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Finding the Power Within

Page 22

by C. C. Masters

  I think Froston was more interested in protecting his investment and preventing other fae from snatching me up and using me against him. But once again, I was trying to stay positive.

  There was still silence in the room, so I brought James’s hand up to my mouth and gave it a bite hard enough to leave an indent but not draw blood. That got his attention.

  “James,” I said softly. “I know you accepted a mission from Ragnar to come up here, but there’s no way you can defend yourselves against the fae.”

  “The real mission was to get you back,” he grumbled irritably. Reminding James that he wasn’t the biggest bad in the room was usually not a good idea, but in this case I think that he needed to accept it so that we could move forward.

  I smiled at him. “Mission accomplished.”

  The rest of the team watched James carefully. He was going to decide if they all went back or stayed here. I knew that James still had the need for vengeance burning in his heart, but I was hoping that his love for me would win out.

  “My agreement with Ragnar isn’t complete,” James admitted reluctantly. “My team needs to go back to Montreal briefly before we can go home to Seaside.”

  I gave a sad sigh. “Froston can make a portal for you to bring you directly back to Montreal.” Froston and James glared at each other. “Right, Froston?” I prodded.

  He gave a sharp nod and James ripped his eyes away from Froston to focus on me. His eyes softened so that I could see his affection for me shining through. “I hate to be away from you any longer, Anna. But now that I know you’re safe I can follow through on my duty to the agreement.”

  I nodded. I didn’t like it, but I understood it. Duty, honor, and commitment were hardwired into James, once he made a promise like that, he didn’t break it. I went up on my toes to give him a peck on the lips. I knew it was difficult for him to show affection to me in front of others, so I did it for him.

  James held my eyes for a moment and the corner of his mouth turned up in the beginning of a smile. Before it could spread completely over his face he looked away and his expression hardened again as he surveyed the team. “Trevor, Davis, I want you on guard outside to make sure no one else comes out of a fucking portal to surprise us. Mike, Sam, pack up our shit. Rich, you’re outside with me while I report to Austin.”

  “I’ll watch Froston and Talen in here,” I volunteered quietly.

  I saw a twitch of amusement cross James’s face so briefly that I wasn’t sure if I had imagined it or not. “Good idea, Anna. You can watch Cody, too.” There was definitely a slight twinkle of amusement in his eyes this time, I didn’t imagine it. But I did think I was the only one who saw it.

  Sam pulled me to the side while the guys were occupied. “Anna, we need to talk when I get back to Seaside.” She glanced at James which made me curious. Did something happen between them?

  “What happened?” I murmured to her.

  Sam just shook her head. “Later.”

  The team scattered in different directions and Talen scowled. “How long is this going to take?”

  “You’re stuck with me for the time being,” I told Talen firmly. I turned to Froston when a thought lit up in my brain. “I think that Talen should report directly to me while he’s here.”

  Froston arched an eyebrow.

  “Our pack follows military structure,” I explained to him. I’m sure that as a powerful lord of the fae with plenty of minions to order around, Froston would understand the importance of chain of command.

  Froston looked at me and then at Talen. “The fae follow more ‘might is right’ guidelines, but after your display at court, I think Talen will agree that he doesn’t wish to challenge you.”

  Talen scowled but reluctantly agreed. I watched him carefully, I had a feeling that he would be testing me in the near future to see what he could get away with.

  “Since we are here for a few minutes, let’s talk about the fae that were outside,” I said strongly.

  “Summer fae.” Talen snarled.

  “And wolves,” Cody added quietly. “The wolves followed them right back into their world.”

  I reached for Cody to give his hand a squeeze. “Apparently, the prince isn’t the only one using the wolves.”

  Froston shrugged. “Well, technically the wolves are part of Summer.”

  Cody and I stared at him.

  “Wolves are the descendants of lesser Summer fae shifters that stayed in the human world when the rest of us left. They didn’t have magic to do anything other than shift, so they thought they could create better lives for themselves here,” Froston explained.

  I frowned. “Are there still these wolf-fae in the Summer Court?”

  “Yes,” Talen growled. “But they aren’t like you. Being in the human world and breeding with them has changed your kind into something new.”

  I exchanged a look with Cody. Talen made it clear that he wasn’t that fond of humans, how was he going to do here in the human world?

  Sam and Mike came back into the room, carrying multiple packs of gear. Cody went over to help them but Talen and Froston just watched without expression. Cody shooed me away when I went over to help but I just rolled my eyes. If Sam could carry that stuff, why couldn’t I? Granted, she was in much better shape than I was. As a marine on deployment she would have been walking miles every day through a desert while carrying a thirty-pound bag filled with military gear.

  James stuck his head in through the door of the mudroom and shouted for us, indicating that it was time to get going. Everyone else suited up in their outdoor gear, but I put the barriers around Cody and myself and the fae did the same.

  We trudged outside into the snow and Froston reached for me. “I’m testing my limits by making this many portals, Anna. Lend me some of your magic?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously but gave him my hand. “How much magic are you going to take?”

  Froston gave me a sad smile. “I know your experiences have been negative up until now, but I don’t need to take anything from you. You can give it to me willingly and stay in control of the flow.”

  I closed my eyes, so I could focus better on my magic. I still had an excess that was swirling around inside of me, so I really did have some to spare. I felt Froston open up and I pushed some magic towards him, my nerves on edge. A part of me was waiting for him to try to grab ahold of my magic like the king and Drake had and I was tensed for a potential battle. But Froston just accepted the amount that I had given to him and withdrew.

  I let out the breath that I had been holding and opened my eyes to see Froston’s broad grin. I still didn’t fully trust him, and I wondered if he had truly needed some of my magic, or if he had just wanted it.

  He opened a portal in front of us and Davis and Mike went through first. Mike stuck his head back out and called an okay.

  Sam and the other guys went through one by one, but James hesitated. He grasped Trevor’s shoulder. “Can I trust you to complete the mission?”

  Trevor gave him a wide grin. “Of course. I would have questioned your sanity if you had been willing to leave Anna this soon.”

  “Keeping her safe is my top priority.”

  I rolled my eyes. I think that at this point, James should have been asking me to take care of everyone else. I was the only one here that had a chance of standing up to another fae attack. Although, the magic battle from earlier did make me doubt myself a little. The fae had been flinging magic at each other faster than I could follow. I couldn’t even tell what some of those magical weaves were meant to do if they reached their opponent.

  I may have bested a fae in a magical tug of war, but I was still a clumsy child when it came to using my magic for more advanced things. Somehow, I doubted that any other fae would be giving me the opening to drain them of magic again, they wouldn’t underestimate me as easily. If I had to fight to get past one of their barriers to drain their magic, I’m not sure if I would be able to. I would have to let them think t
hat they had a chance to drain mine.

  After Trevor had passed through the portal and it closed behind him Froston opened another one. My heart sped up in excitement as I saw the familiar view of the wide expanse of our back lawn that led up to the patio. I was right on Froston’s heels as I walked through the portal and tugged Cody behind me.

  We stepped through and I dropped the barriers that had protected Cody and I from the harsh elements of the Arctic, but were also preventing me from taking in the scent of home. I breathed in deep, smelling the fresh cut lawn, the scent of the forest almost fifty feet away, and the very faint scent of an ocean breeze beyond that.

  James started pulling off layers of gear that had protected him from the Arctic cold now that we were in a more temperate climate.

  I heard a happy bark and turned to see my two little pups running full speed for me. I couldn’t stop the huge smile that spread across my face and I knelt to greet them. “Oh, my sweet babies! I missed you so much!” I wasn’t even embarrassed to use the super high voice that I reserved for my pups.

  Cody chuckled but the fae had looks of distaste on their face.

  “Those don’t look like wolves…” Talen said in confusion.

  I just gave him a glare and then turned to see Caleb heading for us. He must have been taking the pups outside for a potty break while we had appeared.

  “Caleb!” I ran to meet him and wrapped him in a tight hug as the pups danced happily at our feet, begging for more of my attention.

  “I missed you,” Caleb murmured to me, giving my forehead a kiss before turning his attention to the fae.

  “This is Froston and Talen,” I told him as I stepped back from our hug. “Talen is going to be staying with us for a little while.”

  “Austin approved that?” Caleb asked in surprise.

  “Well…” Technically, I hadn’t asked Austin before agreeing to my deal with the fae. But if that was part of the conditions required for me to return to the pack, would he object? Cody had been there for our negotiation. Surely, he would have spoken up if he thought Austin would disagree.

  I bit my lip and looked at Cody worriedly.

  “Don’t worry, I think I can speak for Aus when I say that we would rather have you back with an extra fae than have to live without you,” Cody assured me.

  Froston just shrugged. “Anna, dear. I will be back to look at the wards that Talen helps you put up. For now, I have important matters that need my attention.”

  We stood there awkwardly for a minute. I didn’t feel like our relationship was strong enough to warrant hugs, but he was my father… Froston looked amused when I held out my hand. “Thanks for bringing me back home,” I told him with a firm handshake.

  I could tell Cody was hiding a grin, but Caleb looked as awkward as I felt. What was the protocol for thanking your kidnapping fae father for bringing you home?

  Froston shook his head in amusement one last time before creating another portal, giving us a wave before stepping through.

  Talen gave a sigh. “Can you at least offer me some refreshments before we start on the wards?”

  “I was just working on dinner when I got the call from James.” Caleb told us.

  “I’m going in to update Austin,” James grumbled as he walked away.

  “Are Austin and the other guys inside?” I asked eagerly, following behind James and picking up the scarf he dropped.

  Caleb gave me a smile. “Austin is off the premises, but he should be back later.” He gave Talen a suspicious glance so he probably didn’t feel comfortable being more specific in front of our guest.

  Cody gave me a nudge to turn around. “The twins should be here any minute.”

  I saw a flash of brown fur in the woods across the lawn and grinned. I took a few steps forward and tore the delicate fae dress at the neckline before shifting. I wiggled out of the torn remnants of the dress and shook out my coat before running to meet my twins as they burst out of the trees. I gave a happy yip as I crashed into Jason and we rolled into Mason. I was the first to jump up and bounced around them excitedly. I couldn’t get enough of their scents and happily took turns pouncing on both of them alternately.

  They were both rotating between getting my scent and licking my face, so it was a frenzied mess of a greeting. After we had all calmed down a little, I gave them each an affectionate nuzzle. If I were in my human form, I probably would have cried with joy. But I embraced who I was as a wolf and gave into my instincts, letting out a joyous howl. They both joined in and I heard the answering howls from wolves around the property. Austin had even more pack members on guard duty than ever before, judging by the answering chorus.

  I leaned my weight up against Mason and gave his face one last lick before trotting back to where Cody, Caleb and Talen waited for us. I saw the longing in Caleb’s and Cody’s eyes – they would have joined in the celebration if it wasn’t for the fae that was currently scowling in one of our patio chairs.

  Talen had flung himself into a chair with a petulant look on his face. “Are you done, yet?”

  I growled and snapped at him, letting him know that I was the one in charge here. The twins circled around Talen as they growled, backing up my threat. Talen’s eyes widened a little when he realized he was surrounded by the three of us, and I was glad to see that he did have the sense to be afraid.

  “Let’s go in,” Cody suggested. “Caleb and I will watch your friend while you get changed.”

  I hesitated at the doorway. One of Austin’s rules was no wolves in the house, but this was a special circumstance and my paws were relatively clean. Although, if Austin found white wolf hairs in the house, there was going to be no doubt who they were from. The twins seemed torn between following the rules, sticking close to the stranger, and not wanting to leave my side.

  After a moment of hesitation Jason leapt into the house after me. Mason gave Talen one last growl and followed him into the house. I started to head for the stairs but turned to give Talen one last warning. He held up his hands in defense as I snapped at him and held his gaze, making my threat clear. “I understand, Anna,” he murmured. “I’ll wait right down here and behave myself.”

  I glared at him for a moment longer before trotting off with my head and tail held high. The twins raced me up the stairs to my room and shifted to their human forms. I only hesitated for a split second before shifting. This was Mason and Jason. My twins. My loves.

  Jason enveloped me in a tight hug the second I was fully human and Mason followed suit. “Fuck, Anna,” Jason murmured into my hair.

  I gave his neck a bite and he started to laugh. Mason pushed aside my hair and gave my neck a bite and then we were all laughing. Both of the twins released their death grips on me and took half a step back. Before I left, I would have been freaking out on the inside about being naked in the same room with naked men. But now? I was just happy to be back with my twins, they had both seen all of me before, and I wasn’t going to hide any part of myself from them.

  Mason mussed my hair. “You’ve gotten feisty since you’ve been away.”

  Jason grinned. “You’re more wolf than ever.”

  “I’m more Anna than ever,” I told him seriously.

  They both gave me matching grins and my heart started to beat faster. Having their naked bodies close to me was giving me more than just a ‘welcome back’ vibe. Instead of withdrawing or trying to hide my feelings, I pressed my mouth to Mason’s. Living with Cody had made me realize that a lot of my fears and insecurities were unfounded and that I needed to live in the moment.

  He froze in surprise but then returned my kiss passionately. We devoured each other with our mouths, words not necessary to communicate our feelings. I had felt like a piece of me had been missing the entire time I was in the fae world, and now I was complete.

  Jason groaned and pushed my hair aside to kiss my shoulder. “Now this is how a reunion should go.”

  Mason pulled away from me with a smile. “May I suggest a shower?�

  I grinned back at him. “You gonna wash my back?”

  “Something like that,” Jason murmured as he gave my bottom a squeeze.

  I gave a throaty chuckle and Mason licked his lips expectantly. Jason surprised me by picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. “You are all ours now, Anna.”

  I smacked his very nice, firm bottom, of which I had a really good view of. “That’s what you think. You’re actually mine.”

  “I’m okay with that.” Mason told me with a grin as he followed Jason into my bathroom.

  Jason turned on the shower and ice cold water shot out to hit my butt and the back of my thighs. I squealed in surprise and both of the guys laughed. “You’re going to regret that.” I threatened him. I think they would have taken my threat a little more seriously if I wasn’t helplessly dangling over Jason’s shoulder.

  The thought of using my magic to get the upper hand briefly crossed my mind, but I wanted a little more ‘normal’ time with them. I wanted to go back to the easy comradery that we had before I left. I wasn’t ready to reveal just how much of a fae I had become.

  Mason stepped into the shower first to test the water before Jason set me down gently. Even though the mansion had absurdly large rich-people showers, it was crowded with three people, especially when two of them were large men over six feet tall.

  Jason leaned against the wall to watch as Mason squirted some of my body wash onto a loofah. “I want to spoil you a little.” He murmured as he took hold of my arm and started to wash me.

  I looked at him suspiciously for a moment, expecting this to turn into a prank. But my skin wasn’t turning blue from the soap and Mason was gazing at me lovingly as he gently washed.

  “I missed you.” I told him as I got on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.

  A smile spread over his face and I took the loofah from him. It was erotic the way that my soapy skin slid over his, my nipples hardening with my arousal. “You should let me wash you.” I said in a husky voice that sounded deeper than usual.

  “Nope.” Mason told me with a grin. “We already decided it was spoil Anna day, there’s no changing it now.”


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