get going, I’ve got to be back in Peterborough this afternoon for Max. I’ll see you soon.” He gets to his feet, and I go to get up too, but he stops me, leaning down and kissing my cheek. Picking up a control from the coffee table, he pushes a button, and a TV extends from the wall above the fireplace. “Knock yourself out with some trash daytime telly.”

  “Thanks, Rick,” I tell him, a little choked at the realisation that without him, Seb and Ryder, I’d probably be dead right now, or begging for death to come and claim me.

  “No thanks needed. Take care, Camryn.” I watch as he leaves the room, and then I let the tears fall. Tears that started to build when he mentioned his son.



  I burst into the office, eyes scanning the room like the hunter seeking his prey. Locking onto Seb, who is the other side of his desk, no doubt thinking that w
ill save his arse but it fucking won’t. “You son of bitch! Stay the fuck away from her,” I roar, marching towards him only for Sully to step in front of me, stopping me with a hand to my chest.

  “Hey, hey, what the fuck is this all about?” Sully demands. Shooting looks between Seb and me, waiting for one of us to enlighten him. I shove his hand off and turn away from them both.

  “Ask that arsehole,” I shout, waving my hand in Seb’s direction.

  “Fuck you, Blue. What’s the matter, can’t you handle a little healthy competition?” He smirks, and my fists flex. The cuts on my knuckles from hitting the wall last night split open making me hiss. The pain is good, grounding me, and saving Seb from a serious arse kicking.

  “All right, that’s enough you two. Save your pissing contest for later,” Sully scolds. “I think we have more important things to talk about than who wins the girl. How is she?” He looks to me, frowning when it’s Seb that answers.

  “She’s fine.” They both look to me when I growl at that, muttering under my breath about how she’s not fucking fine. “She has a small cut above her right eye, a bump to her head from falling when I shot that prick Lewis, a nasty gash to her right thigh, that Mike stitched up and a few bumps and bruises.”

  “Okay, good.” I lurch forward, ready to rip Sully apart. “Sit the fuck down. Now. Or you can get the hell out,” Sully barks at me, and I take the seat furthest away from the desk. I hang my head in my hands and grip my hair so tight I almost scalp myself. “If you can’t do your job, Blue, then I’ll put someone else with her.”

  “The hell you will,” I say, snapping my head up.

  “Then get your head in the game. We have too much going on for you to be going all fucking caveman on us. I take it the body has been dealt with?” Seb and I nod our agreement. Turning to Seb, Sully asks, “What did you get from Blue’s apartment and Jamie’s house?”

  “Jamie’s was clean, but there was a small recording device in the bedroom and one in between the kitchen and lounge. There was no audio but more than one recording of Blue and Camryn together.” His eyes flick to mine, the inference clear as mud. “I haven’t been able to trace where the recordings were sent yet. The IP address is in the States, so they’re obviously using a VPN to disguise their true address. The same with Camryn’s phone and the newspaper articles she was sent. But I have someone working on it. I also sent a guy to your house in London too, just to be safe.”

  “Good, chase them up. I want some answers like yesterday. Where’s Russ, and why wasn’t he with Scott and Camryn?”

  “Scott told me Russ messaged saying he had food poisoning, shitting and puking all over the shop. I’ve spoken to Russ this morning, he’s okay, but thinks it was the burger he got from some dive place up from the hotel. Must have been bad, he usually has the constitution of an ox.”

  “Right, well I need to get going if I want to make it back home for Max later. I have a few leads to chase up on the dead hotel guy and also the problem of our mole, but nothing concrete, yet, and I’m still waiting to hear about the autopsy on Lorraine. I’ll check in on Camryn before I go.”

  “She’s in the lounge,” Seb casually states, pointing a finger to one of the monitors on the far wall. I stand, moving close to the screen as I watch her limp over to the windows and take in the view outside.

  “I’ll see you both later, and no fucking fighting. Seb, lay off, okay?” I hear Sully’s footsteps as he walks across the hall to the lounge. I watch as Sully embraces her, and the small smile as Sully says something to her while pointing in our direction. Jealousy rises in me, and I can’t help the growl that escapes.

  “Bet you want to go in there and smash his fucking face in, don’t you?” Seb mocks. “Never thought I’d see the day that you’d be pussy whipped, but I’ll tell you what. It’s the funniest shit I’ve seen in ages. You look like your head is about ready to pop right off your shoulders. Who knew that green would be your shade?” He roars with laughter, smacking his thigh with his hand.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Aww, hey now. I’m only messing with you. Seriously, though, what the fuck is going on with you two?”

  I turn away from the screen as Sully bends down kissing her on the cheek, it makes my blood boil. I sit back in my chair, crossing one foot over my knee and fiddling with the laces of my boots.

  “I don’t know, it’s complicated,” I mutter, dropping my laces, moving instead to pick invisible fluff off my trouser leg.

  “No shit, Sherlock. If a woman is involved, then it’s always complicated. Do you want to know what I think?”

  “Not really. The only thing you know about women is how loud they can scream your name, but I’m sure you’re going to try and impart your limited knowledge upon me anyway,” I say, with a roll of my eyes.

  “They love to scream my name and loud too,” he retorts, with a wag of his eyebrows. “But that’s all smoke and mirrors, just sex, no substance. The woman that drives you crazy with jealousy every time another man so much as glances her way, has your heart thumping so loud you think the whole world can hear it, leaves your skin alive with an invisible electric current every time she’s near, that right there. That’s a woman you want to hold onto with everything you have.”

  There’s a note of wistfulness to his words, despite them being for me, I know it’s what he hopes for one day too. “It’s not that simple and you know it, Seb. I’m not a good man, I have a darkness that lives in me, one that she should never see. She’s seen enough.”

  “Man, you are so wrong. That woman in there has her own fucking demons, ones that I know call to your own. Like seeks like, Ry. Besides, I’ve seen the footage of you two, that shit is hot.” I let out a low growl in warning. “Quit the growling. All I’m saying is I’ve seen you fuck other women, I ain’t ever seen you like that. We all have demons, but they deserve to find their other half too.” He rises from his chair, coming around the desk to stand next to me. “And when they do, I pity the poor, unfortunate soul that unleashes the wrath of your demons.” He slaps me on the shoulder as he leaves.

  I stay there thinking about what Seb said as I watch him retrieve Cam’s bag and phone, then take it to her in the lounge where she’s watching TV. She smiles when she sees him, but it grows when he gives her the bag. I know how happy she’ll be to get her phone back so she can call and check on Jamie, but I also know there’s something more important on that phone.

  I’ve seen the search history. I know she’s looking for answers about her mum and Faye, but I know those answers are going to destroy her.

  How do I help her find them and watch the woman I lo—I care about fall apart in front of me? Regardless of how much it’s going to hurt us both, I promise to talk to her about Faye when we get back to the apartment.



  After Seb returned my phone, I called Jamie straight away, there were already some missed calls from her, and I knew she’d be worried. We spent an hour or more catching each other up.

  Apparently, her mum and dad are driving her insane, between Louise’s constant fussing and her parent’s arguing, she can’t wait to go home. She’s concerned about what’s going on with them, claiming she’s never seen them row so much, but I tell her I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.

  She tells me about her nightmares, and I give her some tips that might help. I know only too well what effect nightmares can have if you don’t deal with them. When we say goodbye, I promise to come and see her as soon as we are back in the city, in a few days hopefully.

  I don’t see Ryder until the evening, when he brings dinner up to my room and changes my dressing with barely a word, and then he’s gone again, claiming to have work to do.

  When I finally fall asleep, the nightmares are there to greet me, and it’s not long before I’m screaming and crying in my sleep. Then, like the night before, arms wrap around me that help keep the demons at bay, but they are gone by the morning.

  The next two d
ays pass in the same manner. Ryder visits only to bring me food and change my dressing. I refuse to let him see how much it hurts that he’s distancing himself from me.

  Seb often comes and sits with me in the evenings, and we watch reruns of The Young Ones and Only Fools and Horses, both of us laughing until our sides hurt.

  On Friday morning, Dr. Wallis returns to check my wound. It’s healing nicely, and I should be able to have the stitches removed in a week or so, providing I stay off it as much as possible.

  Then after lunch we pack up and say our goodbyes. Seb promises to come and visit soon, and when I give him a hug, I spot the tattoo on his neck again, and it brings back the memory of my interview. He’s the guy from the lobby, I’m sure of it. But what was he doing there? I’m not concerned, I find I like and trust Seb, but I make a note to ask Ryder later, if he’ll talk to me.

  I hear a low rumbling growl from Ryder as Seb embraces me, and just to piss him off, when I pull back, I quickly lean in and give Seb a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. The growl turns to a roar as Ryder calls out. “Get in the fucking car, Camryn.” I wink at Seb as I step away.

  “You’re naughty and a little crazy poking the bear like that. Although, with all that growling, he’s more like a wolf, or a mangy mutt.” Seb steps back several steps as feet pound the ground behind me. I spin just as Ryder reaches me, then I’m thrown over his shoulder and carried to the car.

  “If I’d have known I’d get this sort of reaction, I would have kissed your friend sooner.” I say it loud enough for Seb to hear, looking up to see him doubled over with laughter, just as a hand smacks me on the arse making me yelp.

  “You kiss another guy again and I’ll make your arse shine so bright the sun will be jealous,” Ryder says, the words rumble through his chest causing arousal to flood through me.

  “Wow. For a guy that’s barely said two words to me, you sure are possessive of a woman that doesn’t belong to no fucking man.” I bark at him, my words falling slightly short of the venom intended as I bounce on his shoulder.


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