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Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1

Page 24

by Imogen Wells

  “It’s okay, Cam, Russ is locked up. He’s being charged with the attack on Jamie and several other things that we don’t need to talk about right now. Come on let’s get you settled. I don’t know about you but I’m starving.” I frown at the back of Seb’s head as he carries my bag up the drive. I jog a few steps but stop when it jolts my shoulder. Seb pulls a key from his pocket, opening the door and stepping in.

  “Hey. What do you mean other things?” I don’t get to say another word as a little boy comes running down the hall, crashing into Seb, who drops my bag and picks the boy up. It’s then I see its Max, Rick’s son, and the smell of cooking hits me at the same time.

  “Dad, dad, uncle Seb is here—with another girl,” he says, rolling his eyes as he spots me behind Seb. I choke back a laugh as Rick enters the hall. “Hey, I know you, you were at our house that day. Uncle Ryder said you were hot.” There’s a cough from Rick, as he ushers Max back through to the kitchen, and Seb lets out a loud laugh.

  “Now that is priceless.” Seb picks up my bag from the floor, and I smack him on the back of the head as he rights himself. “Ow! What the fuck was that for?” Humour laces his words as he heads for the stairs, and I follow behind.

  I don’t offer a reply because I’m too busy trying to work out why Rick and his son are at my house. What the actual hell is going on.

  Seb leaves me in my room, telling me Rick has made breakfast and to come down when I’m ready.

  I stand frozen in the room for several minutes before heading for the shower. The hospital told me that the cuts to my back weren’t deep enough to need stitches but not to soak them for too long, so a quick shower should be fine. Washing my hair with one hand is a nightmare, but one I’ve done before.

  Once I’m clean and dressed, I hesitate at the door. I’m guessing Rick is here to go over what happened, and whilst I’m keen to find out, I’m also a little scared about what will happen.

  After all, I killed a man and don’t expect to go unpunished.



  Voices reach me from the kitchen as I near the bottom of the stairs. Max’s being the most prominent as he tells Seb about his art project at school. A sharp stab of pain hits my chest as I listen to him, knowing that Faye would have been around the same age as him now.

  I’ve avoided being around kids since Faye’s death as it used to bring on awful panic attacks, but I don’t feel anything now except sadness at her loss. It brings a smile to my face when I hear Seb and Max laughing, and I’m so lost in my own memories that I don’t hear Rick approaching.

  “Hey, you okay?” He stops in front of me, frowning in concern.

  “Yeah,” I say wistfully, watching as Rick raises his eyebrows not totally convinced. “Honestly, I’m fine, Rick. Now, Seb mentioned something about breakfast.” Walking past him to the kitchen.

  Rick has made enough food to feed a starving third world country, and I was worried about it going to waste seeing as my appetite isn’t what it normally is. But I needn’t have bothered as Seb, Rick and Max demolish it in the space of twenty minutes.

  Once the plates are cleared away, Seb takes Max out to the garden, and I watch as they kick a ball around. I sit at the breakfast bar nursing the dregs of my tea as Rick comes and joins me. I know what’s coming and think I’m ready, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Rick avoids mentioning Ryder as much as possible, even though he was trying to be subtle about it. Rick tells me that whilst their main business is security and private bodyguard work, they have another side to their business. They take on jobs from other organisations that often involve undercover work and recovering lost or stolen items. I get the distinct impression he’s not just talking about pieces of rare art or jewellery but people too.

  Apparently, Sean had been wanted for some time, but nobody was able to connect anything to him. They were approached with the suggestion of sending in an undercover operative, Tyler, hoping they could gain enough evidence to put him away. That’s why Tyler wanted information from Sean’s laptop. Sean was connected to a sex trafficking ring; young girls snatched off the street or sold by parents to pay off drug or gambling debts.

  I feel sick as I listen to Rick telling me how the man I once loved, and the father of my child was involved in such a disgusting business. When I think about all the terrible things he did to me, and that he probably did or allowed to happen to other young girls, I almost vomit. I wish I could kill him again and make him suffer more.

  “After Faye’s death things got worse for you, and Tyler was worried that Sean would kill you. He came to me asking if there was a way to get you out, but we needed evidence, and you were the only one that could get close enough to get it. I’m sorry for that, Cam. I know how much of a risk you took when you retrieved that information from Sean’s laptop.

  “Your mum and Faye’s death had always seemed suspicious to us, but we didn’t have anything to go on until recently.”

  “What do you mean until recently?”

  “I believe that you received some information that made you question their death.” I nod. “We did too. Whoever sent you those articles and the autopsy report also sent them to us. We still don’t know who that was, but we are looking into it. We believe that Sean never intended for Faye to be in the car that day and think the accident was meant for you and your mum.”

  I confirm Rick’s belief when I tell him what Sean said about wanting me dead and marrying off our daughter. I’m torn between being grateful Faye was in that car and wishing she had survived. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t have wished for her to suffer at the hands of that perverted arsehole, Daniel. Rick must see the torn look in my face.

  “I need you to know that if Sean had succeeded in killing you, we would never have let him go through with his plan. I would have personally made sure that Faye was safe and taken care of.” Rick rests his hand on mine, I squeeze his fingers to let him know I appreciate it as the lump in my throat prevents me from speaking.

  I clear my throat and swallow thickly before asking Rick about Russ.

  “Russ joined the team three years ago, and it looks like we weren’t the only ones to think about having a person on the inside. What Sean didn’t consider is that we keep a very tight ship and only the three of us know all the details of any of the jobs we do. Unfortunately, Russ had proved to be quite an asset, and when Ryder wanted security for you, Russ and Scott were the best we had available. Again, I apologise for that error in judgement.”

  Rick goes on to tell me that Russ had been using the house over the road to spy on Jamie and me. It had been him that had left the back door open and stolen the key from the kitchen hook. I question Rick about what Seb said about Russ being charged with other things, and he tells me that the estate agent for the house had been found dead in his apartment. That means Rick is being charged with his murder along with the attempted murder of Jamie.

  “And what about me, I killed Sean, so I’m guessing that the police will want to talk to me?”

  Rick shakes his head. “No, Cam. The police aren’t directly involved and means that Sean’s death won’t be investigated. We have all given our statements to the organisation that hired us confirming Sean was killed in self-defence. You don’t need to worry about anything else.” I give him a sceptical look, but he doesn’t say anymore on the matter. Given everything he’s told me today my brain doesn’t have the space to deal with it right now.

  “There’s one more thing, and no, Ryder didn’t put me up to it. In fact, he’ll probably throttle me for saying it.” He holds his hand up when I go to interrupt him. I feel like a reprimanded child so shut my mouth and drop my head. “Ryder wasn’t allowed to tell you about the details of our operation, nothing, not even that he knew about what you went through. That’s not to say that he didn’t want to, believe me, he did. And when I found about you and him and that he wanted to tell you, it was me that stopped him. I reminded him that this was a job, and that
had to come first.”

  “Yeah, well it doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” I say indifferently.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, it does matter. He was scared, Cam. He’ll never admit it, and if you tell him, I’ll deny, deny, deny.” Rick gets up from the stool, coming round to my side. “Give him a chance to explain, okay. That’s all I’m asking.”

  I nod, “Just…tell him to give me some time, okay? I know we need to talk, but I want— no, I need to sort things out in my own head first.” Standing, I give Rick a one-armed hug. “Thank you. I can never repay you for everything you’ve done for me. Oh, shit. I need to pay you,” I blurt out, pulling back.

  “Fuck, no, you don’t. Don’t you dare insult me by even offering.” Rick smiles at me, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek.

  “Are you going?” I ask, a little nervous about being alone.

  “Yeah, I have some things I need to sort out here before going back home tonight. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone.”

  “What—” I look over just as Seb and Max fly through the back door. “Oh, no! No way.” Rick just winks, calling out to Max that it’s time for them to go. Seb comes over, throwing his arm round my shoulders but careful not to touch my left one.

  “He told you, huh. You and me, princess. You and me.” Seb chuckles, and I elbow him in the ribs. “Oomph! Hey, what’s with all the hate today.” Releasing me, he walks over to Max, crouching down to his level. “Okay, little man, you take care of your ole man. He’s not as sprightly as he used to be.” Seb ducks this time as Rick goes to cuff him round the ear. “Ooh, that was pretty quick, but not quick enough,” he mocks, with a smirk on his face. “Now, I’ll see you again real soon, and we can hang out some more. Miss you, bud.” Seb holds out his fist for Max to bump.

  Standing back up, him and Rick do the whole man hug, pat on the back shit, then head to the door. I hear Max ask his dad if I’m Seb’s girlfriend. Rick picks him up and whispers in his ear. I can’t hear all of what he says, but I do catch the name Ryder. Rick turns and winks at me as he steps outside.

  “You’re not funny, you know that, right.” He just laughs, dropping Max to the floor, and he runs to the car that has pulled up outside.

  “Sure I am. Look after yourself, and don’t be a stranger, Cam.”

  “Hold on, what do I do about my name and ID?”

  “That is entirely up to you. If you want to go back to Kasey, I can sort it for you.” Rick tilts his head as he waits for me to reply. I already know the answer without really having to think about it.

  “No. No, I’m not her anymore.” I feel a flutter in my chest at that. I haven’t been her for a long time. This is me now, and I get to start afresh. Rick nods, a smile lighting up his face. He waves as he gets in the car, and I call out a goodbye to them as the car pulls away.

  Back inside, Seb is making tea in the kitchen and carries it into the lounge just as I take a seat on the sofa. Putting the cups down, Seb drops into the seat beside me and snatches the control from me as he does.

  “Hey!” I grumble. “Give that back.” He holds it up out the way as I try to take it back. My back stings as I stretch, giving up with a wince and gently resting back in the seat.

  Seb refuses to give it back all day, even taking it to the bathroom with him. Dick. He also refuses to let me do anything, even make tea, until I threaten to castrate him while he sleeps.

  With no phone I can’t message Jamie and beg for her to come and rescue me. I could call the landline, but I don’t want to in case things are going off with her parents.

  Seb makes sure I take regular painkillers, and he makes dinner while I snooze on the sofa. I haven’t really had chance to think over everything Rick told me, but as soon as I slip into bed, my brain lights up like a freaking firework.

  I hardly get any sleep, between my brain being unable to switch off, and the nightmares that come when I finally do sleep, I’m lucky if I got more than a couple of hours. But it has allowed me to think about what I need to do.

  Seb slept on the sofa, despite me telling him to take Jamie’s room. The thought of me telling her that a hottie slept in her bed without her brings a huge smile to my face. I might tell her anyway, just for kicks.

  Seb is still snoring away when I slip into the kitchen to make tea before grabbing the phone and heading out to the garden to make a start on getting my shit together.

  Two Weeks Later

  Jamie came home a week ago, and I returned to work. Seb left when Jamie decided to come home. I heard him on the phone to Ryder, shouting about me not needing him here anymore. Neither of us spoke about their conversation, but I got the impression that Seb was pissed at Ryder for some reason.

  Things have been going really well. I called a therapist after realising that I needed some help to accept what had happened to me and if I ever wanted to move on.

  I still haven’t spoken to Ryder, but Seb and Rick call regularly. I know I need to call him, but I’m shit scared. What if he’s moved on? Found a girl with less baggage and—. I slam the brakes on those thoughts just like Haley, my therapist, taught me to.

  Haley has been a god send. Helping me understand that none of what happened was my fault. I don’t feel worthless anymore, I know that I deserve to be loved, and am lovable, and I can, and deserve to have another child one day. I had the biggest panic attack in a long time when she first suggested that to me, but now I realise that there’s no reason why not. I understand that it won’t mean forgetting or replacing Faye, and I can’t live my life in fear of what might happen.

  Jamie has planned a weekend away for us, and I can’t wait. I make a promise to call Ryder when we get back, I owe him that much, and it’s not fair to keep him hanging. I miss him. I can’t sleep properly, and I get all teary eyed when someone mentions his name, which isn’t often seeing as I told everyone to not talk about him.

  Dragging my bag from my room, I pause outside Jamie’s when I hear her talking to someone. “I’ll message you when we arrive. Yes, okay, bye.” Not wanting to get caught eavesdropping, I quickly knock before pushing the door open further.

  “You ready?” Jamie is on her bed, and a look of concern flashes across her face before it’s gone again. I don’t ask, knowing she’ll tell me when she’s ready.

  Her parent’s relationship is over. Just before she moved back home, they sat her down and told her they were getting a divorce. She was devastated and always believed that her parents would be together forever. Since then her dad has moved out to an apartment closer to work in the city, and she barely talks to either of them.

  “Absolutely. Let’s go. Have you got everything?” she asks, as she picks up her own bag.

  “I think so. Let’s do this.”



  It takes us almost four hours to get to Durham because the traffic was horrendous, but it was so worth the journey. The hotel is beautiful. But I can’t admire it for too long as I’m bursting for the loo. Jamie says she can check us in while I find the toilet.

  When I get back to the lobby, Jamie is waiting at the bottom of the stairs, and we head to our room together, almost getting lost on the way.

  The room has a four-poster bed, and a balcony that looks out over the beautiful gardens. As Jamie explores the room, I open the doors to the balcony, stepping out into the sun and basking in its warm rays.

  After freshening up, we head down for a quick lunch before we go out on some excursion that Jamie pre-booked.

  As it’s such a glorious day we decide to sit out on the terrace. Jamie seems nervous and distracted, and she doesn’t eat much of her lunch either. Which is always a concern as she loves her food.

  “Are you okay? You seem, I don’t know…distracted,” I say, laying my napkin on my plate.

  “Huh. Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t sleep well, so feeling a little tired.”

  “If you’re not feeling up to it, we can always give the excursion a miss.” I haven’t got a clue
what the excursion even is, so I’m happy to just explore while Jamie catches up on her sleep.

  “No, no. I’m fine, the fresh air will wake me up. Besides, we don’t want miss this.” She checks her watch, then asks for the bill when the waiter comes to take our plates.

  I don’t say anymore, but there’s definitely something going on with her. I plan to get it out of her by the end of the day. We pay the bill then Jamie suggests that I should change my shoes, so I head up to the room. Quickly switching out my flip flops for pumps and grabbing a jumper before meeting Jamie back downstairs. Only Jamie isn’t there, and after searching the lobby for her with no luck, I make my way outside. I spot her leaning against the car with her phone to her ear, hastily ending the call before I reach her.

  “What’s—” She cuts me off before I get another word out.

  “That’s better. Okay, let’s go.” Opening the car and climbing in.

  I get in the passenger side, suddenly nervous and certain there’s something she’s not telling me. We drive away, neither of us saying a word, and it’s awkward as fuck. Just as I go to ask her what the hell is going on, we pull into a car park, and Jamie gets out announcing that we’re here.

  “That’s it. What the fuck is going on, Jamie? I’m not going anywhere until you tell me.” I stand in front of her, blocking her exit.

  “What do you mean? There’s nothing going on.” I’m not buying it, and I raise a brow at her. “There’s nothing going on. Just more shit with my parents, and I don’t want it to spoil our weekend so come on.” She practically drags me towards a small dirt pathway.

  We walk a little way before Jamie stops suddenly. “Shit. I left something in the car. You go on ahead, and I’ll be right back.” Before I get a chance to tell her I’ll come with her, she’s gone. I keep walking as the sound of gushing water reaches me, and as the path comes to an end, I step out into a small clearing. I don’t notice the man standing there at first, too taken aback by the stunning view of the waterfall in front of me.


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