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The Duke of Ice

Page 44

by Lisa Andersen

  They left the house behind them and walked to the trees. The first hints of summer made the trees green and beautiful. It seemed that each winter the trees threatened to wither and die, and then, inexplicably, they grew new leaves and fresh bark and lived once more.

  “What are you thinking?” Miles said, as they stared into the trees.

  A squirrel hopped down from a high branch, tilted its head at them for a moment, and then hopped away. For a crazy moment Lilla was jealous of the squirrel, jealous of how it got to live always in the peace of the copse of trees. But that was the old Lilla thinking, and when she truly considered it, she realized that being jealous of a squirrel was silly.

  “That is silly,” Miles laughed, when she told him. “Are you unhappy, my love?”

  “No,” she said honestly. “I was just thinking of before we came together once again. It was a whirlpool of emotion. I hardly knew whether I was standing or falling. It is nice to be able to stand next to these trees once more, and know for certain that I am standing, that we are in love and our love in not under attack.”

  He wrapped his arms around her in the familiar motion. She fell into him, resting her head on his chest as she always did. It was a practiced movement, and it brought her comfort. Her eyes always felt heavy the moment she rested her head on her husband. He was comfortable and comforting. He was her lover and she could have slept in his arms forever.

  “But you are happy now,” he said, his voice muffled because he was speaking into her hair.

  “Happy?” She let out a giggle, stifled in his shirt. “Happy is an understatement, my love. If you had told me that a fire and a youthful fling would lead to the greatest happiness I had ever known, I would have laughed in your face.”

  “But look at you now,” Miles said.

  The squirrel returned one last time, blinking its little eyes. A soft summer breeze caressed husband and wife. Behind them was the house, in which their strong, beautiful child slept. And before them was their forest, in which life bloomed and flourished.

  “Yes, look at me now,” Lilla breathed, a smile upon her lips.

  In Bed with a Duke (by Sarah Thorn)

  It should have been the best day of Sophia's young life. Just three hours earlier, she had stood at the alter with David Marshall. Westminster Abbey had been full and it was supposed to have been a great occasion. However, despite the fact that David was the most handsome officer in the Coldstream Guards, Sophia didn't love him. Neither did he love her.

  Their marriage was the idea of their respective fathers. Both men presided over companies of vast wealth. The Marshalls owned the largest tea plantations in the British Empire, and the Moncriefs the largest shipping company. A family liaison of that nature would cement them together and make each family richer still.

  Sophia had tried her best. She had made a tremendous effort with her appearance. Tall and slender, she'd looked radiant in her wedding dress. Her blonde hair was bedecked with the finest flowers money could buy, and her jewelry made her sea blue eyes sparkle. As she'd walked down the aisle with her father, she'd reduced many of the women to tears with her beauty. When her father handed her to David, his reaction had been one of total disinterest. From that moment, Sophia's day had been ruined.

  Despite a lavish reception and the well wishes of all the guests, Sophia's mood didn't lift. It wasn't until she and David were sitting in their carriage on the way to the Grosvenor Hotel that she began think of her future. David was very attractive and giving herself to him sexually would be a pleasure, but she was worried that they had been forced to marry. She didn't yet have very strong feelings for him. She comforted herself with the thought that her love for him would come in time.

  In the hotel, they sat next to each other on the bed and stared into space. To Sophia, David seemed distant and cold. It was as if a ghost was sitting next to her. She wanted to change the mood. Sophia had often dreamed of her wedding night. In fact she had often dreamed of naked men taking her, teaching her erotic things. Now she wanted to do it for real.

  She took the initiative and stood up. Once in the middle of the room, she looked at him and began to unfasten her wedding dress. He didn't flinch. Even when she revealed her luscious breasts, he didn't move. When Sophia was naked she stood and looked at him in expectation. Still nothing.

  ''David please, get up and hold me,'' she pleaded. He did as she wished. He took her in his arms but he didn't touch any place that would lead to her arousal.

  Sophia had talked about sex with her married sister. She'd been a fountain of information. Sophia had listened intently, and now she was about to try something she was sure would get David's attention.

  When she felt for his bulge she felt no sign of arousal at all. Surely a red blooded man, even one who is not in love, would jump at the opportunity to have sex with a beautiful woman, she thought.

  She got to her knees, snapped open the buttons and pulled his penis out. When she took him into her mouth, she'd expected it to swell and begin to throb. That is what her sister had told her. But David's member just remained flaccid. Sophia sucked for many minutes, but eventually gave up. She walked to the bed and got under the covers.

  ''David, today we stood in front of God and our families and expressed our love for one another. I know that our marriage was an arrangement, but I do hope in time you will come to love me, as I will you. Tomorrow you will go to your regiment and then to France, please come and talk to me.''

  ''What do you want to talk about?''

  ''Our marriage and the future.''

  David took off his clothes and lay down next to her. When she felt for his penis again, there was still no reaction.

  The next morning David left early. Sophia had so wanted to feel her husband naked on her, penetrate her and take her to places of such an erotic nature it would make her gasp. But now she lay frustrated, and as sexually laden as it was possible for a young woman to be.


  Sophia and David were to live in Netherton Hall, a mansion in the countryside. It was given to them by David's father. It was Sophia's job to decorate and furnish the house, before David returned from military duties in France.

  She applied herself busily and soon the house was full of workmen. Sophia spent much of her time looking at their buttocks and the bulges in their trousers. At times the men would wink at each other in the knowledge that she was sneakily looking at them. In their tea breaks they would fantasize about which one of them had the package that would satisfy her the most. Sophia wouldn't have cared, in her state she could easily have taken them all and still been left wanting more.

  When the workmen had finished, it was the turn of the merchants. They arrived in a steady stream, one after the other. Sophie sat next to them and looked at curtains and matching bed linen. She had been particularly attracted to one tall merchant who was about her age. He'd spent most of the time they'd been together, looking at her breasts. She, equally interested, had spent most of their meeting looking at the erection hiding in his underwear. When he got up to leave, Sophia looked down at him and noticed how big he was. She was sorely tempted to take him to bed with her, but with great difficulty, she managed to quell her lust.

  When the house was finally finished, the men stopped coming to see Sophia, and she was left with her thoughts and frustrations. Instead of men, she had to put up with her female friends. Alice, Emily and Charlotte.

  One fine afternoon, they sat in the garden and looked over the lawn to the flower border beyond. It was June and a wet spring had given way to a beautiful summer. As Sophia poured the tea, her three friends chatted about men. All of them single, and not yet engaged, they looked to Sophia for guidance. Alice was the prettiest of the three. She was a little shorter than Sophia and she had blonde hair. She wore a lovely blue dress, with high waist line and puff sleeves. Her décolleté left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

  ''Tell me Sophia, what is it like to lie with a man?'' Alice asked.

ell, it's, er, interesting.''

  “Interesting?'' Alice repeated. ''I had hoped it would be more than just interesting.''

  ''To tell the truth ladies, I don't know what it is like to lie with a man. Well, actually that is not true. I know what it is like to lie next to a man but I don't know what it is like to feel a man lie on me.''

  The three ladies gasped. ''But how can that be, you are married?'' said Emily.

  ''Yes,'' the other two added, in unison.

  ''I know, and that is the very worst thing. I am married and I don't know what it is like.''

  ''But surely on your wedding night?'' Alice said.

  ''No, nothing. My husband was not interested.''

  After Sophia's friends had digested this information they felt a good deal of sympathy for her.

  ''My dearest Sophia, what are you going to do? I mean, if your husband is not interested in you, do you really want to live without a man in the bedroom?'' Alice asked.

  ''No, I do not. To my friends, I make no secret of the fact that I am utterly frustrated. In fact, to the point where I have been staring at the workmen who built this magnificent house.''

  ''You should take a lover,'' Charlotte joked.

  ''That's a good idea,'' Alice remarked. ''Why not? What do you have to lose? If your husband won't make love to you on your wedding night, when on earth will he? Probably never.''

  Sophia realized what Alice was saying, wasn't without truth. Indeed, if David didn't want her on their wedding night, when everything was fresh and exciting, he would in all likelihood, never want her. ''Just for arguments sake, say I wanted a lover. How would I go about it?''

  The Ladies, not being at all expert in matters of this kind, looked at each other with blank looks on their faces. It was Alice who spoke first. ''A party to which you invite lots of attractive single men.''

  ''Yes, a party that's it,'' Charlotte gushed. Emily nodded in agreement.

  ''You just want a party so you can find yourselves a handsome husband,'' Sophia retorted. Each of them shook their head. ''Alright, I will organize a party. I will invite as many unattached men as is possible and take one as a lover.''

  Alice now regretted her suggestion. ''Sophia you can't, not really. I said it in jest. You are married, think of the scandal if it were to become known.''

  ''But I want to feel a man on me. I can't stand it anymore,'' Sophia exclaimed.

  The three suddenly looked away, embarrassed by Sophia's outburst.

  Sophia turned to her sister for assistance in the matter. Her sister had been married for several years and was much more of an authority on love and sex than any of her friends. As they sat in the garden, where Sophia had discussed the same problem with her three friends the previous day, she listened intently to Helen.

  ''I think you should,'' Helen said. “If he didn't consecrate your marriage on your wedding night, of all nights, he never will. You can't go through life without the touch of a man. It is quite impossible.''

  ''Thank you, dear sister. Then I shall go ahead and find a lover.''

  ''Make sure it is someone who is discreet, and make it is clear to him that you only want a carnal relationship, nothing more. The last thing you want is your husband finding out, or your lover getting jealous and exposing you to society.''

  ''I'm having such terrible thoughts all the time. I look at any man I come across, and simply want to bed him, irrespective of class. I feel......''

  ''Deprived is the word you are looking for. Your husband has denied you the most basic of rights. You are feeling what married ladies call, 'The Urge.' That means your body needs a man. Until a man satisfies you, that feeling won't change. Women have needs, just as much as men. Just remember, make sure it's someone who can be discreet.” Helen patted Sophia on the hand. “Have you had news from your husband? Napoleon is marching on the British and Prussian forces. There will be a battle very soon.''

  ''No, I have heard nothing from him at all.''


  The Ballroom on Tavistok Square was splendid. It was large, and had six enormous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. On the evening in question, it was filled with the guests Sophia had invited. Sophia had invited three hundred people, and almost all of them had come. There was nobody over the age of thirty five.

  Most of the ladies were wearing the latest fashionable high waistline dresses. There was an enormous variety of colors on display.

  ''What a spectacular ball, Sophia,'' Alice said. ''You really have invited all of young society. There are some very handsome men here.''

  ''I am pleased you like it. You may find a future husband here if you play your cards right. The number of handsome men really is most overwhelming. The choice is bewildering.''

  Alice looked at Sophia. She had known her since they were at boarding school together. Alice was quite jealous of her dress. It was white muslin and decorated with a cross pattern of roses. It had puff sleeves which showed off most of Sophia's arms and a low décolleté which enhanced her ample bust. Her hair was parted in the middle and swept up in a spectacular column of curls. Sophia's facial features were fine and delicate, her smile dainty. She looked sweet and innocent, but this evening her intentions were anything but sweet and innocent.

  ''Your dress is beautiful,'' Sophia complimented.

  ''Thank you. Like you, I love white, it is so clean and I think it shows men what they are missing. Wearing white means I am young, untouched and available.''

  ''Heavens, Alice, you sound as desperate as I.''

  ''I would very much like to meet a man. It will be this evening, I hope,'' Alice said.

  ''Look at them. For example, that group of men there.'' Sophia pointed to a group of five young men engaged in conversation close to them. ''They are so handsome in their evening dress. Which one would you choose, Alice?''

  ''I like tall men, with long slender legs and a strong upper body. I like that man there, the one with the red waist coat.''

  ''Yes, he is quite dashing. He is handsome. I will have him sent notice that you want to dance with him.''

  ''Sophia, no. That is quite indelicate. He should ask me''

  ''Very well, then you should at least stand close to him that he may see you. Go closer and catch his eye. Smile at him.''

  ''And you, dear Sophia. Have you seen anyone you would like to be your lover?''

  ''Sssh, not so loud. The fact I am looking for a lover should be a secret. To answer your question, yes. I have seen someone I like. But I have no idea who he is. He was certainly not on my list of invitees.''

  ''Where is he?'' Alice asked, most curious to find out.

  ''The man in the blue tailcoat next to the group we have just been talking about.''

  ''The man with the glass in his hand?''

  ''Yes, do you know him?''

  ''Oh Sophia, I hate to disappoint you but please do not involve yourself with that man. He is dangerous. He is one of the richest men in London, the Duke of Beaufort. He came with Charlotte's brother. He is married and a full time philanderer. If you involve yourself with him, you will find it very difficult to end the affair should you want to. He has ruined many a lady.

  ''In what way ruined?''

  ''I am not very sure, but I have heard that he is demanding and jealous. I heard, when one lady's husband became suspicious of their affair, and she wanted to end it, he threatened to tell her husband. She didn't believe him and called his bluff. But he did tell her husband, and he had it printed in the newspaper. She was cast out by society. I hear tell that she had to work in a factory after that.''

  ''He is most handsome, though.” Sophia paused. “A philanderer you say? Just the kind of man I have been looking for. A man who has affairs professionally, so to speak. He will know what to do and he will be discreet, I am sure.''

  ''But Sophia, haven't you been listening to a word I have been telling you? He is dangerous.''

  ''All the more exciting. I don't want a lover to be boring. He should excite me. There should be
an element of danger to the affair.''

  ''But suppose you tire of him and want to end your liaison? Suppose also he doesn't let you, and threatens to tell your husband. What would you do?''

  ''In the first instance, how could one ever tire of a man like that? My husband is of no use to me in bed, why would I ever want to end an affair with such a man?''

  ''I am not sure about it. Please, there are a lot of other men here this evening. Look, over there. Three men who would worship you, and be far less dangerous.''

  ''I am not looking for boring, I want excitement. Thank you, Alice you have whetted my appetite no end,'' Sophia said as she walked towards the tall man.

  Alice looked on, aghast, as Sophia began to speak to the dangerous man.

  ''Sir, I don't believe we are acquainted.''

  ''Jeremy Beaufort. Duke thereof,'' he replied.

  ''And do you know who I am?''

  ''I do not, you have me at a disadvantage.''

  ''I am the person who sent out the invitations to this ball and I do not recollect sending you one, my Lord.''

  ''Ah. You've caught me.''

  ''Indeed, Sir. How did you get in?''

  ''I am well known in these parts. I own half of the buildings in this street. I just nodded at the doorman, and he let me in.''

  Before he said anymore, Sophia wanted to look more closely at him. He was wearing a blue tailcoat, white shirt and a blue cravat. He was at least six inches taller than she, slender and dark haired. His face was angular and his nose fine. When he looked back at her, she noticed what an extraordinary color his eyes were. A blue of such clarity they could have been made of ice. She estimated his age to be thirty.

  ''You own half of the buildings in this street? You must be wealthy, this is an expensive part of London.''

  ''I suppose one could call me wealthy. I don't count my money. It seems to accumulate without me doing much about it.''

  ''Tell me, my Lord, why did you come into my ball, uninvited?''

  ''I have a good friend, Charles Needham. I believe you are friendly with his sister, Charlotte. He brought me. He told me you were very beautiful and I wanted to see for myself. ''


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