The Gaia Project

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The Gaia Project Page 9

by Claire Buss

  Was Ruth taking these tablets because of Sarah? Martha knew the baby cried a lot at night but she couldn't understand why Ruth had taken some now, during the daytime. Then the realisation hit her. Ruth had tried to take her own life. Tears pricked Martha's eyes, she felt awful - how could she have missed her friend's despair? Then Martha felt angry, Ruth could have endangered her son. It wasn't like Ruth to be self involved, she had always put their babies first and had seemed happy to take on the childcare but clearly the arrangement wasn't working.

  Fresh wails came from the children in the front room. Martha grabbed her handheld from her pocket, embarrassed to have only thought of this now.

  'Run a basic health scan,' she ordered and then let out a relieved breath when everything came back within normal parameters. It looked like Ruth hadn't taken enough tablets to cause any permanent damage. Instead, she would have a good night's sleep for once.

  Hurrying back to the children, Martha rang the only person she could think of who would be able to help at a moment's notice. Kira's mum.

  'Thank you so much for coming, Jean.' Martha answered the door with Lucas on one hip and Sarah on the other leaving the third child sniffling in the play cube. She tried to smile but her bottom lip wobbled.

  'Oh Martha, my dear. I can see we've got ourselves into a bit of a pickle here. You've got your hands full and no mistake. Not to worry, love. I'm here now and we'll get everything in order. I've brought along Malcolm with some bits and pieces so I'll stay with you tonight. He can help us with Ruth. Here, give me Sarah.' And she held her arms out for the little girl who went willingly.

  Jean took charge, ushering Martha to the sofa and tucking her son into her arms so they could comfort each other. She motioned for them to stay where they were as she went through to check on Ruth, her husband in tow, Sarah still being cuddled.

  Martha felt herself calming down, helped by the peaceful slumbering of her son. He had quietened as well, thanks to being held by his mummy. Thinking about that connection bought tears to her eyes as she watched the other little boy in the play cube who would never know his parents.

  There were some muffled noises and a loud grunt from Ruth's room then Jean and Malcolm both came back through, Jean pulling the door close so as not to disturb Ruth. She caught Martha's eye and smiled.

  'I expect she'd sleep through a fire alarm but just in case. Snoring like a bear she is. It's best she gets her rest.'

  Malcolm walked over to Martha and gave her hand a brief squeeze. 'Bad business, love. Try not to worry, we'll get through.'

  She struggled to blink away the tears. She'd always liked Kira's dad but it was when he spoke to her like this that she really missed her own, gruff father. She watched as Jean directed her husband to set up two sleeping cubes in the front room whilst she busied herself making up three bottles and some synth-caf. She somehow managed to entertain Sarah and unpack the bags she'd brought with her at the same time.

  There were little packages of dried biscuits, some dessicated fruit, nuts and best of all, a tin with some freshly baked biscuits. Despite the food issues City 42 had been having, somehow Jean never missed the opportunity to bake and bring a little something round when she visited. When it was ready, Jean brought the synth-caf over to Martha and a bottle for Lucas when he woke, then nestled Sarah and two more bottles in the other sofa before going to pick up the new baby.

  'So, who's this extra little one then?' she asked as she sat down with a baby either side, deftly feeding them both their milk. She waited patiently for Martha to answer, checking on the children and sipping her synth-caf, seeming to have an extra pair of hands as she dealt with burps, dribbles and managing not to spill her own drink. When they'd finished, Jean snuggled both children sleepily into the opposite corners of the sofa and hemmed them in with cushions, letting them fall sleep.

  Martha looked down at her son. She cleared her throat, trying to think of how to tell Jean who the extra child was.

  'Oh, Jean. Where to start? The baby - it's Pete and Ingrid's. I don't know how he survived but we ran a DNA test to confirm it. I don't even think he has a name,' Martha said, close to tears. 'And then I found out Ruth has stepped down from Academy but I didn't know she was struggling, she never said a thing. I came home, found her like that and... and... rang you.'

  'Have you told Jed yet? Or his parents?' Jean asked.

  Martha shook her head, horrified that she hadn't yet thought about contacting Jed or his parents, Gretchen and Henry Jenkins.

  'Right then.' Jean extracted herself out of the sofa and put her cup down. 'I'll talk to Gretchen, she can be a bit prickly at the best of times. Probably best if I break this news rather than you. I see you've had a lot of sweeps today.' Jean waited expectantly for Martha to deny the obvious rumours that were flying over the sweeps but when she didn't speak and looked at Jean in mute appeal, she tutted to herself. 'Well, well, well. They finally took some action. I can't say I'm surprised. I always thought Corporation gave up too easy. That's not to say you haven't done a fine job my dear, a fine job, but they weren't about to loosen their claws from our city. That's for sure. Well, what will be will be I suppose, we'll have to ride it out whichever way it goes. But don't worry, my love, me and Malcolm will make sure nothing happens to you or the children. Do you want me to see to Lucas as well, love?' Jean asked gently.

  Martha shook her head to clear the fuzziness. 'No, it's okay. I'll do it. But I think I'll turn in as well. Do you need me to do anything?'

  'No dear, it's all under control. But, do you know when Kira and Jed will be back?'

  'No, not yet. They're coming back from City 15 now. They should check in when they get back to Camp Eden. Should I stay up for that, do you think?' Martha dithered, not knowing what to do for the best.

  Jean pushed her gently in the direction of her room. 'You go get some rest. Take your handheld, that way you'll hear the comms and if it comes in here, I'll come get you. We'll tell him, don't worry, dear.'

  Martha nodded gratefully and let herself be ushered into her room. It was blissfully dark and quiet. She lay Lucas in his cube and without bothering to undress, fell into her own bed and was asleep within minutes.

  Jean poked her head into Martha's room and nodded with satisfaction. Then she squared her shoulders, about to make a terribly difficult phone call to Jed's mother. She hoped the woman wouldn't ask too many questions because she had no answers to give.

  'Gretchen? It's Jean. Jean Bishop.'

  'Yes, hello? It's rather late for a social call, isn't it?'

  'There's something important you should know.'

  'I already do. That silly young girl got herself more than she bargained for and has been voted out of office. Just because she was Hamble's daughter, doesn't mean she was the right person for the job.'

  'Hmm, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about.'

  'Where are you? Are you at her apartment? Is Jed there? That boy has been avoiding my pings. I don't want him caught up in any kind of scandal.' Gretchen patted her perfectly coiffed hair. 'He does have a career ahead of him, you know.'

  'Jed's not here, but I do need to speak to you.'

  Gretchen leaned in closer to the vid comm. 'Is it true that Martha stole a baby from the growth lab?'

  Jean sighed. 'It's your grandson.'

  'I beg your pardon.' Gretchen's face had gone white, her lips pinched, eyes round. 'Is this your idea of some kind of dreadful prank?'

  'No.' For once Jean Bishop was at a loss of what to say, so she stayed quiet.

  Gretchen's nostrils flared wildly as she controlled her grief and anger, then she abruptly cut the link.

  'You'd better put on another pot of synth-caf, love,' Jean said to her husband. 'I think we'll have some visitors soon.'

  ANON40: Lots of people visiting Hamble's apartment - how much longer does she get to stay there?

  C42N: Both Kira & Jed Jenkins' parents have visited Martha Hamble's apartment. Did something terrible happen in City 15? Sweep
what you know!

  Chapter 15

  'Can we stop at Camp Eden?' asked Kira. She was still feeling nauseous at the thought of the deaths they had seen and the cremation they'd performed. She wanted to replenish her spirit by spending some time in the lush green of the science camp, revisit the orchards and tune in to nature. If she was lucky enough, she'd get to see Gaia again, too. It seemed like the most obvious place to try. There wasn't much nature to be found in City 42, yet.

  'Yes, love. I want to reconnect to the sweeps, get a handle on what's been happening while we were away, before we get back to the city,' Jed replied.

  'Why? What did Martha say?'

  'It's not what she said, it's how she looked. Something's going on.'

  Kira laughed softly. 'Don't forget she's got two babies keeping her awake on top of running an entire city. Do you remember how tired we used to get?'

  They both looked fondly at Grace who was staring out of the skimmer window, cooing and gurgling at unseen magic.

  It didn't take long to get to Camp Eden. Both skimmers were fully charged and everyone wanted to get as far away from City 15 as quickly as possible. The camp was, as always, a place of peace and tranquillity. Moham was at hand to greet them all. The operatives sloped off to the mess tent, eager to get a hot meal while the others, including Ash, congregated in the relaxation area. Moham bought over real tea and some fresh fruit for them. Kira felt so relaxed that for a moment, she wished they could forget everything else and live here, in this peace, forever.

  'Are those new, Moham?' Kira pointed to the bee hives that nestled in the far corner of the camp, near the orchard.

  'Yes, we have been fortunate - a queen has taken up residence in the first hive so it shouldn't be long before we have honey to share,' replied Moham, grinning.

  'That's wonderful. Any sightings?' She didn't have to be specific, Moham knew she meant Gaia. He shook his head sadly.

  'Aha!' exclaimed Ash, making everyone jump. 'Sorry. Finally got connected to the Sweeps.'

  They all opened their handhelds and began to check their messages and most importantly the newsfeed. Then everyone started talking at once.

  'Martha's been removed from office?'

  'She stole a baby? That can't be right.'

  'Corporation are back in City 42? What the frig happened in the last two days?'

  Kira, Dina and Jed were all trying to talk over each other, shouting louder and louder to make themselves be heard.

  'HEY! ENOUGH!' Max's shout startled Grace so much, she began to cry. Kira shot him a wounded look. 'I'm sorry but we won't get to the bottom of anything with you lot shouting over each other. We've all got different top news stories so lets share what we have and try to sift the fact from the fiction. Alright?'

  There was a bit of grumbling but the others knew Max was right.

  'Who goes first?' asked Kira.

  'Why don't you start? Read your private messages first.' Max replied, then turned to his left. 'Ash, can you keep track of it all please?'

  Ash nodded.

  'Okay. Personal messages - I've got one from my mum, well several actually. Hoping we're alright, asking about the meds - she's running low.' Kira paused to try and stop tears from overcoming her. 'She says something awful has happened to Ma... wait, and to Ruth. That was her last message.' Kira frantically scrolled. 'I don't have anything from either of those two though.'

  Dina shook her head, 'Me either, I've got nothing useful in personal. Jed?'

  Jed looked grave. 'I have an emergency message from Martha on a private channel. It's not good news. She's been ousted as governor. Corporation security guards were in place at Hamble HQ and it seems Sean MacIntyre has taken over, in the interim. Nothing about Ruth.'

  'What do we do? We should get back there - it has to be some kind of mistake, doesn't it?' Dina pleaded, looking at the others for reassurance.

  'We stay put. Martha says to contact her as soon as we can.' Jed turned to Ash. 'You set up her backup system didn't you? Can you get me access, see if we can't get a decent comms link established? Off the main network?'

  'Of course.' Ash nodded and let Max lead him over to the tech centre of the camp. Everything was fairly high-end so it wouldn't be too difficult to establish a secure connection.

  'Kira, reply to your Mum. Let her know we're all okay but keep it vague. Ask her to wait before sending anymore messages. We don't want too much chatter on an open channel,' Jed said and Kira began tapping away, trying to sound light and airy in her message when inside she was panicking.

  'Dina, what sweeps have you got? Dina!'

  Dina jumped, she'd been miles away.

  'Um, I don't... what?'

  'Sweeps. What are your top sweeps?' asked Jed.

  'Right.' Dina looked down at her handheld and started reading.

  C42N: Do we want Sean MacIntyre in charge? Do you think someone else would be a better fit? Do you agree with Hamble's ejection? Join the discussion in social hub beta.

  ANON17: Don't bother coming back, Jenkins. City 42 needs no protector but Corporation.

  SMAC: I have the best interests of City 42 at the heart of everything I do. Bringing back Corporation will help everyone. More supplies - more tech - safety.

  ACAD: We remain open to students. New leadership to be determined.

  ANON17: GOVHAM stole a baby! Why hasn't she returned him?

  C42N: Hamble is not returning the baby. Sweep your views.

  ANON40: When will we actually start getting fresh supplies? So far nothing has changed.

  CORPTECH2: Finally! With Corp back we will be able to rebuild and bring you the latest tech.

  MSCHILD: Why hasn't SMAC confirmed the reopening of the baby labs? I want my collection! Tell Hamble to bring back that baby!

  MED4C42: We still do not have any new medical supplies. We are NOT turning diagnostic pods back on.

  Dina finished reading. 'ANON17 is such a dick, Jed. Ignore him,' she said.

  'Don't worry, Dina. I've had worse. Your top sweeps pretty much match what I've got as well. No real difference. None of it makes any sense though,' Jed replied. 'It looks like Sean doesn't have the whole city convinced although there's more Corporation support than I expected. And why would Martha steal a baby from the lab?'

  'She must have had a good reason. There's no way Ruth would want another one in their flat,' replied Dina.

  'I know what you mean. Has she said anything to you?' Kira asked in concern.

  Dina shifted uncomfortably. 'Well... I know she''s not been coping too well. Feeling tired, super emotional, like she doesn't know what she's doing or what's the best way to do things. You know, that sort of thing.'

  'But she won't ask us for help so what are we supposed to do?' Kira felt sad. Surely she would have been the perfect person for Ruth to talk to. She'd recently gone through the same thing Ruth was going through. Well, mostly. Apart from the birth. And Ruth had had Martha to support her through that. It had all gone well at the med centre, despite everyone involved having to use centuries old resources from Archive to ensure best practice and the highest level of care. But it had all gone fine. And Sarah was such a lovely baby. As was Lucas.

  'Look, I don't know why she hasn't said anything. Have you asked her how she's feeling? Maybe she doesn't want to bother you.' Dina shrugged. 'I thought they were going to get some help, you know, what with Martha working so hard and being away from Lucas - which I know she doesn't enjoy very much either. They were talking about your NanNan.' Dina faltered and looked at Jed.

  'It doesn't work,' he replied gruffly and stood up, leaving the two women to their conversation.

  'He doesn't mean anything by it, Dina.' Kira watched her husband walk away, feeling once again his pain at having lost his sister and best friend.

  'Do you think Ruth and Martha are alright?' asked Dina.

  'If I know Ash, we will have a secure comms connection with them soon and we'll be able to find out for ourselves. Let's try not to worry.' Kira turn
ed her attention to her daughter and tried to quieten the feeling of dread building in the pit of her stomach.

  Ash hurried over with a larger comms screen than the usual handheld. 'Here, use this portable. It's got a faster uplink.'

  'And this will be secure? Martha and no-one else?' asked Jed as he took the device.

  'It's as secure as I can manage. Provided no-one suspects Martha of having a back door system, we should be fine. If Corporation have only moved back into the city, it will take them a while to sift through everything. Even they don't have unlimited resources.' He paused, considered what he'd witnessed in the past few days. 'Do they?'

  Jed said nothing. Instead he pinged Martha. Kira and Dina came to join him and everyone held their breath waiting to see if she would answer the call.

  'Hello? Jed, is that you?'

  'Yes, Martha. It's me. Are you alright? Can you talk?'

  'Yes, yes I can talk. Let me try and improved the screen resolution.' The vid screen went black then fuzzy and then a clear image swam into view. Martha looked pale, red-eyed yet the sight of seeing her friends, her family, seemed to bolster her. She gave a brief smile in greeting, then began to speak.

  'After you checked in with your mission report, Jed, I was alerted to an emergency board meeting that had been called in my absence. At first I thought it was the meeting I was meant to brief everyone about the results of your expedition however it turned out to be something else entirely. It appears Sean MacIntyre has been building a base of support with those still loyal to Corporation and those dissatisfied with my governance. A call of no-confidence was issued and I have been removed from office.'

  There was silence from the team at Camp Eden as Martha confirmed the sweeps. They all sensed there was more to come.


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