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Backroom Boy: All American Boy Series

Page 6

by Marika Ray

  “I know I can count on you all to be better than your best. Let’s get out there and push wine sales. Once they get a taste, I know they’ll be back in the fall for memberships. And you know how happy memberships make me.” He chuckled and quite a few managers smiled with him. More memberships usually meant better Christmas bonuses.

  The crowd of employees walked off and I hung around, a sinking feeling in my stomach. Mr. Bishop hadn’t mentioned where the idea for waiving the tasting fee had come from. I didn’t technically need to get credit for it, but a little “nicely done, son” would have been nice.

  “Glad you could make it on short notice. Let’s get the tour going before we get slammed with afternoon tasters.”

  Mr. Bishop clapped one of the guys in a suit on the back, steering him toward the back room. I trailed after them, only because the rest of my tasks for the day were back there too. Anger summed in my gut. And most of it was directed at myself. I should have known a big guy like Mr. Bishop wouldn’t have given credit to the backroom boy. I may have been a simple high school graduate from a small town, but I wasn’t an idiot.

  “I can’t believe the sales increase in just a week. Think that’ll continue?” the guy asked Mr. Bishop, who gave him a cocky sneer.

  “Of course. When I thought of it, I knew it would be a promotion we could do forever if we wanted. Sales are sales, right?”

  I nearly choked on my own spit. I gave the back of Mr. Bishop’s head an angry stare. The door swung shut behind me and I turned to see Delta standing there with her hands on her hips. She must have heard her dad too. Mr. Bishop looked back at us and then got busy moving the two guys out of the back room.

  When they were out of earshot, I grabbed the clipboard that held the inventory list Delta and I were supposed to go through that afternoon and threw it across the room. It hit the stainless steel sink and clattered to the floor. Oddly, I didn’t feel any better.

  Delta whispered, “I’m sorry, Lukas.”

  “Don’t.” I slashed my hand through the air. “Don’t you dare apologize for your father.”

  She bit her lip and a small part of me that wasn’t raging mad felt guilty for snapping at her. It wasn’t her fault her dad was an idea-stealing jackass who couldn’t give credit where it was due. I’d take this experience and tuck it away in the back of my brain. I wouldn’t do that to my employees.

  “Let’s just get this inventory done so we can leave for the day and go on our run.” I marched off to grab the clipboard, unable to look Delta in the eye.

  I stood with my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. The run had done me good. Pushing us both to a higher speed had burned off all that anger I’d felt this afternoon.

  “Hey.” I straightened and ran my hand down Delta’s arm.

  She turned toward me, hesitant. I hated that I put that look on her face, or the doubt in her head. I’d been an ass all afternoon, giving her one-word answers and generally being a black cloud. I was better than that.

  “I’m sorry. I should have handled things better.”

  Her face softened and she tugged on my sweat-soaked T-shirt. “I’m exactly the person who would understand what an asshole my dad can be. He should have given you credit, Lukas.”

  I shrugged, now more interested in the line of skin that showed below Delta’s crop top. “Whatever. This isn’t the end of the road for me. There’ll be plenty of chances for me to have home runs with my own winery. I’m just grateful I got to meet you.”

  Delta dipped her head and smiled up at me through her lashes. “Me too.” She leaned up on her toes and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Hey, I have an idea. Let me go grab my swimsuit and let’s hit Nathanson Creek to cool off.”

  A swim with Delta sounded exactly like what I needed to let go of the day. “Let’s do it.”

  She went into her house and waved at me to follow. I did so hesitantly, even though I’d been inside her house a few times before, but only for her to grab something, and I never saw Mr. Bishop. I stayed in the doorway of her bedroom, even when she tossed me an eye roll over her shoulder. I’d crossed a lot of lines already with Delta, but being in her bedroom under Mr. Bishop’s roof just seemed like one I shouldn’t cross. For my own longevity.

  Delta picked through a drawer and came out with a tiny strip of red cloth held triumphantly in her hand. “Got it! Let’s go grab yours.”

  I spun around and froze, seeing Mrs. Bishop approaching, her eyebrows drawn together. She looked past me and picked up her pace when she saw Delta.

  “Honey, I need you to go shower. The Hendersons will be here for dinner in about an hour.”

  Delta frowned. “No, sorry, Mom. I have plans.”

  “Well, cancel them,” her mom snapped. “Your father has big plans for this merger and they need to see the next generation of Black Bishop wineries is waiting in the wings. Tradition is huge for them and us.”

  One look at Delta’s face and I knew I shouldn’t be there. World War III was about to break loose and I wasn’t sure if my presence would escalate things.

  “I’m not interested in being in a dog and pony show, Mother.”

  Mrs. Bishop stepped closer to Delta and lowered her voice, though I could hear every word clearly. “You will be at dinner or you can kiss the funding for your next semester goodbye. And trust me when I say Stanford isn’t cheap, my dear.”

  Delta’s eyes took on a sheen. “Fine.” She spun and stomped back in her room to slam the door.

  The silence in the hallway was incredibly awkward. I took one step back and Mrs. Bishop spun on me, finally acknowledging my presence.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that. You’re a nice kid, Lukas, but we have grand plans for that daughter of ours.” She lifted an eyebrow, so like Delta I could blink and see what Delta would look like in twenty years.

  Her meaning was clear. Especially with her nose in the air as she swept down the hall and down the stairs. I wasn’t good enough for Delta, so don’t get attached.

  I held myself back from punching the wall and found my way outside.

  Back in the pool house I kicked the bed and decided today was the absolute shittiest of days. I made myself a sandwich and hit the shower before lying down in bed. Might as well get used to being alone. After this summer I’d have to say goodbye to Delta anyway.

  My phone dinged and I saw the text was from Delta, but I couldn’t bring myself to open it. Maybe it was for the best that we cool things off. The pain in my chest at the idea told me I’d already gotten in too deep. As far as I knew, she just saw me as a passing distraction over the summer. A summer fling to carry her through to when her sorority lifestyle started again.

  I just needed to go back to my original motto for the summer: head down, focus on learning everything I could about wine.


  The whisper came from my dream, but the hand stroking down my arm felt so real I startled awake. Blinking my eyes against the dark, I saw Delta standing next to my bed, biting her lip. The watermelon sundress looked gorgeous on her, highlighting her curves and long blonde hair.

  “Delta?” My voice came out gruff, still half asleep.

  She reached around her back and unzipped the dress, letting it fall to the floor. I sat straight up in bed and gaped at her. She stood perfectly naked, right down to her watermelon toenail polish. Lust surged so swiftly, I tossed the covers back and pulled her down on me without even thinking. As soon as her bare skin touched mine, I knew I couldn’t kick her out. Couldn’t retreat to just being coworkers. She made my heart soft and my dick hard just looking into her brown eyes.

  She straddled me and crushed her mouth to mine. My hips surged up against her of their own accord, seeking her heat like it was the most natural thing in the world. With her mouth still fused to mine and our tongues tangled together, she lifted up and sank down onto the first inch of me. Fuck, it felt so good I punched the mattress and waged a mental battle for a few seconds longer than I should have.

p; Common sense won and I pushed her back, grabbing her hips and lifting her off me. My cock hit my stomach with a thump in the silent room, a reminder he was unprotected.

  “Delta,” I mumbled, shocked she’d done that.

  She whimpered like a whiny child, so I slapped her ass, making her yelp. “Get a condom. Hurry up!” she chided me.

  I chuckled as I reached for one in the bedside table, putting it on barely a second before Delta was back to hovering and lowering herself onto me.

  “Lukas, I need you,” she moaned in my ear, her hair in my face and her pussy accommodating my cock ever so slowly as she sank down.

  As soon as she hit the base, she lifted back up, in a hurry and knowing exactly what she wanted. I gritted my teeth and tried to slow her down with my hands on her hips. She sat up quickly and palmed her own breasts, making my mouth bone dry at the sight. She was fucking beautiful riding my cock, and I couldn’t make her slow down. Didn’t want that actually. Not when she had my balls drawn up so tight I was in pain. Not when she looked so close to falling over that edge like some Amazonian warrior princess intent on her goal.

  She tossed her head back and I felt the flutter. That squeezing all around my dick triggered me and I couldn’t stop the inevitable even if Mr. Bishop walked through that door right then and there. I barked out a groan and clenched my teeth. My eyes squeezed shut, uncertain if I’d just died and gone to heaven or if this was the absolute best dream I’d ever had.

  Delta flopped back down on my chest, her hair getting stuck in my mouth, but I didn’t even care. All that mattered was her thundering heart right on top of mine.

  “Promise me we’ll do this thing together,” she gasped out, her lips smashed against my chest.

  I couldn’t think straight. “Do what?”

  “Two years from now, when I’m done with school and you’ve learned everything there is to learn about winemaking, we’ll go out on our own. You and me.”

  She sat up again, her hair a mess and her cheeks still flushed, but her eyes looked more direct than I’d ever seen them. If my heart had thundered before, now it galloped at the idea of Delta wanting something long term with me.

  “You and me?” I asked, just to clarify that she really meant it.

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  “Fuck, yes,” I answered, meaning every word.

  Then I flipped her over and kissed her like we had our whole life planned out.




  The next two weeks passed in a roller coaster of work, events my father strong-armed me into attending, and stolen moments with Lukas that set my soul on fire. He and I were becoming a team. A rock-solid team despite us just being two kids with lofty dreams. I knew there’d be challenges we’d face, but I also believed we could face them together and come out the other side an even stronger pairing.

  I had exactly thirty days until I had to head back to Stanford and prepare for a new group of girls to rush before the fall semester. Thirty days to get my fill of Lukas. Which was hard considering we’d decided to keep our relationship a secret from everyone for the time being. Like it or not, I depended on my parents’ open wallet to get my degree at college. I knew a relationship with Lukas would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull. My parents would yank my college funding without blinking an eye. And I needed that degree to set us up for a successful winery together.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” A girl’s snappy voice brought my attention back to the here and now as I stepped out of my car.

  I looked up and saw five overly dressed girls with expensive handbags, perfectly curled hair, and varying expressions of welcome and disbelief standing in my parents’ driveway.

  “My girls!” I yelled, running over and hugging them as they surrounded me.

  They giggled and whooped, their energy over the top with excitement, just like old times. My friends. My sorority girls who I did everything with at school, were here in Merlot.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as the hugging finally stopped.

  “More importantly, what’s up with that outfit?” Natalie asked, looking like she bit into a lemon.

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s a work outfit. You know? For an actual job?”

  I didn’t blame her. I hadn’t worked a day outside of helping my parents with the winery. I wouldn’t have known about white collared shirts and black slacks until this summer either.

  “So, you’re actually working working?” Blair chimed in.


  The thrum of a motorcycle engine cut off whatever I was going to say to make them understand that I was holding down a big-girl job with a paycheck and everything. All six of our heads turned to the driveway to see Lukas coming home from work. His sunglasses reflected the trees overhead and his forearms flexed as he steered to the right. He nodded once and I had to bite my lip from smiling like a lovesick fool. My boyfriend was hot on any given day, but even hotter on his motorcycle.

  “Who. Is. That?” Bree asked, her jaw dropped.

  I broke my gaze away from Lukas’s retreating back. “That’s Lukas. He rents the pool house and works at the winery with me.”

  Natalie squealed. “Why didn’t you tell us about him? He’s hot!”

  “I wouldn’t mind going for a dip in the pool right now.” Anna started walking down the path that led to the pool house, her strawberry blonde ponytail swinging as wide as her hip swing.

  “Get your sweet ass back here,” I raced after her and grabbed her elbow. “I thought you came down here to see me? Sisters before misters, remember?”

  Anna rolled her big blue eyes, but stopped in her tracks. “Okay, fine. But I’m not leaving here without meeting that guy.”

  I held my hands up like it didn’t bother me at all that she wanted to eye-fuck my boyfriend. “Sure. Whatever. Let’s go inside so I can change and then you can tell me what you’re all doing here.”

  We all raced inside and I gave them a quick tour. All the girls in the sorority came from wealthy families, so my house wasn’t super exciting for them. Plus, I didn’t care to show off whatever my parents had purchased. It had nothing to do with me and my contribution to life. Not yet, at least.

  When I’d pulled on a cute sundress and let one of the girls do my hair, I looked like I fit in with the group once again. “Anyone going to tell me what you’re doing here?”

  Natalie, the unofficial spokesperson of the group, leaned forward from her lounging position on my bed. “Ava tells us you are behind on your rush planning, which didn’t sound like you at all, so we planned a little road trip to come see you. Pull you out of whatever funk you found yourself in that distracted you enough to neglect the sorority.”

  Well, that pissed me right off. “Wow. So Ava decided to spread some rumors—that aren’t true, by the way—and you assumed I was in a funk?”

  Courtney, the quiet one, spoke up. “Well, aren’t you? We show up and you look like you’ve been working your fingers to the bone. I mean, girl, look at your ruined mani.”

  I looked down at my nails to see a few of them chipped, but I’d hardly call them ruined. Funny how one month could change your whole perspective when you weren’t looking. A month ago I would have turned my nose up at chipped polish. Now, I figured there were more important things in life than a perfect mani/pedi.

  “Let’s go get some dinner and I’ll fill you in on what’s going on, huh?” I waved at the door to my bedroom to get them going. “There’s a great little sushi place downtown I know you’ll love.”

  As we filed out of the house, the whole group of us nearly ran into Lukas outside my front door. He was dressed in workout clothes, his hair adorably messed up. He glanced over the girls until he found me and then smiled, his eyes looking more at ease when they connected with mine.

  “Hey. I take it our run is cancelled?” He glanced down at my dress and heels, the same outfit I’d worn the first night we met.

  The girls all
turned to look at me and I knew what they were thinking. Lukas already looked weary, like he wasn’t sure who I was with these new people all around me. This was awkward.

  “Um, yeah, sorry. We have dinner plans. I’ll see you tomorrow though.”

  I hit the unlock button on my car keys and practically pushed the girls into it. I glanced back to see Lukas with a frown on his face, his jaw clenched like he was pissed. I couldn’t blame him. I hadn’t exactly been the nicest rushing off without introducing everyone.

  “Bye, hottie motorcycle guy!” Natalie said out the window, fluttering her damn fingers at Lukas.

  I threw it in drive and sped off, needing to put lots of space between my girls and my secret boyfriend. Having seen my friends in action at a frat party, I knew they only needed about ten seconds before they were able to turn a guy’s head. Flirting was their superpower. Not that I thought Lukas would be that easily swayed, but why put that temptation out there, you know?

  I dared a final glance in the rearview mirror and the sight nearly broke my heart. Lukas stood there by himself, staring after my car, his jaw hard as granite. The imposing stone facade of my house so counter to his casual T-shirt and shorts. His resting bitch face was back and this time it was directed at me.

  “I seriously think the fresh air has gotten to your brain, D.” Natalie kept stealing glances at me the whole time we ate dinner.

  Little did she know it wasn’t the fresh air. It was the small-town boy working for my father that had stolen all my attention. She was right. I was distracted by the churning in my stomach. I knew I hadn’t handled things well back at home when Lukas came by and it didn’t sit well with me. I just wanted to hurry up dinner and go talk to him. Which was crazy because I hadn’t seen my friends in a whole month and normally I’d jump at the chance to spend time with them.


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