The Gaia Project

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The Gaia Project Page 8

by Claire Buss

  Jed stared at Max for a long moment, unable to fully comprehend what he was saying. 'Who would do this... not Corporation, surely?' he murmured.

  'We don't know what Corporation is capable of,' Dina retorted. 'But Max is right, we need to pack up and leave. Whoever did this will easily be able to deal with us.'

  Jed started nodding and began yelling instructions as he walked away from the makeshift lab. Alpha Team scurried to collect and stow all their gear whilst Max and Dina swiftly packed away all their samples and equipment.

  'What about the dead bodies, Max?' Dina asked quietly as they worked quickly.

  'Nature will do what nature does.'

  Dina rubbed her eyes, trying not to cry. 'It feels so wrong to leave them out there like that.'

  'I know but we can't risk the time it would take to dig a grave for them all.'

  'We could burn them.' Dina turned her tear-stained face up to him, eyes filled with hope that he would agree.

  Max nodded. 'Yes, we could burn them.' He hugged Dina briefly then jogged over to Jed and started gesturing expansively. Dina watched Jed's face as he listened to Max. There was a brief flash of pain and a tight nod. Max came back to Dina.

  'He says pack it all up then he'll get his team to, well, do what's necessary.'

  Dina nodded and wiped her nose on her sleeve. 'We'll bear witness and send their souls on. Gaia would want that.'

  The camp quickly became nothing more than a skimmer and a few scuffs in the ground to show that someone had been there. Max had identified the accelerant as a simple bio liquid, one they themselves used for various things. There was more of it in the skimmer so Jed ordered Alpha Team to spray the field of dead again. The team stood for a moment, heads bowed, keeping their thoughts to themselves.

  Dina whispered a small prayer. 'Honour the earth, honour the sky, honour the water, honour Gaia who watches over us, honour all those we share this planet with. Send these souls to her loving embrace, we will remember you.' Her eyes filled with tears that sprang down her cheeks and fell to the ground but she didn't care. She was horrified to have witnessed such an atrocity, scared that they might all be in danger and deeply saddened that so many people had lost their lives at the whim of an unknown enemy.

  There was a soft whoosh as Jed lit the first fire. Other operatives lit strategic points around the grave site and they all watched for a moment as the flames took hold, licking greedily at the bodies.

  'C'mon, we don't need to stay to the end.' Max steered Dina away from the mass cremation and gently manoeuvred her into the skimmer. Soon they were all travelling away from the southern wall of City 15, back towards Kira and Grace and the rest of the team at Central Plaza.

  Jed had tried to report in to Martha using the small comms system he had but there must have been some kind of interference as nothing was going through. He would have to report on the bigger comms array in the other skimmer. But he could do that as they left the city. After Max's revelation he had no desire to hang around and be the next series of victims to the nameless enemy that had destroyed City 15.

  Jed was relieved when he saw Kira waving at him as they returned to the first camp site. It looked like Ash had received the brief message telling him to get everything packed up ready to go as there nothing in the plaza apart from the skimmer. He quickly ran over and swept his wife up into a huge hug. She looked a little surprised yet pleased.

  'So, what happened?' asked Kira.

  'We'll fill you in on the way but we're getting out of here first.' Jed looked back over his shoulder and called for Dina and Max to get in the second skimmer with him, Ash, Kira and of course, Grace. They would take the science supplies and kit bags etc. It meant all the operatives were travelling together but Jed wanted to have a frank conversation with Martha and the fewer ears listening in, the better.

  'Roll out,' Jed ordered.

  The two skimmers began travelling out of the city. A single spy drone watched them, unnoticed, from the sky above. Its recorder blinking, transmitting data back to its source.

  Jed tried to connect his call through to Martha's office but it wasn't until the skimmer had left the outer walls of City 15 that the connection held. Martha's face swam into view, her eyes looked bruised with dark shadows beneath them and her forehead was wrinkled in a concerned frown.

  'Jed! Finally! We've been trying to get hold of you for hours. I need a report for the board. What is the situation in City 15?'

  'Martha.' Jed nodded a greeting. He angled the comm screen so he could talk to her directly without either of them being distracted by the passengers in the back of the skimmer. He needn't have worried as Kira was grilling Max and Dina about everything they'd seen at the wall and wasn't paying attention to Jed.

  'Obviously I'll file a full report but, I've never seen anything like it, Ma.'

  Martha knew it must be serious, Jed rarely shortened her name except in times of crisis. She schooled her face to stillness and listened attentively as Jed began his report, relaying what they had initially found, namely the lack of any life signs.

  'No life signs at all?' Martha interrupted then apologised and gestured for Jed to continue.

  'Operative Ash discovered an unusual biomass signature outside the southern wall of the city so Alpha Team, including myself, Max and Dina went to investigate. Beta Team, headed up by Operative Ash and Kira, remained behind. They went to investigate the Med Centre but found nothing, it had been completely emptied of all supplies.'

  Martha's face paled.

  'Alpha Team travelled to the southern exit of the city and discovered the entire population of City 15 outside the city walls.'

  Martha breathed a sigh of relief. 'What were they doing out there? They weren't hiding from us, were they?'

  Jed shook his head. 'No, Ma. They were all dead.'

  There was a long silence.

  'Dead?' asked Martha in disbelief.

  'Yes. Max and Dina performed a series of experiments to determine the cause of death and discovered it was an airborne poison.'

  'But not everyone? Not every single person was dead, surely?' Martha interrupted again.

  Jed gave a curt nod and continued with his report. 'Max's theory is that the bodies were removed immediately post-mortem by some kind of transporter technology although we have no proof of that.'

  'Did they... were they... had they suffered?' Martha's eyes glinted wetly.

  'They looked peaceful. Arranged in their family or friend groupings.'

  'What did you do with them?'

  'We burnt them.'

  Martha blinked rapidly in surprise. And then slowly nodded. She knew he was right, they couldn't leave all those people lying out there. It was disrespectful to their memory. She could barely believe it though, such a huge loss of life. How was she going to tell the citizens of City 42 what happened? Could she keep them safe against a similar attack?

  'How long until you get back?' she finally managed to ask.

  'I'm not sure to be honest, we left in a hurry. We might regroup at Camp Eden before heading back into the city - with your permission, of course. Max and Dina want the chance to put together their notes for the official report.'

  Martha nodded distractedly, 'Yes, yes, of course.' She knew she had to tell Jed about Pete and Ingrid's baby but now didn't seem to be the moment. One of her aides appeared in the doorway of her office, gesturing frantically, desperately trying to get Martha's attention. She held up one finger to the young woman.

  'Jed, I have to go. Is there anything else pertinent I should know before going into this meeting?'

  'No, Martha. You have the facts. I am sorry to have been the bearer of such grim news.'

  'And you've got no idea who was behind this?'

  Jed shook his head. 'I can only guess at Corporation but I never thought they would be this ruthless. Especially to a city that wasn't in direct uprising. It makes me nervous, Martha. I'm not sure that being in City 42 is particularly safe for anyone now. If they, whoeve
r they are, can do that to City 15 without raising any alarms, it doesn't seem like a big leap to wipe us out as well.'

  Martha privately agreed with him but said nothing further, instead she said her goodbyes and signed off. Her aide looked like she was about to faint with relief at finally being able to interrupt her boss.

  Chapter 13

  C42N: An emergency board meeting has been called - what happened in City 15? Join the conversation in social hub beta.

  ANON17: What's gone wrong now?

  SMAC: Board meetings are normal. We will release the usual update after the meeting.

  CORPTECH2: Give us back our jobs!

  MSCHILD: Stop stealing babies! Give us proper leadership!

  ANON40: Hamble to resign! Hamble to resign!

  'Ma'am? They've called an emergency meeting, Ma'am. Everyone's already there. And... and...'

  'Yes, I know,' said Martha. 'The board is meeting as usual this afternoon. I'd hardly call it an emergency, Jess.'

  'No, Ma'am, that's not it at all - they're all in there now, talking about you. And Sean is running the meeting. I really think you need to be there.' The young aide's brow was creased with worry.

  At hearing that, Martha quickly stood up, gripping her handheld tightly, her thoughts spiralling wildly. She had thought the board were convening a meeting to discuss the results of the expedition out to City 15. But she hadn't submitted her report yet and that meeting was meant to be later this afternoon, not now. This sounded like something else. Martha started to feel cross. Who did Sean think he was, calling an emergency meeting like this without any consultation whatsoever?

  Martha entered the board room with as much dignity as she could muster after practically running down the corridor. She slowed her pace in surprise at what she saw. Every seat was full and Sean was running the meeting from her chair. He looked comfortable and at ease. Her stomach prickled nervously. She tried to make sense of what was happening. Ruth wasn't there, neither was Chief Minkov from Force and Dr Lee refused to look her in the eye.

  'Ladies, Gentlemen.' Martha greeted the room then turned to her chair. 'Sean? Is there something I should know?'

  'Martha, so good of you to join us.' Sean looked slowly around the room and then faced her with a little smirk and a small shrug of his shoulders. 'There doesn't appear to be a chair for you.'

  Martha ignored his comment. 'Why has this meeting been called?'

  'Well... we're voting.'

  'And what exactly are you voting on?'

  'Your fitness to be governor,' replied Sean with a look of satisfaction.

  Martha blanched and steadied herself on the back of a chair. That was unexpected. Sean smiled.

  'We were totting up the results. Now, where were we?'

  An administrative assistant whom Martha recognised but couldn't for the life of her remember who he was, cleared his throat and gave a little nod in Sean's direction. 'On the matter of confidence in the current governor, we have twenty nays, three yays, one non-attendance and no abstainers.'

  'I'm sorry Ms Hamble, it appears your government do not think you are fit to run this city. Someone will help you clear out your desk.' Sean gestured to one of the men standing around the outskirts of the room. Martha realised it was a security guard but he wasn't dressed in Force uniform. His jumpsuit was emblazoned with a large C. Was he a Corporation security guard? Here, in her board room? What the hell was going on? She held up her hand to stop the guard's progress towards her.

  'That won't be necessary thank you, Sean. I am perfectly capable of collecting my personal effects by myself.'

  'It's not that we don't trust you but you see, we don't trust you.' Sean jabbed a finger aggressively in her direction while addressing the room. 'Because, not only did Ms Hamble have full knowledge of the additional babies her father sanctioned for creation and sale - elsewhere, not here in City 42 where many families are desperate for children of their own,' he paused for breath. 'She removed a child from the baby lab yesterday, without going through the proper channels.' He turned to face her. 'When exactly are you going to return that child, Ms Hamble? Stealing the next generation from desperate families is one thing but when you already have progeny of your own, well, that's downright cruel.' Sean's eyes glinted maliciously at the sounds of disbelief that came from people sitting around the table.

  Martha knew there was no point in defending her father or protesting that she'd known nothing about the sales. The entire city already knew the previous administration had been involved with the additional growth and sale of babies. It was the second horrific discovery her government had made after the water treatment. None of them had had any idea such practices had been occurring. Holding her dignity together, her voice barely shook as she acquiesced.

  'Very well, an escort to my office would be acceptable.'

  Martha turned and walked slowly back the way she had come, numb with disbelief. She thanked her foresight and the brilliance of Operative Ash that her entire system was backed up onto an independent drive that only she could access, from home. A backup system that she had never shared with Sean. He may think he had removed her from office, but he hadn't locked her out of her city and she would do everything within her power to get to the bottom of whatever the frig was happening right now.

  It took five minutes to empty out her office. She grabbed her fern, her Gaia statue and the few personal effects scattered about the room not even bothering to look at the computer or info grabs that scattered her desk.

  The Corporation guard nodded towards the handheld Martha still gripped tightly.

  'It's my personal one,' she replied crisply. He shrugged and stood to one side, allowing her to exit.

  There was no-one around to watch Martha leave for which she was extremely grateful. She held her head high, carrying her meagre effects, and signalled for a nearby city skimmer to take her home. She'd be damned if she was going to use one of the governor ones. For all she knew it would deliberately crash or whisk her away to prison.

  C42N: Shocking Update - Martha Hamble deposed! Who will run City 42 now?

  ANON17: Clear out the trash, make way for Corporation to return.

  MSCHILD: What about the baby Hamble stole? Is she going to get away with it?

  SMAC: I can confirm the removal of Martha Hamble as governor of City 42. More details to follow.

  She knew she was experiencing some kind of detached shock. She couldn't actually feel anything, she felt numb. Her brain was still trying to process the mass murder Jed had reported from City 15 and now, now she had lost her position as City Governor. And no-one knew about the murders. No-one knew about City 15. Or did Sean already know? And was that security guard wearing a Corporation uniform? Was Corp back in City 42? What the hell was going on? As all these thoughts swirled around her head she considered the possibility that City 15 and the whole expedition out there had been a set up for Jed. Sean could use the massacre as a reason to get rid of the Force militia, those loyal to the city and to her. No-one had any proof of what happened out there. It would be one man's word against another and Sean clearly had the support of the board plus some serious backing if Corporation truly was back in City 42.

  She had always known it would be a possibility that Corporation would try and retake control but she had hoped she would've had the chance to talk to their representatives and work out some kind of feasible arrangement. She didn't think the changes her government had instigated had been arduous for the city, if anything she had tried to do everything within her power to help each and every citizen.

  She was still mulling over her options when she got to the apartment she shared with Ruth. She could hear children crying from outside the front door and she suddenly felt like her son, and the others, were in grave danger. She rushed into the apartment and saw at once all three children were in an expanded play cube. They didn't appear to be harmed in any way but Martha rushed to soothe them. Lucas soon quietened down after a hug from his mother but Sarah and the as yet
, unnamed little one were harder to pacify. Martha tried calling for Ruth but there was no answer. In desperation she activated the cartoon ring around the cube and quickly all three children were absorbed by the bright colours and shapes, the odd sniff being the only sign that they were ever in distress. Putting Lucas down, Martha checked her room first, but it was empty so she went through to Ruth's and found her crumpled body on the floor.

  Chapter 14

  C42N: Who is fit to take over from Martha Hamble as Governor of City 42? Join the discussion in social hub beta.

  SMAC: The additional security guards are here to keep you safe. A new Governor will be announced in due course.

  ANON17: Good riddance to bad rubbish - let's bring Corporation back.

  MED4C42: Diagnostic pods will remain closed. Supplies are still limited.

  ACAD: All our courses will continue as normal. Students are expected to attend. Ruth Maddocks has stepped down.

  FORCE: No comment.

  'Ruth! Ruth - can you hear me? Oh frig, are you okay? What happened?' Martha ran to where her friend lay on the floor, face down, and crouched beside her. Martha shook her shoulder gently but there was no response. She tried to remember her basic medical training but she couldn't gather her thoughts together coherently. She wasn't sure whether she was doing the right thing or not but she decided to roll Ruth over on her side so she could see her face. Ruth was still breathing but her eyes were closed. She groaned a little at the movement and a small bottle rolled out of her hand.

  Martha picked up the bottle and read the label. Sleeping tablets? Why was Ruth taking these? They were out of date judging by the label and as she shook the bottle slightly, Martha realised there were still a few left. These must be left over from Ruth's dabbling in the black market she thought. Before becoming pregnant Ruth had still indulged in the old fashioned habit of smoking but of course that all changed with the baby. Ruth hadn't wanted to do anything to endanger the miracle.


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