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Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1

Page 21

by Imogen Wells

  I don’t see Ryder at all on Thursday either. He’s gone when I wake up, if he even came home, and he’s out when I get back from work. Resigning myself to the fact that whatever we had is obviously over, I order a takeout, watch movies and drown my sorrows in a tub of cookie dough ice cream before finally dragging my sorry arse to bed around midnight.

  Friday morning is like ground hog day, no Ryder again. But he’s been home because there is a note on the pillow beside me reminding me of our dinner date with Seb tonight. Apparently, he’s going to meet me there. Well that’s just fucking grand. Maybe I won’t bother turning up at all. Screw him!

  There’s no sign of Scott when I exit the lift downstairs, instead I’m stuck with an alternate version of Russ. In fact, I could be forgiven for thinking that Scott and Russ have switched personae. Somebody definitely got out of bed the wrong side this morning.

  After a quiet and slightly awkward drive, in what I discover to be Russ’ car, I jump out like my arse is on fire as Russ shouts to me that he’ll pick me up at five. The plan is for me to go home first to change, and then Russ will drive me to the restaurant to meet Seb and Ryder.

  My day goes from shit to shittier. First my computer malfunctions, a virus apparently, then around lunch I get a migraine that has me wincing every time I move. The light from the computer screen sends a blinding pain through my skull, and my lunch makes an unscheduled return. After taking some tablets and surreptitiously dozing at my desk for an hour the pain starts to ease.

  By the time five rolls around I’m ready to collapse in my bed and fall into a deep sleep that even Sleeping Beauty would be jealous of.

  There’s still no sign of Scott, and when I ask Russ where he is, he just tells me that he’s on another job. Sensing that’s all I’m going to get, I fall into the back seat and shut my eyes for the twenty-minute drive back to Ryder’s.

  I run a bath, I don’t really have time for, but I’ve decided I don’t give a shit. After a nice relaxing soak in the tub, I search the small wardrobe space that Ryder cleared for me looking for something to wear. I don’t have much, most of my clothes are back at Jamie’s house, but I do have a simple, but classy, black dress. It’s the staple of every woman’s wardrobe. I drag it out, pulling it over my head and smoothing it down as it hugs my body. It sits just above the knee with a sweetheart neckline that shows just the right amount of cleavage.

  I half blow dry my hair, letting it fall in soft waves down my back before applying my makeup. Once I’m ready, I grab a pair of cream heels and a small clutch bag big enough to carry my phone.

  Outside there’s a chill in the air, sending a shiver through my body that has me wishing I had grabbed my small jacket. Russ opens the door for me and it’s nice to see his mood hasn’t improved since this morning.

  I’m sat behind the passenger seat, and I can see the grim look on Russ’ face as he climbs in the car, turning the engine on. He reaches behind him for the seatbelt, and once he’s settled, we pull away into the early evening traffic.

  As we drive, uneasiness creeps over me. This whole day has been a shit show from the start, and now that has transformed into anxiety. I feel my face heat, and my heart rate kicks up a notch. Resting my head back on the seat, I start to take some slow, deep breaths in and out. I catch Russ’ eye in the rear-view mirror, and he asks if I’m okay. Before I can answer him, he leans across the passenger seat opening the glove box, just as my phone starts ringing in my bag. Shifting my attention to my phone, I pull it out as Jamie’s name flashes across the screen.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I answer, as I look back up at the road ahead, only I’m met by Russ’ hand holding out a small paper bag to me. I lean forward to see what’s in it as Jamie starts frantically talking down the phone at me.

  “Cam, I remembered what that smell is,” I dig my hand in the bag pulling out a… “pear drops. I can’t believe I didn’t get it straight away, I loved those as a kid.” I see Russ watching me in the mirror, and I school my features, offering him a nod of thanks. “Anyway, I also remembered the tattoo on the guys arm,” As he pulls his arm back, I see the tattoo on his wrist, and I know what Jamie’s going to say before she says it. “It was some tribal piece but there was something different, like a Celtic knot or something.”

  With no other option, I shove the sweet in my mouth as I feel Russ’ eyes on me again.

  “That’s great, Jamie. I bet your so happy now that’s sorted.” I plaster a smile on my face. “So, I’m just about to arrive at the restaurant, and I promise to send you that picture of Seb. Can we talk about this tomorrow?” Please just say yes, please say yes.

  “You okay, Cam, you sound weird?”

  “Put the phone down, Camryn,” Russ demands from the front, his eyes meeting mine again, and I know I’m busted. Without another word to Jamie, I end the call. Russ holds a hand out for my phone. I know that if I pass it over, I’ll have no chance to let Ryder know what’s happening, but I don’t have much choice, smacking the phone down into his hand before sitting back in my seat.



  I try not to freak out, locking my anxiety away. Ryder knows that I’m with Russ, and when I don’t turn up, he’ll come looking for me. Won’t he? It’s been fifteen minutes since Jamie called, and we should have been arriving at the restaurant by now.

  Wherever Russ is taking me can’t be good, so I need to find a way to stop us from getting there. Preferably with Russ dead.

  As I don’t have any weapons, I stealthily search the car for something I can use to hit him over the head. Coming up empty, I decide to get as much information from him as I can while I pray for a damn miracle.

  “Where are we going?” I venture, watching the cruel smirk that lifts the corner of Russ’ lips.

  “You’ll find out soon enough, and by the end of the night I’m going to be balls deep inside you, just like Sean promised me,” he says, chuckling, and it has goosebumps breaking out all over my flesh.

  My nose wrinkles in disgust, “You sold me out so you could screw me? Wow. That’s disgusting and pathetically sad.” I hope my face doesn’t convey the fear running through the rest of my body.

  “Shut your fucking mouth!” Russ barks, taking one hand off the wheel to try and grab my leg, but I move to the left just out of reach. “I’m going to enjoy fucking you, especially, as I missed out fucking that sweet little friend of yours. She passed out, and I prefer my women to have a bit of fight while I make them scream.”

  Bile rises in my throat, and I turn away to look out the window. We pass a signpost, but with the car going so fast I only manage to see the last part; something Country Park.

  My anxiety is banging against the box I locked it in, but I know if I let it out, it will consume me. Then I’ll be as good as dead. My fear of Sean may not have gone away completely but this time away from him as helped me gain back some of the strength he took away from me. My backbone is ramrod straight, and I won’t go down without a fight this time. After all, isn’t this what I wanted, revenge and justice for my mum and Faye. Not only to make him pay for what he did to me, but I’m almost certain he had a hand in their death too.

  A phone rings in the car, and it sounds like mine and is coming from the passenger seat. Maybe it’s Ryder, or maybe it’s Jamie? She never called back after I put the phone down on her, which is odd. I try not to let that thought develop and take root because I have more pressing issues to think about. A laugh brings me out of my thoughts.

  “Aww, would you look at that. Poor little Ry, Ry, calling to check on you. Such a shame he’ll never see you again. I sure would love to see his face while Sean punishes you. Maybe he can record it and send it to him as a goodbye gift.” The ringing stops and is replaced by Russ’ twisted laughter. Then it starts again, only it’s not the same phone. Russ digs around in his pocket, pulling it free before answering it. His eyes meet mine in the mirror, sparkling with a devilish intent.

  “Hey, boss.” I can’t hear
the voice on the other end, but I bet my last breath it’s not Ryder. “Yeah, all good, we’re almost there.” He ends the call, throwing the phone on the seat next to mine. “Well, looks like boss man is starting the party before the guest of honour arrives. The screaming is like music to my ears and makes my dick hard,” he says, grabbing his crotch, squeezing and groaning as his eyes roll back in his head.

  We pull off at the next slip road, and my heart starts beating ten to the dozen, it’s so loud I’m surprised Russ can’t hear it. Travelling a little further on this road before we exit onto a dirt track, and then into a long driveway as I catch sight of a building up ahead. There is nothing but trees and fields out here, and I doubt there’s another house for miles.

  Thinking this might be my only chance to escape, I slip off my shoes, and as Russ pulls up and exits the car, I lean down and grab one. I tuck it under my bag as best I can and hope he doesn’t see it. Russ comes round, opening my door.

  “Get out,” he demands, then grabs my upper arm trying to yank me from the car. As I get out, I tighten my grip on the shoe, ready to make my move, and when I’m fully on my feet I swing, heel pointing out, catching Russ on the side of his head. I don’t waste time, I run. I run as Russ’ cries of pain pierce the night air, and the gravel cuts into my bare feet.

  Feet pound the dirt behind me, but I daren’t look back. I keep my focus on the tree line up ahead, just a little bit further. If I can just reach the trees. I push my legs harder just as a shout rings out behind me, and I’m almost there when I hear the sound of several more feet on the ground. Lots of smaller, little feet and much faster, I’m not left guessing for long as a growl reaches me. Dogs. Fuck. I can’t outrun dogs.

  Refusing to give up even though my legs are screaming, I crash through the tree line aware that Russ is still close behind me, and I immediately veer to the left. Branches and twigs slap me in the face and dig into my feet, but I can hardly feel them as adrenaline pumps through my veins. My heart feels like it’s about ready to burst from my chest it’s beating so hard, and I feel a stitch coming as it burns up my side.

  A screech rings out, followed by several snarls as something heavy hits the ground. I keep going certain that the dogs have Russ, but I don’t have time to look, or give a shit right now. That bastard deserves everything he gets.

  I see a break in the trees and run right for it, but I’m so focused on it, that I don’t see the shadow coming right for me on the left till it’s too late.

  I hit the ground with a bone crushing thud as a heavy weight lands on top of me, and all the air bursts from my lungs from the force. I desperately try to draw breath as the man above pins me to the hard ground, pushing my face into the dirt with his big meaty hand.

  With my one free hand, I blindly strike out behind me several times before I get lucky and connect with the guy’s face enough for a grunt to leave him. His slight movement allows me to get my other hand free, and I’m able to twist to the side, hitting out with both hands. Punching, slapping, scratching and thrashing my legs in a bid to be free, but he’s too heavy.

  Snatching one of my wrists, he twists it causing a scream to break free as pain ricochets up my arm. I lash out, scratching down the side of his face. I feel his skin tear beneath my nails, and as the dim light from the moon peeks through the canopy of trees, I see blood trail down his cheek. I smile internally at the win, but my celebration doesn’t last long as his fist swings towards my face, landing the blow on my temple.

  My eyes roll, and my vision blurs from the force as pain pulses through my head, rippling out across my cheek and face. In the split second I’m distracted, he grabs my other wrist and squeezing them together in the fierce grip of one hand, he strikes me again. I desperately try to hold on to consciousness, but my eyes fall shut and darkness invades.

  As consciousness creeps over me, so does the pounding in my head. My lips are dry, and as I peel my eyes open the bright light burns my retinas causing me to screw my eyes shut away from the pain. When I try to bring a hand to my head, my shoulder protests the movement as a dull ache blooms.

  Lifting my head and through slitted eyes, I see I’m strung from the ceiling by my arms. Each wrist is shackled with a leather cuff that hangs from rope attached to carabiners in the wooden beams. My legs are free, but only the tips of my torn and bloody feet reach the floor.

  Fear rushes through me now the adrenaline from earlier has worn off, and this is a position I have been in many times before. I know what comes from being here like this, and my stomach twists in revolt as the memories play in my mind’s eye. Closing my eyes, I force the visions away, knowing that if I allow them in, I won’t stand a chance of escaping, or surviving.

  I open my eyes again, and as they adjust to the light, I begin to take in the room around me. It looks like an old church hall, with a high beamed ceiling and old pews pushed against the walls either side of the room. How very apt that the devil should do his work in the house of God. There are several chairs lined up in front of where I hang ready for Sean and his audience no doubt.

  I’m still wearing my dress, which is covered in dirt and broken leaves and twigs.

  A noise from behind me has me spinning around, but I’m jolted to a halt as my shackles lock into place. Footsteps echo around the vast room, several more follow, along with the sound of whimpering. Then a voice that turns my blood to ice calls out.

  “Kasey. My darling, darling, Kasey.” His voice is loaded with venom all covered in a sickly-sweet tone. If I didn’t know him as well as I do, then I wouldn’t have a clue as to the rage simmering below the calm exterior.

  Coming to stop in front of me, his hand reaches out to touch my face, and I turn away on instinct. Bad mistake. In a lightning fast move, he slaps me across the cheek before catching my chin in a brutal grip between his thumb and forefinger. Squeezing my face so tight my lips pout, and my teeth grind together. I don’t make a sound, instead I stare defiantly into the pools of blackness that masquerade as his eyes.

  “Is that any way to greet your fiancé?” he hisses in my ear, before letting go and turning to address the crowd that has gathered in front of us. “Gentleman, and whores,” he adds, gesturing to me and the woman on the floor beside me. “It would appear, that my once loving and adoring fiancée has forgotten her place whilst she’s been whoring herself out in Manchester. So, I have arranged this little soiree in celebration of her return.” He spins on the heels of his feet to face me, “It wouldn’t be a Donovan party without a little bloodshed and debauchery now would it.” A cruel smirk lifts at the corner of his lips.

  The woman on the floor next to me begins to sob, and I will her to be quiet, but she doesn’t. Sean marches towards her, grabbing a fistful of her hair in his hand and yanking her head back at an awkward angle. She lets out a pained cry, her arms lurch forward as she tries to stay on her knees. Sean’s eyes lift to meet mine as he pulls her head back further, forcing her back to bow.

  “This pitiful creature here is Tammy, and she’s been kind enough to warm my bed while you’ve been gone.” I don’t miss the spark of arousal his words bring to his eyes, or the wistful hope of even a small amount of jealousy from me. I mask my emotions as best I can, and the only thing I feel for Tammy is pity. When he doesn’t see what he was hoping for, his other hand wraps round Tammy’s slender neck. He begins to squeeze as she begs him to stop, but if anything, it just makes him squeeze harder. I learnt the hard way that begging for mercy does nothing but bring more pain to you and more pleasure to Sean.

  I can’t believe that I ever loved this man. Sean’s not a man. He’s worse than the devil himself.

  I hear groaning over to the left of me, turning my head a fraction, I see Russ. His clothes are torn and dishevelled, hair matted with blood from a gash on his head, and he appears to have a dog bite to his leg. I cast my eyes over the rest of the room, but quickly turn back to Sean as Tammy lets out a wailing cry.

  He’s let go of her hair but is still holding her
throat, and he has torn open her dress revealing her nakedness to the room. Tammy’s body is almost completely covered in bruises and among them are small scars and recent slashes to her skin that still weep blood. Sean leans forward whispering in Tammy’s ear, and her eyes widen in fear and shock at whatever he said.

  Not able to watch anymore I look away, scanning the faces in the room. Some of the men I recognise, but a few I’ve never seen before. Standing at the back of room, arms folded and leaning back against the wall is Lewis’ brother, Lincoln, his signature toothpick hanging from the corner of his mouth. His eyes primed on me and burning with pure hatred.

  A shiver of fear cascades down my back at what he will do to me if Sean allows him to get his hands on me. Lincoln will be out for my blood in vengeance of his brother’s death. He pulls the toothpick free from his mouth then points it directly at me in a clear threat. Dropping my gaze from him, I see Sean throwing Tammy to the floor with a kick to the ribs before walking back to me.

  Sean must have removed his belt at some point, and now folded in half, it hangs from his fingers as he approaches. Taking the other end in his hand he pulls sharply, snapping the two halves together and causing a crack to splinter the air.

  Sean walks around me before stopping at my back, and I can feel his breath on my neck as he speaks.

  “Russ, come forward,” he calls out, and I watch Russ as he awkwardly climbs to his feet before stepping forward a few paces. “Tell me, Russ, how many times has Kasey allowed herself to be fucked by Ryder fucking Hawkins? The fucking thorn in my side for so pissing long.” He spits Ryder’s name, and a frown creases my brow at Sean’s barb at Ryder being a thorn in his side. What the hell does he mean by that?

  “I’ve lost count, boss,” Russ replies, chuckling while his eyes remain on me. He licks his lips, and the bulge, in what’s left of his trousers, is clear.


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