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Page 20

by Brandon Varnell

  Because we had Lin with us, we couldn’t use a carriage. That meant we had to walk down the path that curved around the mountain, and then trek across Nevaria until we reached the north gate. It took about three hours to walk that distance. When we arrived, there were already eight people present.

  I didn’t recognize most of these people. However, I did know Catalyna and Marko Kriger, who stood at the head of this group. When our group of four arrived, they quickly spotted us, and while Catalyna smiled and waved us over, Marko sneered at me as though I’d committed a personal crime against him.

  “We’re not late, are we?” I asked as we stopped before the blonde woman.

  Catalyna tossed her hair over her shoulder, placed her hands on her hips, and smiled. “Not at all. We’re still waiting for a few more people to arrive.”

  “How large is our group?” asked Kari.

  “We have a total of twenty people coming along.”

  I did a quick headcount of the people present. Including myself, Kari, Fay, Lin, Catalyna, and Marko, there were six other people, making for a grand total of twelve. That meant we needed to wait for eight more people to arrive.

  Setting my pack down, I stood beside the girls and spoke with them. Kari did most of the talking. She was pretty pumped about the idea of going into the Demon Beast Mountain Range again, and even more excited that we’d be exploring some ruins this time. Fay, by contrast, looked and sounded a lot less certain. She smiled and nodded along with Kari’s enthusiastic chatter but never offered her own opinions. On the other hand, Lin was forced to deal with Marko.

  “I had no idea you would be coming with us,” Marko said as he sidled up to the Lamia.

  “Darling is going, so why would this princess not accompany him?” asked Lin, wearing a frown as she stared at the man. I wondered if I should do something. I wanted to pull her to my side and tell Marko to back off, but I also knew we could not afford to start anything here.

  “Darling.” Marko frowned, glanced at me, and then back at Lin. “I have noticed that you are always calling Eryk by that nickname. Why is that? Just what is your relationship with him?”

  “Darling is this princess’s husband, obviously.”


  I almost snorted when the man shouted, causing everyone else to look in his direction. The man’s face had grown red as he looked between me and Lin. He raised a quivering finger and began pointing at us.

  “B-but I thought… I mean, Eryk and Kari… weren’t they…?” He tried to say something, but it was like he had so many questions that he couldn’t figure out which one to ask first.

  “Eryk is courting all three of us.” Kari was the one who answered him. Fay’s cheeks turned scarlet at those words, especially when several people looked her way.

  “All three of you? At the same time?” Marko froze solid like he’d been encased in a block of ice. His already pale face drained of blood, becoming whiter than a sheet.

  While Marko looked like someone had just announced the end of the world, Catalyna was looking at our group with undisguised interest. She tapped her jagged longsword against the stone road. The metallic tink, tink, tink came from not just the sword touching the ground, but also from the segmented joints in her metal armor clicking together.

  “I had a feeling that was the case,” she said. “So the three of you have decided to let Eryk court you at the same time? That’s a little unorthodox. Normally, when one wishes to have multiple spouses, it is common practice to court one person at a time.”

  “I’ve never been one to conform to what most people would consider common sense,” I said with a shrug.

  Catalyna smiled. “That does indeed seem to be the case.”

  “I personally believe this method of courting works out for the best,” Kari admitted. “There are some extenuating circumstances concerning our relationship, but I believe the good that has come from this far outweighs the bad.”

  “Is that so? Well, it does seem like all four of you get along well,” Catalyna admitted, an interested gleam in her vibrant eyes. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, and I honestly didn’t care to know. At that instant, Marko had become unfrozen from his shock and looked ready to say something, but just before he could, several more people arrived.

  I didn’t recognize most of them, but one of the eight who showed up, a broad-shouldered young man with blond hair wearing Nevarian Spiritualist armor, was none other than Finn Søkere, a man who’d fought Fay in the Spiritualist Grand Tournament and lost. The other seven were wearing mismatched armor. I would have assumed they were mercenaries, but the armor they had on was polished to a shine and obviously expensive—nobles, then.

  “It looks like everyone is here.” Catalyna clutched her sword tightly in one hand, placed her other hand on her hip, and gave the group a broad smile. “All right, everyone! Now that we are all gathered, it’s time for us to get moving. We’ll be using a standard formation with our strongest taking the front and rearguard. Eryk, I’d like you and your group to guard the rear. Myself and Marko will be taking point. Those who have a water affinity and specialize in healing should remain in the middle. Everyone else, your job is to protect those healers in the event of a Demon Beast attack.”

  From the moment everyone appeared, Catalyna had taken charge and begun issuing orders on their marching formation. She spoke with confidence. I could tell from how well she gave orders that she had a lot of experience when it came to this sort of situation. She’d probably traveled into the Demon Beast Mountain Range many times.

  “This woman is very talented,” Fay muttered with a frown. “I can see now why I lost to her.”

  Withholding a sigh as I realized her self-confidence was going down, I reached out and grabbed her hand. It was covered in the gauntlet, but she still looked at me as though she could feel my warmth through it.

  “You wouldn’t lose to her now,” I said firmly.

  “I… yes.”

  “Fay, you should have more confidence in yourself,” Kari added as she and Lin came up on Fay’s other side. “I’ve been training with you for over a month now, so I know how strong you are, and I’m pretty sure Catalyna has nothing on you now.”

  “Perhaps,” Fay muttered, though she was unwilling to completely agree with our assessment. Kari and I glanced at each other and released soft sighs in unison.

  “Okay, everyone! Let’s get a move on!” Catalyna ordered.

  After giving the Nevarian Spiritualists guarding the gate the letter of authority that would let us pass, the north gate slowly opened with a loud creak, and our group of twenty proceeded through it. As we moved, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked around for a moment, but I couldn’t figure out who was staring at us. It wasn’t Marko, who had been forced up front with Catalyna, but that jealous stare was definitely something I now recognized after being subjected to it for so long.

  It wasn’t until I caught sight of narrowed blue eyes looking at me from the center of our formation that I realized who it was. Finn. I sighed. It looked like another person disliked me because of my relationship with one of these three girls. I wondered which of the three this young man fancied, but I put it out of my mind. Our journey was just about beginning.

  Skygge stood on the second floor of a building located next to the north gate. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed as he watched the gates open and the group of promising young Spiritualists march through.

  “Ke ke ke. It looks like they are leaving.”

  Turning away from the group, Skygge looked at the people with him. Most of them were simple mercenaries, easy to distinguish because of their dinged and scratched armor. Only a few of the really successful mercenaries possessed well-maintained armor. Sadly, the ones who were successful also had a good reputation within Nevaria, and they wouldn’t tarnish that reputation just to earn some extra valis.

  Among the group of ten mercenaries was a tall man with densely packed muscles. His broad chest and shoulders w
ere covered in metal armor. The thick breastplate gleamed even within the low lighting, and his pauldrons moved into a set of segmented armor that covered most of his arms. He didn’t wear any shirt, and his breastplate only covered his chest, meaning his abdominal muscles were on display. The black pants that he wore were tucked into a pair of brown boots with greaves attached to them.

  “If they are leaving, then it is time for us to enact our plan,” Torgny said with a stony face. “We will follow them from a distance, wait until they are far enough away that they can’t return to Nevaria, and then summon a horde of Demon Beasts to attack them.”

  Ever since Torgny had lost to Eryk Veiger, he’d become a lot more moody and solemn. Skygge had even heard that the man had gone deep into the Demon Beast Mountain Range to train. Looking at him now, it was easy to see that he’d grown stronger. Skygge could feel the repressed Spiritual Power leaking out from the young man’s body. It was vastly more powerful than before.

  “Ke ke ke. That is indeed the plan.” Skygge paused. “And what of Eryk Veiger? There is a chance he will be able to escape from such an entrapment.”

  “If he does, then I will deal with him myself,” Torgny growled at the name of his most hated enemy. “I will not allow myself to be defeated by his hands ever again.”

  “Very well. Ke ke ke.” Skygge didn’t think this man could defeat Eryk Veiger, but he did not particularly care either. He turned around again, looking at the girl who was crouched in a corner of the room, appearing as though she wanted to be anywhere besides there. “Are you ready, Dyr? The opening act to your debut is now starting.”

  The girl, who had dark brown skin, brown eyes, and messy hair, looked up at Skygge with an expression that made it seem like she was begging for mercy. This caused him to cackle some more.

  “Now, now. Don’t give me that look. This is the reason you were created. I’m just having you fulfill my master’s purpose. Even if you tried to resist, it wouldn’t make a difference. I’ll just force your power to activate like I did the last time.”

  Dyr looked down and a few tears leaked from her eyes, splashing to the floor.

  ~To Be Continued…

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  Hello! It’s Brandon Varnell again. Thank you all for reading WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior volume 6. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did like reading this volume, please consider writing a review for it. Reviews are the life blood of a book. Books that don’t have many reviews are quickly forgotten because no one thinks they are worth reading.

  Volume 6 is another slow one. It picks up immediately where volume 5 left off. Eryk reunites with his lovely ladies and their quest through the Demon Beast Mountain Range continues, but with Dyr now in tow.

  Dyr is a mysterious woman who will play a larger role in Act II. I have left some clues about her origins and a few subtle hints that she’s a lot more than she appears. My hope is you’ll all have an idea about who she is and what her purpose will be, but you won’t truly figure it out until the big plot reveal closer to the end of this act. Well, that’s my hope. I’m a bit worried my hints were too obvious.

  While the present timeline is proceeding at the pace of a very enthusiastic snail, the past timeline has become blisteringly fast. You may have noticed the cover this time featured future Eryk and Kari. That is because right now the past timeline is more important than the present.

  I explained why I have two separate timelines in a different afterword, so I won’t get into that. What I want to talk about are the Sekbeist.

  I introduced the Sekbeist way back in volume 3. If you’ve been reading the past timeline, you may remember those ruins where Eryk and Kari saved several women who had been kidnapped? Yeah. Those were Sekbeist. While that was my first introduction of them, the Sekbeist have actually played a role in my story since volume 1. I’ll leave it to you to work out what role they played. Suffice to say, Sekbeist are the main reason my past timeline is so important.

  The form of narration I’m using is called a non-linear narrative. It’s a form of non-linear writing that jumps between different periods of time. The most famous use of this is probably the movie Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino. My use of a non-linear narrative probably isn’t as good as Mr. Tarantino’s, but I am hoping that once everything comes together, everyone will have a moment of clarity where they go, “Oh! So that’s why Brandon wrote his story like this!”

  Before I head off, I’d like to give more last minute thanks you.

  Thank you, Crystal Holdefer for being my copy editor. She’s been with me since American Kitsune volume 4 and has a great understanding of my writing style. She really helps me clean up the mess that is my writing. I’m glad she’s stuck with me all this time.

  I also want to thank Mykel Ferguson for being my artist. Her artwork is super sexy and cute. I feel like her art has only gotten better with time, and I hope to continue working with her on this series.

  Finally, thank you readers. You are the key component in all this. I could never do what I do without you, and I want you to know how incredibly grateful I am for your continued support. If I could, I would pluck the moon from the sky and give it to you. Since I can’t, please settle for all the fine ass I show you in this story. I hope you will join me in WIEDERGEBURT Volume 7!

  ~Brandon Varnell

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